The reasons for the controversy over the name of Egypt – Misr or Kemit?!

The reasons for the controversy over the name of Egypt - Misr or Kemit?!


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A normal question: What is the secret behind the hatred for the name Misr from some Egyptian residents?

You are a citizen of a country called Misr, and its official name is now Misr, so why do you insist on calling Misr by : Kemit, Egypt, Bekate, etc.?!

Why insist on turning this thing into a cultural demonstration and bragging about it and making it a symbol of culture, science and patriotism?!

Why this insistence on separating from reality and going to a world that does not exist in reality?!

What would you benefit if you created a page in the name of the sons of Kemit? What would you benefit if you said, “We are the sons of Kemit, not Misr,” for a serious, hate-filled picture?! .

Are you now going to serve your country, for example, or are you serving yourself?! .

Why do you want to live in a world that does not exist? Do you think that if we assumed her name to be dead, that would change everything?! .

Dear brother

All the names of countries today are only a recent agreement, which means relax and work within this agreement…and get out of the illusion.

I am the truth………. I cannot explain this new wave existing in Misr and the region that always discusses the issue of the name Misr except with one thing… and that is the existence of a systematic project that is behind these waves… … It is based on the false history that is taught to people, and I am surprised that there is no national conference at the level of one country or region to come up with a correct treatment for school and university education curricula.


Let me distinguish the people of this wave into three types:

The first type…..they are the remnants of the Western mind, lovers of Western readings.

The second type……. They are our brothers who complement us from other religions.

The third type…they are those who have other theories about the locations of geography.


The first type:

They are a group with a predominantly Western character that admires everything the West says. They have a state of hatred for themselves and society. They admire everything that comes from the West. They hate everything that is local and my country, and wish they had a different reality other than the appearance. the usual .

These people do not understand history except through the West, and they do not understand themselves except through the West.

They believe that they cannot know their ancestors except from the West. With all due respect to these people, most of these people do not have an original mind, and most of their origins are not from any country. The obsession with history is always in their minds, in a way that contradicts the reality of the country’s reality.

History for them… is not an understanding of reality… but rather an attempt to change reality in favor of a Western view always.

Because the Western view gives them great comfort and helps in extinguishing the complexes and hatred they live in within any country, and the Western view is the only view that has a magical state in which they can live in any country.

These people only love fashion and innovation, and they do not know that it is a trend that they create…….. They never thought, did not search, or looked… because fashion only forces them to take new forms… it does not care about the essence.

For example…he loves the name Kemit because it comes from the tongue of a Westerner only…but he has never researched the truth of this name and the validity of such worlds.

Only a lazy parrot likes his name given by the West, even if the West calls him by a different name.

These people…they have a Khawaja complex, and if the Khawaja says anything to them, for them it is sacred and sacred words.

The second type:

Our Egyptian Christian brothers.

Of course, they are not all… but this wave is widespread among these people… for several reasons.

I do not want to get into a religious topic…..but the reason is a conflict between their name, such as the identity of their religious book, and the name of Misr.

This thing put them in a wide variety of choices and created a contradiction for them… Will they be victorious for their name, for their faith in the books, or for reality?!

Because their name is Copts, and they believe that their name is Copts, and they do not call themselves Egyptians…they believe that its name (Egypt) is from Greek, and it is the same as their Coptic name (Jibt).

But besides the name (Egypt), they believe that its name was also (Kemit) and (Becket)…… according to the translations of Napoleon, the invader and occupier of Misr, so that it is not said that they are against ancient history, the true expression of their history.

And once they say that its name is (Mizraim) and not Misr according to the name found in the religious book.

That is why you find them believing that it is: Misr, Kemit, Beket, and Mizraim… As for the name Misr, it is sensitive.

This variety of names within them… created a state of disconnection with the established reality (Misr).

Because the logical question is: Was her name Misr, Kemit, Bekit, or Mizraim?!

It is necessary logically… to choose one name from among these names… and stick to it… because it is impossible for a country to have four names.

If her name was (Egypt) according to the Greeks, then why did her name appear (Kemit) and (Becket) according to the translations of the invaders Napoleon and Champollion?!

Either the Greeks were lying and their history was fictitious and was created to create a new, fictitious memory for the peoples, or the translations of the conquerors Napoleon and Champollion were fake.

The third type:

They are the proponents of theories of the geography of the texts of religious books.

Of course, this trend is very widespread in Iraq and the Levant, and has become somewhat widespread in Yemen.

Most of them have the mind of Sykes-Picot. They read ancient history according to the limits of Sykes-Picot. This type is characterized by a strange love of historical inflation.

