The Holy Qur’an is the recitation of the Torah – 3

The Holy Qur’an is the recitation of the Torah - 3


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What is the interpretation of these verses?!

■ {And how can they judge you when with them is the Torah, in which is the ruling of Allah? Then they turn away after that, and those are not believers.}

The meaning that now exists in the Muslim mind:

That there are Al-Yahoud who asked the Messenger to arbitrate him on a certain issue, so Allah says to the Messenger: How can they judge you when they have the Torah in which is the rule of Allah? That is, the Torah contains the rule of Allah… present and clear. Then they turn away after your ruling and are not believers.

But…..Does the Qur’an specify the identity of the questioner and that they are Al-Yahoud?


Then…. How did the Al-Yahoud judge the Prophet on an issue, when Allah says that the ruling exists and is clear to them in the Torah, and that the Al-Yahoud will not be unable to understand the issue in the Torah?!

Then……. the verse indicates that the revelation addresses the Prophet that there is no benefit from his ruling… because Allah’s ruling is clear in the Torah… and because your ruling will be the same as Allah’s ruling… there is no benefit… because they They will turn away and will not believe.

The verse addresses the Prophet in a direct, present tense, not in the past tense, meaning that the verse precedes the event… That is, the Al-Yahoud asked for the Prophet’s arbitration, so the Prophet waited… and the revelation came down with this verse… to direct the Prophet in the manner of action….. That is, The verse… indicates that the Prophet will not carry out the Al-Yahoud’ request… because the revelation tells him that there is no benefit… because they will not believe.

Is the issue so difficult that the Al-Yahoud ask the Messenger about an issue that exists for them in the Torah? Then why is the ruling so difficult and they ask the Prophet… and they do not acknowledge it… If the Torah is specific to the Al-Yahoud, then they are more knowledgeable about the affairs of their book?! …Unless the Prophet had a strong relationship with the Torah…and the Torah was among his specialty and mission

But according to the books of interpretations of the legacy of the Ottoman printer… the essence of the matter is an incident of adultery… The Al-Yahoud went to the Messenger to rule between them on the issue of adultery… and his ruling was the reason for two Al-Yahoud to convert to Islam…

That is, the ruling… which Allah commanded His Prophet to rule is the ruling for a married adulterer… which is stoning. . Allah has sent down the Torah in which it explains what these Al-Yahoud asked the Prophet about the ruling on married adulterers.

Is there, in the previous verses, any small reference to the subject of adultery?!

The Qur’an does not speak at all about this matter…but the Muslim currently believes that Al-Tabari is Jebril, and believes in his words…even though the Qur’an does not say a word of what Al-Tabari said.

So…Does the Qur’an specify the nature of the issue that the Prophet was asked to rule on, or is there a previous context for the verse that makes us realize the nature of the issue?


The sentence (and how will they rule over you)… is the beginning of an unknown topic, and we do not know what it is…. We do not know the nature of the ruling that the Prophet was asked to rule with… and we do not know the identity of those who asked for the Prophet’s arbitration.. .. Their identity is unknown.

But the topic is related to the Torah, because the verse speaks that the Torah, with them, contains the rule of Allah.

this means

In order to know what is the ruling that was requested from the Prophet… we will find it in the Torah… which contains the ruling of Allah that was requested from the Prophet… but the identity of those who asked for the Prophet’s ruling… is still unknown.

■ Let us go to the Qur’anic sentence that follows it. Perhaps it will clarify the issue more and remove the ambiguity and unknowns.

{Indeed, We have sent down the Torah, in which is guidance and light. The prophets who submitted to those who were Al-Yahoud judged by it, and the Rabbis and the Rabbis, because they had guarded themselves from the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it. So do not fear people, but fear Me, and do not exchange My verses for a small price. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – those are the disbelievers.}

This verse… speaks in general and not specifically… as if it were explaining the established general rule, for every time and place: that the Torah was revealed in general and contains guidance and light for all, and a tool of judgment for the prophets.

The verse does not specifically address the Prophet…. Rather, the verse speaks about the prophets.

What does this mean?!

This means that the topic is general…that is, the Torah is as if it were a reference for everyone

That is, the ruling that was requested from the Prophet… may be a general ruling… and not a ruling related to a private, personal, family, or tribal incident.

