The beginning of the story – He taught Adam all the names

The beginning of the story - He taught Adam all the names

8/31/2018 0:00:01

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Let’s go back to the beginning of the story… to the original… so that we can understand the context and details of today’s story.

The story began, according to the Qur’an, with Allah saying to the angels, “Indeed, I will place a caliph on earth.” The angels’ comment was, “Will you place on it someone who will cause corruption and shed blood?!” Then Allah said, “I know what you do not know.”

And here we stop at that question that is always repeated…… Where is the corruption when they do not know the unseen? Did they know anything or was there a previous caliph who had corrupted and shed blood?!

And He taught Adam all the names, and presented them to the angels, and said to them, “Inform me of the names of these, if you are truthful?” They said, “We have no knowledge except what you taught us.”

And he said to Adam, “Tell them their names.” And when he had told them their names, he said, “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and that I know what you reveal and what you conceal?”

The story is clear… that succession is linked to knowing the names… and that corruption is also linked to knowing the names.

And these names are as if they are something divine, within them is pure divine knowledge… pure truth… and they have existed with man since his existence on earth… and they are a double-edged sword… but they are not used for good if good people obtain them… ….Or it is used for corruption and bloodshed if a demon obtains it.

These names… as if they are related to knowing time… and knowing the secrets of things.

After knowing the names… Allah asked the angels to prostrate to Adam, now he owns the names… so the angels prostrated except for Iblis because of his arrogance… He said, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and you created him from clay.” So Allah said to him, “You are one of the theorists.” .. Shaytan said, “I will mislead them all except your sincere servants.”

Then it comes right after the story….

{O Children of Israel, remember My blessings which I bestowed upon you, and fulfill My covenant. I will fulfill your covenant and Me, and fear Me. (40) And believe in what I have revealed, confirming what is with you, and do not be the first to disbelieve in it, and do not exchange My revelations for a small price. So fear Me. (41) And do not mix the truth with falsehood, and conceal the truth while you know. (42) } [cow]

Call me crazy

There is a real devil present in the West. The West stole a very old secret that existed in the region, and they hid it from us. In fact, the children of Adam forgot it, and now they are using it for corruption and bloodshed. We have now been in the West’s game for centuries, and they know the whole story… For 2000 years, the West has been moving with an unnatural, satanic mind… It is impossible for all this deception, malice, and evil to come out of human beings. …He must be a real devil and have a fixed position…and now he possesses that secret.

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