The Great Sedition – The Demotic Line Lie

The Great Sedition - The Demotic Line Lie


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On what scientific and logical basis were the Demotic script and the Hierotic script considered to be two scripts in which the ancient Egyptian language was written?!

First… it is necessary to transfer the basic information about the case, which is considered the official reference in universities, and is available at the following link:

The development of ancient writing in Misr


Before entering into the answer to our main question, let us ask logical observations and questions about this information that was provided to us:

■ If hieroglyphs are sacred writing in which sacred religious texts are written, then what is the reason for having a special script for priests to write religious texts?!

The hieroglyphic script appeared approximately (2000 BC) and was intended for priests to write religious texts on papyrus… At that time, hieroglyphs were still in existence and were written in Misr on the walls of temples and on stones… The question is: For whom do priests write these hieratic texts?! .

Do they write these texts for themselves…or do they write them for the people…then why will they write religious texts in hieroglyphics on the walls of temples and on stones in a very tiring process, and for whom will they write these hieroglyphic texts?!

Is the hieratic writing on papyrus intended to serve as an archive of time? ….But the writing on the walls of temples and on stones is the largest and best archive of papyrus papers.

Is it because hieroglyphic writing is specific to kings? …But hieroglyphic texts are religious texts that contain the names of gods, even if the writing includes the names of kings.

Then, before the appearance of hieroglyphics… who was writing the hieroglyphic inscriptions… not the priests?! …So it is the handwriting of the priests, and there is no need for another handwriting for the priests to write it in.

Hieraticism appeared approximately (2000 BC) and continued until (800 BC)… But the logical question is:

1200 years logically imposes on reality that there should be a huge archive containing documents of this script. Rather, it logically imposes the continuation of the discovery of these documents written in this script until today, as a result of massive, continuous and ongoing excavations in Misr, but all the hieratic documents are on a few papyrus sheets. Some of them are in the Cairo Museum and others are in Western museums.

As for the demotic writing (the writing of the people), it is specific to the people’s class. It is a short and quick writing that came out of the hieratic, and it lasted for approximately 1,300 years.

Logical question:

What is the function of the hieroglyphic inscriptions on the walls? Do they not represent the texts of the people’s religion? Are they not concerned with the people? So why did the people’s writing not emerge from the mother writing? Why should the people’s writing develop from the writing of the priests and not from their first mother book?

In other words… I think it is logical that writing in Misr cannot go through three stages… but only two stages… the first is hieroglyphs and the second is abbreviated writing… quick, simple and easy for daily dealing.

In other words… the new, shortened type of hieroglyphics will impose itself… and if it will develop… it will develop in the way it is drawn only, and will not develop by adopting new, different symbols.

In the form of the article, you have hieratic writing and demotic writing, and you have mind, hearing, and sight… and you can see the difference in the symbols of the two writings.

The demotic writing is the writing of the people, and religious texts are also written in it, but in the hieroglyphic writing religious texts are written, and in the demotic writing religious texts are also written in it, so why then are these temples whose walls are written in hieroglyphs?!

If we assume that the Egyptian will also write religious texts, then there is no need for him to invent another script to write religious texts, and he will be satisfied with the hieratic, and write it with it even in his daily transactions… because in my opinion there is no obstacle preventing the Egyptian from using the hieratic for writing, and he will not stop it. His head or he will be executed if it is written in the priests’ handwriting and continues with it… as if it is forbidden to him. Otherwise, he will be imprisoned, killed, or he (Ra’i) will be angry with him.

If the demotic writing was a need that Egyptian society reached to facilitate the process of quick writing and recording daily transactions, because the process of writing in hieroglyphs is tiring and needs clarity and prominence, and this process requires the use of zimbabwe to engrave on stones.

So why did he write this short, quick and easy writing on the Rosetta Stone, this stone that was discovered by the French occupying invaders and through which the hieroglyphics were deciphered? Why did the Egyptian decide to use the Izmir in a tiring process and engrave on this stone a demotic inscription, this easy and quick writing? And the abbreviation?!

Why does Demotic have only one stone document? .. Why did the Egyptian decide not to write on papyrus once for 3000 years, and decided to write on one stone for 3000 years?!

When we go to the Rosetta Stone, as everyone knows, the Rosetta Stone is written in three writings that deal with one topic: (hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek). But hieroglyphic and demotic writing are specific to the Egyptian. correct ?

Is it possible that the Egyptian writes a document that talks about one topic in two of his own fonts?

In other words……. Imagine that the State of Misr writes a cooperation document with the State of Greece, and the document is written in Arabic and Greek, on two pages. Suppose that this protocol…and it seems logical, but what is illogical is that the document contains three pages. The first page is the full text of the document in Arabic but in Kufic script, and the second page is also the complete text of the document in Arabic but in Naskh script, and the third page is the text of the document. Completely in Greek.

This is completely illogical, because one line is completely sufficient to write a topic in its language.

There is also a problem…in this class division of society that was written by the Western occupier and imposed on the educational curricula.

When the class of kings has a writing of its own and it is sacred, and the class of priests has a writing of its own that emerged from the writing of the kings, and the class of the people has a writing of its own that emerged from the writing of the priests.