It may be a special ruling… because the Torah in general is the reference for arbitration for everyone.

The verse (And they have the Torah in which is the rule of Allah) will mean that the prophets will rule by the rule of Allah found in the Torah.

But the verse speaks in general that the Torah was sent down to be judged by the prophets who submitted to those who were Jewish, the rabbis, and the rabbis.

The verse is clear….and identifies those who sought the Prophet’s ruling.

Two teams, not one team

Those who converted to Islam (the Muslims)… those who converted to Judaism (the Al-Yahoud), the rabbis and the rabbis


Verse (because they preserved the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it)

This verse indicates ……….. that the issue is related to the Book of Allah, preserved or hidden by a party and two witnesses to it… and further clarifies that the issue is not in the Torah itself at all, an arbitration related to the Book of Allah.

The issue becomes clear that it has a relationship with the Book of Allah…that is, the arbitration is based on what a group retained from the Book of Allah and to which they were martyrs.

That is, the essence of the issue… is that a group memorized the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it.

But what is the relationship between the Torah and the Book?

Would the meaning of the verse be correct if we said:

{Indeed, We sent down the Book, in which is guidance and light. The prophets who submitted to it judged those who were Al-Yahoud, and the divines and the rabbis, because they preserved the Book of Allah and were witnesses to it.}

So the verse….. talks about something whose identity is unknown and about the Book of Allah, and this unknown thing is linked to a relationship with the Book of Allah, because it will be a source of arbitration. Through this unknown thing, the prophets who surrendered to those who were Jewish and the rabbis will be judged by what they reserved and concealed from. Book Of Allah .

What is related to the book and can reveal the book?

Written scripts….that is, the Book of Allah is written in the scripts of the Torah.

As long as the Book of Allah is written in the lines of the Torah, the issue is at the heart of the Messenger’s mission… and the matter is not a personal issue, but rather an issue related to the verses (If We have sent down to you the Book).

So the issue is arbitration between two groups… Muslims and Al-Yahoud, rabbis.

On a topic that may be general or specific

Now the verse

(Do not be afraid of people’s words, but be afraid.)

Now the speech is for the Muslim… Why? …Very easy….as long as the text contains direct speech in the plural and imperative form……..and the Muslim is the one who believes in the Qur’an…then the speech is his.

The topic does not require intelligence and they understood it… The speech is for the Muslim… Allah is speaking to the Muslim.

But the legacy of the Ottoman printer…deliberately interprets this verse as saying that Allah is addressing the scholarly Jewish rabbis…that they should not fear the people and implement Allah’s ruling according to them in their book.

So, the verse……..contains a speech to the Muslim group…to implement the ruling of Allah found in the Torah. This group should not fear people, but should fear Allah.

The ruling is linked to the Muslim… and not to the Al-Yahoud and the rabbis.

The verse…. (Do not exchange the verses of Allah for a small price)

Also……..Allah is now addressing the Muslim…as long as the verse contains a speech in the universal form….and the Muslim is the one who believes in the Qur’an…then the speech is his.

That is, do not exchange the verses of Allah found in the Book of Allah for a small price.

(And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – those are the disbelievers.)

And whoever does not rule by what Allah has revealed… those are the disbelievers… meaning everyone as long as the matter involves Allah’s rule.

Although arbitration is linked to the prophets…but the verse now speaks in general…it is required of all people, including the Muslim, that whoever does not rule according to what Allah revealed in the Torah…is an unbeliever.

The word infidel… means one who covers the truth.

The essence of the issue is related to the Muslim more than any other person, because it is linked to the Book of Allah… Allah… which the Muslim believes in.

So….what is the relationship between the Torah, the Book, and the verses of Allah?!

We said previously.. that the Torah is the lines of the book.

As long as the Torah is the source of judgement, and Allah commands us not to buy Allah’s verses for a small price… the verses are present in the Torah.

That is, the Torah contains all of Allah’s signs.

That is, what is meant by the verses of Allah is not a special ruling… but rather the verses of the Book

With the evidence {A L R ¤ These are the verses of the Book and a clear Qur’an}.

