The Qur’an and the Book – Part Four

The Qur’an and the Book - Part Four


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In our previous discussion, we reached an understanding of the qualities of the Book through the discourse of the Qur’an [an ancient book of the writings of the ancients on tablets and composed of verses, and these are divided into two types, the Muhkamat and the Mutashabihat].

Then, relying on the discourse of the Qur’an and the approaches of the West in the sciences of language, history, and time that reached us, we arrived at drawing the logical, imaginative story that took place in Mecca when they denied the book in his hands.

Then we talked about the importance of our access to this story in order to bring us closer to knowing the book, meeting it, and getting closer to it, by asking a question:

This story must result… that the infidels of Mecca will have another reading of the book, different, and it will be a foreign reading in the ancient language, and it will remain to this day… Are there any Muslims officially, even today, who at the same time possess a book from a different book than the existing Qur’an? When the majority of Muslims have a different language?

And if we investigate reality… we will find something important and striking… and this discovery may make us re-understand the Qur’an’s speech and rewrite the story that took place in Mecca in a completely different way… …And relying on a new, different approach.

In our previous conversation, we reformed the Western approach to language and presented an attempt to reform the time and history that has reached us, which is full of temporal gaps.

Regarding language sciences curricula:

● The origin of language… is an innate nature, and the first man on earth had a language.

● The evolution of language… The evolution of language does not mean the disappearance of the language of the first humans on Earth. This means that the language of the first humans is still alive today.

● The Arabic language developed from previous languages… There are no scientific rules through which you can know whether a language emerged from another language, and the language development chart was drawn up on the basis of Roman times.

Concerning the reform of time and history

We talked that the history of the region has three historical gaps related to the three religions, and we talked that if we want to reform time and history, we believe that the issue needs to compress history and time, and that will make us obtain one time gap from which religions emerge.

When we watch the events after the gap…we saw the emergence of two holy books that were similar in topics but different in language and style, and not a literal translation.

And we asked a question:

Why, after we emerged from the gap in time… did we get two sacred texts, dealing with the same topic… but in two different languages… and from one Allah?!

Is the origin of the story… a very old sacred religious book that was translated and a new, completely different and forged text was extracted from it… and time was planned in this order… so that no one could access it? For the story of the Qur’an?! …….. And is the origin of the story and history: What is the first natural and true language of the sacred text ……… and what is the original religion of the time?!

Is the religious group that we arrived at and believed in our previous article that it will adhere to Islam until today and will possess a sacred book other than the Qur’an, or similar to the Qur’an but in a foreign language, nothing other than Judaism, which owns the book of the Old Testament written in a foreign language, crooked, and similar to the Holy Qur’an?!

This is an important discovery


We will now stop reading the Qur’an’s speech, and we will postpone the Qur’an’s speech until after we correct history.

As we spoke previously, after we correct the time in the region, and we reach this important discovery, it will make us research the history of the Al-Yahoud and the story of the emergence of their religious book, because we now have important tools for deconstructing any history, and this thing will make us believe that our research in the history of the Al-Yahoud and The story of their religious book. We get very close to (the book) and understanding many details about (the book) may help us decipher the readers’ speech……. because we have come to believe that it is a very high possibility that the book of the Al-Yahoud came out of the same place where the book of the Muslims is located, but Something abnormal happened that caused the book of Al-Yahoud to appear.

What is the history of the Al-Yahoud and the story of the appearance of their religious book?!

According to the official date

The clear appearance of the Al-Yahoud began in 500 BC, when an Iraqi king eliminated the Jewish kingdom and deported the Al-Yahoud to Babylon. Then, a Persian king appeared who destroyed Babylon and liberated the Al-Yahoud from their Babylonian captivity. This king is considered a prophet in the eyes of the Al-Yahoud.

Then…the Al-Yahoud waited 250 years after their liberation from Babylonian captivity, for the Al-Yahoud to reappear in history with a Greek king who invaded and occupied Misr, and he and his family ruled Misr for 250 years.

In the year 260 BC… there was a Greek king ruling Misr who loved culture and translation. His name was Ptolemy… Ptolemy translated the Book of the Al-Yahoud into Greek, and included it in the Library of Alexandria, and his Greek translation is the official version of it. The book of the Al-Yahoud.

