Real history – The West left Europe to erase the old origin and write a new one

Real history - The West left Europe to erase the old origin and write a new one

12/28/2020 18:45:00

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If you look into the age of the emergence of stories about the ancient origin of things on earth…you will find that the age of all these stories is close, and they appeared specifically after the invasion of Napoleon and the West into the region.

Almost…all the origins of things on earth were written or appeared after the West’s invasion into our region.

how ?!

■ For example… the history of the ancient origin of religion, the history of the ancient origin of language, the history of the ancient origin of peoples… and the history of the land… appeared after Napoleon’s invasion.

Because these ancient origins (of religion, language, and peoples) are information found in the books of a modern printer, and the printer did not enter the region except through Napoleon.

We do not possess at all ancient documents that talk about the origin of religion, the origin of language, or the origin of peoples, or through which we can search for material evidence that confirms information found in printer’s books.

Also, the ancient history of the Earth…….we only know it through the books of a printer, and the printer appeared to us after Napoleon’s invasion.

The origin of the Arabic language is Semitic (Syrian Hebrew).

The origin of Islam is an extension of Judaism

The origin of the Qur’an is the Book of the Bible

The origin of the people in Syria is Ugartin

The origin of the people in Iraq is Sumerian

The origin of the people in Misr were the Pharaohs

The origin of the people in Yemen are donkeys

The original ancient language of Misr is Habiti

The ancient original language of Syria is Syriac

The ancient language of Yemen is Himyarite

The original ancient language of Iraq is Sumerian

■ Also…the ancient origin of man on earth…appeared after the invasion of Napoleon and the West into the region.

Darwin’s theory…which says that man’s ancient origin is a monkey, did not appear until after Napoleon’s invasion, by French and British scientists.

Man is of ancient ape origin

■ Also the ancient origin of life… appeared after the invasion of Napoleon and the West into the region.

The world of dinosaurs… which speaks of the fact that the first origin of life was a world of huge lizards, did not appear until after Napoleon’s invasion.

The first origin of living organisms on Earth were dinosaurs.

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Therefore, you should not separate the stories of the ancient origin of the current reality from the fact that they are originally linked to a European intellectual project that the West came up with to create an ancient origin for things different from their true origin.

Indeed, you cannot separate the historical origins of peoples and languages, which are taught in educational curricula, from Darwin’s scientific theory and the world of dinosaurs.

Yes……You cannot separate the ancient history of things from scientific theories about the origin of man, the origin of life, and the origin of languages.

Because they all have one function, which is to create one inverted and false collective public consciousness… that through this false collective consciousness a new world can be created on earth.

All these ancient origins of things, and all this history that was written for the world, and the theory of Darwin and the dinosaurs, which we read in the printer’s books… are nothing but one intellectual project… the West’s printer published it and is still doing so. Published by……… in order to serve Western expansion in the world.

And make people believe in it and build on it, so that a collective awareness is created that is unable to understand the project taking place on earth, and is unable to resist the Western expansionist project on earth.

Therefore…….you cannot understand the issue of the identity crisis in the region, apart from understanding this project that the West brought to the world.

Also… you cannot understand and comprehend the lie that the Jewish and Christian religions came before Islam in the region, and the lie of the Islamic conquests… apart from understanding this project, and realizing its true age, which appeared to us after the invasion of the West.

what is the evidence ?

Note…the number of religious and linguistic minorities in the region…is very small…and is approximately the same age as the West’s arrival to us.

Rather, notice… how the Hebrew language was described to the Zionist entity, as it was described as a huge language revival process in history… and the truth is that it is a language invented by Western scholars, and no one was aware of it. The land speaks it. Linguists from the West designed this language and made it the language of a religious book. They convinced tribes in Asia to adopt this book, and they were settled in the region during the period of Western and Turkish occupation.

The story of religions came before Islam and was written by the West.

The story of the Islamic conquests is written by the West.

