The legacy of Napoleon that still burdens France – according to Macron’s speech

The legacy of Napoleon that still burdens France - according to Macron’s speech

5/5/2021 0:00:01

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When a Western project led by Napoleon prepared a massive military campaign to invade and occupy the region, its campaign included several Western scholars in all fields… He came to the region in order to create a new world order project.

This Western project did not start from Morocco, which is close to Napoleon’s route, but rather from Misr.

Almost ……….This event is the same age as our living local popular memory that is still linked to us today throughout the region. Before this age, there is no sense of the history found in the printer’s books.

This event cannot be forgotten at all, and it can never be hidden from the memory of the peoples because it is still alive, and for this reason it was necessary to think of a smart project, to hide this event as the beginning of the true context of the new reality that the peoples in the region will live.

Therefore, the correct step is to think about creating a new virtual memory for the peoples to be linked with their real, real popular memories, so that the peoples cannot differentiate between the real memory and the imaginary memory, and a complete connection occurs between them… Then the peoples will live within magic.

The importance of creating a new magical memory:

1- So that no society in the region will be able to understand the context of its current reality, and that it is an extension of this invasion and occupation that was carried out on them, because time and magical history will have been implanted in the imagination of society, and have been mixed and linked with real time, and then the peoples will become She is unable to differentiate between real time and magical time, unable to exit magical time, and unable to understand reality and context, and then her thinking becomes always superstitious. She cannot understand and perceive the current reality, and will believe that it is an extension of this magical time, and She will analyze and read her reality through the context of an imaginary magical history.

2- So that societies suffer from a chronic disability in realizing that their reality today is an extension of their popular memory, that is, an extension of this great event that brought about a project to print a new, magical memory for these illiterate peoples.

This process requires:

● Violent, comprehensive occupation of the entire place by force and coercion, then concealing the original archives of these peoples, either by destroying, concealing, or falsifying them.

● A printer to print the new memory texts that were written during a period before the project was implemented, so that this memory can draw the new imagination of the people.

● Creating educational and religious institutions based on the texts of this new memory.

● Because ancient, authentic peoples never abandon the legacy of their ancestors, and make pilgrimages to the most ancient place, the starting point from which they emerged, especially if these peoples still maintain a very sacred text, obliging them to go to this center……. So it is necessary to Cut off this connection, so that real, natural time is cut off from their imagination, and imaginary time can then be implanted in their imagination. Because people’s continued connection to something ancient as a center prevents these peoples’ magic time-making project from succeeding…… The continued connection of peoples to this ancient place means the continued connection of the peoples’ imagination, and this continuous connection will prevent any new memory from infiltrating the peoples’ minds.

Therefore….. the project is also based on replacing this old place to which people make pilgrimages, and accordingly, a new and modern center must be created and it must be made the starting point of the new magical memory, and the starting point of the new magical time and history, a modern center that contributes In making the imagination of these ancient peoples in the subconscious feel that they started from that point and feel that their reality is new and that it is a reality that came after another reality that existed before it.

● Because ancient peoples always preserve the legacy of their ancestors and do not abandon it, it is natural that their oldest written trace will be the beginning of their existence on earth, and will leave an impact on a large area of the earth. Therefore, this book must be hidden and absent, and therefore it must be Forging and concealing this ancient written archive that contains the memory of these peoples.

But the process will be insufficient and requires other steps if these peoples still retain the original (readable) content of this book, and this content is news that talks about this book.

Then it will be necessary to take other additional steps that are very necessary and important, by making a book similar to this news (content – readability of the book), but distorted, different, in a different language, and filled with many additions that conflict with the original content of the book, then searching for a human group and making them believe. With this book, then writing a magical history for them within a hypothetical time that makes their historical existence older than the time of the authors of the original content of the book, then naming the new book with the same original name for the book of these peoples.

Then the news (the truth) that this people memorize cannot reach them, according to a logic that would believe that the same news from them had reached a religious group in ancient times.

But it is not enough……… because the project can steal the name of this people’s book and make it the name of its new book, and it can create a religious group that believes in it.. but after stealing the name from this book, the book will become nameless, Then the project will need to give this book a new name (the book of this people), and when a new name is attached to this book, the book will need another new forgery.

The project requires two steps. The first step is to falsify the unified book in reality in a completely different form that has no connection with reality in a new language, and the second step is to write a book that is somewhat similar to the original content of the book (the original reading) and in another new language.


Therefore, the occupier came before it and the region spread diseases, epidemics and famines until it was exhausted and its population became small…so that it would be easy for him to implement the project and facilitate the occupation process for him.

The occupier came with brutal killing, destruction and sabotage. They divided the region and sought help from the Turks and installed them as their rulers.


■ The most important process that Napoleon came up with…is forging the inscriptions of ancient Misr.

The occupier…brought a stone tablet to Misr written in three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic, and gyptian)…and claimed that he had obtained it by chance in Misr. Historically, it was claimed that this tablet would be the one capable of deciphering the ancient book of this people, due to the presence of Greek writing on it, because it can be read, especially since the stone speaks about one topic.

