The Qur’an’s speech details the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram

The Qur’an’s speech details the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram

6/13/2020 0:00:00

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The Qur’an’s speech about Al-Masjid Al Haram


A Muslim reads the stories of the Qur’an with the same awareness of the series (International Stories) that we used to watch when we were children. Every day is one of the people’s stories separate from the other, and he deals with the Qur’an in general as a discourse similar to a discontinuous function in mathematics… a discontinuous function.

This awareness was formed because of an important point, which is that the project made the Muslim believe that Allah revealed religions before Islam, so the Muslim began to imagine Allah’s messengers as messengers of previous religions, so he revived as the messenger of the Sabians, and it was distorted, and Musa was the messenger of Judaism, and it was distorted, and Jesus was the messenger of Christianity, and it was distorted, and on. The Muslim respects these prophets and messengers according to the Qur’an, and this forces the Muslim to believe that these are religions that must be believed in because they are from Allah, even if they distort the religion of Allah. As for the Muslim, Muhammad came to him from Mecca with the final version of the religion of Allah, or the final religion.

If we leave the framework of religion and deal with the matter historically, even though there is no separation between religion and history, we say that the reason is that the Muslim and the Arab had their history stolen after their ancient documents were hidden from the land by the occupier of his time, and this thing was made possible. A project to steal this history and time and create religions linking them to the Muslim prophets, and then write a new history for the Muslim, so the Muslim believes that the messengers of Allah are prophets of other religions.

This point is addressed clearly by the Holy Qur’an in three points

how ?!

Notice with me

1- {Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then Allah is quick to reckon. (19) But if they dispute with you, say, “I have submitted my face to Allah, and whoever follows them.” And say to those who were given the Book and the unlettered people, “Have you submitted?” If they submit, then they are guided. And if they turn away, then your responsibility is only to convey the message. Allah is All-Seer of His servants (20)}

The Qur’an speaks that the only religion that is from Allah is Islam, and that Allah has only revealed one religion since ancient times, and that this historical fact has been hidden from people’s awareness after the ancient Muslim document, which is the Book of Allah, was hidden after it was exposed to forgery.

2 – The second point {Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was an upright Muslim, and he was not of the polytheists. (67) Indeed, the people closest to Ibrahim are those who followed him, and this prophet and those who believe. Allah is the Protector of the believers. (68) A group of the People of the Book wish they would mislead you, and they mislead no one but themselves. They feel (69) O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the verses of Allah while you bear witness? (70) O People of the Book, why do you mix truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know (71)}

{Or do you say that Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishak Yaacoub and the tribes were Al-Yahoud or Al-Nasarah Say: Do you know better or Allah? A nation that has passed away; to it is what it has earned, and for you is what you have earned, and you will not be asked about what they used to do. (141)}

In the previous verse, the Qur’an emphasizes clarifying a historical and temporal fact, which is that the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah never appeared in those ancient time periods at all, but rather they appeared in modern eras.

Also read the news letter to you:

{Or do you say that Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishak Yaacoub and the tribes were Al-Yahoud or Al-Nasarah Say: Do you know better or Allah? And who is more unjust than he who conceals testimony that he has from Allah? And Allah is not unaware of what you do.}

A clear emphasis… that the issue is not limited to Ibrahim… but rather to Ismail, Ishak, Yaacoub, and the tribes.

This emphasis… indicates that the Prophet is deeply concerned with clarifying the reality of time and correcting the chronological calendar that was written for the Muslim… The discourse is not concerned with the people themselves, although there is no difference… but with time… and that this ancient time did not exist. There are two groups at all.

There was no such thing as a Jew in the time of Ishak, Yaacoub, Sulaiman, etc. This is a world in which these two groups did not exist…at all.

Assuming that the Al-Yahoud in the Qur’an are Al-Yahoud in reality…this is what many say who still imagine an ancient world in which those who are called Al-Yahoud today existed in the time of Ishak, Yaacoub, and Sulaiman….The Qur’an clearly and strongly says These characters and their times have no relation to the Al-Yahoud, near or far… Rather, he is a scholar who was a pure Muslim.