That is,… A L R… are the verses of the Book… that is, do not exchange those verses for a small price, and whoever does not judge by us, Allah has revealed verses in the Torah – those are the disbelievers.

Here we are certain that the topic is linked to the lines of the Book, since the Torah contains the verses of the Book…and the verses of Allah are meant by the letters of the Book, the Book of Allah…then the Messenger will recite from the verses of the Book.

But we must move to the next verse… until we are certain or the issue becomes clearer… and all the unknowns of the issue become clear… But before moving to the next verse, there is an important note that must be made:

Reason and logic say… that the word of Allah precedes the work of the Prophet, meaning that the word of Allah does not come after the work of the Prophet… because if it came after the work of the Prophet, the word of Allah would be… human words… and a book of history.

Because the prophet is the one who directly applies the word of Allah, the mission of the prophet is to convey Allah’s message… and the word of Allah is not yet to come… to support the work of the prophet.

In other words… the Qur’an is not as it came to us from the books of the legacy of the Ottoman printer… which canceled the meanings of the Qur’an… and made the Messenger prior to the Qur’an. So the Qur’an became a finished speech.

His name is a prophet and a messenger… and he receives the revelation and does as the revelation tells him, and then carries out what was stated in the revelation.

{And follow what is revealed to you and be patient until Allah judges, and He is the Best of judges}

{And if you do not bring them a sign, they say, “Why did you not bring it?” Say, “I only follow what is revealed to me from my Allah.” These are insights from your Allah, and guidance and mercy for a people who believe.)

The Messenger follows the word of Allah… and not the opposite as we have received from the books of the Ottoman heritage… which made… Allah Almighty follow the words and actions of the Messenger… because the heritage that reached the Muslim was from the Ottoman printer. ….I made the word of Allah revealed after every incident or saying of the Prophet.

■ Let us move to the third text {And We prescribed for them therein that a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and qisas for wounds. But whoever gives it in charity, it is an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge according to what Allah revealed – those are the wrongdoers.}


According to the book Tafsir al-Tabari and the heritage that reached us from the Ottoman printer… Interpretation of the verse:

We wrote against these Al-Yahoud who rule over you, O Muhammad, and they have the Torah in which is the rule of Allah.

What he means by saying: “We wrote” in which we imposed on them that they should judge the soul if it kills a soul without right to the soul, means: that the killing soul be killed for the killed soul. {And an eye for an eye} He says: And we imposed on them therein that they put out an eye whose owner had put out a similar one from another soul for an eye, and cut off a nose for a nose, and cut off an ear for an ear, and pull out a tooth for a tooth, and retaliate from someone else who wounded someone unjustly to the wounded… because the Al-Yahoud used to gouge out an eye for two eyes.. And they cut off one ear with two ears, and according to the words of al-Tabari… Allah commands them to cut off an eye for an eye and an ear for an ear.

Whoever does not rule according to this ruling is an unbeliever.


If we assume the validity of Al-Tabari’s interpretations and the legacy of the Turkish printer… and believe in them… they confirm the invalidity of the entire tradition’s statements about the incident of adultery.

Rather, this verse… must make every Muslim abandon the reasons for the revelation of this verse… about the ruling on the married adulterer… because this verse explains the nature of the ruling found in the Torah… which Allah commanded. He instructed him to rule accordingly, and it is the ruling of qisas and an eye for an eye.

The verse is clear… and the context is clear… in that it explains the previously unknown in the verses… This verse… defines for us the nature of the ruling we were looking for… that is, the ruling of qisas and not the ruling of adultery.

correct ?!

So… it seems that the issue… is related to a ruling in a criminal case, and the Messenger had asked him to judge between Muslims and Al-Yahoud… a fight took place between them… and the Messenger decided between them by the ruling of the Torah.


But before explaining this verse… we must review other topics related to this verse.

This verse has been discussed by many historians, researchers, and interpreters.

■ As for the commentators

It is a ruling from Allah that a Muslim must abide by, in the same way as what Allah decreed for the Al-Yahoud.

Because the verse talks about an incident with the Messenger….but he is obligated to act on this ruling. Because Allah commands the Muslim to act according to this ruling… {And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – those are the wrongdoers}

■ As for the innovators, the enlightened, and the advocates of humanity

They said that this is a ruling that was imposed on the Al-Yahoud in the past, and Islam came to abolish this ruling… because this is the law of the jungle.

