Text time – Is his name Musa or Mushi?

Text time - Is his name Musa or Mushi?


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Perhaps the idea I meant was not conveyed well, but I hope that my idea is conveyed in this article.

First, I will ask logical questions:

– Is it difficult for the Arabic tongue to pronounce the letters of the word (Mushi), and is it difficult, for example, for the Qur’an to tell us about a person named (Mushi) with Pharaoh if his name was actually (Mushi)?!


– Is it difficult for the Arabic tongue to pronounce the letters of the word (Yasouaa), and is there a fundamental impediment to the Qur’an telling us about a person named (Yasouaa) if his name was actually (Yasouaa)?!


– Is it difficult for an Englishman to pronounce the name (Ahmad)?!

Yes… he pronounces it (Ahmed).

Is the name Ahmad or Ahmed?

His name is (Ahmad)… it is the original, real first name.. but (Ahmed) is a name that came after (Ahmad).

Is there a problem between saying (Ahmad) or saying (Ahmed)?!

In fact, there is no problem… cultural differences in the pronunciation of the name. And there is no problem.

But it becomes a problem when the topic relates to a sacred religious text.

in another meaning

The Englishman must read the name (Ahmad) that is found in the Qur’an in the same form as (Ahmad) and not (Ahmed), otherwise this will be a distortion.

I mean……. It is normal for an Englishman to read or write the name (Ahmad) as (Ahmed) in any other text, unless it is a literary article or a history book.

But in the sacred text…no

This is a sacred religious text that was revealed in this form (Ahmad).


What is the sacred religious text?

The sacred, divine religious text is one text with one wording and one language, and this text cannot be changed in its letters or style, because it was revealed in this form and in this language.

The sacred religious text… is a very ancient text… because it is divine and came out of the first book… that is, it is the beginning of time.

But when the religious text is revealed and talks about news stories that contain events about people… they are fresh, new texts, and no one on earth knew them before they were revealed and did not know the names of their characters.

The religious text is not only a book containing people’s ancient memories, but rather a book of news that will happen… and from this news emerged the culture of prophets that was concentrated in our region.

The true, original sacred text is not a book of entertainment and entertainment and a competition in choosing words and sentences to increase the beauty and eloquence of the text. Rather, within it is an existential value linked to the truth of man. Within it is an ancient and future truth.



You have two sacred, heavenly religious texts, different in language, style, and wording, but almost similar in terms of the topics and stories they deal with.

Both texts claim to be heavenly…from heaven.

The Old Testament and the Qur’an

The first text talks about the story of a person named (Moshe) and the second text talks about the story of a person named (Musa).

The Muslim believes that the book of the Al-Yahoud is called the Torah, and that Allah revealed it in the past to the Al-Yahoud, an old law, and Islam brought a new law and a new sacred text.

But the logical questions:

How can a Muslim believe that the Book of the Al-Yahoud is the Torah and was revealed in the past, while the Qur’an deals with the same topics and stories as the Book of the Al-Yahoud?!

How can the Torah be a book of a religion that preceded Islam, when it is supposed to be completely different and deal with different topics because it was revealed in the past and is specific to an ancient law, but it deals with the same topics as the Holy Qur’an?!

Although the Qur’an praises the Torah and considers it light and guidance and considers it an important part of its cultural, religious and even linguistic components, while the book of the Al-Yahoud is not recognized by Muslims and in the Hebrew tongue?!

So…..as long as the Qur’an praises the Torah, but the Muslim views the Torah as distorted in the eyes of the Muslim, then the Qur’an is essentially nothing but the entity that the Muslim has lost, because the religious text is made up of two parts (writing and sound), and the Muslim only has the sound (the Qur’an). While the writing is missing, meaning that the Qur’an is the original recitation of the Book of the Torah. What the Al-Yahoud have is a newly made book.

The Muslim has a text called (the Qur’an) and not a book…. That is, he only has an audio text, i.e. an audio book, i.e. an MP3 file, and he does not have the original written copy, i.e. the physical entity, i.e. a PDF book.

As long as the Torah is the writing, the Torah is not with the Muslim now because the current script of the Qur’an is modern and not the first script that the Qur’an wrote in it. That is, if we bring the original Torah and want to read it, we will read it exactly like the Noble Qur’an that is present with the Muslim.

