The Jordanian pilot and the two European tourists in Morocco

The Jordanian pilot and the two European tourists in Morocco


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In politics in general…any practical step taken by the state must be preceded by a media campaign that convinces the people of that step in any way or manner.

There must be popular support for every practical step taken by any country… and this falls within the issue of the security of the ruling system. It is a necessary measure in the policies of countries and must never be absent from them.

You will confirm this when you review the Jordanian pilot burning incident.

how ?

As everyone knows……….. Religious discourse is considered the most powerful media influence tool in our societies, because through it it is possible to quickly and strongly influence people.

Therefore, you always find Saudi Arabia and countries in the region that follow Saudi Arabia’s political path, addressing its people and the peoples of the region on political issues through the media using religious discourse. They cannot convince the masses of the reasons for hostility towards Iran except through the story of Shiites and Sunnis or Arabs and Magians.

Jordan was among those countries that allowed its media to use religious discourse to justify the policies of the Jordanian regime.

Therefore, the Jordanian regime was well aware of the consequences of taking a political step contrary to the previous rhetoric with which they had inundated the Jordanian people, because it would backfire with risks to their internal security.

The Jordanian regime received orders to participate in the international coalition to fight ISIS. The apparent coalition was to fight ISIS, but the hidden and real side was not an alliance to fight ISIS, but rather it was an alliance to support ISIS, made up of officers and soldiers working for Western and regional intelligence and foreign and brainwashed mercenaries, with the aim of overthrowing the state of Syria and Iraq.

But the Jordanian regime was well aware that it had opened the way for the media in Jordan to use religious discourse to guide society with the regime’s policy, and was aware that religious media had been injected into all political issues within society in Jordan, and was well aware that there was a large percentage in society Jordanians have become sympathizers with ISIS, as representatives of the Sunnis and against the Magians and Shiites, seeking to fulfill the masses’ dream of the caliphate.

How will the Jordanian regime enter into an alliance to fight ISIS, which is the adoration of a large percentage of the masses in Jordan?!

A step like this will have a negative impact on its internal security, because it will generate a state of popular resentment and discontent with the Jordanian ruling regime.

What is the solution ?

A play must be directed to give popular legitimacy to the Jordanian regime so that it can participate in the Western alliance.

The play The Jordanian Pilot was designed with this direction and huge cinematography from several angles, and with those touching scenes and slow movements that we find in Hollywood films, when the flame of fire moves slowly until it reaches the pilot’s place in the cage, and then there are scenes in which the brutality is exaggerated. With the appearance of a bulldozer crushing the pilot, and in the final scene of the play, the director shows a very, very, very poignant shot, like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s movie (Terminator), a photo from a professional, close angle of the Jordanian pilot’s hand raised and emerging from under the rubble.

Then at the end of the clip….. written text appears in the film of Ibn Taymiyyah’s fatwa and others, and the words of one of the ISIS soldiers justifying their carrying out this action based on these fatwas written on the screen, citing religious texts to confirm that they are ISIS and convince the masses that it is ISIS. Just like Hollywood movies, when a black screen appears with the names of those involved in making the film, including the musical montage, the actors, the cinematography, and the director.

The oil media showed scenes from the play of burning the Jordanian pilot for the first time on its channels, although the media in general avoids showing ugly and bloody scenes, and deals with the issue intensively and continuously.

The play took the Jordanian street by storm and caused feelings of anger, indignation and pain in the souls of the Jordanian people…and anyone who sympathizes with ISIS is considered a traitor and despicable and will face an angry reaction from the Jordanian people, because they stand with those who kill the Jordanian people with such brutality and crime.

Then the Minister of Defense in Jordan comes out with a statement to the Jordanian people and that the Jordanian army will revolt against the Jordanian soldier. Then the savior king of Jordan (Grandizer) appears, comes out in military uniform and boards a plane to take revenge on ISIS, and the Jordanian citizen is revolted (he revolts against the Jordanian people).

Thus, the Jordanian people agreed to the idea of Jordan entering the Western coalition to fight ISIS, and the play succeeded.

This bad and ugly use of media direction and staging of plays to justify political actions has also, in a negative way, caused the emergence of a group of people in the region, especially those who adopt enlightenment and liberal ideas, who also suffer from an intellectual and intellectual disability, and are unable to understand that Such religious discourse and such plays have nothing to do with religion, but rather they are works with a political function to justify the movements and positions of countries, and they find it difficult to understand this phenomenon that they see every now and then with such media momentum, and they turn it into long articles and analyzes and a process of linking it to religion and Renewing religious discourse.

The story is in one valley, and the people are in another valley that has nothing to do with the truth

A severe mental disability due to the large size of the plays and the large amount of brutal images that the media sends continuously and sticks in people’s minds. This is the reason why they find it extremely difficult to comprehend our telling them that such incidents are theatrics carried out by state agencies to justify an action, and have nothing to do with the truth or with these discussions that they always engage in and this constant fatigue, because their direct, rapid and permanent programming response Do you support ISIS and try to defend it?

The whole world is an illusion.

The tools and means of controlling and controlling the consciousness of the masses have become more powerful and effective. Jordan’s story is exactly the same as Morocco’s story.

I mean, for Allah’s sake…. Are there people who rape and then cut off the heads and then dismember the bodies? Why ?

In the Saudi consulate incident with the Saudi journalist Khashoggi, we learned the logical reason for killing Khashoggi and dismembering his body. They wanted to hide the body permanently.

The director of the play Morocco will answer the previous question for you: ISIS is the reason. They pledged allegiance to ISIS and the news came out confirming this.. and people will be convinced by this simple answer.

Okay…. Oh ISIS, rape and kill while the soul is far away from you and do not cut off the body, or kill while the soul is far away from you and why rape, but the director of the film wants the story like this to increase the brutality of the story, make people uproar and become the talk of the hour among the people.

Why do they do this in the first place, what do they gain? Do they want to make themselves the talk of the media and make people talk with this continuous momentum and become constantly exhausted in understanding such phenomena, and make people engage in intense and long discussions and analyzes all the time, searching for the cause without touching the truth?

The story of Morocco today is the same as the story of Jordan yesterday

This indicates that Morocco is about to take a reversible political step soon, and it is anticipating this step with this fictitious story to prepare people to agree to it.

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