The reality of countries in the world that have been subjected to Western occupation

The reality of countries in the world that have been subjected to Western occupation


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If you contemplate the reality of the countries of the world that were subjected to Western occupation in general and in particular by Britain and France… you will find important observations in it that will make you understand the nature of the occupation.

how ?

The Western occupation does not enter a country to occupy it unless it has a basic, central goal that it wants to achieve… It is playing with the one natural balance established in that country, which the country has reached as a result of a natural movement over a very long period of time, creating one stable system on earth, such as the social, economic, political, religious, and linguistic system.

Because the occupation cannot guarantee the maintenance of its control over that country except by creating a disruption within the natural system of the country, by creating chaos within that balanced and stable system, to create a difference within the system in order to cause divisions within it…or by cultivating new elements within the system that it nurtures within. The regime until it grows and grows, so that in the future these differences and elements become tools in its hand that it uses and directs to serve the ambitions of that country or to ensure the maintenance of its control over that country.

The Western occupation implements two policies:

The politics of divide and rule, and the politics of transplanting a foreign body into a cancerous body.

This is the West’s goal in any occupation it undertakes.

You find this goal prominent in the reality of the countries that have been subjected to British or French occupation… where you find the reality of those countries suffering from the presence of glaring differences and differences in the social, religious, economic, linguistic system… etc., and there is a hidden or apparent conflict between… Those differences.

But if you examine the reality of these countries more closely, you will find that there are two distinct types of reality that differ depending on the Western occupier.

For example… the reality of the countries that were subjected to British occupation, you will find the type of differences and divisions within them: religious sectarian divisions and differences… India is a clear example.

but …. The reality of the countries that were subjected to the occupation of France, you will find the type of differences and divisions within it: ethnic, tribal, national, linguistic divisions and differences…. Rwanda is a clear example.

The logical question: Can we ask the question: What did the Western occupation do in our region during its 150 years of occupation before it was expelled?!

We are part of the world… and it is logical and natural that the policy that the Western occupier implemented in other countries will also be the same that it implemented in our region.

Is this policy, which Britain and France followed in countries of the world, through it possible to understand and realize the reasons for the reality that exists in our region, which has been subjected to an occupation that lasted for approximately 150 years from Britain and France?

Let us observe the reality of our own

■ The reality in the Maghreb countries

France occupied Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco, and as it is known, France considers Africa one of its possessions……. Most African countries were occupied by France, and many African countries still pay taxes to France to this day.

But note… How, after France left Morocco and Algeria, we found an unstable and unbalanced reality (a turbulent reality).

We found a small community that has an ethno-linguistic difference from the large community around it, and France is taking care of this small community, which in those countries carries an ethnic discourse in conflict with the larger community.

This small community… is Berber (Amazigh).

If we read the reality of this small community in Algeria and Morocco and the circumstances of its emergence and formation, we will find the following:

■ If you search, you will find… that there is a linguistic minority in Morocco, Algeria, and Libya…. They were known in books as Berbers…but today they call themselves (Amazigh), and they speak a language called Amazigh… All Berbers are Muslims of the Maliki sect, and there is a percentage of them in Algeria and Libya who follow the Ibadi sect.

In Libya, they are located in the northwest approximately ……. In Algeria, they are found in northern Algeria in the mountainous areas, and there are some of them in the south-east, close to the Berbers of Libya… As for Morocco, they are also present in the north and in the mountainous areas… knowing that the Tuareg who are present in the Sahara desert to the south are classified as Amazigh. .

If you notice…you will find that the focus of their presence is always the north, especially the mountains, and the reason is that the nature of this geography provides societies with living conditions isolated from their large geographical surroundings, so they are not present much in flat geography other than a small percentage of them.

■ The truth is that the Amazigh language…….. is not a single language as many believe. It is almost multiple languages and not dialects like the Arabic dialects that are understood by the owner of any other Arabic dialect.

For example……. The Amazighs in Libya do not understand the language of the Amazighs of Algeria or Morocco, and the Amazighs of Algeria do not understand the language of the Amazighs of Libya and Morocco, and the Amazighs of Morocco do not understand the language of the Amazighs of Libya and Algeria.

Indeed, there are Amazigh within Algeria itself, and they live in some regions of Algeria and do not understand the language of the Amazigh of another region in Algeria, even though the distance between them is not great.

This is not the reality of an ancient language on Earth… The first ancient, original language on Earth imposes one language on a large area of the Earth, and makes the population able to understand each other over large areas.

I mean, for example…the distance between Yemen and Algeria is approximately tens of thousands of kilometers, but the dialect of the residents of my region is remarkably similar to the dialect of the residents of eastern and central Algeria, and any Yemeni can understand that dialect well and very clearly.

While two regions in Algeria are 300 kilometers apart and they do not understand most of their language…this is not an ancient reality on earth, but rather a modern, artificial reality that has not occurred on earth for thousands of years.

Of course… France is certainly well aware of this problem, and must have thought about solving the problem and this difference between the Amazighs themselves in those countries. Indeed, France has established an Amazigh linguistic complex, one of its projects is to create a single language for them to be circulated to all Amazighs.

Almost a large percentage of the Amazigh speak Amazigh and Arabic at the same time, and a small percentage of them speak Amazigh and speak and understand Arabic with difficulty, and a few of them do not speak Arabic at all, especially in isolated, mountainous areas.