It is true that history says that the Book of the Al-Yahoud was written over a long period of time, but I believe that we must address the history of Ptolemy and his state, because this man is credited with having an official copy of the Book of the Al-Yahoud, which is the Greek translation of the Book of the Al-Yahoud and which is considered the most correct copy of the Book of the Al-Yahoud. And in Greek.

Researching this history will lead us to discover the environment of the book and the circumstances that surrounded the book, and this will make us touch the book and see many details of the book.


What is the story of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Misr?

A Greek kingdom ruled Misr for 250 years, and we do not know of any material evidence of its existence in the past except historical stories found in the West’s paper archives…just a rock that the West discovered in Misr during their occupation of Misr…and the West told us that the name Ptolemy is engraved inside the stone… as evidence of his presence in the ancient history of Misr.

We will convey some of the history of this kingdom and its kings, all of whom bore the name Ptolemy for 250 years.

■ Ptolemy I Soter (367 BC-283 BC)

The first king of the Ptolemaic Pharaohs and the founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Alexandria. He also lived in the palace of Alexander the Great’s father and was his cousin. He also played a major role in the progress and prosperity of Misr. He was the first to make Egyptians deal with coins instead of barter. He was the first to activate coins and was named the Savior in his honor. From the people of the island of Rhodes, where he saved them from the siege of enemies.

One of Alexander the Great’s generals and Pharaoh of Misr. He took over Misr after the death of Alexander the Great and the division of the empire. He did as Alexander did out of loyalty and faith in the sanctities of the Egyptians, so he was appointed Pharaoh and the Egyptians loved him. (The Egyptians loved him lol)

From a military standpoint

He was one of Misr’s most famous leaders. He was able to invade Palestine and was interested in building the state, so he began creating a huge fleet to protect Misr from dangers. During his reign, the return of Misr as a great power in the world began. Ptolemy I was a brave leader and therefore he was able to invade. He invaded eastern Libya (Cyrenaica) and was able to take the city of Sirin and others.


He created new farms, made farming more than once a year, and introduced new animals such as camels and pigs due to the presence of a large number of Greeks in Misr (as the ancient Egyptians considered the pig to be a dirty animal whose meat is not permissible to eat). He also took care of establishing many apiaries to export his honey to China. He worked to pay attention to the industry, especially the linen industry, and he worked to promote trade and mint the first coin. He also invaded Belems (Sudan), Meroe (Sudan), and Axum (Abyssinia-Ethiopia). He decided to invade Himyar (western Yemen), but unfortunately he died before that.

From a religious standpoint

He recognized the Egyptian gods and included Isis among the Greek gods. He respected the customs and traditions of the Egyptians until he became one of them, and the Egyptians loved him as a respected conqueror and respected him for that, as they did with his predecessor, Alexander the Great.

■ Ptolemy II Philadelphus

Son of Ptolemy I, he ascended the throne of Misr in 285 BC.

Of his works:

1- He built the Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which was demolished due to an earthquake in 1330.

During his reign, Alexandria reached the height of its greatness. Science and philosophy flourished during his reign. The Library of Alexandria was given great attention and was provided with books from all over the world. The translation of other books into Greek was active.

2 – As for his most famous work…translating the Book of the Al-Yahoud into Greek, which was called the Septuagint.

■ After Ptolemy II, many Ptolemies came after him, and the last Ptolemy was in the year 36 BC.

■ What are the remaining relics from the era of Ptolemy?!

The Rosetta Stone, which was discovered by the French invaders in Misr, and the Book of the Old Testament in Greek translation.


Let us ask questions about this history, and try to think about the works that Ptolemy carried out… and try to scrutinize the two remaining monuments from the era of Ptolemy, especially the subject of his translation of the Old Testament into Greek.

■ All this kingdom, which existed in Misr for 250 years, its greatest work was the Septuagint translation… which still remains today.

■ All the works of this state that ruled Misr disappeared from the world, even the huge Lighthouse of Alexandria disappeared…… One of the Seven Wonders of the World disappeared due to an earthquake…… The Library of Alexandria disappeared, and all the material monuments that they had made throughout the year disappeared. 250….And no material trace of this kingdom remains except the book of the Old Testament and five symbols written in the Rosetta Stone confirming this kingdom.

■ What is the Septuagint translation?

The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Old Testament made in the third century BC.

Ptolemy wanted to include the sacred books of the Al-Yahoud in the Library of Alexandria, and some believe that because of the number of Al-Yahoud who did not know Hebrew, seventy-two rabbis performed the translation. It is symbolized by its Latin number LXX, meaning seventy. Christianity relied on the Septuagint version, knowing that no manuscripts of the Septuagint translation dating back to BC remain.