That is, the Torah is the script from which a Muslim reads the text of the Holy Qur’an.


Logic says that………the sky only one text descends from it, and one of them must be heavenly and the other is an imitation of the original.

So it is logical to say: Which one of them is the correct name… Is it (Musa) or (Moshe)?

Since logic says so, the logical question is:

Which one of them is the first, oldest, original text, and which one is the text that came after it?

This is the crux of the issue.

Are there sciences through which we can know the age and time of a text, and compare texts to determine which is the oldest and which is the most recent?

I think yes, but it may not be sufficient, or it may not receive attention in university disciplines or in our cultural scene, and if it does not exist, then I believe that we can formulate the rules of a new science that deals with this topic.

If we think about the issue of text time, we can study text time from two aspects:

1- The first side…from within the text

2- The second aspect… from outside the text

When we try to study the time of the text from outside the text, we will study the characteristics of the bearer of the text, his environment, language, and situation, and from this aspect we can make a comparison between the bearer of the two texts, the Muslim and the Jew.

When we study the Al-Yahoud, we will find that the Al-Yahoud have no origin and no known origin, and this situation forces us to believe, logically:

These Al-Yahoud, whose origin is unknown, carry an unoriginal text…a non-primary, natural text…and this unoriginal text is the main reason behind the situation of the Al-Yahoud today, and it is the reason behind not knowing a fixed origin for them, and the main reason Beyond the lack of a real permanent homeland that speaks the language of their religious book as an official language

If the Al-Yahoud had a primary original script…then they are supposed to be indigenous to the region and not a minority that lives on the outskirts of cities and speaks two languages, the language of the country and the language of their religious book, and in the status of a non-native expatriate.

But if we try to study the time of the text from within the text, we will study the characteristics of the entire text, its language and meanings.

From this aspect, we can make a comparison between the book of the Al-Yahoud and the book of Islam, the Old Testament and the Qur’an.

In the book of the Old Testament…we will find that the story of Moshe has a theatrical character specific to a people who suffered persecution and murder, a story that happened in the past.

As for the Holy Qur’an……. we will find that the story of Musa has a realistic character, and in the story there is a speech by the Prophet on the basis that the Prophet did not know this story in advance, and even the Prophet’s people do not know it and no one knows it.

The Qur’an deals with the story of Musa as a report, to confirm the Prophet… and the essence of the story is the book that was given to Musa… and in the story there are verses in which a speech is made to the Messenger in the form of a command, that he should not be in doubt about meeting him, and command him to take the tablets of Musa and command his people I take it.

Moshe in the Book of the Al-Yahoud is a story that happened in the past, but Musa in the Qur’an is a news that did not happen until after the revelation of the Qur’an, meaning it will happen in the future.

So, in the Jewish Book, we cannot determine the time of the story, but in the Qur’an, we can precisely determine the time of the text, and then we will know that the text was revealed before that news.

If the news actually comes true, the text of the Qur’an will be the first original text, while the Book of the Al-Yahoud is a text that came after it, and it is the creation of political power in order to hide the time of the first original text.

That is, the original sacred text…is the story of Musa in the Holy Qur’an, while the story of Mushi in the Jewish book is not a holy text, but rather was written by a political force that came after the Qur’an. It wrote a copy of a book that resembles the Muslim book and wanted to distort the mind of the owners of the holy text.

That is, (Musa) was before (Mushi).

This plot is not complete in the mind of the Muslim………. The idea of time calendars was invented… So a virtual time was created for the Jewish book and a virtual time for the Holy Qur’an, and they made the Jewish book (the Old Testament) precede the Qur’an in time. .

Because of this time game related to calendars, many believed that there was no difference between Moshe and Musa, or Jesus and Yasouaa… and that it was a matter of cultural differences.

While the truth……. is a distortion of fresh, primary, original texts, linked to time (Naba), revealed in an Arabic tongue… after a virtual time had been created with an imaginary history inside it, so that the meaning of the sacred religious text would not be reached. The first original in people’s minds, and they never understand his speech and message.

Read this verse carefully, and consider its meaning well

{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything, and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding what they differed about.}

Focus on the sentence….and they read the book.

Likewise, those who do not know said the same thing as their saying…. They said the same as their saying: (Mushi and Yasouaa)

I hope with all my heart… that the idea has been conveyed well, and that you will be among those who know.


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