The relationship between the region’s inscriptions and the identity crisis

The relationship between the region’s inscriptions and the identity crisis


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We must understand an important point… that the identity crisis in our region did not begin from our present time… rather, it began in ancient times since the emergence of the Rum project in the region… yes…… the Rum project that… It was launched many centuries ago and was able, with great cunning, to hide the oldest religious document in the region, and then deceived the book of the Old Testament as the Torah.

The modern awareness of this nation began with a project of huge translations of magical, imaginary Greek books…..and these translations are what established our awareness and our historical, chronological, and linguistic perception until today, and after a period of time after these translations appeared in our awareness, they began to appear in our world. The wave of populism, and populism, even if it is a real history, is the logical and natural product of a generation that was founded on reading these imaginary and mythical translations.

What is happening today is the same as what happened yesterday after the translation of the Greek magical books.

When the Zionist West came to us as an invader, it was initially very interested in translating the inscriptions of our region, and it was able, with great cunning and cunning, to convince us, the illiterate, with stories of Hollywood’s success in deciphering our ancient inscriptions and writings… and after that, it flooded our awareness and imagination with a huge amount of A huge number of writings that deal with our ancient history found in our ancient writings, showing us new superstitious, imaginative, and magical worlds that are very strange and contradictory to logic and reality, worlds that contain superstitious and magical religions even though they were the religions of our ancestors in the past, worlds that contain many very strange languages that we do not understand at all. However, it was the language of the land and the ancestors, worlds containing fairy tales in which humans mate with animals, and talking about a history in which there were characters similar to what we see in children’s cartoons.

Since the appearance of Western translations of the region’s inscriptions and our naive translation of these Western writings…the peoples in our region have begun to suffer from a second turmoil, but it is greater than the previous one…a great turmoil in their imagination, in their awareness, and in… Her thinking, her confidence, and her belonging.

She began to lose the meaning of everything in her surroundings, and began to lose belonging to place, time, language, and religion. She began to leave reality and enter an imaginary, mythical space in her view of the world and the things around her……and she struggled with herself…. ..and she loses her argument in front of the other…and she begins to believe that the land is not hers but for other peoples…and she begins to believe that she is an occupier of someone else’s land…and that it does not belong to the land…in fact she began to stand on the Zionist ground in her temporal consciousness. And the historical… after the West clearly deliberately grafted our history onto symbols, characters, stories and names found in its book, the Old Testament… so it made our temporal and historical imagination live inside the book of the Old Testament… He placed us within his temporal, historical and intellectual ground with which he came to occupy the region…. Today we do not read our true history at all, but rather we read the Book of the Old Testament (the Book of Rome) as our history… All the symbols present in the Book of the Old Testament that… It is exploited by the Zionist project to infiltrate our region. It is present in our history now, our history that was written by the West in the past and in the present, and it is not our real history at all.

The West was able to snatch the peoples of the region from the earth in a malicious way by writing all this huge, imaginary history that it claimed existed in the inscriptions of the region…… They made the peoples of the region lose their sense of reality, place, and time by giving us a mythical and imaginary history that is not real. We have been since… For a long time, we regurgitated a mythical, imaginary, false history that enchanted us, made us hallucinate, destroyed our imagination, reason, and logic, removed our belonging from everything around us, and prevented us from even thinking about re-deciphering the region’s inscriptions.

Therefore…it is very natural for this generation to experience turmoil in its historical and temporal view, in its thinking, and in its general logic. It is a logical result of this huge forgery project and this imaginary, mythical, and false history that the Zionist West wrote for us. We believed in it as a fact that actually happened, while it is a false and forged translation of the inscriptions of the region.

Not only that…but the wave of hatred for Arabic and for Islam in the region…is a very natural and logical result…of this imaginary, superstitious history that the region has endured for a long time and which the West wrote for us. We very naively translated it and adopted it as a real and national history… because this imaginary history fascinated and bewitched people and was able to create a collective consciousness that lives inside a magical, mythical virtual world that is at odds with reality, and harbors a strong hatred for its reality.

They have bewitched this nation… really

The solution is in your hands

What is the value of the history the West wrote for us so that you cling to it as if it were holy books?!

There is no scientific, cultural, or intellectual value, nor a shred of truth… because all the history and languages that the West has written for us are illusions, magic, and an imaginary virtual world.

Throw away all fake Western books, prevent all Western Zionist missions that come to excavate antiquities… and cancel history books that have been adopted as national history.

And re-decipher the inscriptions of the region…so that you know and are certain with absolute certainty that everything the West wrote for us is a big illusion, and that Judaism does not belong at all to the region, neither as a language, nor a book, nor a religion, nor a history. Because it is the creation of a political project and a fictitious history written by the West for it, and as for the book of the Old Testament, it is nothing but a historical hoax that tricked the illiterate people who believed that it was the Torah, that it was a heavenly book, and that Judaism emerged from the core of the region….. while the truth is that the Old Testament was basically Just an old Western political project to penetrate the region security-wise, tamper with it, and falsify it in order to occupy it for the benefit of a strategic project…. Because the region has known only one religion since time immemorial, and one holy book from which the entire region emerged from ancient times, and this book is written. In a clear Arabic tongue, devoid of crookedness…and this book is the reason for your religious and linguistic reality that you are in now.




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