■ If you search in reality…you will find that the residents of Algeria, Morocco and Libya, who do not speak Amazigh or Arabic speakers, did not call these people (Berber) at all and did not know this name at all, despite the books of the Ottoman printer, whose identity is not known. Its authors are called “Berbers.” For example, Ibn Khaldun calls them “Berbers.”

It is not the books of the Ottoman printer that they call “Berbers.” Rather, even the French books written by French historians, researchers, anthropologists, and linguists, in the French language, they called them “Berbers.”

For example……. The Arabic-speaking residents of Algeria call them (the Kabyles) and do not know them except by this name, and the residents of Morocco call them (the Riffins).

This is a strange reality… Because these fixed, well-established names that exist in reality, which are (Kabyles – Riffins), were supposed to also appear in Ibn Khaldun’s book when he spoke about them instead of calling them “Berbers,” and they also appear in the rest of the books of the French Ottoman printer who printed this Arab heritage for us. whose sources we do not know.

But the strange thing is…there was a fixed and well-established name that existed in reality in France, and it was (Berber), and Ibn Khaldun adhered to the French name (Berbers) when talking about them in his book, and as we know, in Ibn Khaldun’s book, a French orientalist named Catermere brought it into existence, and he is the one who is credited with making us know the existence of a character named Ibn Khaldun, knowing that Ibn Khaldun the Arab lived before the French Revolution. The Ottoman printing press that Napoleon brought and which printed this heritage for us also adhered to the French name (Berber).

■ The French occupation in Algeria paid very great attention to the areas of Berber presence at the beginning of its occupation…. He surrounded them in an isolated environment, conducted studies and research in their areas, and taught them French language courses.

To this day, France still pays great attention to the Amazighs in Algeria. For example, the French embassy in Algeria has a selective category in granting entry visas to its country to Algerians. It grants the largest percentage of entry visas to France to the Amazighs in Algeria in a concentrated manner, and such an approach is known in policies. States, as a deliberate and not a spontaneous act, targets a specific geography or population group in a country and falls within the tactics of political strategic projects.

For example…in Yemen…about 12 years ago, the UAE was granting entry visas to the Emirates easily to the residents of Socotra Island and granting citizenship to them. The Yemenis were surprised by this matter and asked a question about the reason, but after the Zionist aggression against Yemen by Saudi Arabia And the Emirates, with the blessing of America and Britain, many knew the reason, especially after the Emirates entered the island of Socotra and began to act there as if it were the owner of the island, after it made the residents of Socotra working in the Emirates or who hold Emirati citizenship its representation on the island, because the Emirates is Britain’s agent… …And Britain wants the island to be a military base.

In the past, the UAE viewed the residents of Socotra as a future card, and this is the same case with the issue of granting the French embassy in Algeria a large percentage of entry visas to France for a specific group or a specific region in Algeria.

This indicates that when France entered to occupy Algeria, it was well aware of where the shoulder was coming from… They were fostering and rooting a division within a stable regime… To implement the basic goal of the occupation, which will help it in the future to ensure the survival and continuation of its control over Algeria.

■ Before France left Morocco… France organized a conference in Morocco called (the Berber Dahir)… which to this day has become part of Moroccan Berber political literature.

With this work, France wanted to create an issue out of nothing, as there is no previous natural context that imposes the existence of something called the Berber Dahir… France wanted to unleash racial and identity awareness in society in Morocco, and this work is part of the tools to achieve the basic goal, which is to create chaos within the system. Stable natural. This conference will be the nucleus of a future conflict in Morocco in which France will be a major player.

Because why not (the Moroccan full-back), why this classification?!

Barbary back… It means that there are Berbers and there are non-Berbers, and this is the essence of the matter… creating difference and division.

Also, France’s insistence on calling it “Berber”…..even though the people of Morocco did not know this name in their tongue, it is nothing but evidence that the word “Berber” is a purely French appellation and was not in the tongue of the people of Morocco at all…and France is behind it. This name (Berber), and the heritage books that have reached us and were printed by the Ottoman printer that Napoleon brought to the region, and in which the word (Berber) is found, these books came out of the mentalities of French orientalists.

■ The word (Amazigh) was never known on the tongue of any human being on earth or in Algeria, Morocco, or Libya, including the Berbers, or in any book written 60 years ago. After the expulsion of France from Algeria, this name (Berbers) began to appear and the process of promoting it began… and the source of the name is France, because the French language dictionary began changing the name (Berbers) to the name (Berbers) and the name began to appear clearly and clearly in French books and French historians and scholars, and the process of promoting it began in Morocco, Algeria and other countries.

– 1800 until 1965, France used to call them (Berbers) [for almost 160 years, France called them Berbers]

– From 1965 until 2020, France began calling them (Berbers)

Of course… those whom France called (the Berbers), they did not reject this name… They gathered for a conference created by France called (the Berber Dahir), and none of them objected to this name at that time, because at that time the name was not Absolutely offensive… France used to adopt this name officially in its dealings, documents, books and correspondence… Today, they reject this name and consider it an offensive name, and they prefer the name (Amazigh) and its meaning (free person), because France has also begun to adopt the new name after it changed this name from its linguistic dictionary.

Note also the meaning (free man)… although all people are free, and no one needs to call himself free, but the meaning contains an important indication in creating a new awareness, that there is a large system that wants to enslave him while he is free… This meaning fits the beginning of making a focus. Conflict in reality.