The story presented by the occupier tried to portray the issue that no one in Misr could read the book of this people, and that when they entered Misr…no one could read this book,

The occupier claimed that he brought the stone to his scholars, and his scholars studied the stone and were able to read the Greek inscription that talks about a Greek king named (Ptolemy)…and they concluded that it was assumed that the circular frame present in the stone in the hieroglyphic writing must It must contain the name (Ptolemy). The occupying scholars claimed that they had found the meaning of the symbols of the circular frame, which was the name of the Greek king (Ptolemy).

If the story was presented just like this, the peoples would ask, and no possible question should be left without filling it with an answer… Who is (Ptolemy), because the peoples’ memory does not know a person with this name who passed by them?!

The occupier’s choice of the name (Ptolemy) was very successful… because the name (Ptolemy) is in fact nothing but the name Talmos… Talmos is magic. This magic (talisman) contained in the stone must be transformed into a real, realistic property, and a real time and history must be created for it, so that it can be stored in the new magical (talismanic) imagination of the peoples of the region.

The occupier will write a great magical history of this magic (Talmos), stating that he was a great Greek king and whose biography resembles the biography of Napoleon, who invaded and occupied Misr, and they will make this king perform actions that are the same as Napoleon’s actions, but in reverse… and a calendar will be made. A magical old time for him.

This is why the occupier must create a magical time…. So the occupier wrote a history about this character that he invented and wrote a history and a kingdom for him inside printed paper and it was filled in his virtual time that he wrote.

The occupier project wrote a story for this (Al-Talmus), doing the same work as the leader of the occupation project, so that this (Al-Talmous) becomes the one who inaugurated the imaginary ancient time that will connect with the current time in which the occupier came… until the imaginary time is linked to the real time and made Connected

A Greek European king (Ptolemy) invaded and occupied Misr

A French European king (Napoleon) invaded and occupied Misr.

(Ptolemy) opened the imaginary religious ancient time of the region.

(Napoleon) opened the true modern era for the region

(Ptolemy) was a lover of science and culture

(Napoleon) was a lover of science and culture

(Ptolemy) translated many books from different languages into Greek

Napoleon had his printer translate books from Greek into Arabic

(Ptolemy) summoned Jewish scholars to Misr to translate a religious book related to a religious group into the Greek language (the Old Testament).

Napoleon summoned scholars to Misr to translate his nation’s sacred religious writing into the Greek language (hieroglyphs).

The truth is, when history told us that Napoleon asked his scholars to decipher the Rosetta Stone, which contains an ancient writing that contains a Greek script, it was nothing but a request from Napoleon to his scholars to visit that writing twice through that stone in which they put the name (Thalmos), forging it twice. …in order to hide him from reality.

The process of hiding that writing requires forgery twice

The first is to falsify the reading of the book, the Torah, in reality (making it a foreign reading).

The second is to forge the name of the book (hieroglyphics), then write a book that resembles the original reading of the book and give it the name of the Torah.

When the occupiers came with that stone and said that they were able to decipher the contents of the book that was in Misr, they actually came to forge it through magic (Ptolemy), because this magic (Ptolemy) is capable of making a book that resembles the original content of the writing (the Old Testament). To be the book of the religious community that will believe in it, and for which a magical time and a magical history will be made that will appear on earth in the time of King (Ptolemy).

After the occupier forged the book in the Jebetic language (Greek) through magic (Ptolemy), and after another group of them wrote a book similar to the content of the original book in a new language, which is Hebrew, and Ptolemy was the one to order the team to translate it into Greek, the occupier and In cooperation with the Turks, they brought in Khazar gypsy tribes, and they made them embrace a new religion and a new book, and they were given the new book (the Bible), which they wrote in the new Hebrew language. Then the Turks, who were appointed by the occupier over the region, settled them in the region during the period of their occupation of it.

These gypsies will carry the new sacred book (the Bible) that was written by order of the occupier, so that it will be the representative of the new magical time of the ancient world for stealing time, history, and the land. It will be implanted and cultivated in the minds of the residents of the region and it will be called (the Torah) because it has now become The representative of the new ancient world with its language, geography, stories and names, and the printer is the one who will print large quantities of this magical new memory… and through the Turks a new time for the ancient world will be printed, and the time and history of the original ancient world will be replaced with a false ancient world. Magic crafted by the occupation’s magicians (Napoleonic scholars), and it will be produced via a printer, and the Turks will have a major role in instilling this new memory.

The project to resettle the Roma, who now hold the Bible in Greek and the new Hebrew language, and whose topics are similar to the Qur’an of most of the region’s residents, will take place over a long period, until numbers of them are spawned in the region, and then they will be gathered from everywhere so that a state can be established. For them in the region after the expulsion of its residents and to be a tool for managing the ambitions of the devils of the West (the Zionist entity).

When you read, you will find that Napoleon came up with the idea of creating a state for the Al-Yahoud with its headquarters in the Levant to manage France’s interests.