Because the verse says…. We prescribed for them in it… and he did not say and we prescribed for you or it was written for you…. meaning, it is a ruling specific to them. The law of Islam came to be abrogated and nullified.

■ But let us postpone these people’s explanations……… because I am busy talking to historians, because they have something else to say… especially historians from our people in Iraq.

Western historians in general…and their students among our historians, especially the historians from our people in Iraq, confirm categorically that this ruling was transmitted to the Al-Yahoud from the Iraqi civilization, during the period of Babylonian captivity, because they were influenced by the Code of Hammurabi.

Hammurabi…is considered the first to enact laws on earth

Who is Hammurabi?

(Hammurabi in Akkadian is pronounced Amorabi and means the arrogant one)

He ruled Babylon between 1728-1686 BC. He was the sixth king of Babylon and the first king of the Babylonian Empire. He inherited power from his father, Sin-Mubalit. Mesopotamia was divided states struggling for power. It alone formed an empire that included all of Iraq and the cities near the Levant, up to the coasts of the Mediterranean, Elam, and other regions. Hammurabi was a military figure with administrative, organizational and military capabilities.

His famous obelisk, carved from black diorite stone, is now preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

It is considered one of the oldest and most comprehensive laws in Mesopotamia and even the world. The Code of Hammurabi contains 282 articles that deal with various affairs of economic and social life, and it is very precise about the duties and rights of individuals in society, each according to his job and responsibility. The Code of Hammurabi, which was issued in the last years of his reign, includes the pinnacle of what the country’s political and cultural unity had reached. The law was applied to all the cities and regions that were annexed by the Babylonian state. The law included various legal rules and provisions, such as the principle of compensation, the principle of qisas, the principle of the inadmissibility of abuse of individual rights, and the principle of force majeure. Some laws were amended and the rules required by the new stage were added. through which the empire passes.

There are researchers, most notably Mr. Sami Al-Badri, Head of the Department of Comparative Religions – The Islamic Institute in Britain, who believe that Hammurabi came 300 years after Ibrahim and not before him, and that the naming of Hammurabi means the friend of the Allah (not the gods), and the Code of Hammurabi is only an adapted copy of the books of the Prophet Ibrahim, and therefore we find convergence. It is possible between it and the Torah, even though the Al-Yahoud did not take any of the laws from the Babylonians. Rather, it is the similarity that occurred between the books of the Prophet Ibrahim and the books of the Prophet Musa, and this is a matter that many tried to circumvent for religious or political reasons.

— Comparison between the Code of Hammurabi and the laws of the Torah —

Code of Hammurabi: If a master gouged out the eye of the son of a noble, they must gouge out his own eye.

Law of the Torah: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth (Leviticus).

Code of Hammurabi: If a master breaks another master’s bone, they must break his own. If a master pulls out the tooth of a master of his class, they must pull out his tooth.

Torah law: If a master breaks another master’s bone, they must break his own bone. If a master pulls out the tooth of a master of his class, they must pull out his tooth.


This historical interpretation… finds great popularity among our brothers in Iraq… a source of pride… The Stele of Hammurabi… Hammurabi is the father of laws. Rather, it is considered evidence that they are proud of………. However, the Al-Yahoud were robbed of their ancient civilization when they were in Babylon during the era of the Babylonian captivity.

I will be frank with you until the end….. I now do not belong to anywhere except Iraq…… That is, I am now a shameless Iraqi and of pure origin. And when I speak… I will speak in the name of one Iraqi.

For Allah’s sake………..Are these super-genius laws that man brags about and for which an obelisk is made that exists in the museum of a malicious colonialist? Do you expect that man 5000 years ago…..was incapable of establishing laws that regulate his life? For example.. Brother, we have customs and laws without writing them down… We inherited them… The matter is not supernatural or genius.

“If a master breaks the bone of another master, they must break his bone. If a master pulls out the tooth of a master of his class, they must pull out his tooth. If a master puts out the eye of a nobleman’s son, they must put out his own eye.”