So, the issue is a project to create a focal point of difference within a stable and balanced system, to create chaos and division… because there is no society that has lived an ancient life, and then decided 60 years ago to change its name to this new form, except because it is a society subject to a project of creation… A project to create a modern ethnic identity by external forces within an ancient, stable and surrendering society. This surrender without resistance indicates the existence of an initial agreement in the subconscious, or in other words the collective unconscious of this new society that is psychologically, intellectually and spiritually reconciled with an external force that creates it.

■ Almost 60 years ago after the expulsion of France.

An Amazigh person who lived in France designed a flag to represent their new, different identity in the region. It carries the meanings of their presence in all the geography of the region, and it has a written symbol on it that was said to represent their ancient script in which they used to write.

France established the Amazigh Cultural Institute. He is specialized and interested in preserving the Amazigh identity that lives within a large system that is different from it and needs support and assistance from France to preserve them in the face of the injustice of this large system that they live within… because France knows that it will be in its grip and will direct it to its advantage in those areas.

The institute also made a calendar that began in the year 2967. The starting point of the calendar was chosen in the year of the victory of a Berber king who overthrew the ancient Egyptian state and became ruler of Misr and their regions. Months were named for the calendar, including January, which is the beginning of the year, and they were told This name is an old name in the Amazigh language, in reference to a Allah they used to worship in the past, exactly the same idea as the gods in the Roman calendar (Mars, the Allah of war), and they began to deal with this calendar, and an Amazigh New Year was created for them, with which they are congratulated every year.

Here you are surprised by a normal society that agreed and was satisfied to implant historical awareness based on a conflictual idea in the minds of its people with the idea of a calendar that started from the idea that a Berber king defeated an ancient Egyptian king and overthrew the state and rule of Misr.

Because it is normal for the idea of the beginning of their calendar to be based on a king who ruled their country and did not rule other countries. Rather, it is natural for the beginning of the calendar to be something ancient and innate in society that is linked to nature, and not on the basis of the event of a king’s victory, the killing of a person, or the destruction of a state.

Of course, this work…is to strengthen the feeling of their ancient presence in the land and their ancient privacy…it gives them a feeling that their presence is older compared to the calendar of a large society around them, which is the Hijri calendar (1400 years).

– France also created a distinctive written alphabet for them…. It was said that it was their ancient writing thousands of years ago.

There, she is surprised at the idea of writing an ancient book for them that is different from the rest, and what is the reason for it.

This is an absolutely unnatural act, because the normal behavior is that the society, whether ancient or modern, has a writing similar to its surroundings… For example, the ancient Yemeni writing of the ancient Yemeni society (Musnad) was identical to the inscriptions of ancient Misr (hieroglyphs), that is, extracted from them… but the new writing Theirs is completely different.

This work… is to strengthen their sense of authenticity regarding their ancient presence in the land since the era of stone writing, and their specificity in comparison with the existing writing of a large community around them, which is (the current Ottoman script).

■ The Berbers almost do not have one distinctive feature or characteristic.

There are Samar Berbers…and there are Berbers whose features are completely similar to those of Arabic speakers. There are Berbers in Algeria, Libya and Morocco whose features are clearly close to those of Central Asia and Eastern Europe (blonde, blue eyes and white skin)…and there are Berbers in… Morocco’s mountains have a different character.

■ There is an intellectual wave that is growing and growing among the Amazigh, and this wave raises a discourse hostile to an imaginary entity called (the Arabs)… Not (the Arabs), but also (Islam)… because in their view Islam is the Arabs… or that Islam is the religion of the Arabs, even though their origins are Muslims.

This is the main idea that they are fed by France.


– Because the educated elite group among them are graduates of French theories, because their intellectual, historical and philosophical reading is limited to French production (the French school). Most of these elites consider the French school to be their knowledge, scientific and philosophical repository, and as we know that French Orientalism is the dirtiest and filthiest, as it has a vision that is very hostile to everything that is clearly Muslim and Arab… All the writings of the French after Napoleon’s invasion are full of very ugly rhetoric towards anything related to Islam or the Arabic language.

This elite among them is trying to fill the awareness of the Amazigh masses with their cognitive, historical and philosophical outlook, which they obtained from the French Orientalist awareness.

– Also because of something else… There is an important input… which is time and history.

The history published by the Ottoman printer, which Napoleon brought, contains stories of conflict between them and the Arabs……. For example, the story of the Islamic conquests, which talks about an ancient situation for them when conquerors came to them, while at that time they were kings and Al-Nasarah.

Such as the story of the battle of Uqba and Kusayla (Hector and Axel), and the story of the Christian queen (the shrewd one).

This approach is the most powerful weapon possessed by those who are directed to confirm that they are on the right path in their awareness, which is created by France…so it made many of the masses adopt the idea of disbelief in Islam and the idea of adopting other religions and hostility to the Arabs.

Also, in addition to their ancient history before Islam, which France began to extract from within the historical records from Greek and Roman books found in the Vatican, Italy, France, etc.

The Amazighs in general, 60 years ago, did not know of any history before Islam… and the function of this history is to create a historical imagination that precedes Islam as a comprehensive framework that gives them a kind of nostalgia for this world devoid of Islam and Arabs, but in a smart way. France was able to connect… That ancient historical imagination existed before Islam in the West, and at the same time, in a way that conflicted with the current reality around them.

