The Code of Hammurabi – between truth and illusion

The Code of Hammurabi - between truth and illusion

7/6/2021 0:00:01

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There is a brother and friend from Iraq who wrote a long, broad post in response to what he believes is an attack on the ancient history of Iraq. Assyria has been confirmed by many, and there is an indication that I am one of them.

The truth is… I am uploading this article and not in response to his article… but I had previously written an article, and I wanted to upload it to my blog in a separate section about the myth of Hammurabi and his law… and I find it an opportunity to add Comments in response to his article.

First, I must break the psychological barrier before the article…….. I find myself Iraqi, and I do not find my homeland except Iraq, and I am writing now on the basis of being Iraqi.. Therefore, break the nationality barrier, so that I will not be accused of hostility to anything Iraqi.

I am very keen on historical, religious and national responsibility, and I have the right to write, clarify and explain on Iraqi issues. I do not believe in borders at all, and Iraq is my homeland, my country, my land, and its history is my history and my identity.

Just as you allowed the Western people to write for you the history of Iraq from its first foundation, and they were the ones who created this historical ground that is being studied, and you did not criticize even a single word of it and approved of their historical books… it is better that you allow your brother and neighbor to write… unless… You have the Khawaja complex.

What is the problem of the historical mind?!

the truth

There is an extremist trend in reading history that is growing in our beloved Iraq, which is dear to my heart and soul, and the ordinary observer finds it in the history writings that appear in the book market and through Iraqis’ comments on the pages of social sites.

This is clearly demonstrated in the response of the brother, friend and lover from Iraq. I will try to explain this model through his article.

Firstly, he believes that there are those who are targeting the ancient history of Iraq, and by this he does not mean the Western or the Zionist, but rather he means his brothers and neighbors, with an attempt on their part to limit the history of Iraq.

This is normal… The history presented by the West tried to implant heavy historical myths in the historical consciousness of Iraq and the region… And when you drop them, you will be met with a kind of hatred or a feeling that you are a hater of Iraq.

The first civilization on Earth was Sumer in Iraq, the first human writing was in Iraq, the Anunnaki in Iraq were the beginning of human existence and they came from another planet, the story of the flood appeared in Iraq, the story of the coffin child appeared in Iraq, and fertility appeared in Iraq. . And the first civil society.

Secondly… the Iraqi historical mind… is a Zionist par excellence… I am sorry, but it is the truth… I say it out of love, by Allah, so that we pay close attention and focus… and the reason is not that the Iraqi himself is a Zionist. Rather, the criminal history that is taught in Iraq, all of which is extracted from the Jewish book… Most of the history is Zionist… but the density of ancient Iraqi history found in the Jewish book is the greatest and greatest. This represents an alarm bell for me that will have an impact in the future.

This is evident from our friend’s fear regarding the names of the Jewish book of the Old Testament, which contains the names of the ancient kings of Iraq (Hammurabi, Sargon, Sennacherib, etc.).

Our friend is now defending the Book of the Al-Yahoud and he does not know it. Rather, he has come to believe in the Book of the Al-Yahoud and believes in it. What is important is that the world of Sennacherib, Hammurabi and Sargon does not fall from consciousness, and perhaps he considers it a real historical document, and not a religious document, but what is the difference? ! .. If you do not believe in it as a religious book, then you should not believe in everything in it, and if you consider it religiously invalid, then it is historically invalid as well.

Thirdly…there is a trend in Iraq that says that Misr is in Iraq…and this is evident from his comment. He is very careful and his mind is very attentive to this thing. When he talks about Misr, he calls it the Nile Basin and Africa. He believes in the writings of the West that talk about the Egyptians of Iraq and makes them a major source in understanding the Qur’an….and this is something that many do not pay attention to, as it is an intellectually directed project to distort the geography of the Qur’an only..

In fact, he sometimes agrees with the West’s naming of the region, as he believes that Misr is called the Copts… which is a baseless designation due to the imaginary Roman era… The West wants to impose it with all the power and resourcefulness it possesses… to distort an established reality.

That is, he is being swept away by the West while thinking about history based on reality, and he does not know it.