■ What is the importance of this event when a Greek ruler asked approximately seventy clerics to write the Old Testament in order to include it in the Library of Alexandria?!

■ Why seventy men? Is the topic that difficult?! …….Does translating a clear religious text for a religious group that reads it and has clerics and whose language is still in use require so many people?

One or two people can translate a book and it does not require 70 people and scholars…….. For example, even if I have an average culture and can speak Hebrew, I will translate the Old Testament book into Arabic.

■ Isn’t it logical for the prophets to write their books themselves? Why didn’t a Jewish prophet write their book, or have a Persian king order it to be written, given that they were credited with liberating the Al-Yahoud from captivity at that time? But what is strange is that the Greeks, enemies of Persia, were the ones entrusted with the task of writing the Old Testament?!

■ Why is the Greek ruler only interested in Judaism, and where are the rest of the books on other religions?! And why did a Greek king not translate the book of the Al-Yahoud in Greece itself, why did the operation require an invasion of Misr, and why was there no Greek king in Greece who met the Al-Yahoud there and translated their book in Greece, but what is the importance of translating the book of the Al-Yahoud into Greek when the Greeks do not believe? In the book of the Al-Yahoud, is it a matter of culture?!

■ Why did an Egyptian ruler not appear and translate the Jewish book into another language, and then why translate their book at all?! What interest ?

■ Even the religion of the Egyptians… did not receive any attention from the Greek king who ruled them and who wanted to make Misr at the height of its glory, and he did not think about collecting it while he lived among them, and he did not even think about collecting the Coptic faith at that time or care about it?

■ Why does the story try to make Judaism, its book, and its language the dominant one in the world and the earth at that time…or the religion, language, and book that appeared in global history and still remains today? Even though we are in a geographical space limited to Misr.

■ There is another point… According to history books, one of the reasons for the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament… is that the Al-Yahoud found it difficult to learn Hebrew.

How is their language and the language of their Holy Book when they do not know how to speak it? Did they speak a different language at that time other than the language of the Old Testament? Why?

■ If Judaism is truly an authentic religion specific to a group that has an authentic book, is it possible that their Holy Book was the first copy of it in the language of another people (Greek)… Indeed, is it reasonable that their Holy Book appeared in history as a result of a political decision? To a foreign ruler?!

■ Is it possible that an original religious book, an inheritance, and a sacred text of the Hessians, appears as a result of a translation process? What is the birth of the Greek language into their original language and not vice versa?

■ Is it possible that they did not have a holy book and then discovered their book through another foreign language?!

■ Why did the Book of the Al-Yahoud appear as a result of a conversion process, and not as it is without translation from another language?

■ Then where did the Al-Yahoud live, why did the operation take place in Misr, why did the operation not take place in their original homeland?!

■ Then, didn’t Cyrus liberate them from Babylonian captivity 200 years before Ptolemy, and return them to their homeland, Palestine? So why did the operation not take place in Palestine for 200 years, and did it not take place inside their holy place, their temple in Jerusalem?!

■ Why did the Al-Yahoud need 200 years after their liberation from captivity for a Greek ruler to write their book for them, and why did they exist in Misr, even though it was not their land, and they needed to go to Misr so that a foreign ruler could write their holy book for them?!

■ If Ptolemy the father and his son recognized the Egyptian gods and included Isis among the Greek gods. They respected the religion of the Egyptians.

The logical question is:

If the Greek ruler, who ruled over a long and broad people and had a religion of his own, recognized it and included it with the Greek gods as evidence of their veneration and reverence, and they loved science and culture, then it would have been better for them to translate the inscriptions of ancient Misr. (Hieroglyphs), which contain the Egyptian faith and were included in the Library of Alexandria.

■ A Greek ruler was interested in translating a holy book for a small group far from Misr and not a resident of Misr, and he forgot to translate the book of the inhabitants of Misr over whom he ruled, and he was the one who exalted the religion of Misr and added its gods to the gods of the Greeks?

■ The most famous work of a Greek ruler was translating a book by a small group, and he forgot to translate a book by a large people who ruled him and whom this people loved and respected?!

