The Great Strife – Napoleon is a pharaoh who gathered magicians

The Great Strife - Napoleon is a pharaoh who gathered magicians


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When Napoleon prepared a huge military campaign to invade and occupy Misr and then the Levant, and his campaign included several Western scholars in all fields… he came to the region with in mind the creation of a new world project in the region.

Almost… This event is the same age as our tangible local popular memory that is still linked to us today throughout the region. Before this age, there is no connection to the history on paper.

This event can never be forgotten or hidden from the memory of the peoples because it is still a contemporary story, and for this reason it was necessary to think of a smart project to hide this event as the starting point or the true context of the new reality that the peoples will live in as the occupier continues to implement his project over a long period of time.

Therefore, the correct step is to think about creating a new virtual memory for peoples to mix with the real, real popular memory and create a complete connection between them.

The importance of creating a new magical memory:

1- So that the peoples will not be able to understand the context of their current reality and that it is an extension of this occupation event that took place over them, because the magical time has been implanted in their imagination and mixed and linked with the real time… so that the peoples will become unable to differentiate between the real time and the magical time, She is unable to get out of magical time, until she comes to understand her current reality as an extension of this magical time, and analyzes and reads her reality through the context of magical history texts.

2- Until she suffers from a chronic disability in realizing that her reality today is an extension of her popular memory, that is, an extension of this great event that brought about a project to print a new, magical memory for these illiterate peoples.

This process requires:

● To a violent and comprehensive occupation of the place by force and coercion, then to hide the original archives of these peoples, either by destroying, concealing, or falsifying them.

● Then a huge printer…..prints new memory texts that will draw the new imagination of the peoples, and must contribute to distorting the language, meanings, and things of the peoples’ reality, in order to obliterate their identity.

● Then impose educational curricula for schools and universities based on this new magic.

Because ancient peoples never abandon the legacy of their ancestors, they always make a pilgrimage to the oldest place as the starting point, especially if these peoples still maintain a very sacred text that obligates them to go to this center.

Ancient peoples… always preserve the legacy of their ancestors and do not abandon it, the inheritance of their ancestors, and it is natural that their oldest written trace will be the beginning of their existence on earth, and will leave an existence that extends over a large area on earth, so this text must be completely hidden. It is absent, but the continued survival of ancient peoples by preserving an audio text as a sacred text that talks about these inscriptions requires the work of a major strategic project.

Therefore… the project also needs to replace this ancient place to which people make pilgrimages, because the people’s continued connection to something ancient as a center… prevents the project of creating magic time for these peoples from succeeding, because the continued connection of the peoples to this ancient place will stun the imagination of the peoples. It is always old, and this old thing will prevent any new memory from infiltrating the minds of peoples… Therefore, a new and modern center must be created that will be made the center of the new magical memory, and the starting point of the new magical time and history, a modern center that contributes to It made the imagination of these ancient peoples feel in their subconscious that their reality was new and that it was a reality that came after another reality that existed before it.

The ancient written archives of these peoples must also be hidden or falsified.



When Napoleon came with his soldiers to invade and occupy Misr and then the Levant, he came with everything that came before him in mind. Therefore, he came with several scholars from all fields and a printer.

When Napoleon came as an invader…it is natural that brutality in killing and destruction would be the first thing he did…but the most important thing that could be on his mind was to forge ancient inscriptions in Misr…because they are the oldest… Inscriptions in the area.

This forgery process requires creating a story, and this story needs to be wrapped in a coincidental event, without which the success would not have been achieved.

Napoleon’s people… claimed that they had obtained a stone tablet in the Rosetta region, which was called (Babylon), written in three scripts (hieroglyphs, demotic, and Greek)…. and that they had fought among themselves over the ownership of this stone because, according to their belief, it would He is able to decipher this ancient writing, due to the presence of Greek writing in it, because it can be read, especially since the stone speaks about one topic.

The story that was presented tried to portray the topic that no one in Misr could read the Egyptian inscriptions, and that when they entered Misr….no one could read the inscriptions, and that they were helping the Egyptians decipher the inscriptions of their ancient ancestors.

Western scholars studied the stone and were able to read the Greek inscription that talks about a Greek king named (Ptolemy). They concluded that it is assumed that the circular frame present in the stone in the hieroglyphic writing must contain the name (Ptolemy).

Indeed, the West has come to understand the symbols of the circular frame, which is the name of the Greek king (Ptolemy).

Then Napoleon’s people discovered another stone containing Greek hieroglyphs and a circular frame, and the West came up with the pronunciation of other symbols from the writing containing the name of a Greek queen (Cleopatra).