Fourth: The historical mind in the entire region does not want to admit that it did not write any letter of history, but rather the West wrote all the stories of history for it, and it is only consumed with its status and interacts with the writings of the West. All the inscriptions were deciphered by the West, and all the historical references are from the West’s writings… everything is Western… and now he is defending the vision of the West in his homeland only.

Finally… I say to my beloved brother from Iraq, we did not write our history, and all of our history arrived to us ready-made, and we do not know its sources or who wrote it, and we did not meet or know them…. We are only regurgitating texts that create for us a magical historical imagination that separates us from reality. And do not make us relate to it.

However….so far in our articles we are not writing history, we are only thinking about the history that was presented to us.

Think about history


Now…..we will think about the history that was presented to us.

Who is Hammurabi and what is his law?


(Hammurabi in Akkadian is pronounced Amorabi, meaning the one who ascends) He ruled Babylon between 1728-1686 BC. According to Mediterranean history, he was one of the Amorites. He was the sixth king of Babylon and the first king of the Babylonian Empire. He inherited power from his father, Sin-Mubalit. Mesopotamia was divided states struggling for power, so it united to form an empire that included all of Iraq and the cities near the Levant to the coasts of the Mediterranean and Elam. And other areas. Hammurabi was a military figure with administrative, organizational and military capabilities.

Hammurabi was a king from the first dynasty that ruled the city of Babylon. He inherited the power of his father, Sin-Mubalit, and began his rule in 1792 BC. Babylon was one of the states in the alluvial plain region. The kings who ruled before Hammurabi had an area of rule consisting of Babylon, Sippar, Kish, and Borsippa. Hammurabi managed From the defeat of the Kingdom of Larsa in the south and the Kingdom of Eshnunna. He also fought the Assyrian king Shamshi-Adad I and was able to defeat the Elamites in the east. He waged war on the country of southern Sumer, annexing it to his kingdom. He seized the city of Assyria, opened nearby cities in the Levant and its coasts, and formed a Semitic empire. Hammurabi spread the Babylonian civilization and its culture in the countries he conquered, and he paid great attention to the administration and control of the kingdom. He undertook many projects, especially irrigation projects, spreading prosperity in the country. He also paid special attention to religious affairs and justice.

The famous Hammurabi Obelisk

The famous Obelisk of Hammurabi, carved from black diorite stone and now preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris, is considered one of the oldest and most comprehensive laws in Mesopotamia and even the world.

Its length is 2.5 meters, and the Hammurabi Obelisk contains 282 articles that deal with various matters of economic and social life, and it is very precise about the duties and rights of individuals in society, each according to his job and responsibility. The Code of Hammurabi, which was issued in the last years of his reign, includes the pinnacle of what unity has reached. The political and cultural country.

This column was discovered in 1909 in Susa – in present-day Khuzestan Governorate – in Iran by the Egyptian archaeologist Gustave Jéquier, of Swiss origin.

It was transported to Iran when the Elamite king Shutruk-Nakhunte took it as spoils in the twelfth year BC. The column is now displayed in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

A drawing on the stone of King Hammurabi listening to the sun Allah called Shamash, who is sitting on his throne. There is a scribe under Hammurabi recording the laws.

The stone was placed in a public place in the center of the city of Babylon to open the way for everyone to see these new legislation so that ignorance of the laws would not be used as an excuse.

This law has been referred to as the first example of a legal concept indicating that some laws are so necessary and fundamental that they are beyond the ability of kings to change them. By engraving these laws on stone, they are permanent, and this revives the concept that was enshrined in modern legal systems and gave the term engraved on stone its meaning in current systems.

What are the laws of Hammurabi and their comparison with the Jewish book?!

Code of Hammurabi

If a master steals an ox, a sheep, a donkey, a pig, or a boat, if (the stolen item) belongs to the Allah or the palace, he must give 30 proverbs. However, if it is returned to a poor person, he must pay 10 times the amount in full. If the thief does not have anything to compensate with, he must be executed.

Old Testament law:

If a man steals an ox or a sheep and slaughters it or sells it, he must compensate for the ox with five from the herd. Instead of a sheep, four sheep.

Code of Hammurabi:

If a woman is caught lying with a master, they must tie them up and throw them into the water. A woman’s husband can keep his wife alive if he wishes, and a king can spare the life of his female slave.

Old Testament law:

And if a man lies with a married woman, both of them shall die.

