Reasons for Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim statements

Reasons for Donald Trump's anti-Muslim statements


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The man is in one valley and they are in another valley…. They are those who call themselves secularists, and those who call themselves Islamists.

Everything has become clear as the sun, and the equation of the region and the world is disintegrating. I thought that this equation would become clear to everyone, as I spoke about since the beginning of the aggression against Yemen, but it seems that the angles of vision for many have not changed.

How did it become crystal clear?

A strange statement….. Do you remember Netanyahu’s statement about the Holocaust, in which he exonerated Hitler and accused the Palestinian Al-Husseini of being the one who came up with the idea and the idea of expelling the Al-Yahoud?

A strange statement……Do you remember German Chancellor Merkel’s comment about Netanyahu’s statement, where she said: Do not distort history. We know very well who was behind that Holocaust. Any German would be happy to deny the Holocaust and stop the compensation that Germany provides to the Al-Yahoud because of the Holocaust, so why is Merkel trying to confirm that charge?

Do you remember the refugee issue in Europe and how it gained a large amount of space in the European media and the debate between accepting and not accepting refugees?

A strange statement…Do you remember the statement of the Swedish Foreign Minister linking terrorism in the region with Israel, and this statement that made Israel describe it as impudent?

A strange statement….Do you remember the Republican candidates’ statements about refugees and how they described refugees as rabid dogs and they should be banned from entering America?

A strange statement… Do you remember Chancellor Merkel’s statements to the security forces when he described Saudi Arabia as supportive of terrorist activities and described Bin Salman as reckless and capable of creating chaos?

Strange statements…. You only remember Trump’s statements about Muslims. You only remember these strange statements, from a candidate for the American presidency, and how can this be in America, and there are those who have made this man’s material a means of criticizing Islam or defending Islam, and the man in Wadi Another and there is someone in another valley.

Why are all these strange and unusual statements all at once and in a short period? We are not accustomed to such strange statements and their succession one after another, and they did not receive their share from the media, while this man’s statement received a large share from the media. …is this what is meant?

The European media has nothing more important than criticizing Trump and vilifying him with his statements, calling for him to be banned from entering European countries because of his hostile and racist statements, campaigns to denounce him and his statements, dialogues about his provocative speech and so that this racism can be prevented, and programs to integrate Muslims, and before that the European media tried to interact. With the refugee issue, the press said that Merkel could receive the Nobel Peace Prize, because of his position on refugees, and had it not been for the Paris incident, in which it was said that the one who carried out these operations was one of the refugees who fled to Europe.

After America broke its promise to France in Libya, and Russia entered the line in Syria, Europe’s statements about the situation in Syria began to change, and France entered the line under the pretext of war against ISIS due to ISIS announcing that it was behind the operation. The alliances changed, and Russia and France became in an alliance, and France withdrew Germany, and for the first time Germany participated with soldiers outside Germany, the rest of the European Union countries withdrew, and Britain entered, but not strongly.

What is the thing that America has that can destroy those alliances, change the positions of those governments, and make them follow America’s political path?

America cannot do the same thing it is doing in the countries of the region, of military intervention and creating regimes subordinate to it, and there is no solution except to change the governments of those European countries, especially since they are approaching political elections soon, by changing the trends of European public opinion, and there is no solution except The extreme right, which is against the policies of those countries, and that right-wing discourse must be supported in Europe and raise its levels in public opinion. A media campaign must be carried out to respond to every political action undertaken by those governments, and raise the fortunes of the extreme right in Europe.

Netanyahu is certain that he is against the policy of European countries, and he had no choice but to make a statement about Hitler and acquit him, so that the fortunes of the extreme right would rise, because the extreme right was suffering from a Hitler complex among the rest of the public opinion, and after it got rid of this charge, the right became a martyr, and a witness testified. From its people, Germany has accepted refugees and there is a debate in Europe about refugees, and Obama accepts refugees, then the Republican candidates describe the refugees with the filthiest descriptions and that they are rabid dogs, so how can countries accept rabid dogs, and this raises media propaganda for the extreme right in Europe who criticize the policy of Their countries accept immigrants and refugees, and the evidence will be the terrorism that took place in France.

Then the Republican candidate begins a campaign against Muslims and describes them with the filthiest descriptions, and he uses this propaganda to raise the profile of the far right in Europe when he opens the door in Europe to talk about the Muslims who fill Europe and which the Europeans complain about, and therefore his statements will receive support and support from the right and The evidence is that America, the sponsor of democracy and human rights, began to level accusations against Muslims, and it reached the point of preventing Muslims from entering America haha, and whoever thinks carefully will find that what he is saying is impossible. Therefore, his statements are not for the American interior, but rather are mainly for public opinion in Europe, and to inflame it and create A state of focus on the provocative media infusion coming from America, and turning it into a witness and confirmation of the veracity of his words if problems arise from Muslims.

This media policy from America has been successful, with the rise of the extreme right in France in the elections, and the rest of the European countries will follow suit as well.

Candidate Trump said that he intended to visit Israel, but decided that he would visit Israel after becoming President of America. Why?

It means that we and Israel are in the same position, and we want to support the Zionist lobby in the electoral campaign to win the elections so that he can become president and serve Israel.

It made me laugh when a person who describes himself as a secularist says about this man: Better late than never. He expresses his admiration for this man and his stances against Muslims who are the cause of the world’s calamity, haha. This secularist does not know that this man is only playing a media role for a political purpose. Even if he became the president of America, he would not do anything he said.

The world is in one valley and they are in another valley.




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