The current Mecca is not the qibla, but the Dirar Mosque

The current Mecca is not the qibla, but the Dirar Mosque


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Laugh.. Al-Jubeir officially admits to everyone that Saudi Arabia is responsible for the extremism, backwardness, and takfiri rhetoric that has spread to a large majority of Muslims. Al-Jubeir admits that the soft power possessed by the House of Saud is still capable of programming and washing the minds of Muslims through the pulpit of Al-Masjid Al Haram in Mecca, with the same efficiency that it did over the long decades that led to this devastation in the region.

Al-Jubeir exposes the Zionist project and reveals to everyone the tool that Al Saud used to pass the Zionist project in the region.

Look carefully at the extent and depth of the Al Saud and international Zionism’s awareness of the influential power of Mecca over a large percentage of the world’s population. Al-Jubeir told an American newspaper: “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia possesses a great deal of soft power, which can influence nearly 2 billion Muslims around the world who turn to it five times a day, and when the Kingdom changes, opens up, and adopts policies of moderation, tolerance, and innovation, then Muslims will follow suit.” “No country has such soft power.”

This is the main reason why I recently uploaded articles talking about the truth about Mecca and its history and whether it is Al-Masjid Al Haram mentioned in the Qur’an, because I am aware and well aware of the pivotal role of Mecca in the success of the Zionist project, and my talk about Mecca is not an attempt by me to deny it simply because it is under control. The Zionist project, but because I have known the truth about Mecca well for a long time, I preferred to postpone talking about it to an appropriate time and this is the appropriate time, even if the matter met with opposition from many.


This is part of the article I published a few weeks ago about Mecca


The dangerous role played by Mecca while it is under the control of the House of Saud is linked to two important points. The first point is political religion and the second point is identity.

● Concerning religion and politics

Do you see the extreme blindness that has befallen the peoples of the region as they see all the movements and conspiracies of the House of Saud in the region and the Zionist agendas that they are spreading, leaving destruction and devastation? However, you do not find in a large percentage of the peoples of the region an awareness of this. Rather, there is an internal feeling of alignment behind the Saud in their speech and movements.

Didn’t you ask what kind of black magic the Al Saud cast on the people of the region to make them so frighteningly blind?

The reason is Mecca… because the holiest place for a Muslim is in the control of Al Saud, and this means that the soul of the majority of the region’s population and Muslims is in the control of Al Saud, and Al Saud drags them to any place they want easily, with surrender, and without any resistance.

Do you see the extent of the absurdity, ruin, backwardness and barbarism of the speech of the sheikhs of the Al Saud religion, which has become clear to the young and ignorant child that they are merely agents and employees of the Al Saud intelligence in the job of speaking in the name of Allah from Mecca to address the masses in the region with everything that serves the Zionist agendas and interests? The West is free from killing, destruction, devastation and temptation.

Everything has become clear, yet many residents of the region are still blind and unable to see all this devastation, destruction, killing, and blood coming out of the Kingdom of Al Saud…. Have you asked what the reason is?

The reason is Mecca… because Mecca is the holiest place for many residents of the region and is in the grip of the House of Saud, the servants of the Zionist project. Because any religious speech that comes out from beside the Kaaba is a speech from Allah, the spiritual speech… Allah orders Muslims according to his desire. The Zionist project, and thus the Sauds stole the spiritual faith of the majority of the region’s population and restricted the mind of the region’s population and manipulated it to serve the Zionist project.

Do you think that this fundamental reason is not realized by the House of Saud and the West?

You are wrong.. The matter is very simple and clear and does not require any genius, but it requires a malicious satanic mind that is aware of the size, depth and extent of the influence of Mecca on the success of his political projects. They are not naive and stupid, they are a malignant satanic mind that is well aware of this, and They realize the strong influence of Mecca in the media on the success of their strategic project. They are proceeding according to a project decreed many decades ago, and this is the reason why Britain pushed the House of Saud to occupy the Hijaz, for the sake of Mecca alone and to annex it to their kingdom so that it could play this future role that serves the interests of the Zionist West in the region.

● As for the second point about history

Mecca is linked to a general wrong idea in the region about Arabs and the Arabic language. The people of the region cannot imagine the Arab person except from that point that is under the control of Al Saud. The Arabic language and the Arabs emerged from that point… and the Sauds are the representatives of that point and they are its foundation… they are the leaders and foundation of the Arabs and they are the image of the true Arab.

Yes… it is a completely wrong idea… and this idea will lead to major disasters.