Code of Hammurabi:

If a son hits his father, they must cut off his hand

Old Testament law:

Whoever strikes his father and mother, let him be killed.

Code of Hammurabi:

If a master breaks another master’s bone, they must break his own. If a master pulls out the tooth of a master of his class, they must pull out his tooth.

Old Testament law:

And if a man causes disgrace to his neighbour, just as he did, so shall it be done to him.

Fraction for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Just as He caused a defect in a person, so will it be done to him.

Code of Hammurabi:

If someone rents a bull and kills it due to neglect or beating, the owner of the bull shall be compensated with an equal bull.

Old Testament law:

Whoever kills an animal, let him compensate for the like of it, one life for another.

Code of Hammurabi:

If, while passing by on the road, he headbutts a man and kills him, this case does not require compensation.

Old Testament law:

If a bull gores a man or a woman and it dies, the bull must be stoned and its meat may not be eaten, and the owner of the bull must be innocent

Code of Hammurabi:

If one of them is a slave, he pays a third of a minah, in silver (a minah: Babylon’s equivalent of 505 grams).

Old Testament law:

If an ox gores a male or female slave, he shall give to his master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be stoned.

Sayings of scholars about the Code of Hammurabi

Researchers, most prominent of whom are Mr. Sami Al-Badri, Head of the Department of Comparative Religions – The Islamic Institute in Britain, believe that Hammurabi came 300 years after Ibrahim and not before him, and that the naming of Hammurabi means the friend of the Allah (not the gods), and the Code of Hammurabi is only an adapted copy of the books of the Prophet Ibrahim, and therefore we find convergence. It is possible between it and the Torah, even though the Al-Yahoud did not take any of the laws from the Babylonians. Rather, it is the similarity that occurred between the books of the Prophet Ibrahim and the books of the Prophet Musa, and this is a matter that many tried to circumvent for religious or political reasons.

According to the Talmud……. The Prophet Musa was born 400 years after Hammurabi. The law of Musa contains some parts that are identical to known parts of the law of Hammurabi. Because of this identity, some scholars claimed that the Hebrews derived their laws from it. While the book Documents from the Time of the Old Testament stated: “There is no basis for assuming that the Hebrews borrowed some of the laws of the Babylonians. Although the two sets of laws differ in wording, they are different in essence.”

Many historical sources agree that Ibrahim came from the city of Ur, that is, from the Shinar Plain of southern Babylon during the reign of Hammurabi. Accordingly, Ibrahim carried with him the laws of his original country, which remained a heritage for his children and grandchildren, respectively, who worked by them and were paid according to them. Note that the Old Testament and scholars researching its books indicate that King Amraphel mentioned in the Book of Genesis.

It is noteworthy that Ibrahim’s marriage to Hagar was stipulated in the Laws of Hammurabi. The master has the right to marry his barren wife (Sarah), in order to have children from her, while this matter is absent in the laws of the Old Testament. The Code of Hammurabi, Article 145, states: “If a master marries a wife, and she does not give him children, and he decides to take a slave girl, then this man may take her and bring her to his house as a second wife.”

In the Old Testament, it was stated: “Then Sarai said to Abram, ‘Behold, the Allah has withheld me from giving birth; let me go in to my servant; perhaps my house will be built by her’” (Genesis 16:2).

Therefore, in practice, Ibrahim, in his marriage to Hagar, applied the Laws of Hammurabi. Then, the conflict that occurred between Sarah and Hagar, its reasons are mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi, as stated in Article 145: “…she shall not be equal to the wife.” And the Old Testament states: “And when Hagar saw That she had carried her lady’s hunt in her eyes. Then Sarai said to Abram: I have done wrong to you, for I have put my servant in your bosom. When she saw that she had become pregnant, she felt relief in her eyes. May the Allah judge between you and me.” (Genesis 16:4-5).

So, Sarah’s grievance is legal, according to the Code of Hammurabi, and the matter extends to the end of Ibrahim’s story with Hagar, as Ibrahim did not sell Hagar, according to the custom of masters with slaves, but rather expelled her from the house? According to the Code of Hammurabi, which stipulates, according to Article 146, the following: If a master marries a wife and gives to her husband a female slave, who gives birth to children, and if this slave woman then wants to be equal to her mistress because she has given birth to children, then her mistress is not permitted to sell her for silver, or put her in chains, or count her as a slave. .