For example, France… extracted for them the history of Amazigh countries and the names of great kings who ruled and formed great empires, and wrote for them stories containing events, battles, wars, victories, positions, geographical names, names of peoples and tribes from that ancient time, and stories. About a struggle and conflict with the Phoenician kings (Arabs) who lived in Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco. The Amazighs at that date rejected the presence of the Phoenicians in their country, but at the same time the Amazigh kings were complying with the orders of Rome (France).

France was even able to create for them many historical sayings in the words of their ancient kings before Islam, to be among their laws that they live by, contributing to finding a basis for this reality. France wrote for them a saying in the words of a Berber king saying: Africa is for the Africans.

In other words, the Arabs from Asia according to the story of Mecca and the Islamic conquests written by Napoleon’s printer, and Africa for its African inhabitants (the Berbers).

Although the awareness of borders, the designations of the continents, and the affiliation to the continents never existed 500 years ago in the entire earth… modern designations and modern awareness… How can we imagine a saying like this being said 3000 years ago?

This work that France did, in writing this history for them, wanted to create and establish a historical imagination in conflict with the Phoenix (the symbol of the Arabs), in order to transfer this imaginary conflict to reality… That is, creating conflicting symbols within an imaginary history that have links to symbols in reality, and at the same time creating an ancient historical imagination that is reconciled with the West and subservient to the West.

This trend always describes the Arabic language in the large system in which they live as (linguistic colonialism).

Some of the Amazigh people from this wave have a very strong sensitivity to Arabic or speak it to a very strange degree……..but they do not have any sensitivity or problem when speaking French inside his home or with his family.

Example: The broadcaster asks an Amazigh (an Amazigh star who is considered one of the Amazigh cultural symbols) does he speak Arabic?! …He refuses strongly and angrily and speaks in French, as Arabic is the language of an occupier and French is a language that is not an occupier.

Another example: I had a relative of mine who was studying in Algeria, and he used to ask an Amazigh doctor at the university to explain to him the meaning of some things in Arabic academic subjects because he did not understand French. He refused and told him to find an Arab who would explain these things to you… even though he… Speaks arabic .

They have extreme sensitivity even to the name (Arab), even though they live within a reality in which Arabs are brothers to them in one homeland… to the point that some of their artists produce songs for themselves, which contain words that describe Arabs as enemies or describe Arabs with ugly qualities. They consider these works of art to be part of the free human heritage.

They have extreme sensitivity that makes them angry and revolted by stories of a very old, hypothetical, imaginary history that cannot be verified and found in the books of modern printers, but they do not have any problem or emotion with realistic stories of crimes and brutality that took place recently in France.

They have a very strong sensitivity to liberal symbols from the region who fought colonialism and helped the people expel the colonizer because they were Arabs, but they do not have any problem or any sensitivity to French political or intellectual symbols who led French occupation projects in the world and in their homelands. Rather, they consider them great symbols that they talk about in a way It has amplification.

You find this wave supporting the Zionist entity, supporting its positions and actions, and finding a million excuses for it. Rather, it raises its flag and rejoices at its bombing and destruction. It has no problem with the idea of the entity displacing and displacing a people. Indeed, some of them want to adopt another opposing discourse that seems more logical. The issue of the Zionist entity is viewed as a humanitarian problem that can be solved through democracy, and there is no logical reason to explain this situation……. Except to satisfy his hatred for an imaginary entity in his mind, by supporting an entity affiliated with the criminal West because it is an enemy of this imaginary entity present in his mind.

Example: The pages of the Zionist entity are crowded with them, and they carry the flag of their new identity. .

■ The truth is that the topic is long and requires time…but the question is:

France made a 3,000-year-old calendar for them, on the basis that their presence was that old, but their numbers are small and not a large number commensurate with this age, and this point they were able to solve by saying that the majority of the population was Arabized and they are the ones who survived Arabization…but how is Arabization done? ?!

Is it possible for a society spread over a geographical area to change its tongue with such simplicity? Well, you don’t have Iran that had the most ferocious conquests, and they made them Muslims and had the Qur’an with them, and they were not Arabized?!

France made an ancient writing for them to distinguish them, on the basis that they had written in it since ancient times, before Islam and the Arabs came to Arabize them… But where are those inscriptions? There is not even a single inscription that contains a sentence of knowledge in their language.

So what is the explanation for this reality that made them a minority?!

Firstly …. I do not have any hatred or hatred towards the Amazigh within me, on the contrary, I love them, our family and our brothers…at all…but let us be very frank, because without frankness we will not understand ourselves… Honesty will help us get out of Shaytan’s game.

And honesty… Because reality will not be patient with such rhetoric, and one day it will explode and it will not be in anyone’s interest, because the rhetoric of this wave has reached an insane level and has exceeded its limit… to the point where it has begun to exude a foul and unpleasant smell… and in a way that makes us see it. As a warning sign before the disaster, in addition to that we see it as a security breach and a media and intellectual hand working for the benefit of the West.

What is the problem of the Amazigh?

A minority within a very large reality… and France mobilizes and nourishes them without them realizing it, so it separates them from reality, so as not to make them think about reading and understanding this large reality that they are inside.

