Reading history – between virtual and real awareness

Reading history - between virtual and real awareness


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Do I have to believe that Christianity and Judaism are divine religions in the same line as Islam, so that I can believe that the name of Jerusalem is Jerusalem and that there was a prophet mentioned in the Muslim book?

Do I have to believe that Allah…created the Jewish religion and then created another religion called Christianity, and finally reached the last model, which is Islam…so that I can believe in all the history that the West wrote about my city, and said in it… There is a great history about his presence in my city before my presence, and that he owned a large, sacred building there.

Do I have to believe that Allah…created the Jewish religion and then created another religion called Christianity, and finally arrived at the final model, which is Islam…so that I can believe in all the history associated with those two religions at my expense, I am the owner of reality today.

Do I have to believe that Allah…created the Jewish religion and then created another religion called Christianity, and finally arrived at the final model, which is Islam…so that I can believe in the history that follows the two religions, which negates me from reality in favor of its existence?

Do I have to believe that the prophets in my holy religious book went to the West and created books and religions for themselves… in a language not like mine, and called on them to worship a Allah (Yahweh) that is not my Allah, and they lived in a world that had nothing to do with me… ..And I abandon my reality and reject it in favor of a mental image in my mind.

Should I abandon my home in favor of an imaginary novel that claims to be a true faith from Allah? Should I abandon my home in favor of a historical book?

O Muslim and Arab!

All history came from the Ottoman printer, and this history is an imaginary, hypothetical, fictitious world, from which they wanted to pull and drag this nation from its reality in favor of imaginary, fictitious images linked to the West.


You can easily identify the Zionist mind, or the mind that is easy to drag into the trench of Zionist consciousness, when you discuss these four features.

¤ You ask: Why are the pyramids not found in history books, and we did not know about them until after Napoleon invaded Misr?

He tells you…it was developed under the sand.

A very huge building… huge mountains… buried?!

But when you ask him where the Gardens of Babylon are in reality, he tells you that they are located somewhere, and if he came up with another logic, he would tell you that they were demolished and traces of them still exist.

Something abnormal

¤ The last liberal, who has a mind and eyes, sees the huge construction of a mosque belonging to Muslims and says in his comment: Everyone knows that Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on the ruins of the Jewish Temple.

Why do they deny reality in favor of a scholar on paper? Is it because they infiltrated the Muslim faith and implanted in their faith the idea that Judaism is a heavenly religion and that their book is the Torah?!

Yes, that’s the whole story

Its name is Jerusalem, not Jerusalem… Jerusalem is only in Western books. Jerusalem is an unreal Zionist virtual world.

The West knows the story well, and Muslims and Arabs must know that they were a great nation, and that their religious book is written in ancient scripts called the Torah and the Bible… and Judaism is a political project to penetrate the region and make it reach this false awareness.

And the Ottomans were the tool of the Western devil, to create this false awareness, before the time of invasion, occupation, and expulsion of its population in favor of a virtual world inside books… books printed by an Ottoman printing press that were banned in the region for 300 years.



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