The Holy Quran – Who is Abu Lahab?

The Holy Quran - Who is Abu Lahab?


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{Abu Lahab’s hands may repent and he will repent (1) His wealth and what he has earned have availed him (2) He will pray in a blazing fire (3) and his wife will carry firewood (4) in her buttocks there will be a rope made of oil (5)}

Who is Abu Lahab?

Let us leave the story of Abu Lahab in the heritage, and let us try to understand the story of Abu Lahab from the Qur’an itself, without the intermediary of another book, or without relying on human books.

I believe that the name Abu Lahab is not a nickname as stated in the literature, and it seems to me to be a lie of history, because the name Abu Lahab seems to me like a man who has a son whose name is Lahab or his description.

According to the surah, this man’s hands did something corrupt and he earned a lot of money from the corruption of his hands?

If we search in the essence of the speech of the Qur’an for corruption that comes from the hand, it will only be forgery and distortion of the Book of Allah. Therefore, we believe that Abu Lahab gets a lot of money in exchange for forgery and distortion of the Book of Allah.

{Indeed, those who conceal what Allah has revealed of the Book and exchange it for a small price – those take nothing into their bellies except fire, and Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection nor purify them, and for them is a painful punishment.}

What is the relationship with his wife?

It seems that his wife is just a sign in order to find this person, as his wife is carrying firewood, and a rope in her hand.

I believe that Abu Lahab’s identity can only be understood from within the Qur’an itself…but the Qur’an itself does not talk about Abu Lahab except in one place.

problem ?

But in my belief……. Abu Lahab’s identity can be understood in the Qur’an through his attributes mentioned in this Surah and not through his name.

how ?!

First… what are the characteristics of Abulhab?

He makes a lot of money, and has a wife.

Now let us try to search for a character in the Qur’an related to money.

If we read the entire Qur’an from the first surah to the last surah, we will find that there is an unknown and hidden character, and he repeatedly appears and is talked about in many verses of the Qur’an. Throughout the Qur’an, we encounter talk about an unknown person, as if he were like a curious character, and what is strange about the matter is that This character is always linked to money, with the same story as Abu Lahab.

{Woe to every slanderer (1) He who has accumulated wealth and counted it (2) He thinks that his wealth has left him eternally (3) Both of them will be scattered in the ruins (4) And how can you know what the ruins are (5) The burning fire of Allah (6) that rises upon the hearts (7)}

He was a person who was a hustler and a lama and collected money and thought that the money would immortalize him.

We began to discover other qualities, Hamaz and Lamaz, and according to money, he would be immortalized.

What is the meaning of Hamaz and Lemaz?

Let’s look for meaning in another verse

{And do not obey every contemptible slanderer (10) A slanderer who walks with gossip (11) A detractor of goodness, a transgressor and sinner (12) A detractor after that, a rebellious person (13) If he has wealth and children (14) When Our verses are recited to him, he will say: Legends of the ancients (15) We will brand him with the hose. (16)}

Now we have other qualities… an alliance, a prompter, a protector of goodness, an arrogant person, a possessor of wealth and children, and when the verses of Allah are recited to him, he says the writings of the ancients.

Al-Hammaz is the one who spreads gossip

And Lamaz….. is the one who prevents goodness (the word Lamza is still used in some dialects of the region as an adjective for a very stingy person)…….. The word Lamaz means very stingy, but I believe that the word in the Qur’an means a person who is stingy in showing goodness. That is, preventing goodness from people.

{And let not those who are stingy with what Allah has given them of His bounty think that it is good for them; nay, it is evil for them. They will be surrounded by what they were stingy with on the Day of Resurrection. And to Allah is the inheritance of the heavens and the earth. Allah is All-Aware of what you do.}

{Those who are stingy and command people to be stingy and conceal what Allah has given them of His bounty. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment}

But the new characteristics of this character are that he is a zanim, even if he has money and children. This means that the man may not know that he is a zanim.

As for the thing that confirms our first conclusion about Abu Lahab and that his hands tampered with and forged the Book of Allah, it is the new information provided by this verse, that he is a man to whom the verses of Allah were recited, and he said that they were the writings of the ancients.

Important note: The word legends in the Qur’an means writings.

Among the information about the man, the Qur’an tells us that he will mark this person on Khartoum.

{We have created man in a liver. (4) Does he think that no one will prevail over him? (5) He says, “I have destroyed what was lost forever.” (6) Does he think that no one has seen him? (7) Did We not make for him two eyes (8) and a tongue and lips (9) and We guided him to help? The Aqaba and how do you know what an Aqaba is? Loosing a neck}

These verses tell us new characteristics about this character.

He created this human being in the liver……… and he calculated that no one would be able to control him, and he calculated that no one would see him, and he spent a lot of money and did not attack the obstacle, which is the breaking of his neck.

This character did something secret and hidden that he thought no one would reach or see, and he spent a lot of money as well, but he was unable to break into the obstacle (breaking a neck).

What is the hidden and secret thing?

There is another verse that talks about an unknown person

{And as for him who was given his book behind his back – he will call for destruction – and will be thrown into a burning fire – indeed he was pleased with his family – he thought that he would not change it – indeed, indeed, his Allah is ever Seeing of it.}

He was given the book and hid it from the people. ..And he was happy and happy among his family and thought that he would not be discovered, but Allah was All-Seeing about him…So the hidden and secret work that this person did is related to the Book of Allah and

One of the new characteristics discovered is that he was given the book and hid it behind his back, and he was very happy among his family…and he believed that no one would see it.