Why the Al-Yahoud and their resettlement?!

Why is it not a state that belongs to him…and why did Napoleon not create a state for them at that time, even though he had the capabilities and power through which he could carry out this work? How could he not, since he had occupied the region and Europe and was a famous leader? Isn’t this work difficult for him?!

So why did the world wait until 1948 to create a state for themselves? What prevented Napoleon from undertaking this strategic project, which was the strategic military and political mind?

When you hear this information, you think that Napoleon is talking about a reality in which the Al-Yahoud exist, and he looks at them and wants to create a state for them. Were the Al-Yahoud present at that time when Napoleon spoke about a state for them?!


When the occupier came up with this idea… he was not at that time able to create this state… Rather, he was talking about a project that would be implemented in the future, and he was preparing the project until the appropriate time came when reality would be ready. Officially for the state industry. When the occupier entered the region……. at that time there was no presence of Al-Yahoud in the entire region in any part of the region. The region was completely devoid of Al-Yahoud, and the residents of the region did not know of any presence of Al-Yahoud around them in reality.

How can the occupier create a state for the Al-Yahoud?!

Here begins the role of the Turks.

Almost months before the Turks entered the region… a large meeting took place between Napoleon’s delegate and the governor of Istanbul… and this meeting was nothing but an arrangement between the two parties on an alliance and agreements upon occupying the region and on a plan to implement the strategic project in the region.

This project requires an initially illiterate human group to be created to adopt a religion parallel to the religion of the region and carry a book parallel to the religion of the region, and this human group exists in Asia… the Turkish Gypsies who are present in Asia and the vicinity of the Ottoman Empire.

A human group is created for them a religion and a book that talks about a promised land and that they have a land in which they lived in the Levant, so that a future awareness of the connection of the subject of the land with an ideological aspect from the core of Allah is created and they become a future tool for the benefit of the West.

Why ?!

Until they are settled in the region after occupying it, dividing it, and spawning numbers of them in the region, then they are taken from the region and gathered in the Levant to create a state for them that takes care of the interests of the West.

When Napoleon came up with this idea… he was not able to implement the project at that time… because the Al-Yahoud were still not ready for the operation, and the collective awareness in the region had not yet been fermented and had not been washed through his printer.

What is the importance of their resettlement?!

The project could not have been implemented if Napoleon had placed this human group that would embrace a parallel religion and a parallel religious book in its original homeland and incubate its numbers there……. because at that time it would be an unconvincing act to bring a human group from a far away place, and take it and You put them in a country and say it is their country and they lived there.

The process requires settling them in the majority of the region, in order to make them a living memory in the minds of the residents of the region that they existed on earth, after making the residents of the region through printer’s books believe that the existence of this religion parallel to theirs is only because it is from Allah and that their presence is only because they An evolutionary stage in the religion, and that they preceded them in time… and that the Muslims’ religion came after the religion of these people, according to Allah’s time plan, which will be published through the printer’s books.

Because if they do not have a tangible presence alongside Muslims, it will be difficult to convince a Muslim of Allah’s temporal plan and the religious development of the time that brought them to the current form they are in, which is Islam… except through resettlement.

Without localization, the Muslim will not feel that there is a religion from Allah that precedes his religion… and it will be difficult to convince the Muslim of any new religious novel that will be written for him, about the appearance of a prophet in Mecca… it will be a story full of holes… because writing a story about the appearance of a prophet in Mecca It requires the existence of a previous religion within Allah’s plan and religions that makes the Muslim believe that Islam is the last religion, and people became Muslim because they previously knew the meaning of the prophets and the meaning of Allah, and Islam came to them as the last, correct version.

If there were no Al-Yahoud around Muslims……. the novel would be full of holes. How can people believe in the story of Mecca… unless they know the meaning of the prophets… If they did not know the meaning of the prophets in the past, then how could they have converted to Islam?

So the Al-Yahoud have a book that resembles the book of the Muslims…. Therefore, the Muslim will be convinced that Allah made his religion before him according to Allah’s temporal plan…. A simple and convincing explanation.

But this project must be preceded by the most important step… which is completely forging the Muslim book from which they memorized the Holy Qur’an… and converting it into a book containing magical worlds and in a strange language that no one understands… so that a book can then be made. Parallel in a new language and in a new style that resembles the topics and stories of the Arabic Qur’an for the book, then this new book was given the original name “Muslim Book.”

■ Then the occupier also planted a family in Najd that did not belong to the region and created a religious vocation for them based on this magical time and magical history, so that they would be the directors of the Dirar Mosque that will be built, and which will be the beginning of the launch of the new magical time and history for this people. …….. That is, the center of the new memory that will start from this new and modern center, which is Mecca. The beginning of religion, language, time and history instead of the first Qibla of the people in Bakkah in Misr, where the shrine of Ibrahim was.

This is the legacy that Napoleon carried through his soldiers, magicians, Turks, and Bedouins to the region, and which still burdens France and Europe.

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