The impossibility of matching a book on leaves with ancient writing

The impossibility of matching a book on leaves with ancient writing

10/15/2021 0:00:01

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This means three things:

– It is impossible for Allah to have sent down a book to people on stationery, and this means that the Muslim must be aware that the book in his hands is not the one written on stationery, and that his book exists on tablets and not on stationery, as the false story of Mecca told them.

– It is impossible for Allah to have sent down a foreign book to people, and this means that the Muslim must be well aware that the book of so-called Judaism written in a foreign language is not a book from Allah, nor is it a book of religion revealed by Allah, but rather it is projects of deception and deception on earth. And their book is not called the Torah. The Torah is ancient written lines on tablets and is in an Arabic language.

– It is impossible that Allah sent down a book in an Arabic language while there are non-Arabs on earth, and this means that a Muslim must be aware, understand and assimilate that the Arabic language was the language of people on the entire earth, before a project comes out on earth that seeks to change the language of the people on earth. .

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