The Old Testament refers to this aspect by saying: “Then Sarah said to Ibrahim, ‘Cast out this servant and her son’” (Genesis 21:10). So after the birth of Ismail, according to the Code of Hammurabi, Ibrahim could no longer sell Hagar or punish her. Therefore, Sarah’s only solution was to expel her from the house.

The sources state that the final form of the text of the Old Testament (the Torah) dates back to the period after the return from the Babylonian captivity (fifth century BC), so the writer lived for a century and a half and more in the Babylonian world and became acquainted with its customs and traditions, and its intellectual and spiritual heritage, and was influenced by them. In his authorship of these legal texts.


There is no doubt that Hammurabi… is considered by everyone, especially in Iraq, to be the first to enact laws on earth and is a source of pride for the Iraqi person. He is considered an icon in the historical mind of the person in Iraq.

It is certain that most of the historians and researchers among our people in Iraq have a firm and unshakable conviction that the Al-Yahoud stole their laws from the Babylonian civilization, during the period of the Babylonian captivity, because they were influenced by the Code of Hammurabi… and that the Al-Yahoud wrote their book during the Babylonian captivity.

This historical awareness….. is very popular among our brothers in Iraq… a source of pride……. The Stele of Hammurabi… Hammurabi is the father of laws, and it is even considered as evidence that they are proud of… ……. However, the Al-Yahoud were robbed of their ancient civilization when they were in Babylon during the era of the Babylonian captivity.

Iraq must be the center and maker of global historical events related to the Al-Yahoud and not to it, and it is a matter of pride that the religion of the Al-Yahoud, which the West believes was written in Iraq, is a matter of pride.

But the truth is that this history has many question marks:

■ All names of Hammurabi’s history are present in the Jewish book, even the name of Hammurabi himself. (Names of characters, geography, and countries).

■ This obelisk was discovered in Iran in 1909, by archaeologist Gustavo Gequier, and it was transported to Iran when the Elamite king Shutruk-Nakhonta took it as spoils in 12 BC.

This means that the world and Iraqis would not have known the Code of Hammurabi before 1909 had it not been for a Western scientist who discovered the obelisk and showed it to the world. This means that this awareness related to Hammurabi is new to Iraqi people today and is a product of the West’s discoveries.

Question: If we assumed that we lived before 1909 and did not know the Code of Hammurabi, would we understand the Qur’anic text that talks about qisas in the same way as today? Would we have said while we were confident of ourselves that this law came from Iraq, and it means to poke an eye for an eye, and it is the same as what is found among the Al-Yahoud in their book and

The discovery was made by a Western archaeologist in Iran and not in Iraq.

Question: Why was the obelisk discovered in Iran and not in Babylon itself?!

The answer: Because it was stolen as war spoils

But the question is: Did the king who stole it believe in the value of that obelisk until he stole it, and why did he steal it when there was no material or cognitive value in it?! …Does he steal it to confirm its cognitive value? Or did he want to steal those ingenious laws in order to regulate the affairs of his state with them because he was incapable of establishing civil civilizational laws like those laws? Or was he unable to send someone to Babylon to read that obelisk and write it to the king of Elam so that he could organize his state with it? Or did the king of Elam steal it? As a spoils, because at that time it was believed that it was the first law on earth, just as we believe 2000 years later that it was the first law written on earth?!

When was the obelisk stolen to Iran?!

12 BC.

But the question is: Why did he steal it when he knew that it was the Obelisk of Hammurabi when he could not read the inscriptions on the Obelisk… because Elam was written in a different script. If he had known how to read it… this means that the script was in use at that time, and this assumes… That there are still those who write in cuneiform, and this assumes that Elam near Babylon writes in cuneiform, but their script is different, and the difficult cuneiform script does not meet with the easier Elamite script in time.

Musa came 400 years after Hammurabi…so why would the Al-Yahoud be affected by these laws after 800 years in the Babylonian captivity, and they were not affected 100 years after Musa?!