Read with me the Qur’an’s confirmation of the reality and identity of that ancient world:

{And Ibrahim enjoined it upon his sons, Yaacoub, O my sons, Allah has chosen the religion for you, so do not die unless you are Muslims. (132) Or were you witnesses when death approached Yaacoub, when he said to his sons, “What will you worship after me?” They said, “We will worship your Allah and the Allah of your fathers, Ibrahim, Ismail, and Ishak, one Allah, and to Him we submit.”}

{And they said, “Be Al-Yahoud” or Al-Nasarah you will be guided. Say, “Rather, the religion of Ibrahim is upright, and he was not of the polytheists.” (135) Say, “We believe in Allah and in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishak. Yaacoub and the tribes.” And what was given to Musa and Issa and what was given to the prophets from their Allah, we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we submit. (136) And if they believe in the same as you believe in, then they are guided. But if they turn away, then they are only in dissension. Then Allah will suffice you for them, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (137) Allah’s Sabbath, and who is better than Allah’s Sabbath, and We. (138) Say, “Do you dispute with us about Allah? He is our Allah and your Allah, and We have our works and you have your works, and we are sincere to Him.”

A purely Muslim world…there is no Jew or Christian in that world. The Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah had never appeared on earth…and their appearance came after Musa.

Even in the time of Musa… there were no Al-Yahoud or Al-Nasarah on earth or in the world… Their appearance came after Musa… The Qur’an says this.

Where does the Holy Qur’an say this fact that Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah appeared in a real historical way after the time of Musa?!


{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy so that they might remember.}

The Qur’an clearly says that Allah gave Musa the Book after the disappearance of the first ancient nations… that is, after the disappearance of the time of Ibrahim, Yaacoub and Ishak, which the Qur’an spoke about and which we said were times in which Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah did not exist at all… So that the book may be an insight for people and a guidance and mercy for them, so that people may regain their first ancient memories and know the ancient world and those times.

As it is known, Musa brought the Book of Allah to Pharaoh and his people… but Pharaoh disbelieved in it and lied in it.


{And We gave Musa the book, but they disagreed about it, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they are in doubt about it, doubtful.}

And this difference in the Book of Musa is the same Book, the Books intended in the verse {Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves, and whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then Allah is swift in reckoning}

If the Qur’an says that Ibrahim was not a Jew or a Christian, then Musa was not a Jew or a Christian…but rather a Muslim to Allah.

The Qur’an says that Allah gave Musa the Book, but there are those who disagreed about the Book of Musa (the Book of Allah)…and if Allah had not preceded His word to a known time (the Day of Resurrection)… then its hour would have been determined between them. While they differed regarding the Book of Musa.

It is logical that the identity of those who disagreed regarding the Book of Musa are the people of Pharaoh… Musa came to Pharaoh and his people with the Book of Allah.

What is the relationship of the people of Pharaoh who disagreed with the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah?!


{And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah on anything and Al-Nasarah said The Al-Yahoud are not upon anything, and they recite the Book. Thus those who do not know say the same as their saying. So Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in what they differed about.}

This is the beginning of the emergence of the difference……. about the fact that the religion with Allah is Islam… because of the difference in the Book of Musa… that is, after Musa. They disagreed about the Book of Musa (the Book of Allah), and this is the first appearance of the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah in real, natural time, after the Book of Musa.

Because what is meant by the Book here in the sentence (and they recite the Book)… is the Book of Musa… and it is the same book that is meant in the Qur’anic line (Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ).

That is, the meaning is {The religion with Allah is Islam, and Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah did not differ, except those who were given the Book. After knowledge came to them, and they were reciting the Book} … and the name Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah did not appear until after the Book of Musa. While reciting the Book of Musa (the Book of Allah), they made a difference in reciting the Book of Musa… and they appeared as a result of those two recitations.

That is, the reasons for the emergence of the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah are the book of Musa only… the book of Islam and the differences in it are the ones that produced those two names… the Al-Yahoud and the Al-Nasarah.


