The lie of America going to the moon and the genome project

The lie of America going to the moon and the genome project


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There are some who read the topic of the lie about America landing on the moon in the wrong way, and did not understand the scientific aspect that we presented in our denial of the story of America landing on the moon, and also did not receive the message we wanted from our raising of this topic and the topic of the genome. We never deny man’s ability to ascend the moon or any other planet. We do not say that it is impossible for man to travel to the surface of any other planet. We do not deny man’s ability, through science, even to travel through time. We only deny the occurrence of a human landing on the moon, which America claimed. It is the biggest hoax in human history. I do not know what the response to the topic of man landing on the moon has to do with talking about other topics… as comparisons to ridicule the topic… This speaks of the fact that the topic is included among those who believe in the idea of a flat earth, and this links the topic to the idea that the Arabs have not yet comprehended science and are in shock. Science made them not believe in science and its abilities, and this relates to the question: Can we deny cell phones, airplanes, heart transplants, and the Internet… in order to deny man landing on the moon? In general, we did not deny the ability of man to reach the surface of the moon, so much so that our talk became a subject of ridicule, ridicule on the grounds that it was a talk coming from an individual who lives in a very backward third world and has not learned or known the capabilities of science and still lives in superstitious societies that only believe in simple limits. For the sake of reason and imagination, we only quoted a speech by an American professor, who is the science advisor to the current US President Trump, who says: The landing of American astronauts on the surface of the moon is the biggest hoax in human history. You can search the internet for his statements if you do not believe him. In addition to the speech of the US President’s advisor, there is a statement by a NASA employee, which you can find on YouTube, in which he says explicitly that America cannot send humans to the moon again because America destroyed that technology and that the issue of sending humans to the moon requires joint cooperation. Between countries in order to carry out this mission… Is it reasonable that a country like America or any backward country destroys a strategic technology on which huge sums of money was spent, and which is considered an invaluable national wealth, destroys that national wealth in order for such a statement to come out that belittles the minds of people? the people ?! . I return to our article… We raised the matter from the angle of the lie of the incident and not from the angle of our denial of science, and we presented arguments confirming the falsity of the incident… We are faced with America’s claim that it made a trip to the moon… and we presented the following point: Imagine the size and magnitude. And the complexity required by the process of launching a vehicle from Earth, then imagine that you would certainly need tens of times that complexity, magnitude and size if you wanted to do it on the surface of the moon to return to Earth. Imagine yourself ten years after the beginning of the space age. It was impossible at that time. For America to reach the technology that will enable it to organize that trip that takes humans to the moon and returns them to Earth. Taking off from the surface of the Earth requires huge technology, and there is another technology, which is the technology of taking off again from the surface of another planet and returning to Earth. It is not an easy technology, especially 10 years after the beginning of the space age. It was not available at that time even to the Russian astronauts, and it is not even available today. When spacecraft are sent to other planets, they never return. Have you asked yourself why the small vehicle that landed on Mars was equipped with inspection and analysis equipment and laboratories? Why did it remain silent to carry out these numerous and precise tasks? NASA could have dispensed with these tasks and tasks on Earth when the vehicle returned to Earth? The answer: Because the vehicle will not return to Earth, in other words… because there is not yet technology to return vehicles to Earth. Otherwise, the missions of the vehicles would be quick and simple, and samples would be taken from the surface of the planets and returned to Earth. Now imagine that until now there is no technology to return small spacecraft from the surface of other planets, let alone a large spacecraft that carries human astronauts and lands them on the surface of a planet and then returns them to Earth again, and when? …Ten years after the beginning of the space age… Draw two lines under 10 years. Did you get the idea?! It is conclusive scientific evidence, and for those who did not understand this matter as conclusive scientific evidence, we told us that there is evidence that confirms the validity of this, with reference to the life of Neil Armstrong and his retirement from work at NASA two years after landing on the moon… How is it possible that this extraordinary man and Who is a national symbol who retires from work while he is at the peak of glory and the country needs him?… And he moved away from the university and was in isolation… Also his television interviews… You will laugh… If you try to watch television interviews with Neil Armstrong. …You will laugh a lot. He does not appear to be a normal man, and no recent evidence indicates the fact of ascending to the moon. He takes a long time before answering the interviewer’s questions about the details of the trip to the moon, and the questions are scientific about what the moon looks like. He focuses his gaze towards the sky when answering, and is unable to answer with confidence. He mumbles a lot, is fickle, contradictory, and frequently wipes his face with his hand. He shows signs of a person who does not expect such difficult questions. It is very funny. As for the second article about the genome, please do not tell me that I do not believe in the conspiracy theory in your response to the topics and try not to stop thinking with ready-made phrases, and think carefully with me ………… on What scientific basis did the Human Genome Project adopt to classify a human gene as a Jewish gene? What science is this? As we know that Judaism is just a religion, just a way of life and not an ethnic concept, as many peoples from Europe, Asia and Africa believed in it? The answer: It is the political basis, not the scientific one, until Israel becomes an established scientific fact…until Israel gains scientific legitimacy. It is Zionist science…it is politics when it mates with science. For this reason, and without going into the depth of the topic, it will make you reject this science on the basis of it because you realize that it is a political project and not a scientific one. Note: Many neo-secularists who believe in the role of politics in religious discourse and call for the separation of religion from politics and find it difficult to convince Muslims not to mix religion and politics in managing the affairs of the state, have also not yet understood the idea that there is also trade in the name of science, and there is There is a role for politics in scientific discourse. Science is similar to religion in its role and influence on the masses. Science is religion, and the strength of the argument of science is similar to the strength of the argument of religion… In fact, science has become a belief today. From this standpoint, we only call for the necessity of separating science. From politics, he also calls on secularists to separate religion from politics. Because NASA is now a scientific institution subordinate to politics, just as the Vatican is a religious institution subordinate to politics. Finally, the fact that we raised these topics has nothing to do with the existence of an internal desire to prove the topic is false because it is linked to America, or we want it to be a topic that falls within a situation similar to those writings that like to raise things for the sake of excitement, but we loved to write about it these days, because time has become very important, and We are facing this brutal Western attack on the region, politically, militarily, and in the media, so that we know that Western policies do not hesitate to falsify the awareness of the entire world in order to achieve political gains, and that morals are irrelevant in the face of gain, and even science can be employed politically to serve their agendas and their ambitions for In the name of science, consciousness can be falsified and destroyed once and for all, and made unconsciously enslaved to Western politics. Awareness is also falsified in the name of religion. The ruling gang in America, which carried out the events of September 11, killed its people, and laughed at its people with the story of Al-Qaeda, will not hesitate to do any immoral act, for there is no value other than the value of capitalism. Son of the sun

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