This class division suggests to us…that religion in ancient Egyptian society was ruled by the kings and they were the foundation and origin of the religion, and that the priests must be connected to the kings…because their writing emerged from the writing of the kings… …The tasks and actions of the priests must come from the source of the authority of the kings, meaning that the kings are the ones who command the priests and the priests listen to them, but the people must be linked to the priests, because their writing emerged from the writing of the priests…and they must listen. The people have the priests as the source of their religion.

I believe that this division is unrealistic and unrealistic. This mentality is modern and a division that emerged from a modern consciousness that knows the nature of the tasks of politicians and the tasks of the Vatican and the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, and does not understand the meaning of human nature at all……. Because religion in the past was not an industry, but rather an innate nature in human society, and I believe that the insistence on this division is for many reasons, including finding a logical way out for the story of these two writing lines, through one of which the hieroglyphics were deciphered.


Now we come to our first question: On what basis were these two scripts considered to have been written by Egyptian humans?

The answer is according to official sources

For hieratic

1- Because hieratic symbols are simplified from the original hieroglyphic symbols, to keep pace with the rapid movement of life and the development of society. That is, because the hieratic script is a simplification of the hieroglyphic script, or in other words, an abbreviation for it. 2- The discovery of hieratic texts on a group of papyrus pieces in Misr dating back to the Fourth Dynasty (2597-2471 BC), some of which are in the Cairo Museum and some foreign museums.

For demotic

1- Because demotic symbols developed from hieratic, and were written like them: from right to left. A student of the Demotic script may imagine, at first glance, that this script represents the second stage of development after the hieratic script, and he may also imagine that it represents a further simplification of the hieratic script.

2- The discovery of documents written in Demotic dating back to the twenty-first year of the reign of King Psamtik I (700 BC – 600 BC), next to the Rosetta Stone, which was written in three inscriptions (hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek).

So, the main reason for this scientific belief that is taught in scientific departments in universities is:

The discovery of ancient papyrus documents and the Rosetta Stone with writings in these two scripts on them… and we saw a similarity between the hieroglyphic and the hieroglyphic, and as for the demotic, we saw a great similarity between it and the hieroglyphic.

This made us believe, and it is a logical belief, that the development of life forced the Egyptian to invent simple and easy writing for daily transactions.

Now you have hearing, sight and reason, because the logical question we will ask you:

Is there a striking, striking, and very clear similarity between the hieratic script and the hieroglyphic script, and is there a striking, striking, and striking similarity between the hieratic and demotic scripts?

Look at the two lines, trust your mind and your sight, and judge.

This is first

Secondly… How many documents were written in this script, and where are they?

The size of the documents does not exceed 3000 years at all, and it is used in Misr. Some of the documents are in the Cairo Museum and others are in museums in the West.

But the question is very logical

Why were the two inscriptions written only on papyrus for 3000 years, and only one case was written on stone (the Rosetta Stone), even though we have another script, which is the Musnad script, whose symbols appear very similar to hieroglyphics and are short and easy to write, but it was not written in script. The Musnad is never on paper, as all Musnad inscriptions were written on stone and wood… This negates the fact that the subject of demotic writing has anything to do with quick, daily writing that requires daily transactions.


The hieroglyphic script does not clearly, prominently, or strikingly resemble hieroglyphics, nor does the demotic script clearly, prominently, and strikingly resemble the hieroglyphic script.

On what basis, then, is such talk taught in scientific institutions?!

If the criterion is similarity and it is very logical, then you have hearing, sight and reason:

Look at the picture……….The line of the predicate and the hieroglyph, a very clear and prominent match and similarity, as if the predicate was the legitimate son who emerged from the hieroglyph.

If the criterion is the necessity of discovering documents in Misr, so that the Musnad is officially adopted in the Western curricula that are taught in scientific institutions, as a stage of Egyptian writing, then you have the wooden coffin that was discovered near the Saqqara pyramid, with inscriptions written in the Musnad script.

But if the criterion is the size of the documents, and one document is not enough, then I think that it is a very sound standard.

But the subject of the wooden coffin alone represents the size of all the documents written in Hierotic and Demotic, because the true nature of all Hierotic and Demotic documents cannot be known, because they are found on papyrus papers, and the process of making paper is easy, and documents can be fabricated and buried anywhere.

In other words, if a mummified body was discovered inside a coffin carrying hieratic or demotic documents, the matter would be very settled, as they are true original documents written by the Egyptian.

As for the subject of the coffin… it is buried in an official cemetery, and its coffin is written in the Musnad script, and this process can only be completed because the Musnad is a real original linked to the hieroglyphs that were written on the coffins.

However… the volume of Musnad documents is very large, and they are widely available in Yemen.

But if the scientific standard requires that the Musnad inscriptions be in Misr, then the issue is very simple, easy, and not complicated at all.

Just get out of Sykes-Picot’s mind, consider Yemen and ancient Misr as one country, and then we will have solved the problem, especially since the discovery of mummified bodies in Yemen and the discovery of many Egyptian artifacts in Yemen, including statues of the Sphinx with inscriptions in Musnad script confirm this. This fact is based on the existence of religious, linguistic and cultural unity.