{And indeed We gave Musa the book, but there was disagreement about it. And had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they are in doubtful doubt about it. The Book after them is full of doubt about it.}

And they did not divide into Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah… except while they knew (knowledge came to them), out of envy among themselves… deliberately among themselves.

And knowledge came to them from Musa, that is, in other words… that they did not disperse until after Musa came to them……….. This indicates conclusively that the Al-Yahoud and Al-Nasarah appeared chronologically after Musa.

3- The third point {Say, “We believe in Allah and in what was sent down to us and what was sent down to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishak, Yaacoub, and the tribes, and what was given to Musa and Issa and the prophets from their Allah. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we submit.” (84) And whoever desires other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. (85)} [Al Imran: 84-85]

Say: We do not differentiate between any of his messengers… and this point is what caused this false awareness among Muslims… because all of them were originally Muslim messengers of the religion of Islam.

See how the readers connect this rule…….and between the topic of religion and the mistaken belief of a Muslim about his belief that Allah revealed religions before Islam.

{The Messenger believes in what was sent down to him from his Allah, and the believers each believe in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers. We make no distinction between any of His messengers. And they say, “We hear and we obey. Your forgiveness is our Allah, and to You is the return.”}


Now let us get into the topic regarding Al-Masjid Al Haram in the Qur’an’s speech

1 – Characteristics of the Qiblah in which the House is located

A valley without crops and not a country without crops

{Our Allah, I have settled some of my descendants in a valley devoid of cultivation near Your Al-Bayt Al-Haram. Our Allah, that they may establish prayer, so make the hearts of the people descend to a cedar. Give them of the fruits that they may be grateful.}

{Permissible for you is the game of the sea and its food, as a provision for you and for the caravan, and forbidden for you is the game of land as long as you remain sacred. And fear Allah, to whom you will be gathered.}

The Qur’an talks about a place surrounded by a sea from which it is permissible for the Haram to fish.

2 – The place of the Qiblah in which Al-Bayt Al-Haram is located

{And We revealed to Musa and his brother, “Settle for your people in Misr in houses, and make your houses a direction of direction and establish prayer. And give good news to the believers.}

As long as Allah tells you… Say, “We do not differentiate between any of His messengers, and that all messengers are Muslim messengers of the religion of Islam… This will clarify the location of the qiblah.”

The place of the Muslim qibla of Musa are houses in Misr… that is, the qibla of Musa is Misr. It is assumed that the qibla of every Muslim is Misr and the houses in Misr, because the religion with Allah is Islam and the qibla is one and all of Allah’s messengers are Muslims to the religion of Islam.

These houses in Misr are the same houses that the Qur’an’s speech refers to

{In houses which Allah has permitted to be raised and for His name to be mentioned therein. He is glorified therein in the mornings and in the evenings. (36) Men who are not distracted by trade or selling from the remembrance of Allah and the Messenger of Allah. Stand up for prayer and pay zakat. They fear a day when hearts and eyes will be turned (37)}

Notice how the hadith links homes to establishing prayer.

Also, these houses in Misr, the place of the qibla, are the same houses that are mentioned in the Qur’an’s speech

{۞ They ask you about the new moon. Say, “These are times for the people and for the Hajj.” And righteousness does not mean that you approach homes from their backs, but righteousness is he who fears “And enter the houses from their doors, and fear Allah that you may succeed.” [Al-Baqarah: 189]

See how the word Hajj is used when talking about houses. He is talking about a place of pilgrimage in which there are houses.

2- The number of houses in the qibla

If the qibla is for houses in Misr…but the Qur’an addresses the Messenger about the qibla towards one house (Al-Masjid Al Haram)…so how do we resolve this contradiction and conflict in one religion with one qibla?!

There is no contradiction or any difference……. Because Al-Masjid Al Haram is the name of one of the houses that are in Misr, the place of the Qiblah, and the Messenger was taken on a journey there by the houses that are in Misr, the place of the Qiblah… from Al-Masjid Al Haram (the first house) To Al-Aqsa Mosque (the third house) and what is located next to each other in Misr.

