The terrorist car and its strange journey to the region

The terrorist car and its strange journey to the region


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The strange car of terrorism – The engine of the car is the international plundering forces (the West). – The fuel of the car is oil and gas. – The driver of the car is the intelligence services. – The body of the car is Wahhabism. The color of the car is Islamic. – The mirrored car window is the oil media that hides the identity of the car driver and the rest of the passengers in the front seats, and only shows the identity of the brainwashed rear seat passengers. – The car passengers in the front seats are intelligence agents, officers, and mercenaries, and in the back seats are people who are charmed by the car and admired. With it, you brainwashed them, so they rode with the driver. – The wheels of the car are democracy, humanity, freedoms, and the fight against terrorism. – The slogans written on the car are: civil state, secularism, revolutions, the Arab Spring, fighting dictatorship, the caliphate, supporting the Sunnis, the danger of the Magi. – The microphone above the car is the attractive voice of the Western media. Now the terrorist car sets off on its journey to the region to perform many tasks (violations, accidents, assassinations, fragmentation, displacement, division and destruction), and it will meet a large audience during its journey. The audience in the region: ● The audience that has been relegated to the Sunni classification, and they are the majority who were Their minds have been washed over the course of decades. Many of them allow it to pass and applaud every movement of the car as it violates traffic rules and when it drives in places where movement is not permitted. Some of them are so impressed by the car that the driver opens one of the car doors for him so he can get into it to make a terrorist trip. Enjoyable. ● The brothers and predecessors: They are a large audience. The first admires the car with all its body, color and logos, while the predecessors admire the body and color and wish to ride the car. ● Socialists (left): He is very impressed with the logos and wheels and does not look at the body or color. And the picture of that passenger who appears in the back seats, he admires the idea of the campaign that the cars carry through their slogans. Secularists: They love wheels very much, and they love the slogans: secularism and getting rid of dictatorship,, and they admire the reflective windows at the drivers and they very much hate the color of the car and the passengers. The rear seats are visible from the window glass. But in general, they admire the excitement and fun that the car has with those wheels, even if it violates the rules and laws. The fun is irresistible with these wheels. You see him sometimes agreeing to drive an illegal car, ignoring the passenger and the color of the car for the sake of fun and seeing the slogan of secularism flying during the trip. And they love the beautiful sound that comes out of the microphone on top of the car. ● Finally…… There is a group of liberals and non-religious people, and these people have a pen and paper and record car violations, focusing their eyes on the color of the car only… The color of the car is the reason. In the destruction and devastation caused by the car in the area. Any red car must be stopped and banned, because it causes many violations and accidents. The color red is the cause of problems and terrorism. They are always busy flipping through old book records to search for historical evidence about the relationship of the color red to terrorism to confirm their logic, which made them come to the conclusion according to their disabled logic that the color of the car is the cause of fatal traffic accidents. Their logical conclusion: The color of the car must be changed, so that violations and fatal accidents do not occur again. On the second day, after they came out with that result, the strange car passed before the eyes of the liberals, and it was in another color…yellow. Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud bought new paint from America…it was yellow…and he painted it. The Car. Fools…

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