The world of books completely deprives them of reading reality, and feeds them with very simple explanations for this great, difficult reality. They develop a state of persecution mania because of these simple explanations and their inability to explain reality, thus generating a violent rejection of reality that takes several forms: religious rejection, linguistic rejection, historical rejection, rejection. Artistic cultural rejection etc.

Because how is it possible for this great reality to prevail over them and for them to become a minority in it, while this great reality came after them?

And for this reason… A few days ago, a British newspaper ran an article about Algeria, about the identity struggle there, which developed into asking a question: Who are the original inhabitants of Algeria?!

And this is the central, fundamental idea of all this history, time, and the problem they are in… France feeds them that they are the original inhabitants of Algeria and Morocco, and that Islam and Arabic are a new state there.

Who are the original inhabitants of Algeria and Morocco?!

The true measure of knowing the original population in any country is religion (belief), because the existence of man on the earth and his continued survival depends on a true meaning of existence…otherwise man will not continue and will not establish any civilization on the earth and stability, and the ancient indigenous people For any country, they must have a true innate meaning to this human existence.

The logical question is: If the Amazighs were an ancient state on earth, they would still today have preserved their ancient belief before the entry of Islam to them, because this belief is their origin and their ancient nature in the land in which they were and lived for 7,000 years, just as some residents of the region preserved their belief. The ancients, such as Al-Nasarah in Misr, the Levant, and Iraq.

But they did not retain their original belief, which is the explanation for their true, original existence on earth, and they decided to adopt another belief among the Arabs, and this work would never be done by any authentic society that has lived this long in the land, because everything that the authentic possesses is real and original… An authentic person cannot abandon his true origin from which he emerged (the truth of his existence).

Rather strange… That the Amazighs decided to adopt a sacred religious book written in the language of the Arabs, not in their language, and they made the language of this book the language of their highest sacred text… although it was possible for them to preserve another religion that existed before Islam, according to the history and time that reached everyone. (The religion of their shrewd Christian queen) just as the Copts and Syriacs in Misr, the Levant and Iraq preserved their Christian religion and there was no problem, and they were able to believe in the book of the West (the Old Testament) which resembled the Qur’an, and write it in their Amazigh language and worship with this book. And in their language, because, as everyone knows, it is permissible to write the book of the Old Testament in any language that any people wants… The German is his Holy Book (the Old Testament) in the German language, as well as the Spanish, Italian, French, Coptic, Syriac, and Hebrew, and it was not At that time, there was a problem in translating the book of the Old Testament (which is in the Greek version) into the Amazigh language… especially since the history and time that has reached us speaks of a deep and widespread Christian state that existed in North Africa before Islam… Arianism was born there, and many philosophers Christianity and the Christian clergy were Berbers according to the history and time that reached us from the printer (Arius Augustine, etc.).

But it didn’t happen

What is the explanation?

The reason it is difficult to understand this reality is because there is no frankness.

Briefly and frankly… The Berbers are a relatively new community in the region, dating back to the age of the Ottoman and Western occupation.

that is the true .

This small, strange, contradictory and different Amazigh reality with a large reality around it is created by France…. A purely French project.

naturally …. France does not care about peoples, societies, or nations. All it cares about is itself and its ambitions, even at the expense of other peoples and societies. Even if it undertakes immoral, inhumane, and dirty projects, it possesses the spirit of an evil devil… The whole world is worth nothing in front of it. Maintaining her well-being and the flow of money to her.

The Berbers are a relatively modern community in Morocco and Algeria. They were settled during the period of the occupation of the West and the Ottomans. Their little reality today is a very natural reality as a result of the context of that relatively recent settlement. The French, with the help of the Turks, settled… These people are in the region, just as Belgium (France) also settled the Tutsis in Rwanda, after they were taken from the borders of Kenya, and this French game eventually led to that brutal explosion in Rwanda.

When French colonialism entered that land (Rwanda), a balanced reality was established. It settled tribes from the borders of Kenya who were famous for herding, and allotted lands for them, gave them false documents for their ownership of lands in that country, and issued personal cards to them as a sign of their privilege among the population… This minority was made the origin of the country and they are the owners of the land.

What French colonialism did in Rwanda is exactly the same thing that France did in Algeria, Morocco, and the region in general. France, through a European project brought by Napoleon and the printer, was able to make the minority on the land the first asset on the land, as it granted its minorities who It was settled or newly manufactured in the land…a fake history as a legal document that they are the previous owners of the land for the majority.

that is the true

If you look at an old archive of pictures that the French occupation used to take of the population in Morocco and Algeria at the beginning of the occupation 160 years ago, you will be certain… There are pictures of Berbers in Algeria that show their features very clearly with the same features as the inhabitants of Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

And it is very natural… That region (Central Asia to Eastern Europe) was the large population reserve that the West used with the help of the Ottomans, and which was inhabited by what are called Gypsies… Many numbers of them were settled in many parts of the region, and the main purpose was In order to create identities within the region that will work for the benefit of the West in the future.

The Al-Yahoud are also from those areas… The West, with the help of the Ottomans, settled them in the region during their occupation.

■ In Misr, the Levant, and Iraq

I will not talk in detail about the rest of the minorities in the region, as we have talked a lot about them, but let us read their reality by studying the characteristics of the occupier.

1- Misr was subjected to French and British occupation

As we talked about, the nature of the presence of different occupiers (France and Britain) imposes the emergence of a different model in Misr, different from the previous model that we talked about in Algeria and Morocco.