Is it possible that the impact of the Code of Hammurabi was only on the Al-Yahoud?! Is it reasonable that there is no other person, country, man or group that traveled to Babylonia in Iraq and lived and was affected by those genius laws except the Al-Yahoud and they wrote down those laws in their book?! Is it possible that the entire earth was devoid of population from the time of Hammurabi until the Babylonian captivity, and only the Al-Yahoud existed in time to be affected by these genius laws?! Is it possible that there is no human being in the entire region who would visit Iraq and take those genius laws from Babylon and apply them and then show their effect until the present day, and that only the Al-Yahoud appreciated the value of those genius Iraqi laws, which made the Iraqi today proud that he was the source of that influence? !

The laws of Hammurabi are identical to the laws of the Jewish book.

Why did these laws only continue with the Al-Yahoud? They must have a clear impact on the laws of any society surrounding Iraq and continue to this day without the need for a book to record those laws. It is passed down from generation to generation. But it is only found among the Al-Yahoud.

Question: Don’t you find that these laws are strange because they are largely identical with the Jewish Book?

Haven’t you noticed how Ibrahim in the Book of the Al-Yahoud applies these laws in a strange way, despite the fact that Ibrahim is very ancient and older than Musa?

But this observation……….. made some people create a story that Ibrahim was Hammurabi, under the pretext that the name Hammurabi means (Khalil), and others tried to make the Code of Hammurabi the Books of Ibrahim.

Question: How can the name Hammurabi be translated into an Arabic name (Khalil), and not translated into a non-Arabic name? .

This indicates that the target is the Arab mind with this story, or in other words, it targets an Arab religious text.

Unless we assume that they are the scrolls of Ibrahim….but the Qur’an says that they are found in the scrolls of Ibrahim and Musa.

{But you prefer the life of this world (16) and the Hereafter is better and more lasting (17)

Indeed, this is in the first books (18) the books of Ibrahim and Musa.}

He talks about dhikr and the Arabic Qur’an and does not talk about laws.

Question: Why, for 1400 years, was only one copy of the Code of Hammurabi written? Why is there no such code in many copies distributed throughout Iraq, given that Babylon established a powerful state with several copies?!

How will a person in Mosul, Basra, or Baghdad know these laws when they are written in only one copy? They are supposed to make a copy of it in their regions to always review it.

■ For Allah’s sake, are these super-genius laws that people are proud of and for which an obelisk is made and is located in a Western museum?

Question: Why were those laws engraved… Is it for the sake of being a reference for everyone, meaning if someone in Baghdad were to gouge out one eye, then he would have to travel to Babylon and review the formula of the ruling, and be judged there according to what is on the obelisk there and then gouge out his eye? !

Does the mere inscription of these laws impose the authority to abide by them on people?! .. If an obelisk was engraved now with laws on it, would they be binding on the people? Or does he want to immortalize himself with this inscription so that it can be said that he was the first to make laws, but what benefit will he gain?! .

Perhaps it will benefit the Al-Yahoud, but we do not know

■ Do you expect that 3000 years ago, man was incapable of establishing laws to regulate his life, and that there was no one on earth except Hammurabi until the genius of history and the earth could emerge and he would excel at those laws?!

For example…………. Today we have customs and laws without writing them down. We inherited it… and the subject is not extraordinary or ingenious, and the laws do not require a king or a state… and in the past the subject did not need the Code of Hammurabi, at least there were supposed to be unusual laws to immortalize the name of Hammurabi.

“If a master breaks the bone of another master, they must break his bone. If a master pulls out the tooth of a master of his class, they must pull out his tooth. If a master puts out the eye of a nobleman’s son, they must put out his own eye.”

Is this a law that calls for bragging?

■ Is there any Iraqi to this day, especially historians… who can read or understand the inscriptions on that obelisk? How did the West reach it if the country’s owners did not know its language?!

Why did Iraq not demand the return of that obelisk? Why did no researcher think of re-translating that obelisk and verifying it?!

■ Why are all the documents of the Jewish era always the same and always present in the West, and always recorded on the inscriptions of our ancestors (the Rosetta Stone, the Code of Hammurabi, the Cyrus Cylinder).

Rosetta Stone… Ptolemy confirms that he wrote the book of the Al-Yahoud (Britain)

The Code of Hammurabi…confirms the Book of the Al-Yahoud (France)

The Cyrus Cylinder…confirms the Babylonian captivity. ( Britain)

Why are all the names of the Jewish writers discovered in our land with great accuracy and clarity, while nothing has been discovered in your land in your tongue or from your religious books?!