Is there any Iraqi to this day, even historians, who can read those obelisk inscriptions, or understand them, but the Westerner created an obelisk and created a language for it and wrote that it means everything he wrote in the Arabic language.

Say what you want about me… I am speaking now… not from any standpoint that comes to your mind… I am speaking this from the standpoint… that the issue has reached the throat… because… Something crazy happens. Scary absurdity and no one feels. There is no sense of responsibility.

Forgiveness even if the words are provocative… I am your brother… and I am Iraqi and I have the right to say what I see… and we must speak in several ways… that may upset people.

It is true that the forgery has affected all the inscriptions in the region……..But the situation in Iraq is the worst and most horrific………Because the entire history of Iraq, which the Iraqi brags about…is an expression of the book of the Al-Yahoud in a developed form. .. The history of Iraq is nothing but a confirmation of the Jewish book in a brutal and malicious way, and no one pays attention.

Now they are not writing your history out of love for you……… They are only establishing the roots of the Al-Yahoud and their book in your land… and they confirm the authenticity of the Jewish book, and you are like a deaf person inside a wedding… They are establishing the Al-Yahoud as agents of the West in your land. ……And one day society will find itself devoid of meaning, as the whole earth cries out for its Judaism.

I will summarize the matter simply for you, O Iraqi… Leave all history… and memorize this simple law… It is better for you than the Code of Hammurabi, which consists of 250 laws:

If your inscriptions are not in your language… why are you proud of them… because they are not yours, and you are not a son of Iraq… you are of little origin… an outsider… try to understand, assimilate and feel this law well… …The language of your ancestors’ inscriptions is exactly the same as the language of the highest sacred text in your possession… which you inherited from your ancestors.

Understand, please

Now… How does the historian understand this Quranic text?! .

It is understood that this Quranic verse… is evidence that confirms that the Qur’an talks about the laws of qisas in the Torah… which were stolen from the Code of Hammurabi and which the Iraqi is proud of… and it is evidence. However, the Al-Yahoud during the time of the Prophet distorted the law… and the Prophet came to correct their distortion and restore the law… to the same as it was in the Torah… an eye for an eye, etc.. that is, the same law of Hammurabi that the Iraqi brags about.

But the meaning is not this

I will be honest with you until the end

Believe me…that the texts of the Book of the Al-Yahoud, this obelisk, and the story of Hammurabi…were all fabricated by the satanic imagination of the West in a single, modern period of time…to distort the meaning of this very small verse. In the Holy Quran.

to imagine ?!

I am very honest in what I say

What do these words mean, O Iraqi?

This means that all the history that the West wrote for you… is an illusion and falsehood. Just a hypothetical imaginary novel…. it has no reality… because you, my mother, cannot read your inscriptions.. and I surrender to the West’s translations for you.. If you could read them, the occupier would not have laughed at you…….. and the main goal of this History: You and your community who carry this Qur’anic text…the main goal…is to falsify and distort your mind, your awareness, your surroundings, and your collective affiliation…just a strategic, intellectual, political project, to control you and program your awareness. …..You are the one who carries this Quranic text.


Now let us return to the interpreters and innovators

According to this verse, this ruling is specific to the Al-Yahoud… that is, it is found in their book and does not represent a Muslim, but a Muslim applies this ruling. Because Allah commands the Muslim to act with this ruling… it is strange and strange… because the verse says… We prescribed for them in it… and he did not say and we prescribed for you or it was written for you…. that is, it is a ruling specific to them.

So how did the commentators make this verse…as a ruling for a Muslim?

As for the enlightened one… where does he go with the sentence (and whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed)?

Then how does Allah address the Al-Yahoud through the Qur’an… Isn’t the Qur’an the Muslim’s book?! …Allah addresses the Al-Yahoud…….. As for the Muslim, he is in the role of a spectator. He follows and watches the incident and has nothing to do with it. He is disabled.

Because this verse does not mean all of the above

– It does not mean the Code of Hammurabi, which the Iraqi boasts about, saying that the Al-Yahoud stole a very ordinary text from it… and it was as if the world had only given birth to Hammurabi so that people would know such laws.

If a master pulls out the tooth of a master of his class, they must pull out his tooth. If a master puts out the eye of the son of a noble, they must put out his eye.

– It does not mean the laws of the Jewish book

Fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.