{Glory be to Him who took His servant by night from Al-Masjid Al Haram to the Aqsa Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed to show him of Our signs. Indeed, it is He The All-Hearing, the All-Seeing (1) And We gave Musa the Book and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel: Do not take a representative besides Me (2)}

These mosques, including (Al-Masjid Al Haram and Al-Aqsa Mosque), are the same mosques that are mentioned in the Qur’an’s speech.

{And who is more unjust than he who prevents the mosques of Allah from being mentioned in them, and seeks to destroy them? It is not for them to enter them except in fear. In this world is disgrace, and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment.} [Al-Baqarah: 114]

{In houses that Allah has permitted to be raised and His name to be mentioned in them = {And who is more unjust than he who prevents the mosques of Allah from being mentioned in them?

3- The name of the place of the Qibla

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim.

Does Allah tell the Muslim that the first house built for the people was the one in Mecca or the one in Bakkah?!

Allah says who is crying.

But the Muslim is stubborn to the word of Allah, and disbelieves in the word of Allah, and he still has the insistence of the infidels and deniers that Mecca is Mecca, and Allah tells the Muslim that he revealed the Book with truth and balance and that the Qur’an is an elaboration of the Book and authenticates the Book of Musa in an Arabic tongue, and there is no substitute for the word of Allah. But the Muslim is an infidel and believes the words of the books of Al-Tabari and Al-Bukhari and the biography of Ibn Hisham written by Bishr.

{Allah is the One who sent down the Book with the truth and the balance, and what makes you know? Perhaps the Hour is near} {And recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Allah; there is no altering His words, and you will not find anyone uniting with Him besides Him.}

6 – The shape of Al-Masjid Al Haram in the direction of the Qiblah

Allah says that the Kaaba is Al-Bayt Al-Haram

{۞ Allah made the Kaaba, Al-Bayt Al-Haram, a standing place for the people, and Al-Shaher Al-Haram, and the guidance, and the necklaces. This is so that you may know that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is in earth, and that Allah is All-Knowing of all things.

For many people, the Kaaba means a cubic shape.

But the cube is not only a description of the geometric shape. The cube also means a numerical value. The cube and the cube mean three… So we say: A cube of 3 is 9.

It means a cube of 3 = 3 times 3 times 3…that means three

Also, the Kaaba has a different geometric shape than a cube. There is a Kaaba that resembles a mountain… which resembles the houses found in Misr, the direction of Musa… and the number of which is a cube or a cube… three.

{O you who have believed, when you stand up to pray, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your heads and your feet up to the ankles, and if you are in a state of ritual impurity, then purify yourself; and if you are sick, or on a journey, or one of you comes from excrement, or you touch women and you do not find water, then perform tayammum on clean earth, and wipe your faces and your hands of it whatever he desires. Allah, that He may place upon you hardship, but He intends to purify you and to complete His blessings upon you, that you may be grateful.}


Now, what is the relationship between Al-Masjid Al Haram and the book?!

The link…..Memory and names.

Because nations are just like humans… Just as humans have a memory, nations also have a memory, and this memory is present in their ancient books, and recorded in those books are the names of things in the world around them, their religion, their holy places, their history, and in the first language in which they came out. from him .

Just as when a person loses his memory, he will become lost and lost in a place, likewise when nations lose their ancient books (their memory), they will become lost and lost.

And from this real and fundamental introduction… you will understand the real fundamental reason for the speech of the Qur’an when it tells us in the first surah in the Qur’an about that book about which there is no doubt and that it is a guidance for the people… and you will understand the reason for this book that Allah gave to Musa. It is linked to the departure of the first centuries (previous nations), and the relationship of the book to the phrase (perhaps they will remember).

(Perhaps they will remember) = (The memory of peoples and nations)

{That book no doubt guidance for the righteous}

{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy so that they might remember.}

■ Also, since the religion since ancient times has been Islam… it is logical that the ancients recorded their lives and much information in ancient books, and these books are sacred to the nations… because it is their first memory, their first nature from which they emerged.