This model is the Copts.

Copts… You do not know whether they are a religion, race, or nationality?!

Their features are the same as the features of the majority of Egyptians, and there is no prominent characteristic in them that is different from the majority, and here we ask the question: How was this small society formed inside Misr that is different from the large society?!

naturally …. Everyone memorizes the history found in books and its interpretation will not come out of the world of books, but we see that the answer is always present in reality.

The Copts are a small community different from the large community around them, and their difference is based on two pillars:

– Sectarian religious difference – They have a different religious book than the book of the greater society

– National linguistic difference – they have a different language

The previous model in Algeria and Morocco was difficult to create in Misr, because the nature of Misr’s geography is one, flat and continuous, and there are no high, rugged mountains that provide conditions of isolation from the rest of Misr’s geography, and this prevents the emergence of a clear linguistic difference.

There is no solution…except by having a different religious book written in a new, different language.

Therefore, the Copts have a religious book written in a language different from the language of the rest of the larger society……. Although they could have had a different religious book written in the same language as the larger society (Arabic), the type of occupier imposed the emergence of this type of difference.

A sectarian religious project and a national linguistic project… (Britain and France).

The Copts speak Arabic fluently and have no difficulty…and Coptic is limited to reading their religious book, church prayers, and devotional texts.

For this reason, you wonder what prevents them from publishing their religious book in Arabic?!

As everyone knows, it is permissible to translate the book of the Old Testament into the language of any people and worship this book… The English have a book of the Old Testament, written in English, as well as Portugal and others. The book of the Old Testament, written in the Greek version, can be translated into Arabic and made into a Coptic book.

Rather, you are surprised… Why did a small community appear in Misr that read the story of Adam and the two sons of Adam, the story of Nouh, and the story of Musa from a different religious book and in a different language, even though it was able to read those same stories from another religious book available to the large community and In a language he speaks easily and simply.

Or what is the fundamental reason that prevented the Copt from reading those stories from the Great Book of Society (the Qur’an), and made him want to differ and turn to the same stories, but they are written in a different book and in a different language (the Old Testament)?!

Why did the Copt not appear with a book that was radically different from the Great Society book, but rather appeared with a book somewhat similar to (The Qur’an) and in a different language?

Of course, many do not know that the French and British occupation was the one who installed the Albanian man to rule Misr… Many believe that Al-Albani is a natural Egyptian extension of the rulers of Misr, but the truth is that the man was just a puppet pulled by the West from outside Misr and placed by the colonizer in Misr. Only, and there is no real known origin in Misr except that he is a person brought by colonialism, and the story of the lineage of kings that you hear or read is a promotion of the remnants of his rule that brought them from Central Asia.

This seems very clear in the Egyptian celebrities who appeared in that period. Most of them were educated in France in particular and not in any other European country, because France’s mission was to design the education system in Misr. Also, the visits of celebrities in Misr were limited to France only and not to the rest of the countries. Europe (Muhammad Abduh Al-Jabarti Taha Hussein Qasim Amin), also the translations of the Egyptians in that period of French literature and culture, also that Albanian family was the one who gifted the Suez Canal to France and Britain, and it is the same family that seized the lands of the residents of Misr for Turkish figures in a bid. ……It is the same family that handed people damaged weapons in the 1948 war.

After the occupation and the installation of Al-Albani……. The occupier sponsored that new difference that he made in Misr through their man, just as France sponsored that difference in Algeria and Morocco.

Al-Albani was the first to build churches for the Copts in Misr, and he was the one who ordered the Pope of the Coptic Church to establish the historical calendar, and he was the one who ordered the Pope of the Church to carry out a linguistic reform of their religious book using Greek.

Information: The truth is that there is no Coptic language at all, it is a pure and pure Greek language, but they wanted to create a new name to hide its true identity.

2- The Levant and Iraq were also subject to the occupation of France and Britain

The type of this occupier (France and Britain) will impose the emergence of a model similar to the previous model in Misr.

This model is Syriac or Assyrian

A small society is different from a large society, and their difference is based on two pillars:

– Sectarian religious difference – They have a different religious book than the book of the greater society

– National linguistic difference – they have a different language

Almost the same questions, characteristics and characteristics that exist in the small society that exists in Misr are the same questions, characteristics and characteristics that exist in the small society that exists in the Levant and Iraq, and there is no need to repeat them.

Because he is one colonizer.


I thought the characteristics of small societies were explained according to the type of occupier. France specializes in languages. How could it not, when France is the one who is credited with translating Egyptian inscriptions. The most famous linguists are French, and the founders of linguistic theories are mostly French, while Britain specializes in religions and sects.

But in the case of France and Britain meeting together, the models that appear bear a mixed nature (religious and ethnic)…and for this reason Judaism appears in the awareness of many to be a religion and at the same time a nation or a people.

While Judaism is essentially nothing more than a strategic Western project created by Britain and France…so a religious project emerged for us in a nationalist guise.

The model of Judaism is almost the same as the model found in the case of Christianity in the region. It carries the same characteristics as Judaism and they believe in the Book of the Al-Yahoud, a religious and national characteristic.

The Copts and Syriacs… you do not know whether they are a religion, a people, or a race?

But the clear situation in Morocco and Algeria… It is a purely ethnic and national condition. Therefore, you find the discourse of society carrying an ethnic discourse in its view of the reality around it, while in the Levant and Misr they have an ethnic religious discourse.

