The true history of Islam – 1

The true history of Islam - 1


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First, look at the diagram in the picture.

We designed this plan, according to the current reality, time, and history that was written for these countries.

According to history, Islam entered the countries of the world in only two ways:

The first method… Islamic conquests (we symbolize them in red)

The second method… Islamic evangelism (our symbol is purple)

According to history, the ages of those two orders that introduced Islam to the countries of the world are only three ages:

The first age…. 1400 years

The second age….1000 years

The third age….400 years

We made 500 years a basic structural unit of time (we symbolized it in light indigo).

As for reality and what is published in the statistics of official sources, regardless of how accurate they are, we have made the number of Muslims in each country in yellow above the units of time, and we have made the percentage of Muslims in each country in light green above the number.


By date

Islam entered Ethiopia approximately 1,400 years ago after other religions, such as Christianity, through the migration of Muslims at the command of the Messenger. They fled with their religion from the center of Islam, Mecca, fearing for themselves the oppression of the infidels of Quraish, and they settled there, and thanks to that migration, Islam spread in Ethiopia.

Also, Islam entered Nigeria approximately 900 years ago, through Muslim clerics during the era of the Islamic countries that ruled the Maghreb, when they migrated to those regions in Africa and called for Islam there, and thanks to the clerics, Islam spread in Nigeria.

Also, Islam entered Indonesia approximately 400 years ago after other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism, through Muslim merchants from Yemen, who immigrated to that country for trade, and during their trade they called for Islam there, and thanks to the Muslim merchants, Islam spread in Indonesia.

Now…look again at the chart, and focus only on the three countries in the chart whose chronological structure is based on the method of evangelization (purple colour), which are: Ethiopia, Nigeria, Indonesia, and check the number, percentage, and Number of time units.

If you make a comparison, you will find that the story of evangelism in this diagram seems somewhat realistic when looking at the time units, numbers, and ratios, because there is one fixed increase in time, ratio, and number.

For example

The difference between Ethiopia and Nigeria in construction…one time unit

The difference between Nigeria and Indonesia in construction… one unit of time

The difference between Ethiopia and Nigeria in percentage is approximately 23 percent

The difference between Nigeria and Indonesia in percentage is approximately 23 percent

The difference between Nigeria and Ethiopia in numbers is almost double

The difference between Indonesia and Nigeria in numbers is almost double

These fixed proportions make the story somewhat realistic…but the truth is that the story is illogical in the order of the countries, a reverse order occurred

If you examine the number, proportion, and time unit, you will find that the arrangement of the buildings tends to decrease from right to left, or as we advance in time, but at the same time there is an increase in numbers and proportions.

It is as if these numbers and ratios are blind, not treating countries as separate countries, but rather dealing with them as one country or one land…..and these numbers and ratios increase in one country whenever the unit of time increases by one.

It is as if the story of Islamic evangelism had placed a fixed value on the numerical increase of Muslims and the rate of increase of Muslims in every country in every unit of time that passes through any country.

in another meaning

At the beginning of evangelization in the country, which lasted for, say, 40 years, the number of Muslims was (25 million) and the percentage of Muslims was (23 percent).

After evangelization… the equation will be:

Every 500 years

The number becomes double, and the percentage becomes double.

If the number of Muslims in Nigeria is approximately 110 million, then this number is the sum of two time units (approximately 1000 years).

If the percentage of Muslims in Nigeria is 70 percent, then this percentage is the sum of two time units (approximately 1000 years).

That is, the number of Muslims in Nigeria will become 220 million, after a unit of time (after 500 years).

The previous equation applies to Nigeria, but does not apply to Ethiopia and Indonesia.

how ?

The number of Muslims in Indonesia is approximately 210 million, and this number is the sum of three time units according to the equation (1500 years).

The percentage of Muslims in Indonesia is approximately 90 percent, and this percentage is the sum of three time units according to the equation (1500 years).

Also, the number of Muslims in Ethiopia is approximately 50 million, and this number is the sum of one unit of time according to the equation (500 years).

The percentage of Muslims in Ethiopia is approximately 45 percent, and this percentage is the result of one unit of time according to the equation (500 years).

How can this illogical story be solved?

If the method of Islam entering those countries is the same, this means that the basis is the same… Therefore, we must read the reality of those countries, and make a comparison between the percentages and numbers in those countries, so that we can place those numbers and percentages above the logical time units that It fits into that equation.

According to the equation…every unit of time, the number doubles, and the percentage increases double.

This means that if we accept this date and time, the two sites between Ethiopia and Indonesia must be replaced.

in another meaning

Islam entered Indonesia through proselytization 3 time units ago (1400 years ago).

The number of Muslims….2 (2*50) = 200 million

Percentage of Muslims….4 (23%) = 92%

Islam entered Nigeria through proselytization 2 time units ago (1000 years ago).

The number of Muslims…. 2 (50) = 100 million

Percentage of Muslims….3 (23%) = 69%

Islam entered Ethiopia through proselytization one unit of time ago (500 years ago).

The number of Muslims…. 1 (50) = 100 million

Percentage of Muslims….2 (23%) = 45%

As we have noticed……. the incremental ratio for each unit of time produced for us numbers and ratios that are identical to reality in those countries, and then the plan, after it is reformed, will appear very realistic and logical, regardless of how correct that basis or method is. Entry (evangelization method).

Regardless of how correct the time is… the reform process in this plan leads us to the fact that the age of Islam in Indonesia is much older than the history that was presented to us, and the age of Islam in Ethiopia is modern and not ancient.

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