And this is the main, essential entry…what is meant by the Qur’an’s speech when he talks about the story of Musa about Pharaoh, and Pharaoh’s question to him about the first centuries, and Musa’ answer that knowledge of them is with Allah in a book (the book that Allah gave to Musa).

{He said: What is the matter with the first centuries? (51) He said: Their knowledge is with my Allah in a book. My Allah does not go astray nor forget.}

■ The things around you do not have names (words) except an agreement in people’s tongues or an initial pause… Therefore, the names of the things around you must be recorded in a document so that the correct first names that people found them are not lost.

■ The names of things around you may be lost from your memory… For example, if you have your own names… If a project changes the names of things around you, then imposes them on the people and on your children by force in educational institutions for the people or in books. In languages, in references, and in translations… you will lose the original names that built the place around you.

And this is the real main entrance…what the Qur’an’s speech means when he talks to us about the Book of Musa about which there was disagreement, and had it not been for (a word) that preceded from Allah, it would have been decided between them.

{And We gave Musa the Book, but they disagreed about it, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they are in doubt about it, doubtful.}

I will give an example:

You have a house called (Al-Bayt Al-Haram)… and the state decided to name your house after (the Pyramid of Khufu) and imposed the name in official newspapers and books and obligated it to be taught in education…… After a while, this house will not be mine at all after it disappears. His name is on the lips of the world around me… especially if the house document was stolen by a thief, and then a person named George comes with a fake document proving his ownership of my house.

And this is the real, essential, main entrance…what is meant by the Qur’an’s speech when the Qur’an tells us about Al-Masjid Al Haram, coupled with the conversation with the book, the document that confirms the name of Al-Masjid Al Haram?!

So say the readers

{And recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Allah; there is no one who can change His words, and you will not find anyone united with Him apart from Him.}

And the revelation when he addresses the Messenger by turning his face toward Al-Masjid Al Haram and that those who were given the Book know that it is the truth… for it is a revelation from the Book of Allah, whose verses have been detailed for our readers in Arabic… about the verses in which the word of Allah was written, including the word (Al-Masjid Al Haram) in an Arabic tongue. The Book of Musa in which there was disagreement, and those who disagreed in the Book of Musa are those who were given the Book and to whom came knowledge of the Book of Allah, the Book whose verses were detailed in Arabic Quran for a people who knew, but they wanted to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths and they distorted the word of Allah, and concealed and concealed the truth. And they disbelieved in the revelations of Allah in the Book of Musa and replaced it with lies and a foreign language.

{We may see the turning of your face in the sky. We will certainly turn you to a direction that pleases you. So turn your face toward Al-Masjid Al Haram, and wherever you are, turn your faces toward it. Indeed, those who were given the Book know that it is the truth from their Allah, and Allah is not unaware of what they do. (144) And if you brought to those who were given the Book every sign, they would not follow your direction, nor are you. Follow their qiblah, and some of them do not follow the qiblah of others. And if you follow their inclinations after the knowledge that has come to you, then surely you would be among the wrongdoers. (145) To whom We have given the book recognize it as they recognize their own children. And indeed, a group of them conceal the truth while they know it. (146) The truth is from Your Allah, so do not be of those who doubt.}

Also read

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the place of Ibrahim. And whoever enters it is safe. And Allah has protection over people. (97) Say, O People of the Book. Why do you disbelieve in the signs of Allah? Allah is Witness of what you do. (98) Say, “O People of the Book, why do you turn away from the path of Allah who believes? You seek it crookedly while you are witnesses.” And Allah is not heedless of what you do. (99) O you who have believed, if you obey a party from among those who were given the book, they will turn you back after you have believed. Unbelievers (100)}

See…how the readers connect the hadith about the first house established for the people, which was in Bakkah, with the Book, and that those who were given the Book have disbelieved in the signs of Allah in the Book of Allah, whose verses are explained in detail by our readers in Arabic, for those who were given the Book who know.

So those who were given the Book and know the truth in the previous verse, and those who, if I were to give them any sign, are the ones who will be addressed (Why do you disbelieve in the signs of Allah and turn away from the path of Allah and seek crookedness in the signs of Allah in His Book, while they are an Arabic Qur’an without any crookedness?)