■ The story that has reached us talks about a Greek ruler who translated the book of the Al-Yahoud in Misr. But throughout the presence of these rulers in Misr for 250 years, we do not notice in the pictures found in all written history any reference to the inscriptions of Misr. The current decor of Misr today with its temples, pyramids and sarcophagi has completely disappeared.

Decor that does not belong to today’s reality

■ There is a note…….. We did not find from this Greek ruler and other rulers.. any reference, detail, or clarification of the inscriptions of Misr. Or they say that they write using Egyptian inscriptions.

But as soon as we ride a time machine and move into the future, 2000 years later, we find the West discovering the Rosetta Stone, and claiming that the stone has the name of King Ptolemy written on it.

■ Throughout the 250 years of the Ptolemaic rule, no indication appeared that they were writing in Egyptian script, but after 2000 years we discover that Ptolemy wrote his name in one stone to immortalize his name.

One stone…evidence of the existence of Ptolemy and his kingdom, which lasted 250 years.

■ What is strange… is that he is a Greek ruler… and his language is Greek… and the Greeks called the Egyptian inscriptions sacred writing (hieroglyphics)… but they never cared about including this sacred writing in the Library of Alexandria… just as they included the Jewish Bible in the Library of Alexandria!!

Even more strange

That the number of Al-Yahoud today is 7 million, and if we calculated their number 2000 years ago, it would be much less than this number. I will be generous with them, and let us assume that it is 50 thousand, which is the number of two small villages in any countryside in the region, but the Greek ruler was interested in translating the book Three Villages and He forgot to translate the book People’s Kamel?

■ Is it possible that a Greek kingdom that ruled Misr and made it at the height of its power and prosperity, left only seven symbols of the name of a ruler written in broken stone?!

■ Why did Ptolemy not leave any other traces indicating his existence except a stone with his name written on it, and using this name the hieroglyphs are deciphered?!

■ Why was it a coincidence that the hieroglyphs were deciphered using the name of a Western king (Ptolemy) and not using the name of an Arab king (Sulaiman)?!

If the oldest copy of the Book of the Al-Yahoud (the Old Testament) is the copy of the Septuagint written in Greek, which the Greek king (Ptolemy) translated from an older copy of the Book of the Al-Yahoud written in Hebrew… then the important question:

Where is that oldest copy of the Jewish book (the Old Testament), written in Hebrew and translated by Ptolemy into Greek?!

■ Is it possible that the official reference for the Jewish book (the Old Testament) is the version written in Greek translated by Ptolemy, and not the original version written in Hebrew?! …….. Is it possible that the oldest copy of the Jewish book (the Old Testament) is the copy written in Greek translated by Ptolemy, and not the first original copy written in Hebrew?!

So where is the first original copy of the Jewish book (the Old Testament), which was translated into Greek by Ptolemy from a book and called the Septuagint translation?!

Completely hidden… strange and strange

Rather, the important logical questions that present themselves strongly in reality are:

■ Why did Ptolemy choose Misr specifically and not anywhere else to translate the Jewish book into Greek and did not translate it in Greece or elsewhere?!

■ Why did Ptolemy not write the Rosetta Stone in a paper book, and why did the Rosetta Stone not reach us in a paper book instead of a stone book….. Why did Ptolemy not write this document found in the Rosetta Stone in a paper book?! .

■ Why did no book appear from the era of Ptolemy and his huge library except the religious book (the Old Testament – the Torah), which he translated into Greek?!

■ Why has no confirmed, documented, and certain book appeared to us in the modern era from the time of Ptolemy except the Old Testament, which survived the fire and destruction of the Library of Alexandria?! …Why was it a coincidence that the Old Testament book survived the fire that hid 700,000 books?

■ Why did no confirmed room from the era of Ptolemy appear to us from the huge lighthouse of Alexandria, which was destroyed relatively recently, 700 years ago, and we did not discover any confirmed room or trace from the huge library of Alexandria, in which all its books were burned, except for the book of Ptolemy’s translation and one room in which his name was written. Ptolemy?!

■ An architectural edifice consisting of 30 floors, which has been compared to the pyramids as one of the wonders of the ancient world?! ……….Do you realize the amount of materials that built this edifice?

Even if it was destroyed as a result of an earthquake……. Do you understand how much rubble this building will leave behind as a result of the collapse and fall?!

The collapse alone will leave a huge edifice of collected rubble.

Where are the rubble of that lighthouse… Where are the remains of that lighthouse… Where are the stones of that lighthouse that were visible from 70 km away?!