Thanks to the names of the Greeks (Ptolemy and Cleopatra), Western scholars were able to decipher all the hieroglyphic symbols after they arrived at a circular frame containing the name of an ancient Egyptian king in a Greek language (Ramesses).

If the story was presented just like this, people would ask, and no possible question should be left without filling it with an answer. Napoleon’s people said that the stone contained the name (Ptolemy), so the question is who is (Ptolemy), because the people’s memory does not know that a person with this name had passed by them?!

This is why a magical time must be created… and the West’s choice of name was very successful, because the name (Ptolemy) is in fact nothing but the name of Tulmus.

Talmos is magic

Talmos = magic

This magic (talisman) contained in the stone must be transformed into a real, realistic property, and a real time and history must be created for it, so that it can be stored in the new magical (talismanic) imagination of the peoples of the region.

We will write a great magical history of this magic (Talmos), and that he was a Greek king and whose biography resembles the biography of the current real king who invaded and occupied Misr, Napoleon, and we will make this king perform the same actions as Napoleon, but in reverse… and we will make a chronological calendar for him. Magical old.

We will write

■ A Greek king (Thalmos) invaded and occupied Misr, just like (Napoleon) who invaded and occupied Misr.

■ The current Napoleon invaded Misr in the modern era, and he is the one who is credited with inaugurating the modern era of the region. If it were not for him, the peoples of the region would not have appeared on earth and would have known their existence and the traces of their ancestors. We will make (Thalmos) a king who invaded Misr in the ancient era and He is the one to whom the main credit is due for inaugurating the ancient religious era of the region. Without him, the region would not have known the religion that continues to this day.

(Napoleon) was a lover of science, and thanks to him, his printer printed many translations into the Arabic language. And we will make

(Thalmus) was a Greek king who loved science and translations. He translated many books into the Greek language.

■ (Napoleon) came to Misr to decipher an ancient sacred religious writing. He ordered a number of scholars to decipher it and translate it from its language into the Greek language and write a book for the Al-Yahoud in the Hebrew language. We will make (Thalmos) a Greek king ask Jewish scholars to translate a religious book from their new language. To the Greek language.

■ And when King (Napoleon) asks a number of scholars to decipher the Rosetta Stone (the Babylonian Stone), which contains ancient writing and contains Greek script, we will have (Thalmos), a Greek king, ask a number of scholars to translate (the Book of the Babylon) into the language. Greek.

■ We will write all of this story as ancient history written on modern paper with a printer… and we will put a place for it in the chronological calendar, and we will make it an official history taught in schools and the most prestigious universities……….and we will make the Egyptians and the peoples of the region memorize This history is a national history that passed through the region.

{And they have plotted their plan, and with Allah is their plan, even though it was their plan that the mountains would move away from it. Do not think that Allah will break His promise to His messengers. Indeed, Allah is Mighty, Possessor of Vengeance. On the Day when the earth will be changed into another earth and the heavens, and they will emerge from Allah, the One, the Supreme.}



■ Napoleon when he asked Western scholars to decipher the Rosetta Stone (the Babylonian Stone), which contains three writing scripts, which are the hieroglyphic, demotic, and Greek scripts, and which contains the name of the king (Thalmos) in the Greek script. It is nothing but the name of the Greek king, Talmos. (Magic) whose name is written in Greek script in the Stone of Babylon. King Talmos in the Stone of Babylon asked Napoleon’s demonic scholars to distort the Egyptian writing, by translating his name (Talmos) from Greek and putting it in the ancient Egyptian writing to become (Sorcery). Talisman, enchantment

{And they followed what the devils recited to the king of Sulaiman, and Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and what was revealed to the two angels in Babylon Harout Marout, and they did not teach anyone until they said, “We are only a test, so do not disbelieve.” Then they learned from them what they caused to separate a man and his wife, and they harmed no one with it except With the permission of Allah, and they learn what harms them and does not benefit them, and they have known that whoever buys it will have no share in the Hereafter, and evil is what they sold their souls for, if they had known. And if they had believed and feared, a reward from Allah would have been better, if they had only known. O you who have believed, do not say, “Ra’na,” and say, “Look, We,” and listen. And to the disbelievers. A painful punishment. Neither the disbelievers among the People of the Book nor the polytheists wish for any good to be sent down to you from your Allah. Allah selects for His mercy whom He wills. Allah is the Possessor of great bounty.

■ The Greek king (Thalmos), whose name is written in Greek script in (the Babylonian Stone), Napoleon’s scholars ordered the devils to distort the Egyptian writing, by translating his non-Arab name (Talmos) and making it in the ancient Egyptian writing to become the tongue of the ancient Egyptian writing.

