Real history – a process of cultural penetration

Real history - a process of cultural penetration

1/19/2021 0:00:00

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In mathematics, if we have two sets (AB), one with elements and the other with elements, and there are no elements in common between them, then we call them independent, isolated, or separate sets…. But if there are elements in common between the two sets, we call the two sets (intersecting). ).

Example :

Group A contains (2, 4, 6…)

Group B contains (3, 5, 7…)

Group C contains (2, 5.1)

What is the structure of the three groups?

Group A is even numbers and only even numbers are accepted

Group B is the odd numbers and only odd numbers are accepted

Group C is a group that contains only two elements

Group A is separate from group B

Group A intersects with group C

By studying this example we will find:

# That two sets AB cannot intersect, and that an element in set A cannot appear similar to B.

# We called the two sets AC the two sets because there is an identical and common element in both sets, which is (2)

# The two groups BC do not intersect, although there is a very close element in group A, which is (5), with another element in group C, which is (5.1).

This example is what happened to us

how ?

If we consider our region to be a mathematical group, and this group contains a number of elements characterized by the presence of one cultural structural link, which is one religion and a religious text in one language (Islam + the Qur’an).

If you look at Europe, you will find that it also represents a group that includes a number of elements, and is characterized by one cultural structure that has one religion, Christianity, and one religious text, even if it is written in many languages and not in one language. (Christianity + Bible).

Now, if we simply assume that the mathematical groups in our previous example represent our reality, the question is: What is the mathematical group in the previous example that represents both the region and the West?

– If the West had a religious text like the religious text of Hinduism

Group A represents the region

Group B represents the West

Two separate groups that do not intersect and have no common elements. Two separate cultural structures

– Even if the West had the religion of Islam and a religious text called the Qur’an

Group A represents the region

Group A also represents the West

Two intersecting groups that have common elements, that is, two common cultural structures.

But the West has a religious text called the Bible

Group B represents the region

Group C represents the West

Why ?

Because any cultural structure cannot penetrate any other cultural structures, except through one thing, which is:

Occupation and the imposition of an element of the occupier’s cultural structure.

But the problem is that the cultural elements of the occupier cannot remain within the occupied cultural structure and continue for a long time, because they will dissolve within the occupied cultural structure, or be subject to expulsion, and there is no solution except by introducing elements of the occupier’s culture, but they are deceptively similar to the elements of the occupied cultural structure. The occupying structure believes that the foreign elements are part of its natural structure.

And this is what happened to us

The West deliberately wrote a religious book on Babylon in order for Muslims to reach this logic.

The Muslim believes that the region is group B, and he believes that the West is group C, but he believes that the two groups BC intersect and have common elements between them and that they are from one cultural structure, while the truth is that the two groups are isolated, independent and not intersecting.

The reason for the Muslim’s mistaken belief is that the Muslim believes that the number (5) in group B is identical to the number (5.1) in C, while the two numbers are not identical at all.

Or in other words…the Muslim believes that the Qur’an = 5, which is present in his cultural structure, is identical to the Bible, which exists in the West, while the truth is that the two religious texts are not identical and are not of the same structure despite the similarity between them.

This is the logic that the West wants.

The West deliberately created a religious text, the Bible (containing the stories of the prophets) to be similar to the Qur’an (containing the stories of the prophets), but it is not identical, and this work is merely a process of cultural penetration only, so that the Muslim believes that it comes from Allah and that Allah has revealed such a religious text, or Let the Muslim think that the number 5 is the same as the number 5.1, or so that the elements of the occupying group believe that the element (the Book of the Bible and Judaism) is part of its original natural cultural cultural structure, religious and linguistic……. while they are alien elements in the function of cultural penetration for the benefit of the occupier. And so that the occupying elements can survive and continue within the cultural structure that was occupied to serve the occupier.

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We read it in Arabic for a people who know. * And among them is a party who twist their tongues with the Book so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah, while they know.}

{The religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves}

This is the real context from which the element of the Zionist entity affiliated with the West emerged, and the natural context for the idea of creating Judaism and the Book of the Bible, and this is the mechanism through which the West was able to introduce Judaism and settle it in the region and then collect it, and that is the real goal of the element of the intruding Zionist entity. On the area.

This work cannot be done by any occupier unless the official written document that contained the religious text of the occupied cultural structure is hidden.

This is what the West did in Napoleon’s invasion of the region, which was able to hide the written document from which Muslims memorized the Qur’an, so that it could plant the Zionist entity that carries the Bible and plant minorities who believe in its religious book, the Bible, so that they can be invested in the interest of destroying and dismantling the cultural structure.

{And they did not appreciate Allah as He truly appreciated when they said, “Allah has not sent down anything to mankind.” Say, “Who sent down the Book which Musa brought as a light and a guidance for the people?” These are papers that you reveal and conceal much. You have been taught what neither you nor your fathers knew. Say Allah. Then leave them in their struggle. they play}

{O People of the Book, Our Messenger has come to you, making clear to you much of what you were concealing of the Book, and pardoning much. Indeed there has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book. }

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