Why do a religion whose origin is not known have clear and clear documents that confirm it and confirm it in your land, in your land, while you are the owner of the land and nothing is discovered in your land that belongs to you in terms of language, religion, history, or geography?

Don’t you notice with me that your entire world disappeared from the earth and only the Al-Yahoud remained from the time of Hammurabi until today… All your civilizations disappeared from the earth (language, religion, and writing). The Babylonians, Assyrians, etc., with their language, religion, and writing, disappeared, and only the Al-Yahoud remained. To this day, they maintain themselves to this day.

Don’t you find that the matter is occupying your imagination and you do not know it? It is occupying your history and your awareness while all your things and inheritance are falling…. and this makes it alive within history while you are historically dead and

Is it possible that the Code of Hammurabi considers it your identity and part of the inheritance of your ancestors, but you did not preserve it and forgot it, and it was preserved by the Al-Yahoud, who you do not know have an origin and division in the land?

How can a person with little ancestry maintain the belongings of a purebred person while the purebred did not preserve his ancestry?!

■ Finally, wake up and rise from the foundations of this mind created by the West, so that Allah may have mercy on you…. Otherwise, destruction will inevitably come.

Destroy the foundation of Sykes-Picot in your minds, destroy the foundation of the West’s translations in your minds, destroy the history that the West writes in your minds.


Of course… I know that the mind in Iraq will be the most opposed to my words… because it does not want the illusion of Hammurabi to drop from its mind… it does not want to abandon the Kingdom of Babylon in its mind, which it considers to be an essential component of its imagination… and it does not want To abandon the genius of his ancestors, who are credited with writing the first human law and laws on earth.

I will be violently repulsed when I say that all of this long, broad story was written recently, recently, but because time has struck the imagination of all the residents of the region and an imaginary calendar has been created for them, they will find it difficult to understand the issue.

Hammurabi existed to establish the Babylonian civilization in order to make the Babylonians leave Babylon.

The Code of Hammurabi was invented in order to make time for a text in your imagination only, and there is no historical origin for the book of the Al-Yahoud in your country, and to make you believe that they have lived in your land for such a long time, and lived through historical periods throughout time, and that they have origins in your land.

The law of Hammurabi, king of Babylon… until a history of the Al-Yahoud in Babylon and the story of their captivity is written… and that they were influenced by the laws of Hammurabi and stole from you the story of the law [And if a man injures his neighbour, then as he did, so shall it be done to him. Fraction for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Just as He caused a defect in a person, so will it be done to him.]

So you believe with all the power Allah has given you that it is true, and you boast with all the power Allah has given you that the Al-Yahoud stole from you.

And when you go to your religious book and read:

{And how can they judge you when they have the Torah in which is the rule of Allah? Then they turn away after that. And those are not believers. Indeed, We have sent down the Torah, in which is guidance and light. The prophets who submitted to those who were Al-Yahoud judged by it, and the divines and the rabbis, because they preserved the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it. So do not fear the people, but fear Me, and do not exchange My verses for a small price. If he does not judge by what Allah revealed, then those are the disbelievers. And We prescribed for them therein that a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and qisas for wounds. So whoever gives it in charity, it is an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge according to what Allah revealed – those are the wrongdoers.}

You will believe in all the power Allah has given you with certainty that it means the law of Hammurabi, your grandfather, and your great inheritance, the owner of the greatest laws. And that Allah talks about the Al-Yahoud and their book as the Torah, and that Allah wrote this law for them in the past, and Allah talks about ancient laws, but Islam came and abolished them or did not adopt them.

If you had trusted your origin and your separation of language, religion and culture on earth… you would have realized the satanic game… you would have known that all this history and talk was written because you were the first target… because you have a truth and a true, true origin… But you made documents of little origin as your reference….and this step, over time, will hide you completely, destroy you, and make of little origin master over you in time, history, language, and religion.

If you understood this Quranic text and were confident in yourself, not shaken by the charms of others, no one would be able to laugh at you with those stories, history, and languages.

This verse does not talk about a criminal case, as the books of the Ottoman heritage falsified the mind of the Muslim…. Rather, it talks about the ruling on writing in the Torah the lines of your first book, the Quran of which you now possess (the Holy Qur’an).

