The nature of the region’s relationship with Europe

The nature of the region’s relationship with Europe


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Before understanding the nature of the relationship between Europe and the Middle East region, we must explain some points about Europe from a geopolitical perspective and review some brief parts of Europe’s history. Europe from a geopolitical reality Europe is a very small continent compared to the rest of the continents, and is connected to the continent of Asia and close to Africa. Europe has many small countries. ● Since ancient times, the biggest problem facing Europe has been the scarcity of resources and natural wealth. Europe is a continent very poor in resources, and this is the main reason that made many European peoples leave Europe in search of wealth and settle other lands. As we know, the Europeans settled on many continents. They settled in the Americas, the outskirts of Africa, and Australia, after destroying many civilizations there. If you reread the eras of European history, from Alexander the Great, through the Roman Empire, through the Crusader period, then the era of geographical discoveries, the discovery of the New World, and then colonialism. Even today, you will find that Europe’s main goal is the search for wealth. Even the Crusades, which some believe were a religious war, were intended for riches, even if they wore a religious guise. You will find this truth in the first speech of Pope Urban II, in which he announced the inauguration of the Crusades, and in his speech he spoke verbatim about the poverty and scarcity of Europe and the narrowness of its land, and how the region is vast, large, and very rich in wealth, and in it there are rivers of honey and milk. Even its sun is different from the sun of Europe.● The second problem facing Europe after the problem of scarcity of resources, is that Europe has many nationalities based on language. There are the English, the Spanish, the Italians, the Germans, the Dutch, and the Portuguese. This problem can very easily create Conflicts between nationalities in Europe over ambitions, wealth, and natural resources existing in Europe or outside it. You will confirm this established fact if you research the history of European wars. Most of the internal wars that broke out in Europe until World War II were due to resources and ambitions. – From the conflict between the Spaniards and Portugal over resources in the world, and how the Pope of the Vatican resolved this conflict, when he divided the entire world between the Spanish and Portugal, making the west of the world for Spain and the east of the world for Portugal. – Likewise, the religious wars in Europe were caused by a conflict of interests, not religion, even if they were covered with a religious guise – and the Hundred Years’ War, and the wars of France and England, the wars of the Netherlands and the Spanish, the wars of Napoleon and England – even the First and Second World Wars were due to greed. On resources and colonies outside Europe. For those who do not realize the truth about the First and Second World Wars, their conclusion is that Germany wanted from France and Britain its share of the world’s wealth, and after Britain and France’s victory in the First World War, they divided the Middle East between them in a well-known treaty. Sykes-Picot, and prevented Germany from obtaining anything, and Germany was besieged and restricted according to the Zurich Treaty, which put Germany in a bad and humiliating situation. Poverty and corruption arose in Germany, and that treaty created fertile ground for the rise of Hitler, who rejected this bad situation. Germany and declared World War II. Although Germany, Italy and the rest of the Axis powers lost World War II, and the victorious countries re-divided the world among the victors, the victors of the war decided not to repeat the same previous mistake in World War I to prevent any war in the future, so they took legitimate action. Marshall and the reconstruction of Europe and linking the economy of the victors to the economy of the defeated countries to ensure the advancement of those countries, and at the same time it is difficult for the defeated countries to exit the political path of the victors. Europe’s solutions to its geopolitical problem When we reread the history of Europe, we will find that there were many attempts to unify Europe to get rid of Europe’s natural problem and Geopolitically, but all these attempts failed. ● Rome tried to unify Europe, the Church tried, Napoleon tried and so did Hitler. But all of these attempts failed, and the most important reason for the failure of these attempts to unify Europe is that Europe has many nationalities.● Currently, there is an ongoing attempt to unify Europe in the name of the European Union (the Euro), which was a German idea, and it bears Germany has the great responsibility of preserving European unity. As we mentioned previously, the biggest danger facing the European Union is nationalist thought and the rise of far-right parties and the rise of their speeches and popularity in Europe. We must clarify a point that I believe will benefit us in our topic, which is Britain’s exit from Europe. Britain’s exit from Europe ● Britain is not in a good position with Germany, even if both parties are hiding this matter. If you focus carefully on German media materials and compare them to British media materials, you will find a hidden war between the two countries. When Britain leaves Europe, this means that Britain is pushing other countries to do the same step, and more than that, Britain left because of the refugees, and as we know, the refugee problem has become the number one issue in Europe. Also, Britain’s exit means that Britain is greedy and selfish and wants to seize foreign interests on its own without sharing them with the rest of Europe. And this is the most important point: Britain left not because the European Union was a problem for it, but rather it left in order to go to the Middle East on its own in order to restore its ancient legacy after America’s withdrawal from the region. I know that many will say: But it was the British people who took that step. He voted in favor of leaving Europe. This is a popular decision and must be respected, and this negates the previous statement. The democratic system is the biggest deception, it is just a system to make the people feel that they are participating in political decision-making and governance, and to give popular legitimacy to any future political step, and so that the people do not feel bored and routine. The decision to leave Britain is a dangerous strategic decision, and Britain cannot take this dangerous step based on a popular vote that votes based on naive and ridiculous considerations. Most British voters voted to leave because Poles sexually harass their women. To be sure, let us read the sequence of events carefully. At the end of 2014, Britain changed its national security strategy. This step is very important and