And because the House of Saud presents the stupidest, most despicable, filthiest, most impure and basest image of the Arab and Muslim human being, this will naturally lead, based on that wrong and childish idea, to a direct impact on the region, and will then lead to confusion about the concept of identity in the region, and will lead to It also led to the emergence of cases of resentment, resentment, and split identity.

It will also be reflected in people’s view of the Arabic language… Hatred for the Arabic language came from the low image of Al Saud… The Zionist project was able to create a general image that Arabic is the language of the people of Al Saud… and not the language of the rest of the region’s population.

Do you think that the Zionist project is not aware of this?

By Allah, you are wrong and naive… These are strategic projects, produced within security studies and research centers… by security experts and thinkers… these are a malicious, satanic mind, and this is the job of Al Saud in the region… to bring the region to… These wrong perceptions will cause intellectual and mental obstacles in interpreting reality, and this obstacle will result in identity chaos according to their strategic plan… in order to facilitate the processes of division and fragmentation in the region… which is the core of the Zionist project.

The Zionist project believes that the mind in the region is completely incapable of deciphering the puzzle of the Zionist time that was created by Athens, Greece, many centuries ago, and is incapable of a true reading of history, and must reach an overwhelming chaos of identity… because of the malicious and satanic role of Al Saud.

This work that the Zionist West is doing in investing in Mecca is not a modern work. The West did the same work in the past, during the era of Rome, after they were unable to occupy the real Mecca, which contains the real Sacred Mosque, which people used to come to in the past and which no devil could enter. From the humans and the jinn, they invented a trick by shifting people’s qiblah to another place and invented a new place called (Jerusalem or Jerusalem, according to what they say), so that they could create a new religious orientation that would serve their policy and through this new place exercise the same influential role that Mecca plays now. Mecca, which is in fact a creation of Byzantium in cooperation with a local group.

For this reason

O Muslim and O Arab

Has it become clear to you why the Holy Qur’an is so strict in talking about the Dirar Mosque, which is carrying out the same satanic mission that Mecca is carrying out today in the name of Allah for the sake of destruction, sabotage, and division between people for the benefit of Zionism? ?

Rather, the description of the Qur’an applies to Mecca, as the Qur’an tells the Prophet not to stand in a harmful mosque, and urges him to go towards the mosque that established piety from the first day. This point is not noticed by a Muslim while reading the Qur’an

{And those who have made a mosque out of harm, disbelief, and division among the believers, and as a shelter for those who waged war against Allah and His Messenger before, and they will swear, “We only desire the best.” Allah bears witness that they are indeed liars. (107) Never stand therein a mosque founded on piety from the first day. It is more deserving that you stand therein. There are men who love to purify themselves. Allah loves. The Purified Ones (108)}

[Al-Tawbah: 107-108]

The meaning is very clear… It indicates that there are those who believed that the Dirar Mosque was the first mosque founded on piety or Al-Masjid Al Haram that Ibrahim built. There is a clear order to leave this mosque and go to the real mosque, which was founded from the first day on piety.

O Muslim!

Current Mecca is the Dirar Ainah Mosque, which is the target of the Qur’an, and which Allah will restrain the hands of your enemies from you in the heart of Mecca.

{And it is He who withheld their hands from you, and your hands from them in the interior of Mecca, after He had given you victory over them, and Allah is ever Seeing of what you do. (24) They are the ones who disbelieved and turned you away from Al-Masjid Al Haram, while the sacrificial animal was withheld until it reached its place. And had it not been for believing men and believing women, you had not taught them that you should tread on them, and a disgrace befall you from them without knowledge, so that it might enter. Allah is in His mercy whomsoever He wills. If they were removed, We would certainly punish those who disbelieve among them with a painful punishment.(25)}

[Al-Fath: 24-25]

Al-Masjid Al Haram is in a place called Bakkah, not in Mecca

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is that which is in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds}

[Al Imran: 96]

O Muslims!

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived in a very, very ancient period of time, and the Holy Qur’an is a book that they have carried since ancient times for the sake of this day. The Qur’an is the prophecy of Muhammad that Allah Almighty revealed to his Prophet… a prophecy of the end of time… a mercy to you and guidance to you. And a warning and warning to you against the deceit and machinations of the devils of mankind and the jinn.


I swear by Allah, the One, the One, the Eternal, the One who raised the sky without any intention… that the current Mecca is the Dirar Mosque, and it is the creation of a satanic entity that has been ruling the West for centuries in cooperation with a local group.

I swear by Allah, the One and Sublime, that Al-Masjid Al Haram mentioned in the Qur’an exists in another place and that the demons of mankind and jinn cannot enter it.

I swear… because I know Al-Masjid Al Haram mentioned in the Holy Quran as I know my father and mother.

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