{The tongue of the one to whom they atheist is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic language. ¤ Indeed, those who atheist in Our verses do not hide from Us. So is he who is thrown into the Fire better, or he who comes safe on the Day of Resurrection? Do what you will. Indeed, He is All-Seeing of what you do. ¤ Indeed, those who disbelieve in the Remembrance when it has come to them, and it is a mighty Book, ¤ will not come to it. Falsehood is from before it or from behind it, a revelation from the Wise, the Praiseworthy.}

■ The Greek king (Thalmos), who is inside (the Babylonian Stone), asked the scholars who came with Napoleon and his soldiers at that time… to translate ancient Egyptian inscriptions into the Greek language… and write the book (The Babylonian). In the Greek language, it is completely similar to the sacred text that is still preserved by the inhabitants of Misr, which is (the Qur’an of the Book).

{Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the words of Allah and then distort them after they had understood them while they knew? And when they met those who believed, they said, “We believe,” and when they were alone with each other, they said, “Will you inform them of what Allah has revealed to you, so that they may dispute with you about it before your Allah? Will you not understand?” And indeed, among them is a party who twist their tongues. By the Book so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say it is from Allah, but it is not from Allah, and they say a lie about Allah while they know.}

■ When the Greek king (Talmus) translated the Jewish book (the Bible) into Greek…it is nothing but the Greek script written in (the Babylonian stone), through which the correct pronunciation of the Egyptian inscriptions was completely distorted, and a new magical time will be created, which will be planted in The imagination of the peoples in the future. This magic king (Talmus) is the only one capable of creating a new religious text in the region that resembles the text of the Muslim book in a new, foreign language other than the Arabic language that appears to be the language of the ancient world.

{These are the verses of the clear Book: We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an so that you may understand. A Book whose verses have been explained in detail, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. Bringing good tidings and a warner. But most of them turned away, so they did not listen. And if We had made it a foreign Qur’an, they would have said, “If only its verses had been explained in detail, are they a foreigner and an Arab?” Say, “It is for those who believe a guidance and a cure.” And for those who do not believe, it is in their ears. And it was blind to them. Those are calling from a far place. And indeed, We gave Musa the Book, but they disagreed about it, and had it not been for a word that preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they are in doubt about it. And among them is a party who twist their tongues with the Book so that you think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not. From Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

■ When Napoleon and his soldiers came to Misr as occupiers, and he ordered his scholars to dismantle the Rosetta Stone (the Babylonian Stone), it contained three scripts (the Torah, the Jibt, and the Taghut), and when Western scholars discovered the name of the king (Talmus) of magic in the Jabbati script, it was he. It was like the first order from King Talmus to Napoleonic and Western scholars to write the Bible in the language of Jebet so that it would be the new legitimate representative of the ancient world and not the ancient script of the Torah written in clear Arabic.

{Have you not seen those who were given a share of the Book who believe in the Taghut (Dometic) and the Taghut (Dometic) and say to those who disbelieve, “These are better guided to a way than those who believe.” Those are those whom Allah has cursed. And whoever Allah curses, you will never find a helper for him.

■ The book of the Al-Yahoud (the Babylon)… was not written until after Napoleon’s invasion of Misr and Napoleon’s people claimed that they had obtained (the Stone of Babylon) in Misr…. because if it were not for the stone, the Greek king (Thalmos) would not have been able to use the magic contained in the (Stone of Babylon) To give the order to Napoleon’s scholars to write the new book (the Bible), which will resemble (the Qur’an of the Book).

{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything, and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they [recite the Book]. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed about.}

■ After the first copy of the Book (The Bible) was written by order of (Napoleon) and the Greek King (Thalmos), which is found in (The Stone of Babylon) into the Greek language…..a copy of it was written in a new language, which is Hebrew, and the work was completed and In cooperation with the Ottomans, they brought in the Khazar gypsy tribes (Hazers) from Asia and Europe who did not have a homeland, land, or origin, and they made them embrace the new religion and were given a new book (the Bible) that they wrote in the new Hebrew language…then… The Ottomans settled them in the region during their occupation of it.

{Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the word of Allah and then distort it after they had understood it while they knew? (75) And when they met those who believed, they said, “We believe,” and when they were alone with one another, they said, “Will you inform them of what Allah has revealed to you, so that they may dispute with you concerning it before your Allah? Will you not understand?” (76) First. They know that Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare. (77) And among them are unlettered people who do not know the Book except in wishful thinking, and they only surmise. (78) So woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, “This is from Allah,” in order to exchange it for a small price. So woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn.