Now read the Qur’an’s speech to you about those who were given the Book and those who know the location of the first House established for mankind.

{O you who have believed, if you obey a party from those who were given the book, they will turn you back into disbelievers after you have believed.}

What is the conclusion?

When the Qur’an speaks, they (the people) speak in this Qur’anic line:

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail by our readers in Arabic for a people who know}

They are the same ones who were given the Book, who know… the Qur’an’s speech about Al-Masjid Al Haram, who know the location of Al-Masjid Al Haram in the Book.

{And those who were given the Book know that it is the truth from their Allah, and Allah is not heedless of what they do. (144) And if you brought to those who were given the Book every sign, they would not follow your qiblah, nor will you follow their qiblah, nor will some of them follow the qiblah of others. And if you were to follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, then surely you would be of the wrongdoers. (145) Those to whom We have given the Book know it as they know their children, and indeed a party among them conceals the truth while they know. (146) The truth is from your Allah, so do not be of those who doubt.

And they are the same ones who were given the Book that was referred to in the Qur’an’s speech when he spoke about the first house established for the people in Bakkah in which there were clear verses, and they disbelieved in the verses of Allah, turning away from the path of Allah and wanting them to be crooked, while they are verses in the Arabic Qur’an that are not crooked.

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is the one in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the place of Ibrahim. And whoever enters it is safe. And Allah has protection over the people. (97) Say, O People of the Book. Why do you disbelieve in the signs of Allah? Allah is Witness of what you do. (98) Say, “O People of the Book, why do you turn away from the path of Allah who believes? You seek it crookedly while you are witnesses.” And Allah is not heedless of what you do. (99) O you who have believed, if you obey a party from among those who were given the book, they will turn you back after you have believed. Unbelievers (100)}

And they are the same ones… who disbelieved and made for the Muslims a mosque of harm and disbelief instead of Al-Masjid Al Haram, which was founded on piety in the city of Misr… and whose structure is still standing to this day.

{Those who have made a mosque out of harm and disbelief, and to cause division among the believers, and as a place of protection for those who warred against Allah and His Messenger before. And let them swear, “If only We will The best – Allah bears witness that they are liars (107) Do not ever stand in it. A mosque that was founded on piety from the first day is more deserving of you standing in it. Men who love That they purify themselves. Allah loves those who purify themselves. (108) Is he who founded his building on piety from Allah and His pleasure better, or he who founded his building on the brink of a cliff? He fled and collapsed with him in the fire of Hell. Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. (109) Their foundation which they have built will always remain in their hearts unless Their hearts are torn to pieces. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise (110)}

And they are the same ones who disbelieved in the verses of the Book of Allah, which were read with the word “Bakka” without any crookedness… and they made it crooked and turned it into (Mecca), and they made for the Muslims the Dirar Mosque in (Mecca), and they kept the people away from Al-Masjid Al Haram in (Becca). ) which was founded on piety from the first day.

{And it is He who withheld their hands from you, and your hands from them in the interior of Mecca, after He had given you victory over them. And Allah is ever Seeing of what you do. (24) Of those who disbelieved and turned you away from Al-Masjid Al Haram, and the sacrifice was prevented from reaching its place. And had it not been for believing men and believing women, you would not have known it. lest you trample on them and suffer from them a disgrace without Knowledge. That Allah may admit into His mercy whomso He will. Had they swayed, We would surely have punished those who disbelieved among them with a painful punishment. (25) When those who disbelieved put in their hearts the Water of the fever of ignorance, so Allah sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers, and He forced upon them the word of piety, and they were more deserving of it and its people. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing of all things ( 26) Allah, His Messenger, has certainly confirmed the vision with the truth. You will certainly enter Al-Masjid Al Haram, if Allah wills, secure, with your heads shaving and cutting your hair short, and you will not be afraid. So He knew what You do not know, but apart from that, a conquest is near. (27) It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, that He may make it prevail over all religions. And that is sufficient for the mind. He is a martyr (28)}

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