Or suppose that colonialism in Sykes-Picot made Yemen and Misr one state…then the Musnad inscriptions would be within the framework of one state.

very easy

If this does not convince you as a scientific standard, consider Yemen an open museum, and inside this museum there are ancient Egyptian documents, just as there are hieratic and demotic documents in Western museums.

In the Cairo Museum there are hieratic documents, and in the museums of the West there are hierotic and demotic documents.

In the Cairo Museum there is a document written in the Musnad (wooden coffin) script, and in the Yemen Natural Museum there are Musnad documents in a larger size than the documents of Western museums.

One standard.



If a person in Yemen was unable to create his own book and decided to choose writing symbols extracted from Egyptian inscriptions, this means:

1- Writing in the past is a single invention that imposed itself on the entire ancient world in the region, and this assumption makes it logical that the region will develop from only one script and nothing else.

2- Hieroglyphic writing was sacred to the Yemenis, and the Yemeni belief was recorded in Egyptian inscriptions.

3- The language of writing that was written in the Musnad script is the same language that was written in the hieroglyphic script.

4- The datum script is the next true stage after the hieroglyphic script, or the first evolutionary phase that emerged from the hieroglyphs.

This means :

If the Rosetta Stone is real and original, then we should find the Rosetta Stone containing the Musnad script instead of the Demotic script… and this indicates that the Demotic script is an artificial script.

If a wooden coffin with an inscription in Musnad script was discovered in an Egyptian cemetery, and it is said that it dates back to the era of Ptolemy, during whose reign the Rosetta Stone was written, this means that the story of Ptolemy is false, and the story of the papyrus documents written in Hierotic and Demotic is false:

Because if it was the same time, that is, during the reign of Ptolemy, and two documents were written at this time in Misr by the Egyptian hand, the first in the Musnad script (the wooden coffin) and the second in the Demotic script (the Rosetta Stone):

This means that one of them is correct and the other is fake, because the Egyptian would only write one writing on his hand at that time, and his hand would write only one writing extracted and developed from the hieroglyphic script at that time. At that time, it assumes that reality produced one developed script from Hieroglyphics, and because the Musnad script is the clearest and most prominent in its correspondence with hieroglyphs and has greater documentation, it is the correct script, while the demotic script is false.

Rather, this means that the Egyptian writing in the Musnad script on the wooden coffin logically imposes that at that time it was impossible for the Egyptian to write on papers in the Demotic and Hierotic script, because at the time the Egyptian wrote in the Musnad script, Yemen was writing in the Musnad script only on stones and did not appear. Any paper documents written in the Musnad script in Yemen….. This means that paper documents were not known at that time…… That is, it is impossible for a developed script to emerge from hieroglyphs and write on paper.

If the Yemeni went to Misr and endured the fatigue of travel and did not think of inventing his own writing, but rather took it from Misr, and took some of its symbols from the hieroglyphic writing and developed its writing in an easier way, and the reference for his handwriting was Misr, then the logical question is:

Why did the Yemeni not also use paper for writing as the Egyptian did, and write Musnad inscriptions on it as the Egyptian did and write on papyrus paper advanced writing based on hieroglyphics?

Indeed, why did the Yemeni not think of using the short and easy Demotic script since he was unable to invent a script for himself? Did he not go to Misr to take from it the script that the Egyptian invented… Then the Demotic script would be easier for him and save him the trouble of choosing, because it is also a script. It was also an Egyptian invention, and it would have been better for the Yemeni to choose it instead of choosing other hieroglyphic symbols to write with?!

This means that the predicate ……. is the first choice made after the hieroglyphics, or the first evolutionary stage that came out of the hieroglyphic script, and not the hieratic or demotic.

This means that the Rosetta Stone is fake… and the story of the Hieratic and Demotic script is a Western creation to forge Egyptian inscriptions.

The hieroglyphic and the demotic have no real origin in hieroglyphics. They look like hieroglyphs and children’s scribbles, and the Westerners created them for one goal, which is to falsify inscriptions, which is the goal that brought Napoleon and the West to Misr.

Is it possible that a person from a faraway place in Yemen is committed to the letters of writing in Misr and has a keen interest in writing the symbols in the same form and great care in writing them? While the Egyptian man invents another writing from hieroglyphs, containing strange symbols that are not found in his original book, and he does not take great care in writing it, and he lived for a long time on this script, but he left only one stone with demotic writing on it?!

The conclusive and certain evidence that confirms that the hieratic and demotic script is a Western game is the question that has not been asked before:

On what basis did the ancient Egyptians choose hieroglyphic writing symbols from hieroglyphic symbols?

Is it a random choice, or is there a binding law within the hieroglyphic script that requires it to choose only certain symbols?!

Of course, there is a binding law, and not everyone chooses symbols from hieroglyphics randomly, and the Musnad script adhered to this law, which confirms that it is the second stage of the hieroglyphic script, while the hieroglyphic script did not adhere to the law, which confirms that it is artificial from a different culture. It has a clear forgery purpose.

What is the law?

In another article




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