The real reasons behind Britain’s exit from Europe

The real reasons behind Britain's exit from Europe


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Britain is not in a good position with Germany, even if both parties hide this. If you focus carefully on German media materials and compare them with British media materials, you will find a hidden war between the two countries.

Why ?

When Britain leaves Europe, this means that Britain is pushing other countries to do the same step, and more than that, Britain left because of refugees, and as we know, the refugee problem has become the number one issue in Europe. Also, Britain’s exit means that Britain is greedy and selfish, and wants to seize foreign interests on its own without sharing them with the rest of Europe.

But the most important point that Germany realizes is that Britain left not because the European Union was a problem for it, but rather it left in order to go to the Middle East alone in order to restore its old legacy after America’s withdrawal from the region.

I know very well that the reader will say: But it was the British people who took that step, and voted in favor of leaving Europe, and this is a popular decision and must be respected, and this negates the previous statement.

The democratic system is the biggest deception, it is just a system to make the people feel that they are participating in political decision-making and governance, and to give popular legitimacy to any future political step, and so that the people do not feel bored and routine.

The decision to leave Britain is a dangerous strategic decision, and Britain cannot take this dangerous step, relying on a popular vote, which votes based on naive and ridiculous considerations. Most British voters voted to leave because foreigners sexually harass their women.

To confirm this, let us read the sequence of events carefully.

At the end of 2014, Britain changed its national security strategy. This step is important and dangerous, and many do not realize the true meaning of changing the national security strategy. It is a big step in any country, and it means that Britain will make a major coup in its policy, and is preparing to take a big step.

Britain’s exit was for the sake of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. This is the truth. America is withdrawing from the Middle East, leaving the Middle East, and heading to another place in the world, but it will leave behind a large legacy, and Britain wants to obtain that legacy.

Note: Do you remember Netanyahu’s statement when he said: The Holocaust was not Hitler’s idea, but rather it was an Islamic idea by Sheikh Al-Husseini in Palestine. He was the one who proposed that idea to Hitler. Do you remember, what was Merkel’s response to this statement? . Merkel was smart, and she understood the hidden message from Netanyahu’s statement and said: Do not play with history, because we know very well who committed the Holocaust.

How can we understand Netanyahu’s statement? What are the reasons for this statement at this time? Why did Merkel respond in that way? What does it mean? Although she should be happy, because this official statement rids Germany of a historical crime, for which Germany is still paying compensation to this day!

For the first time in the history of Israel, it issued this strange and very dangerous statement. This malicious statement was directed at the German people and the rest of the peoples in order to increase the popularity of the extreme right after denying this crime against them. This means that nationalist thought does not bear this crime, but rather Muslims, and thus it will lead the extreme right in Europe towards an imaginary enemy (Muslims and refugees), to be the slogan of their election campaigns, and to increase their chances of winning the elections.

So, it is in Israel’s interest for Britain to leave Europe and return to the Middle East, after America withdraws from the region. It is in Israel’s interest to exit Europe and sign a joint defense agreement with Saudi Arabia to protect it, after America refused to extend the joint defense agreement with Saudi Arabia, especially since it In open war with Yemen.

What is Israel’s interest in signing a joint defense agreement between Britain and Saudi Arabia?

Because Saudi Arabia is the manager of Israel’s project in the Middle East.

At the Manama summit between the Gulf states and the British Prime Minister, Theresa May came out with a statement, “The security of the Gulf has become Britain’s security more than ever before.”

All of the above confirms the fact of Britain’s exit from Europe, in order to go to the Middle East. Therefore, terrorist incidents in Britain, logically…will be in Britain’s interest. They will serve British policy because they will create a state of blessing for any British military intervention in the region in the name of fighting terrorism. The one who harasses her and threatens her. As long as terrorism serves it, terrorist operations are of its own making. Terrorism in the West is just a Western intelligence game for the sake of world opinion only to support the political position and intervene in the world, while real terrorism exists in our region and it is a project designed by Western intelligence services with funding from the Gulf states to penetrate the region and destroy it in order to seize it…a new colonial attack. Western politics is devoid of morals and humanity, a savage, barbaric policy…and everything it promotes in terms of freedoms and human rights are merely attempts to gain reassurance and reassurance from a savage, barbaric, immoral being…through which it can prey upon, slaughter, and dismember others, and then eat them. The sun was born

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