But what unites these small communities or the differences throughout the region (Berbers, Copts, Syriacs)?!

They all have one common characteristic, not most of them, but some of them, and there are waves among them that attract large numbers of them from time to time.

– All the reform processes in their reality took place recently during the era of the Western occupation and by the occupier, directly or indirectly, through the puppets of the occupation that were installed as rulers in the region.

– They have extreme sensitivity to Islam and Arabic… or in other words, extreme sensitivity to the large society surrounding them…. They believe that it is an occupation reality on the ground, but they do not have any sensitivity towards the Western occupier.

– They believe that they are the original inhabitants, and that Islam and the Arabs are occupiers… despite their ridiculous fewness… They also do not have a deep ancient folk heritage in which their current reality is stored. Their heritage consists of books written by Western foreigners.

– They have a great rejection of this reality… They seem isolated from reality and unconcerned with the issues of this great reality around them.

The reason is because the time and history that was written for them and for others made the story in their minds appear that way in order to create that sensitivity that the occupier needs to be at his service.

– Their reading of history contains prejudice against their great reality, and the printer’s books are more important to them than reading reality impartially, because reading reality will easily make them realize that they are a modern reality in the region in the age of Napoleon.

And here is the danger… which lies in the existence of a small modern society within a large society without realizing its true context… because not realizing its true context will create a state of intense hatred towards a reality that it does not understand, and an insistence on rejecting this natural reality that is firmly established on the earth. It will make him aggressive, hateful, hateful, resentful, and blind, using a remote control while he does not know it… It will make him a demolition agent in the future… It will make him seek to destroy the reality around him, because someone has convinced him and implanted in his mind the idea that this great reality around him has come. After him in time.

This is the new world project that came out of Europe to the whole world.

the truth …. All minorities are a relatively recent Western industry in the region that was implemented during the period of the West and the Ottomans’ occupation of the region, after the West was able to hide and falsify the book of Arab Islam, and then a new mosque was created that causes harm, infidelity, and division among the believers in Mecca. To be the center, starting point, and beginning of the new, imaginary history that will be written for the region and for the world… Then minorities were created in the region, and they also wrote for their minorities a history that precedes the history of Islam and the Arabs, in order to create a false, old legal document for the minorities in the region, so that they will be minorities in the future. Obedient and controlled tools in the hands of the West to dismantle the region, destroy it, and fight its inhabitants.

And this fake history that created a fake time and a fake history in the minds of all people……. It is the core of the Western satanic project that the West brought to the region through Napoleon and his printer, and for which the Zionist West created a mosque of harm and infidelity and divided among the believers in Mecca as a starting point for this new history on earth… This history is the core of the soft power of the Western satanic project.

In short, very… Minorities are a purely modern Western creation with no ancient reality on earth, and these societies did not appear until after the ancient document (the Book) that Musa brought was hidden, and in it was the truth of the first innate nature on earth, Islam, in a clear Arabic language.

{And indeed We gave Musa the Book, after We destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy that they might remember} {And We gave Musa the Book, but there was disagreement about it, and had it not been for a word that had preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and they were in doubt about it doubtful.} {And before it was the Book of Musa, a guide and a mercy, and this is a book confirming in tongues. Arabs, to warn those who do wrong and give good tidings to the doers of good.


What do I say to these minorities in the region?!

Your current awareness, indeed all current human awareness, intellectual, historical, and temporal, is as recent as the age of the printer.

Or in other words… The printer’s books are the ones who painted today’s world and its outlook on life… The printer is the one who wrote the history that has reached you today.

All the historical theories that no history book is devoid of…the history of religions, peoples, languages, and sciences were written recently and are as old as the printer.

All the human sciences that established the human mind that exists today and were used in educational curricula…were written at a relatively recent time and are as old as the printer.

Your current outlook and the outlook of all people is modern and was not at all the same as the outlook of people all over the earth 500 years ago.

And this modern world view of life would have been completely different if the ancient documents of man had not been hidden in the earth, within which there are confirmed ancient truths… It concerns people on earth.

The game was originally based on hiding these ancient facts in the book.

When a power hides these facts, it will be able to create any different society it wants on earth…. Its survival is based on false and imaginary information created by that force (historical information, calendar, time, and theories).

Because people know these facts……. It will stop the projects of this power in creating, controlling and controlling societies. It will prevent it from tampering with and controlling people on earth…and those facts are:

All people on earth were one nation… Because all people on earth had their beginnings in only one place in the distant past, and from that place they migrated and settled throughout the earth and spread.

The first man had an innate nature within him that submitted to Allah and the Last Day, and this tongue that exists in this large society in the region and surrounding your small societies (minorities), is the natural, realistic tongue that must be the characteristic of this great reality on earth, because this tongue Those around you are the natural heir to the tongue of the first human being on earth, the tongue of the first ancient nature on earth (the Arabic tongue).

For this reason, the force that hid the book from the people was able to create a book that resembled the readers of that book, the tongue of the first man on earth, and made it in several languages (Syriac, Coptic, Hebrew, German, French, etc.), and this work was for one thing only… to penetrate this society. The great thing is to believe that it is a text that came out of the same place from which their original text (Allah) came out (so that the Muslims think it is from the Book and from Allah, and it is not from the Book nor from Allah, but rather it was written by a Western political project and the West knows this truth).

