Reasons for superficial political awareness in our societies

Reasons for superficial political awareness in our societies


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Why do so many in our societies, especially neo-secularists, think in a naive and superficial way about political matters?

The reason is the difficulty in comprehending the concept of forces. They are unable to understand the meaning of the word forces, because it is an abstract concept, like a child who cannot count except through sensory things. When they hear or speak in terms of forces, they measure the concept of forces against themselves and project its capabilities into their individual capabilities. They view its effect as the individual’s normal strength, only material strength.

Powers are an abstract concept, and they are a network of interconnected interests (intellectual, economic, political, social, military, financial,…) that move in one path to achieve an interest that benefits the powers. This network is what I mean by the concept of powers. This network of interconnected interests (powers) will stand against any other network of interests (other forces) that does not follow its path and goals.

When we try to make a comparison between the awareness of the individual and the awareness of the forces, this will make us reach a feeling of extreme helplessness of the individual in the face of the awareness, capabilities, and influence of the forces. The individual will be negated in favor of those forces, just as the human being is negated in the process of comparison between himself and Allah, the ideal. Allah was the ideal in the consciousness of our societies so that they would not be enslaved by those powers under any form. Allah is above all powers.)

The individual is very limited in his relationships, in his capabilities, in his experiences, in his knowledge, in his awareness, in his financial income, in managing his life, in his memory, and in his influence, while the powers have huge money, research centers, universities, expertise, and continuous memory (strategic projects). Armies, media, relationships, and devices that give it the power to discover errors, remedies, and implementation, etc. It is total authority, total awareness, total influence, and total organization. It uses all of these tools to achieve its goals, and it can manage things easily and very quickly. With one decision and the stroke of a pen, it can change after mobilizing all its enormous tools for change.

These forces may be political, economic, media, or financial forces, etc. The interests of these forces are closely intertwined to form a large organized force that works to preserve its interests and has strategies to preserve its survival, as absolute forces with no rival to them, a total awareness that cannot be compared to awareness. Limited individual.

The difficulty of comprehending this comparison makes the neo-secularist naive and superficial in the political mind, and incapable of understanding the role of forces in shaping the features of life around us…the geographical, political, media, economic, intellectual features, etc., to achieve their interests.

These are the reasons that made them superficial and naive in their political outlook, and made them unable to comprehend:

1- Saudi Arabia’s pivotal role in destroying Yemen in particular and the region in general over decades.

2- The significant impact of the Camp Dawoud Accords on Misr and the region

3- Türkiye’s role in the destruction of Syria.

4- The role of the Zionist lobby in America and considering Israel as the ruler of America, and Israel’s role in what is happening in the region and that it is within Israel’s interests that it achieves through America and Saudi Arabia.

5- Saudi Arabia will easily impose its interests in Yemen if the Saudi coalition wins.

6- The regions project in Yemen is nothing but a division project, and it will be completed easily and will be imposed after the fall of all forces inside Yemen.

7- The great influence of Saudi Arabia on the deteriorating awareness in the region.

8- Secularism and the culture of accepting others can easily be spread in the region in a short time in the event of the fall of Al Saud and the liberation of Mecca.

9- From understanding that Israel is running its project through Saudi Arabia, and that the Takfiri Wahhabi thought is part of Israel’s project to destroy and fragment the countries of the region.

10- Gulf oil is harnessed to serve the Zionist project.



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