The story of Nouh between truth and the Zionist narrative

The story of Nouh between truth and the Zionist narrative

9/14/2020 0:00:00

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Al-Falak (with the addition of the Fa) is the plural of (Al-Falak with the opening of the Fa).

In the story of Nouh, the Qur’an never talks about one boat, according to the general image present in the Muslim’s mind, which was established in his imagination due to the interpretations of Napoleon’s printer’s books, and because of Hollywood movies. Rather, he talks about several boats.

The Quran is very accurate

{Until, when you were in the ark and a pleasant wind swept over them and they rejoiced therein, there came to it a stormy wind and the waves came to them from every place and they thought they were surrounded. With them, they call upon Allah, sincere in religion to Him. If You save us from this, we will certainly be of those who are thankful.}

And green with them

If (the astronomy) were a single compound…then the sentence would be (and it applied to them).

{Indeed, this Qur’an relates to the Children of Israel most of what they differ about.}

The sea boats that were discovered next to Al-Masjid Al Haram (what is falsely called the Pyramid of Khufu)… are the arks that Nouh made at the command of Allah, because Allah left them for us as a sign.

{And build the ark with Our eyes and Our revelation, and do not speak to Me regarding those who do wrong. They will surely be drowned.}

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Scientific question: If we tried to make a movie about the story of the Prophet Nouh, what is the appropriate clothing that can be made for Nouh, what is the shape of the ship that can be designed, and what is the shape of the geography that can be made for the events of the film?!

If you watch Hollywood movies that were made to imitate the story of Nouh, you will find a wrong time mixing in them.

For example…you find those embodying the character of Nouh wearing clothes that have a kind of modernity, and bearing the features of a European man, as is usual and common in the West in making copies that resemble the European, just like the blond Jesus.

Also……….you find the geography of the film’s events close to the geography of Europe, as some of its geography contains snow, as is usual and common for the West to create a geography for the characters like the geography of their land, just like Jesus’ birthday in the snow season. And the snowy Christmas tree and the snowy Santa Claus.

Also…you find the shape of Nouh’s Ark that appears in their films. It looks very huge, and in a modern shape, with floors and rooms like modern ships.

Now, if we think scientifically, and try to imagine the shape of Nouh’s Ark, relying on the point:

The first…that Nouh was in a very ancient time.

Scientific logic…If we think about the shape of a ship in ancient times, we need a real, not a fake, archive of information that informs us of the history of the development of sea vessels used by humans, so that we know what the shape of the first ship would look like.

But this simple scientific logic is completely absent in the mentality of the directors of those Western films.

Now….. If you try to search for a written archive all over the world that contains documented information, you will only find this ancient archive in Misr. It contains documented information and is considered the oldest written archive on earth.

So…the issue has now become easy.

We have to look at the shape of the ships that the ancient Egyptian used, and then it is logical and scientific that we will think about the shape of Nouh’s Ark, in the same shape as the ships drawn in the book of ancient Misr.

Then we must search for an estimate of the sizes of these ships through the book and search for ancient traces of them in Misr, and when we find them, then we will be able to estimate the size of Nouh’s Ark.

Now……… If we go to see the shape of the ships recorded in ancient Egyptian writing, we will find their shapes completely different from the shapes of the ships that Hollywood films plant in the mind of the viewer.

When searching for traces of it to estimate its size, we will discover boats near what is falsely called (the pyramid), and they are of different sizes than the sizes of Hollywood ships.

The real, the natural, and the realistic are more beautiful than lies and falsity.

So……..if any director thought of making a film based on the story of Nouh, while he had a scientific mind and tried to approach the realistic story, the path would lead him to the geography of Misr and to a ship in the same shape as the ships that were found in Misr.

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