The story of languages that preceded Arabic was written by the West


Lack of understanding of this Western global project… is what caused the inability of our thinking mind to understand and address problems, and our intellectual outputs have become magical ideas that contradict reality and are based on an imaginary history, because our cognitive context and the context of our reality A fake created by the West… a magical context.

For example…there is a story that is repeated and never ends, and no one was able to understand the game:

Islam is the Arabs of Syria, Islam is the Arabs of Misr, Islam is the Arabs of Algeria, Islam is the Arabs of Iran, Islam is the Arabs of Iraq, Islam is the Arabs of Yemen.

While our mind has begun to confront such stories and analyze them through a false history, it no longer understands that this is the first, ancient, natural reality of the earth, and that other things are the West’s innovations in the land after the occupation.

The West… is the one who wrote the book (The Bible) and made it (the Hebrew language) and implanted it in the region, and wrote a history for you saying that Islam came after Judaism, and convinced you of this and convinced you that it is a religion from Allah… … Until he tells you that Islam came after Judaism in Palestine, and this means that the language of the Qur’an (Arabic) came after the language of the Bible (Hebrew)… So, Palestine is of Hebrew-Jewish origin.

And the West….. is the one who wrote the book (The Bible) and made it a (Syriac language) and planted it in Syria, and wrote a history for you saying that Islam came after Christianity, and convinced you of this and convinced you that it is a religion from Allah, until He tells you that Islam came after Christianity in Syria, and this means that the language of the Qur’an (Arabic) came after the language of the Bible (Syriac)… So, Syria is of Christian Syriac origin.

And the West….. is the one who wrote the book (The Bible) and made it a (Gibtian language) and planted it in Misr, and wrote a history for you saying that Islam came after Christianity, and convinced you of this and convinced you that it is a religion from Allah, until He tells you that Islam came after Christianity in Misr, and this means that the language of the Qur’an (Arabic) came after the language of the Bible (Jebbit)… So Misr is originally Coptic Christian.

Therefore, it is natural… that this project will create an identity crisis in the region… and stories such as:

Syria’s origin is Syriac, not Arab

Misr’s origin is Coptic, not Arab

Iraq is of Sumerian origin, not Arab


Why did the West undertake this project?

Because the West is running the project of Shaytan on earth, the project of the ignorants of all of them, the project of overturning every truth and nature of the people on earth and changing them into false facts.

Creating alternative religions to people’s first religion

Creating alternative languages to the language of the first people

Making a replacement house for people’s first house

Creating an alternative origin to the origin of the first people

It is natural…that this project of Shaytan will create a lost human being on earth and diseases will begin to appear in human societies such as:


Legislating the marriage of a man to a man and a woman to a woman.

Legislating a person’s gender change through operations.

{He said, “Then by Your might I will mislead them all. (82) Except Your sincere servants among them. (83) He said, ‘Then the truth, and the truth I say.’ (84) I will fill Hell with you and those who follow you, all of them. (85) Say, ‘I do not ask of you any reward for it, and I am not of those who presume.’ (86) It is only a reminder to the worlds. (87) And you will know his news after a while (88)}

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But the most important point that we must know is that such a project can never be implemented by any entity on Earth without hiding the oldest written archive of people on Earth.

Without hiding this written archive, the West would not have been able to compose a new history of man and the earth, nor would it have been able to compose the Book of the Bible and make it resemble the Qur’an, and write it in several languages (Hebrew, Syriac, Jebetic) until it convinces you that it is a book from Allah, because it is He resembles the readers in the stories of the prophets.

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We recite in Arabic for a people who know. And among them is a group who twist their tongues with the Book so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. They say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

This is the essence of the Qur’an’s speech to you, so that you know well the true role of the book that the Qur’an’s speech means, and its importance in fixing all this chaos and falsehood that the West has carried out on earth.

{That book no doubt guidance for the righteous}

And the emergence of this book…… that everyone will know that the people of the entire earth have emerged from one book and one house, and that all these differences that exist on earth are the work of Shaytan’s project on earth (to seduce them all).

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and none differed in it except those who were given it, after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth to the truth, with His permission, Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. }

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