We want ten stones from that lighthouse… Search for anything around the hypothetical location of that lighthouse… Is there any trace around it?

There is no effect

■ Do you know what it means to have a library containing almost a million volumes? Do you comprehend the size of this ancient library, which contains a million volumes?!

Even if you were exposed to a fire and all the books inside it were burned……. A fire cannot destroy a building. A fire destroys papers but not a stone building.

Where is this building, even if it was destroyed? Where are the remains of the rubble of that building?!

Why do the printer’s history books always have their covers ready to explain why…the Arabs destroyed them after the conquest?! .

But the Egyptians are now Arabs and Muslims… How can they accuse a people of destroying things they own… Unless these books’ primary function is to tell the Egyptian and the world that Misr is neither Arab nor Muslim, but rather a land of religious origin. It does not share the Greek religion and its language is not Arabic.

But…what the West calls temples exist in Misr…and they are huge and prominent, and they still maintain their splendor and indicate that they had a kind of care that was ancient…and the conquests never destroyed them.

■ Why are the Greek antiquities alone being demolished and disappearing from the ground, and there is no trace of them on the ground confirming their ancient existence… despite their huge size and classification as one of the wonders of the world?! ……. Why do the wonders of the world mentioned in the history of printed paper have no effect in reality?!

■ Why did the heritage books that reached Muslims and Arabs and were written by major Arab and Muslim historians and travelers….. Ibn Jubayr, Ibn Battuta, Al-Masoudi, etc…. talk about these particular Greek antiquities in a long and beautiful way? They precisely and confirmed its existence despite its non-existence in today’s reality… and they ignored talking about the rest of the monuments in Misr (temples, pyramids, courtyards of inscriptions… etc.) despite their existence in today’s reality?! .

■ Why did we not discover and no single confirmed trace from that time appeared to us except one stone in which Ptolemy’s name was written, and the religious book that he translated into Greek?! .

■ How do you meet mentally and logically… a world that writes on stone books with a world that writes on stationery books, the number of which has reached 700 thousand paper volumes in one society and at one time?!

■ How is it possible that a society wrote 700,000 paper books…and at that time was writing documents and stone books according to the history that has reached us?!

Ptolemy is supposed to have written his stone (the Rosetta Stone) in a paper book, so how did he decide to write a stone book when he was writing on paper?!

■ Why did the Al-Yahoud wait for Ptolemy to invade Misr so that their book could be translated into Greek, and why did Ptolemy need to invade Misr so that the Jewish book could be translated into Greek? He did not do this work in his country or elsewhere. Why did the operation require Ptolemy’s conquest? ) To Misr so that a Greek translation of the Jewish book would appear there?!

Why did Ptolemy need to invade Misr so that he could (translate) the book of the Al-Yahoud (the Old Testament) by (seventy men) into the Greek language… just as Napoleon needed to invade Misr so that his soldiers would discover a stone tablet with the name (Ptolemy) on it and using this name? What is written on this tablet enabled the West, through its “scientists,” to “decipher and translate” (the ancient hieroglyphic writing)?!

So where is the first original copy of the Jewish book (the Old Testament), written in Hebrew, and translated by (Ptolemy)?!

Could it be that history forgot to tell us or deliberately forgot?

Could it be that the original book that Ptolemy translated into Greek was (ancient hieroglyphics)?!

Is it possible that the original copy of the book (The Old Testament) written in Hebrew…is the writing (ancient hieroglyphics)?!

What are you saying ?! ….Do you want to say that the writing (ancient hieroglyphics) was the writing of the Al-Yahoud and its language is Hebrew?

No, wait

Because we have almost begun to touch the book that we thought the Messenger’s people wanted in a non-Arab tongue, and it is a clear Arabic Qur’an. All the descriptions that we have reached from within the Qur’an’s discourse apply to the inscriptions of Misr [an ancient book of the writings of the ancients on a tablet and composed of verses (pictorial symbols)].

■ We have two books….a stone book and a stationery book

Ptolemy’s Stone Book (Rosetta Stone)……..Ptolemy’s Stationery Book (Old Testament)

It is one of three possibilities:


Ptolemy came in the time of stone books… and he wrote the Rosetta Stone book and put hieroglyphic inscriptions in it and put his Greek translation in it as an old letter from him… so that it reaches us and we discover it in the time of stationery books… ……Then, in the era of stationery books, Ptolemy’s translation was used to translate the hieroglyphic inscriptions on stones into a stationery book in the Greek language.