This is the first document of the Qur’an, which was hidden after a massive occupation and forgery project that took place in the region……. in order to manufacture a Jewish book only (the Old Testament).

The book that is with the Al-Yahoud is only a Western game. It was written after the Holy Qur’an and there is no historical or religious truth in it. It is a huge Western project on earth… Its survival on earth depends primarily on the Muslim’s continued belief that it is the Torah….. This It is the essence of the game you are in.

When Allah addresses you in His Qur’an in an Arabic language about the Torah…….. He is talking about everything that concerns you, O Muslim, and all of it in an Arabic language.


This text in the Holy Qur’an… is the most dangerous text, which reveals the basis of the game. Because of this danger, all this history was created and implanted in your mind so that you do not reach its correct meaning.

They wrote dictionaries for you to directly distort the meaning of this text

They wrote interpretations for you in order to directly distort the meaning of this text

They wrote modern and ancient history for you in order to indirectly distort the meaning of this text

They wrote a new geography for you in order to distort the meaning of this text

They wrote new names for the things around you in order to distort the meaning of this text

This text speaks about the essence of the historical, religious, linguistic, and temporal issue of the entire region… It speaks about the issue of a great nation that was subjected to a satanic conspiracy that does not occur to the mind or heart of a human being.

Because this text talks about the essence and conclusion of the issue, it is a very important and dangerous text. This danger is the main reason for which the story of Hammurabi and his law, the story of the Jewish laws, the interpretations of adultery, the eye-gouging in the Qur’an, the name of the hieroglyphics, and Name of Cairo etc.

Big project.

This text means these symbols found in the Torah, the inscriptions of Misr, which are falsely called hieroglyphs… and which are in the picture.

In your Arabic tongue… the word qisas does not mean a judicial ruling… the word qisas means conformity, and we still say qisas in our dialect.

Qisas……… means equally or identically.

The word wounds… Any part of the human body is called wounds.


Criticism is important and necessary to correct any mistake… very important.

I would have thought that when our friend from Iraq bursts into intelligence and criticizes, in a long and broad post, a topic related to everyone and not a topic related to me alone or that concerns me alone, but rather it concerns everyone… that my speech is illogical and incorrect, because the eye symbol may mean (to look or See, see, look, etc.)… I really never liked it.

Why ?!

I felt that the issue was more stubborn than cooperation between everyone to reach the right thing, even though I had attached many, many clarifications before that, in addition to the fact that he had attached the issue in the spirit of Sykes-Picot and the story of civilizations and who is the best, who is the most beautiful, and who is the best.

But let us focus on criticizing the words of our friend from Iraq regarding (the image of the eye) that I put in the designs of the pictures, and that my words are illogical…..because according to his words, he said that my writing the image of (the eye) instead of (A) as evidence that it is the first script of the Qur’an is not Logical, because (the image of an eye) has several meanings and possible names (sight, vision, sight, etc.).

The answer will be from two points:

■ Where does the problem lie for those who want to read the Torah (Egyptian inscriptions)?!

There are secondary problems with the number of fingers after solving the basic fundamental problem. The basic fundamental problem is related to… knowing the names of those symbols… only.

The essence of the problem……. is knowing the names of those symbols… only.

If you know the names of these symbols, then you will be able to read the Torah (Egyptian inscriptions) completely.

This is first

secondly :

Now, the Qur’an, in the previous text, teaches us the method, after which it is not possible to even doubt, and confirms to us the truth of my words, and gives us an illustrative example, and the rest of the analogy is up to you:

● Is the human eye… from wounds?!



(Image of a human eye) = Its name is an eye

● Is the human ear…from wounds?!



(Image of a human ear) = Its name is ear

● Is the human nose… from wounds?



(Image of a human nose) = its name is nose

● Is a human tooth…from wounds?



(Image of a human tooth) = Its name is a tooth

● Is the human leg….. from wounds?!


(Image of a human leg) = Her name is a man



When Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an

Asq ¤ These are the verses of the clear Book ¤ We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an so that you may understand.

We recite these verses as… A S Q Q…. Ain Sin Qaf

Symbol (A) = reads (eye)

Now when I say that the speech of the Qur’an when it says:

A S Q Q ¤ These are the verses of the clear Book ¤ We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an so that you may understand.