For example, he wants to distort reality and truth in order for his limits set by Sykes-Picot… to be what is meant and intended in any historical text… not out of love for the truth, but because he has an obsession with the centrality of placing it within the limits of Sykes-Picot. He is very greedy… he believes that the world He was created only for the borders of Sykes-Picot, within which he lives.

Most of them do not like the truth… they live the illusion of Sykes-Picot very violently… they love excellence always inside Sykes-Picot’s mind.

And if you find a religious person of this type…you will find that he believes in the heritage of the printer, and makes the books of the printer a proven argument based on the text of the Qur’an…but he does not know anything and it does not occur to his mind that… He distorts the Qur’an in favor of Sykes-Picot… and does not realize that there is an external institutional mind behind his consciousness that pushes him with this thinking to distort reality, and the real target is the geography of the religious text.

He does not care about this part….. He and the printer’s books and Sykes-Picot are presented at the expense of his religious text. His religious text was created to serve him and to serve Sykes-Picot’s borders and not for the sake of the truth that the text wants.

Because the logical question:

Is there, in fact, any fact that is still ongoing and connected to us, confirming that the name of Misr is in another place, and is still in circulation today?!


Do not tell me that it is found in books written by a Zionist West, because I can write you a million books and talk from all sides and tell you in them, directly and indirectly, that Misr is in Ethiopia or in France, and you will easily repeat this conviction after me… … Especially if the names of the authors of these books were published under English and French names.


Now, what is the problem with the name Misr?!

A real reality found in the Qur’an…..that’s the whole story.

People never comprehend the extent of the systematic distortion of reality around us…which aims to not understand reality…and if the situation continues like this, the coming generations will enter into a maze larger than the maze of today and will not understand reality or the religious text.

Note the systematic distortion of organized reality.

■ The real name of the city of Cairo was Misr… and from the name of Egypt the city came the name of Misr, the state today… because the Ottomans, in a recent historical period, changed its name from Misr to the name of Cairo.

Now look at the project of distorting reality that took place and is being carried out so that you do not understand the religious text…… If it were not for the fact that the name of Misr is still authentic in the memory of the people of Misr. The name would have disappeared from people’s memories.

■ Also note the project…and how it works.

The books of the Ottoman printer implanted in people’s minds the name of the cities, and they said that it was on the tongue of the Arabs in ancient times, and this is a very intentional act and not spontaneous, and it is not true at all……. And this act they tried to implant to make people believe that the name Egypt The name of any country is given, and this point is not understood by many, as this argument is always on the lips of those who follow the wave of geography of religions.

Because we are Arabs and our tongue does not call countries “Misrayat”… We say: country, country, village, city, land.

And we never say the word “Israa”… and the language of the Qur’an never says this.

■ Its name is now officially Misr……but the West is keen to call it Egypt….and this thing made some people adopt this foreign name to prove the validity of their theories…because the words of the Westerner take precedence over themselves, meaning they rejected the real reality in favor of West’s view.

Although the West is also supposed to call it Misr, the West insists on calling it Egypt for the purpose of distorting reality, because they know the whole story and will not be able to survive unless they distort the reality of the entire world.

■ Because we have an old, forged archive, and time is not intact in our memory, and we believe everything that others say, it is easy for any external party to establish the theory of geographical locations in people’s minds.

See the distortion project…… They wrote for people a story similar to the story of Musa and Pharaoh in which the name of Misr appears, and they said that it happened in ancient times in Iraq, and that he was a king who was a demigod and whose mother was thrown into a coffin in the river….. ……. Then they also wrote elsewhere in history that the central region between the two rivers in Iraq was called Egyptian.

Therefore, it is natural that some people will collect this information and link it, and it will create a state of magical astonishment that will make them believe that Egypt was in Iraq and that the Qur’an talks about the demigod king Sargon… They will abandon reality in favor of a false cartoon narrative. From the imagination of Western authors, the mind is not confident in itself and began to search, confirm, and read those texts from the inscriptions on its own, nor does the mind believe in reality and went for a virtual reality.

The mind is haunted by absolute faith in the West and the worlds of Sykes-Picot.

And this mind…it is easy to convince him of this history. All the hypothetical Western evidence that contradicts reality confirms that Misr is in another place, specifically in Iraq, and today’s realistic religions have taken their story from this hypothetical Western imaginary story that has been woven. In a hypothetical past about a king named Sargon.

■ Also note the project’s movements… In addition to that date, they wrote down the name Mizraim and made it a special name in a book of religion for a group with no known origin in the land…and they made a calendar for this book. An imaginary, hypothetical time, just like the hypothetical stories they write to us about the ancient world (the first centuries).