– It does not mean Al-Tabari’s interpretations and the legacy of the Ottoman printer

“That the murdering soul be killed for the killed soul. {And an eye for an eye} He says: And We imposed on them therein that they put out an eye whose owner had gouged out a similar one from another soul for an eye, and cut off a nose for a nose, and cut off an ear for an ear, and pull out a tooth for a tooth, and retaliate from someone else who wounded him in injustice to the wounded… Because the Al-Yahoud used to gouge out an eye for two eyes… and cut off an ear for two ears, and according to the words of Al-Tabari… Allah commands them to do it, an eye for an eye and an ear for an ear.”

Rather, believe me… that the book of the Al-Yahoud, the story of Hammurabi, his law, and the legacy of the Ottoman printer are among the books of interpretations that reached Muslims, all of which were written and invented by one mind……. a satanic mind that inhabits the West. All of them were written and invented at the same time… They all came out of one room… to distort this small text found in the Qur’an.

to imagine ?!

I am very honest in what I say

What do these words mean, O Iraqi?

That the story of Hammurabi, his obelisk, the book of the Al-Yahoud, and the books of interpretations of the Qur’an were all created by one project… one mind… at one time. For one goal, to distort the meanings of the Qur’an… and falsify your mind so that you read the Qur’an in a distorted way… This project designed all this story to make you believe that this text in the Qur’an means… to knock out an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Nose to nose.

Because if you discover the correct meaning of the text, the threads of the game you are inside will be revealed to you… and they do not want anyone to leave it until their plan is implemented.

Imagine….they wrote for you the story of Hammurabi and his code…so that you can be proud of it with all the power Allah has given you…so that you believe, with all the power Allah has given you, that this Qur’anic text means the code of Hammurabi…it will poke out an eye with an eye and a tooth. Basin… This means that the Qur’an confirms Hammurabi… and Hammurabi confirms the Qur’an… and you are inside this circle designed by the West… the circle of conspiracy.

This means… that the story of Hammurabi is an illusion… a false imagination… its function is to program you only… and this means that this story was created in order to distort your mind… it even means that the book of the Al-Yahoud was also written at the same time that The West designed the story of Hammurabi… in a recent time… and not 3000 years ago… haha… and it also means………. that the books of interpretations came out in the same time period. In order to distort your mind in all aspects… so that you do not understand the Qur’anic text… and this age is almost the same age as the Ottoman printer.

So Hammurabi’s role in the story is only… distorting your mind throughout history… and Judaism is just a strategic political project… and interpretations of the Qur’an are a political project implemented by the Turks.

Why ?

Because this text….. {And We prescribed for them therein that a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and qisas for wounds. But whoever gives it in charity, it will be an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – those are the wrongdoers.}

It does not mean a criminal case….. Rather, it means the case of a nation that was subjected to a satanic conspiracy… that does not occur to the mind or heart of any human being on earth.

This text… means these symbols… drawn in the picture… and this text is very, very dangerous… and its danger… is the reason for the fabrication of the story of Hammurabi, the Jewish texts, and the interpretations of the Qur’an. .. Because it explains to you 50% of the essence of the verses of the Book… and how to read the Torah (which the West falsely called hieroglyphics), because the Qur’an was originally written in this script.

So when the revelation addresses you in the Qur’an….and do not exchange My verses for a small price….then the revelation means by the verses….these symbols drawn in the picture.

The eye, nose, tooth, ear, etc…. drawn in the picture

These are the verses… the drawn symbols……. which you should not buy for a small price… otherwise you will be disbelievers.

These are some of the verses of the Torah…the verses of the Book of Allah…….that were hidden by the project…and that were written in the ancient mosques in Misr (which are falsely called temples).

{And who is more unjust than he who prevents the mosques of Allah from being mentioned in them and strives to destroy them? Those are not to enter them except in fear. For them in this world is disgrace, and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.}


But what is the interpretation, explanation, or meaning of this text, or what is the meaning specifically…an eye for an eye…and a nose for a nose…and wounds are qisas?!

{And We decreed for them therein that a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and qisas for wounds. But whoever gives it in charity, it will be an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – those are the wrongdoers.}

Allah willing….in an upcoming article



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