By the verse (peace be upon him), he means and intends… (the image of a human eye) which is one of the wounds… and found in the Torah (Egyptian inscriptions).

Before Napoleon, we used to call the image or symbol (a verse from the Book of Allah).

Image of a human eye = eye

An eye for an eye… because the eye is one of wounds, and wounds are qisas.

correct ?!

This book’s verses were governed from the beginning in an Arabic tongue… from the foundation and origin of the book from the beginning of its appearance on earth… and it is governed by these names and sounds… a clear Arabic voice… an Arabic tongue… meaning there is no room for making other names and sounds. The origin of the book is like this.

This is the meaning of Allah’s saying:

{And thus We sent it down as an Arabic ruling. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you will have in Allah neither guardian nor protector.}

{Book tightened its verses, then separated from the presence of a wise expert}

His verses established an Arabic Quran from Allah…an Arabic rule

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know}

Napoleon’s people are the ones who knew this truth… because when they entered the region, the Qur’an was written in the Torah… so they forged the book, hid it, and then wrote the book of the Al-Yahoud, the Old Testament, and called it the Torah. They cooperated with the Ottomans and had their printer print all This new, false awareness, the creation of a new memory… Then they settled the Al-Yahoud in the region, carrying with them the new, false book under the pretext that its name is the Torah…to create an origin for them in the region.

{And how can they judge you when they have the Torah in which is the rule of Allah? Then they turn away after that. And those are not believers. Indeed, We have sent down the Torah, in which is guidance and light. The prophets who submitted to those who were Al-Yahoud judged by it, and the divines and the rabbis, because they preserved the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it. So do not fear the people, but fear Me, and do not exchange My verses for a small price. If he does not judge by what Allah revealed, then those are the disbelievers. And We prescribed for them therein that a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and qisas for wounds. So whoever gives it in charity, it is an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge according to what Allah revealed – those are the wrongdoers.}

■ [And how can they judge you when they have the Torah in which is the ruling of Allah?]

Allah’s rule…. Arab rule

■ [Indeed, We sent down the Torah, in which is guidance and light. The prophets who submitted to those who were Al-Yahoud and the Rabbis and the Rabbis judged by it because they preserved the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it. So do not fear people, but fear Me, and do not exchange My verses for a small price. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – those are the disbelievers.]

The prophets ruled by it in an Arabic manner, as it was revealed from the beginning

Do not exchange My verses for a small price…. They are the verses of the Book of Allah… the Book whose verses have established an Arabic Qur’an…….. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed an Arabic Qur’an, those are the disbelievers.

These are the verses of the clear Book: We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an so that you may understand

{And We decreed for them therein that a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and qisas for wounds. But whoever gives it in charity, it will be an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – those are the wrongdoers.}

What is Arab rule like?

We prescribed for the people in the Torah that:

The eye…with the image of a human eye

The nose…with the shape of a human nose

And so on for the rest of the wounds… qisas… identical.

And whoever does not rule like this…. those are the disbelievers



Hammurabi and his law… a history of the West’s imagination… a great illusion. To create a historical origin for Judaism is the work of the West… in our imagination, in our land, in our time, and in our heritage.

That’s the whole story

And whoever is stubborn or refuses… arrogant and selfish….he wants all this magic to continue on earth, and is afraid of the fall of all this temporal and historical illusion that controls people in favor of his position.

This is the truth about the ancient history of Iraq… which is being targeted by many, including me, and which made the brother, friend and beloved from Iraq… get angry and write a long article defending it and restoring the Iraqi civilization to its standing before the Wadi civilization. The Nile of Africa (which one cannot say is called Misr).

{And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’an so that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around it, and warn of the Day of Assembly, about which there is no doubt, a group in Paradise and a group in the Blaze. (7) And had Allah willed, He would have made them one nation, but He admits whom He wills into His mercy, and the wrongdoers have neither guardian nor helper. (8) Or have they taken Besides Him there are guardians, for Allah is the Guardian, and He gives life to the dead, and He is Able to do all things. (9) And whatever you differ about in anything, its judgment rests with Allah. That is Allah, my Allah, in Him I trust, and to Him I turn.}

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