■ These gypsies will carry the new sacred book (the Bible) that was written by order of Napoleon and Talmmus, so that it will be the representative of the new magical time of the ancient world for stealing time, history, and the land, which will be implanted and cultivated in the minds of the residents of the region and will be called (the Old Testament). Because he has now become the representative of the new ancient world with its language, geography, stories and names, and the printer is the one who will print large quantities of this magical new memory by order of the magic “Talmos”… and through the Ottomans a new time will be printed for the ancient world, The time and history of the original ancient world will be replaced with a magical, fake ancient world created by Napoleon’s magicians, which will be printed via a printer, and the Ottomans will have a major role in implanting this new memory.

The project to resettle the Roma, who now hold the Bible in Greek and the new Hebrew language, and whose topics are similar to the Qur’an of most of the region’s residents, will take place over a long period, until numbers of them are spawned in the region, and then they will be gathered from everywhere so that a state can be established. For them in the region after the expulsion of its residents and to be a tool for managing the ambitions of the devils of the West (the Zionist entity).

{Permission is given to those who fight because they have been wronged, and indeed Allah is able to grant them victory. ¤ Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly, unless they say, “Our Allah, Allah.”}

■ Then create the Dirar Mosque to create time and a new magical history……..that is, the center of the new memory that will start from this new and modern center, which is Mecca. The beginning of religion, language, time and history…instead of their ancient first Qibla in Mecca in Misr, where Ibrahim’s shrine was.

{And it is He who withheld their hands from you, and your hands from them in the interior of Mecca, after He had given you victory over them, and Allah is Seeing of what you do. They are the ones who disbelieved and turned you away from Al-Masjid Al Haram, while the sacrificial animal was held back until it reached its place. And had it not been for believing men and believing women, you had not taught them that you would tread on them, and disgrace befall you from them without knowledge, so that Allah might enter into His mercy is whom He wills. If it were removed, We would surely punish those of them who disbelieved with a painful punishment. ¤ Those who made a mosque out of harm and disbelief and to divide the believers and as a guard for those who had fought against Allah and His Messenger before, and that they should swear that we intend nothing but the best. Allah bears witness that they are indeed liars. ¤ Never stand therein a mosque founded on piety from the first day that is more deserving of that. There will arise in it men who love to purify themselves. Allah loves those who purify themselves. Is he who founded his building on piety from Allah and His pleasure better, or he who founded his building on the brink of a scorching cliff, so it collapses with him in the fire of Hell? Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. The structure that they built will remain in their hearts unless it is cut down. Their hearts Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise ¤ Indeed, the first House established for mankind is the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds ¤ In it are clear signs, the place of Ibrahim, and whoever enters it will be safe. And to Allah is the obligation of the people to perform the Hajj to the House, whoever is able to make a way to it, and whoever disbelieves, then Allah is Self-sufficient of the worlds.

■ This is the satanic Zionist-Masonic project that Napoleon, his soldiers, his magicians, and his people brought to the region.

They divided people into sects, sects, and identities, weakened people, tempted people, and distorted the entire natural ancient world. This is the project of the Pharaoh that continues to this day.

{These are the verses of the clear Book. We recite to you from the news of Musa Pharaon with the truth for a people who believe. Indeed, Pharaon exalted himself in the land and made its people into sects. He weakened a party of them, slaughtering their sons and sparing their women. Indeed, he was one of the corrupters. And We wish to bestow blessings upon those who were weakened in the land and to make them imams and to make them heirs. And We empower them in the land, and We will show Pharaon Haman and their soldiers of them what they were wary of. ¤ The Fire they are exposed to morning and evening, and on the day the Hour comes, admit the family of Pharaon to the severest of torment. ¤ And We made the people who were oppressed inherit the easts and wests of the land which We had blessed, and Your Allah’s best word was fulfilled upon the children of Israel because of their patience, and We destroyed what was. Pharaon and his people did what they were not throned}

■ The people were one nation… before the project of Pharaoh and his soldiers who forged the book and divided the illiterate people and made them into sects, sects and identities.

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and they did not differ in it except those who were given it after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth to the truth, with His permission, Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. ¤ It is He who sent among the illiterate people a messenger from among themselves who recites to them His verses and purifies them and teaches them the Book and the wisdom, even though before that they were in clear error ¤ And others among them will not join them, and He is the Mighty, the Wise ¤ That is the bounty of Allah, which He gives to whom He wills Allah is the Possessor of great bounty ¤ Like those who carried the Torah and then did not carry it. Like a donkey carrying books. Miserable is the example of the people who have denied the verses of Allah. Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.}

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