In this way, the West created these small societies on earth, and created hypothetical time calendars and hypothetical histories for these small societies in order to give them an ancient dimension to their reality and an ancient origin.

Why ?

Because it is not possible for any new, artificial society to continue and remain on earth if it is surrounded by a natural reality that carries real information, because the truth does not allow a lie to remain. The truth destroys any false foundation, and man naturally does not like to live on a false and false foundation, so it cannot survive. Any new society without the creation of false documents and information for this society to be included in its historical and religious literature, etc…. especially since the West needs the survival and continuation of these societies, so that they become future tools that work for its ambitions and respond to its projects, and it does not know that they are just paper. It was created by a very corrupt and cunning force in the land.

This is the summary of Shaytan’s project on earth…which started from Europe.

A project… to destroy them all.

{Say: It is great news. (67) You turn away from it. (68) I had no knowledge of the highest assembly when they disputed. (69) Indeed, it is revealed to me, except that I am only a clear warner. (70) When Your Allah said to the angels, “Indeed, I am creating human beings from clay.” (71) So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down in prostration to him (72) Then the angels prostrated, all of them together (73) except Iblis. He was arrogant and was one of the disbelievers (74) He said, “O Iblis, what prevented you from prostrating to what I created with my own hand? Were you arrogant or were you among the high ones?” (75) He said, “I am better than him.” You created me from fire and created him from clay. (76) He said, “Then come out of it, for you are accursed. (77) And my curse is upon you until the Day of Judgment. (78) Allah said, ‘Then wait for me until the day they are resurrected.’ (79) He said, ‘For you are one of those who wait.’ (80) Until the Day of the Known Time. (81) He said. So, by Your might, I will mislead them all (82) Except Your sincere servants among them (83) He said, “Then the truth and the truth I say (84) I will fill Hell with you and those of them who follow you, all of them (85) Say, ‘I do not ask of you any reward for it, and I am not of those who presume.’ (86) Indeed, it is only a reminder to the worlds (87) And you will know his news after a while (88)}

{O Messenger, convey what has been revealed to you from your Allah, and if you do not do so, then you have not conveyed His message. Allah protects you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. (67) Say, “O People of the Book, you are not upon anything until you uphold the Torah and the Enjil and what has been sent down to you from your Allah.” And He will increase many of them. From your Allah has sent down to you transgression and disbelief, so do not despair of the disbelieving people (68) Indeed, those who believe and those who are Al-Yahoud and the Sabians Al-Nasarah – whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does righteousness – on them shall there be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (69)}

{The people were one nation, so Allah sent the prophets as bearers of good tidings and warnings, and sent down with them the Book with the truth, that He might judge between the people in that in which they differed, and they did not differ in it except those who were given it after the clear proofs had come to them, out of envy among themselves. So Allah guided those who believed to the truth to the truth, with His permission, Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path. }

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We read it in Arabic for a people who know. But the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic. The tongue of the one to whom they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue. And among them is a party who distort their tongues with the Book so that you think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah. Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know that the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves.

{And those who have made a mosque out of harm and disbelief and to divide among the believers and as a shelter for those who waged war against Allah and His Messenger before, and they will swear, “We only desire the best.” Allah bears witness that they are indeed liars. (107) Never stand therein a mosque that was founded on piety from the first day. It is more deserving that you stand therein. There are men who love to purify themselves. Allah loves. Those who are purified (108) Is he who founded his building on piety from Allah and His satisfaction better, or he who founded his building on the brink of a scorching cliff, so it collapses with him in the fire of Hell? Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. (109) Their structure which they built will remain in doubt in their hearts unless their hearts are cut off. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise ( 110)}

{Indeed, the first House established for mankind is that which is in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the standing place of Ibrahim. And whoever enters it will be safe. And for Allah is the obligation of the people to make the Hajj to the House, whoever is able to make a way to it, and whoever disbelieves, then Allah is of no need of the worlds. (97) Say, O People of the Book, why do you disbelieve in signs? Allah Allah is a witness to what you do (98) Say, “O People of the Book, why do you turn away from the path of Allah from those who believe? You seek it crookedly while you are witnesses, and Allah is not unaware of what you do. (99) O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Book, they will turn you back into disbelief after you have believed. (100) }.

{And it is He who withheld their hands from you, and your hands from them in the interior of Mecca, after He had given you victory over them, and Allah is ever Seeing of what you do. (24) They are the ones who disbelieved and turned you away from Al-Masjid Al Haram, while the sacrificial animal was withheld until it reached its place. And had it not been for believing men and believing women, you had not taught them that you should tread on them, and a disgrace befall you from them without knowledge, so that it might enter. Allah is in His mercy whom He wills. If they were removed, We would surely have punished those who disbelieved among them with a painful punishment. (25) When those who disbelieved put in their hearts the fever of ignorance, then Allah sent down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the believers, and made them obligated to the word of piety, and they were more deserving of it and its people. And Allah is All-Knowing of all things. (26) Allah has spoken the truth. His Messenger has seen the vision with the truth. You will certainly enter Al-Masjid Al Haram, Allah willing, safe, with your heads shaved and cut short, and do not fear. He knew what you did not know, so He made other than that a conquest soon. (27) It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it prevail over all religions. And Allah is sufficient as a witness. (28)}






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