Accordingly, Champollion’s dictionary is the Old Testament…and the Rosetta Stone is Ptolemy’s Greek translation of the hieroglyphics…and the scholars whom Ptolemy summoned to translate the Old Testament are the Western scholars who deciphered the hieroglyphics.

This is not consistent with reality and logic

And but N

Ptolemy came in the era of stationery books… and he discovered an ancient book of the ancients that existed on a tablet. Then, through this book, he translated the hieroglyphic stone inscriptions into a paper stationery book in the Greek language.

Therefore, the hieroglyphic inscriptions are the book… and Champollion’s stationery dictionary is the Greek translation of the Old Testament… and the Western scholars who deciphered the hieroglyphics are the same scholars who were summoned by Ptolemy to translate the Old Testament into Greek.

But how is it possible that Ptolemy’s name appeared in a book on a stone (tablet) and was written before the appearance of Ptolemy himself, who discovered the stone, and how can we reconcile this history?!

This is not consistent with reality and logic

There is a third possibility…….by combining the two previous cases

That is, two times were merged into one time… through a cunning trick.

It is a possibility…that Ptolemy came in the era of stationery books and made a fake stone book with three inscriptions on it, including hieroglyphs and Greek writing. He falsely and falsely claimed that it was an ancient stone. Then, using the stone, he forged the hieroglyphs using the Greek (Arabic) language. Then he produced two stationery books, the first in Greek and called it the Old Testament, and the second the Champollion Dictionary.

With this trick, he killed two birds with one stone…… That is, at the same time he produced two books…. The first book is almost similar to the topics found in the hieroglyphs, but in a foreign language and in a different style and method. The Old Testament called it the Bible, and the second book is a dictionary. Another stationery to hide the correct pronunciation of hieroglyphs.

And because Napoleon is the king who discovered the Rosetta Stone…is it Ptolemy himself…who came up with this trick and trick?

■ So did the West come up with the name (Ptolemy), which is the name found on a stone tablet? And with this name, the West was able to distort the phonetic values of the symbols of Egyptian inscriptions in order to produce a false foreign reading of the inscriptions, and a team of Western scholars undertook the manufacture of A false dictionary of Egyptian inscriptions.

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We recite it in Arabic for a people who know. The tongue of the one to whom they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

{Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the word of Allah and then distort it after they had understood it while they knew? (75) And when they met those who believed, they said, “We believe,” and when they were alone with one another, they said, “Will you inform them of what Allah has revealed to you, so that they may dispute with you concerning it before your Allah? Will you not understand?” (76) First. They know that Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare. (77) And among them are unlettered people who do not know the Book except as wishful thinking, and they only suspect.}

■ After the West was able to create false phonetic values for the symbols, in order to falsify the reading (translation) of the inscriptions of ancient Misr, did another team of Western scholars write a book that resembles the real, original content (the Arabic Qur’an) contained in the inscriptions of Misr (the Old Testament – the Bible)? They created a foreign language for him (Greek and Hebrew).

And two similar books appeared on earth

The first is (the Holy Qur’an) in Arabic

The second (the Old Testament) is in Hebrew

Thus, the Muslim believes that the Book of the Al-Yahoud (the Bible), which is in a twisted and crooked Hebrew language, is a book from Allah.

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We recite in Arabic for a people who know. And among them is a group who twist their tongues with the Book so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. They say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}


This perception that could happen in reality…………. is the story that interacts strongly with the imaginary story that we assumed in our previous conversation about the story of the people of Mecca denying the book in whose hands the book was.

This realistic story, which has a high probability of being signed by the West along with Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions, agrees very closely with readers’ discourse about the book.

The inscriptions of Misr…have the same characteristics as the book found in the Qur’an, as it is an ancient book of the writings of the ancients on tablets and is composed of verses (pictorial icons).

Also…if we assume that the inscriptions of Misr are in clear Arabic, which is a very strong assumption supported by all evidence and reality after it became clear to us that there is a contradiction in the history and time that was written for us in order to prevent us from realizing this fact, and there are those who wanted it to be in a foreign language. With the same speech as the Qur’an.

I think that we are getting very close to realizing (what the book is) and getting closer to knowing the true story.

After this…. I think that we must then take another new path to reach certainty about the subject of the book… and the path will be in reading reality.

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