Let’s look for other verses

{Leave me and whomever You created alone (11) And I made for him abundant wealth (12) and sons as witnesses (13) and prepared for him a preparation (14) Then he desires that I should add more (15) No, indeed he was obstinate towards Our signs (16) I will exhaust him in his ascension (17) Indeed, he thought and determined ( 18) Then he was killed as he decreed (19) then he was killed as he decreed (20) then he looked (21) then he frowned and haughtily (22) then he turned away and was arrogant (23) and said, “This is nothing but magic that affects (24) this is nothing but the words of humans.”

New information about this person.

He was alone…and Allah gave him money…and children as witnesses…and he was very stubborn before the signs of Allah.

The most beautiful information here… is that the Qur’an describes the condition of this person when Allah gave him His signs:

He thought… then he looked and contemplated… then he frowned (his face frowned) and was secretive… then he turned away (turned away) and became arrogant… and said that this is nothing but magic… and this is the words of a human being. And it is not the word of Allah.

There is another verse that also talks about a person who went to his family

{No, when it reaches the two throats (26) and it is said who broke up (27) and thought it was parting (28) and the leg turned to the leg (29) to Your Allah on that day the path (30) then neither spoke the truth nor prayed (31) but lied and turned away (32) then went to (33) It is better for you, so it is better (34) Then it is more worthy for you, so it is better (35) Does man think that he will be left in vain? (36) Was he not a drop of semen from the right hand? (37) Then he was a clot, so he was created and he was made (38) and He made from him the two pairs, the male and the female (39) (Is he not able to give life to the dead?)

The verse gives us new information…….. It says that he was given the book according to the previous verse, but he lied and turned away, and went to his family happily and bragging.

Rather, it gives us the most important information… which describes the first word he said when Allah’s signs reached him… when he thought, looked, frowned, lied, and turned away.

And it was said that he was classy

Let’s go to something else

{Have you seen the one who disbelieved in Our signs and said, “I will be given wealth and children. (77) Has he seen the unseen, or has he taken a covenant with the Most Merciful? (78) No, We will record what he says, and extend for him a range of torment. (79) And We will inherit from him what he says, and he will come to Us alone. (80)}

These verses definitively confirm that the matter of this person is related to the verses of the Book of Allah. He hid them and disbelieved in them, and said that they were the writings of the ancients. He obtained money and one son (Lahab). Did he see the unseen that his matter would not be revealed? Did he not obtain a covenant? From the Most Gracious that He does not reveal His affairs, He will write down everything He said.


Finally, there is the verse that needs someone to recite it to people

{And recite to them the story of the one to whom We had given Our signs, but he slipped away from them, so Shaytan followed him, and he was of the misguided. And if We had willed, We would have lifted him up therewith, but he settled down to the earth and followed his own desires. So his likeness is like a dog. If you lift it upon it, it panteth, or leave it panting. That is like the people who disbelieved in Our signs. So tell the stories, that they may reflect.)

Notice how the previous verse

{He thinks that his wealth has immortalized him}

And in this verse

{But he went down to earth}

This indicates that we are facing one character, who preferred eternity on earth.

The person is in the verses

{Woe to every slanderer (1) He who has accumulated wealth and his number (2) thinks that his wealth has immortalized it.}

He is the same person referred to in the verses

{And recite to them the story of the One to whom We had given Our signs, but he slipped away from them, and Shaytan followed him, and he was one of the misguided. (175) And had We willed, We would have raised him up with them, but he remained for the earth and followed his desires.}

This confirms to us that the story of this man revolves around the Book of Allah, and that this person obtained the Book of Allah….but he followed Shaytan and his desires, so he tampered with the Book of Allah and hid it and thought that no one would see it, and he received in return for this work. He has a lot of money and the privilege of immortality on earth.

Now…….. What is the evidence that the story of the Prophet’s uncle, Abu Lahab, is a false story and its function is to cancel the Qur’an and eliminate the meanings of the Qur’an from reaching the Muslim?

As we talked about previously, we discovered the repeated appearance of an unknown character throughout the Qur’an, and he bears the same characteristics as Abu Lahab related to money, and this indicates that he is Abu Lahab.

But someone might say… that this conclusion does not prevent the Prophet’s uncle from being Abu Lahab, which is what is meant in those verses, and his story may be as we have come to know about the Book of Allah, but the heritage books changed the story.

That is, meaning that Abu Lahab is the uncle of the Prophet.

to lie

Why ?

We have come to the conclusion that Abu Lahab was the one to whom Allah gave His signs and who escaped from them

{And recite to them the story of the One to whom We had given Our signs, but he slipped away from them, and Shaytan followed him, and he was one of the misguiders.}

The story of this person is a piece of news…and the news will happen in the future or it happened in the past before the Prophet, according to some people’s belief in understanding the word news, and this means that the man was not a contemporary of the Prophet at all.

How could he become his uncle when he was his contemporary?

In fact, it has become absolutely certain for me that the story of Abu Lahab, which appears in heritage books as the uncle of the Prophet, is false and deliberately fabricated, because we have come to know this person well.

{Have you seen the one who disbelieved in Our signs?}

And We will recite to you the story of Abu Lahab, to whom Allah gave His signs, but he slipped away from them and followed Shaytan and his desires, and the virtue of money and eternity on earth, and his story, so that you may reflect.

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