dangerous, and many do not realize its true meaning. It is a big step in any country and means that Britain will make a major coup in its policy and is preparing to take a big step. Britain’s exit was for the sake of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. This is the truth. America is withdrawing from the region and will leave a large legacy in the Middle East, and Britain wants to obtain that legacy. Note: Do you remember Netanyahu’s statement when he said that the Holocaust was not Hitler’s idea, but rather it was an Islamic idea by Sheikh Al-Husseini in Palestine? He was the one who put it up for Hitler. Do you remember what Merkel’s response was to this statement? . Merkel was smart and understood the hidden message from Netanyahu’s statement and said: Do not play with history when we know very well who committed the Holocaust. How can Netanyahu’s statement be understood? What are the reasons for this statement at this time? Why did Nerkel respond that way? What does it mean? Although she is supposed to be happy because this official statement rids Germany of a historical crime for which it is still paying compensation to this day? It is the first time in the history of Israel that it has made this strange and very dangerous statement. This malicious statement was directed towards the German people and the rest of the peoples for more. The popularity of the extreme right after denying this crime. This means that nationalist thought does not bear this crime, but Muslims, and therefore it will lead the far right towards an imaginary enemy (Muslims and refugees) to be the slogan of their election campaigns and to increase their chances of winning the elections. Therefore, it is in Israel’s interest for Britain to leave Europe and return to the East. The Middle East, after America’s withdrawal from the region, and the signing of a joint defense agreement with Saudi Arabia to protect it, especially while it is in an open war with Yemen, because Saudi Arabia is the manager of Israel’s project in the region, and the Manama summit between the Gulf states and the British Prime Minister, and Theresa May’s exit with a statement.” Gulf security has become Britain’s security more than ever before,” he confirms. ● Do you remember the campaign of Trump and some Republicans in the elections and their hostile statements against refugees and Muslims that were unprecedented in American history? , Have you ever asked yourself why ? The truth is that they did not mean those statements well. In other words, they were statements directed towards Europe and not towards the American interior to embarrass Europe. They were intended to raise the popularity of the extreme right in Europe. How? When the greatest country in the world, the first democratic country and the leader of human rights in the world adopts this speech and statements, it will give others the courage to adopt such statements and break the barrier that prevents anyone from making such statements. America wants to raise the popularity of the extreme right, and it wants to dismantle Europe so that it can lead it with a new discourse. America is angry with Europe because America has lost a lot to its allies without getting a price. Turkey is also involved in trying to thwart the European Union because of the refugee problem, as it is working on the influx of refugees. This problem is exploited to extract Europe’s approval for Turkey’s accession to Europe, and this is the secret of Germany’s angry policy towards Turkey. Germany and Europe Germany cannot live without one Europe, so Germany has the greatest burden in preserving the European Union, and it is most afraid of The disintegration of the European Union because it means the return of the same situation as Germany before World War II and the return of conflicts in Europe. Germany will become weak, especially since it is a country that does not have influence in the world like Britain, France, and America, and does not have old colonies like the rest of the countries. Britain can live without Europe, so can France to some extent, but Germany cannot. Currently, Germany’s enemy will be anyone who tries to dismantle the European Union. Germany’s weakness lies in three points: 1- Germany does not have a strong influence in the world like Britain or France. 2- Germany does not have a nuclear weapon. 3- Germany does not have the right to veto in the Security Council. The most important problems facing Germany are preserving the European Union and stopping extremist nationalism in Europe. Europe’s history with the region from ancient times until today, and the nature of Europe’s relationship with the region is based on repeated military invasions and attacks…to occupy it and plunder its wealth. And its resources and attempts to settle it, no matter how many different forms these attacks take. In the name of unifying the world, or Rome, or the Crusades, or Napoleon’s campaign, or French, British, Italian, and Spanish colonialism, and the establishment of the Zionist entity, and currently in the name of spreading democracy, human rights, and fighting terrorism.● As for the nature of the region’s relationship with Europe, it was based on resistance to Europe and defense. About the area. Our right to Palestine, why Palestine and not others? The reason is geopolitical, as the region meets Europe. The idea of occupying the Levant is very old in Europe’s agenda. The Levant is an area of cultural convergence and is a religious center. Jerusalem, in the consciousness of Muslims, Al-Nasarah, and Al-Yahoud, is sacred. For this reason, the Crusaders thought of the idea of the Levant, the Spanish thought, and Napoleon thought as well… because the region is governed from Palestine. Therefore… the residents of the region must get rid of the idea that was planted in our minds that Israel is a modern project that began with the Herzl Conference… Israel is a very old strategic project for the West, and it has taken many forms throughout history, until it reached the model and Current form…Israel currently. Therefore, we must realize an established geopolitical fact: ● If Palestine falls as a right to us… and the West succeeds in establishing its false historical narrative, and succeeds in establishing its imaginary time as a legitimacy for existence… then Europe will sweep the region and they will settle in the region in a large migration, just as they were able to settle continents. Another……. Israel will be the West’s last successful attempt after previous failed attempts. ● Our conflict with Europe will not end, as long as Europe is a small continent, poor in resources, and has many nationalities, because there is no solution for the inhabitants of Europe except to leave Europe, invade and plunder other peoples, and occupy new lands at any cost, and therefore they will continue to invade us, and we have no choice. Except resistance…or there is a second option, which is to attack them, because the best means of defense is attack. . ..

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