This is so that people believe…that the name (Mizraim) is prior to the name (Misr)…and that it is the original name, but the name (Misr) is a distortion of the name (Mizraim).

Now… imagine that an unknown religious group has no origin and no known origin or land… and they have a religious book language that no one speaks except them. Rather, they learn it so that they can read their religious book. Do you think that the name of Mizraim exists? It would be an original name from reality and it was installed?!

So why is this denial of a real, proven, connected reality for the sake of distorted and forged virtual worlds from the imagination of the West… and for the benefit of a religious group without origin that stole a people’s land and lives in a usurping entity that came up with a false historical narrative that claims that it existed on the earth in ancient times and That he had a structure, an entity devoted to the service of the West, which never tires of distorting reality and the truth in order to destroy and occupy the land, kill its inhabitants, and plunder their wealth.


Now…. Did people in the past know the name Kemit?!

You have Champollion’s dictionary and the false translations of Misr’s inscriptions by the Western occupier, and you can verify this.

The symbol marked with an X, pronounced (njwt), means city. However, it is not pronounced in Champollion’s translation. Although it is supposed to be pronounced, or the name should be written without the need to put this symbol, or the symbol should be written separately on its own.

That is, it is assumed that the first word is (kemiting) and the second word is (bekiting). lol

This symbol… is pronounced village, city, or country… and is written (Q), (B), or (M)…. Determining the pronunciation of the symbol depends on the symbol associated with it. In our case, there is a symbol (rabwa).

So the word is (villages)

As for the other symbols, the symbol for the woman is pronounced alone (um).

The word is pronounced… Umm al-Qura…. and not I cried according to Champollion’s translation.

As for the other word….there is a symbol that Champion said is the skin of a crocodile lol. But he is the Athel… and he is known to any old man in the area. If he saw him, he would say (Athel).

The first symbol is pronounced athel… and written… (a)

As for the owl symbol, it is pronounced (meem)… because the first original Arabic name for this bird, before its name was distorted, was known as the (meem) bird.

And he writes (M)

So the word is (Umm al-Qura)

You have a proven reality and a living, continuous memory of a people of 90 million whose popular memory still calls the city of Cairo Egypt, despite the Ottomans changing its name.

And the phrase….Misr is the mother of the world… still on the tongue of its inhabitants

So, it is all a lie…it is all an illusion and a distorted virtual world resulting from a fictitious historical narrative, and from the West’s distortion and falsification of the region’s inscriptions.

Its name has been called Egypt since ancient times, before the entry of Napoleon Bonaparte, before Champollion, and before Sykes-Picot.

She is… Misr, Umm al-Qura.

This is a fixed, continuous, continuous reality and a truth…and there is a devil that no one wants to ever reach…so that these peoples do not reach the realization of the truth that is the cause of their reality today, and that Sykes-Picot and Sykes-Picot do not collapse. The Zionist entity’s bastard state will not fall, nor will the Al Saud project in the region fall.

note :

The Prophet did not call it the country of the Copts… Rather, the prophet of the Ottoman printer that came with the invasion of Napoleon and his soldiers is the one who drew the borders of the region and the borders of Misr currently. He is the one who called it the country of the Copts with the same foreign name, Egypt…….. The prophet of the Napoleonic Ottoman printer is Whoever called it the land of Jibt after the same name they invented….. As for the true, original prophet, he rejects the name Jibt, which came recently from a foreign, criminal, and immoral invader, namely Napoleon and his people, the people who forged the book whose verses were detailed, an Arabic reading for Napoleon’s people who know.

{Have you not seen those who were given a share of the Book? They believe in Al-Jibt (Egypt) and the Taghut (Demotic) and say to those who disbelieve, “These are better guided to a way than those who believe.” Those are whom Allah has cursed. And whoever Allah curses, you will never find a helper for him. Or do they have a share of dominion, so if they do not give people a filth? Or do they envy the people for what Allah gave them of His bounty. We gave the family of Ibrahim the Book and wisdom, and gave them a great kingdom.}

While the true, original Messenger…….follows the word of Allah and rejects the name Al-Jibt (Egypt), and this name could not have appeared on his tongue, and it is impossible for the Prophet to deny Allah’s verses in a foreign tongue, which he calls Misr, Umm al-Qura.

{Enter Misr, Allah willing, in safety} {And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’an so that you may warn Umm al-Qura (the Mother of Cities) and those around it, and warn of the Day of Assembly, of which there is no doubt, a group in Paradise and a group in the Blaze.}

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