The true history of Islam – 3

The true history of Islam - 3


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Look at the data in the picture that we set for Islam and Christianity, according to the current reality and the history that was written for these countries

According to history, Islam entered the countries of the world in only two ways:

The first method… Islamic occupation (we symbolize it with a red circle)

The second method… Islamic evangelism (we symbolize it with a purple circle)

The ages of these two methods that introduced Islam to the countries of the world are only three ages:

The first age…. 1400 years

The second age….800 years

The third age….400 years

According to history, Christianity entered the countries of the world in only two ways:

The first method… Western occupation (we symbolize it with a red circle)

The second method… Christian evangelism (we symbolize it with a purple circle)

The ages of those two methods that introduced Christianity to the countries of the world are only two ages:

The first age…. 1800 years

The second age….400 years

We have made the age of the ways Islam and Christianity entered the countries in light indigo.

According to reality, in each country, we put the percentage of Muslims in yellow and the percentage of Christianity in light green.


Now the logical question is why the total percentage of Islam and Christianity in each country is approximately 100 percent?

Before answering this question, we must know that we have provided data for these countries only, and we have chosen it deliberately because it contains within it all the required diversity, to serve as a model through which we can measure the rest of the countries in the world, and therefore we must study this data in the picture. And analyze it, so that a reading can be made that approaches correctness in understanding reality.

If we look at this data and analyze it, we will reach these points:

● The two religions share a common method of entering countries between proselytization and occupation.

● The size of the role of evangelism in spreading Islam in countries is very large, while the size of the role of evangelism in spreading Christianity is average compared to Islam.

Islamic evangelism was able to create very large percentages in countries (90%, 70%), while Christian evangelism was able to create relatively medium percentages in countries (53%).

● The role of the occupation (Islamic conquests) in spreading Islam is great, while the role of the occupation (Western colonialism) in spreading Christianity is also very great.

The Islamic occupation was able to create very large proportions in countries, it was able to create proportions (90%), while the Western occupation was able to create large proportions also in countries (90%, 100%).

● Every country in which Islam and Christianity exist, we find that the way the two religions entered is different…… If one of the two religions entered a country through occupation, the other religion entered the same country through proselytization, with the exception of Ethiopia, which the two religions entered through proselytization. .

● Most of the countries to which Islam entered through occupation (Islamic conquests) are located in the ancient world (from Morocco to the borders of China), with the exception of Ethiopia, to which Islam entered through proselytization…and most of the countries to which Christianity entered through occupation (Western colonialism) are located It is located in the Mediterranean World (South Asia – Central Africa), and it is located in the New World (America, Australia, South Africa).

● Most of the countries to which Islam entered through proselytization (Islamic call) are located in the Mediterranean world (South Asia – Central Africa), with the exception of Ethiopia, which is located in the ancient world… And most of the countries to which Christianity entered through proselytization (Christian calling) are located In the ancient world (from Morocco to the borders of China).

● The age of Islam in the countries to which Islam entered through the occupation of the conquests is (1400 years), with the exception of Turkey and India, where the age of Islam after the occupation of the conquests is (400 years)… And most of the age of Christianity in the countries to which Christianity entered through the Western occupation is ( 400 years).

● The age of Islam in the countries to which the Muslims entered through proselytization is (800 years – 500 years), with the exception of Ethiopia, where Islam entered through proselytization (1400 years)…and most of the age of Christianity in the countries Christianity entered through evangelism (1800 years).


Islam is a result of the occupation…the ancient world…1400-500

Islam is a result of evangelization…the Mediterranean world…800-500

Christianity as a result of the occupation….a new and middle world…400

Christianity as a result of evangelization…the Mediterranean world…1800


Now, after analyzing this data….we have to choose two samples from the countries in the picture, and they must be similar in age, characteristics, and geography.

Why ?

In order to compare them, we move to a second level in analyzing this data.

Now…if we wanted to choose two similar samples, we would find that we have four similar samples, which are: Misr – Ethiopia – The Philippines – Indonesia.

(Misr – Ethiopia)

Countries from one world (Old World)

Countries on one continent (Africa)

The countries are close in geography (Nile Basin)

The two countries have a similar age of entry into the two religions (1400-1800)

Two similar samples

If we compare Misr and Ethiopia

The age of Islam’s entry into Misr is the same age as its entry into Ethiopia, and likewise the age of Christianity’s entry into Misr is the same age as its entry into Ethiopia.

The difference between the age of Christianity and the age of Islam in Misr is approximately 300 years, and the difference between the age of Christianity and the age of Islam in Ethiopia is also approximately 300 years.

The way the two religions entered Misr is different, and the way the two religions entered Ethiopia is similar.

The first religion to enter Ethiopia was Christianity through proselytization

The first religion to enter Misr was Christianity through proselytization as well.

The second religion that entered Ethiopia is Islam through proselytization

The second religion that entered Misr was Islam, but through occupation (conquests).

The percentage of Islam in Misr is very large, the percentage of Islam in Ethiopia is average, the percentage of Christianity in Misr is very small, and the percentage of Christianity in Ethiopia is average.

There is a very big difference between the percentage of Islam and the percentage of Christianity in Misr, while there is a small difference between the percentage of Islam and the percentage of Christianity in Ethiopia.

the question :

Why is the difference between the percentage of Islam and Christianity in Ethiopia so small while the difference between the percentage of Islam and Christianity in Misr is so large, even though the age at which the two religions entered the countries is close?!

Is it because of the way the two religions entered the countries?

Are the Islamic conquests the reason that made the percentage in Misr so large?!

But why did Islam not enter Misr through proselytization as well, as happened in Ethiopia, despite the proximity of geography between the countries and the identical age of entry of Islam into the two countries?!

(Philippines – Indonesia)

Countries of one world (Mediterranean world)

Countries in one continent (Asia)

The countries are close in geography (islands in the sea)

The two countries have a similar age at which the two religions entered (800-400).

Two similar samples

If we compare the Philippines and Indonesia

The age of the entry of Islam into the Philippines is older than the age of the entry of Islam into Indonesia, while the age of the entry of Christianity into the Philippines is the same age as the entry of Christianity into Indonesia.

The difference between the age of Islam and the age of Christianity in the Philippines is approximately 300 years, while the age of Islam and the age of Christianity in Indonesia are approximately equal.

The way the two religions entered the Philippines is different, and the way the two religions entered Indonesia is also different.

The first religion to enter the Philippines was Islam through proselytization

The first religion to enter Indonesia was Hinduism, also through proselytization.

The second religion that entered the Philippines was Christianity through the occupation

The second religion that entered Indonesia was Islam through proselytization, and Christianity through occupation.

The percentage of Islam in the Philippines is very small, and the percentage of Islam in Indonesia is very large… while the percentage of Christianity in the Philippines is very large, and the percentage of Christianity in Indonesia is very small.

There is a very big difference between the percentage of Islam and the percentage of Christianity in the Philippines, while there is a very big difference between the percentage of Islam and the percentage of Christianity in Indonesia.

the question :

Why is the percentage of Islam in the Philippines so small, while the percentage of Islam in Indonesia is so large… despite the fact that the age at which the two religions entered the countries are somewhat close and geographically close to each other?!

Is it because of the way Islam entered the countries?

But the way Islam entered the Philippines and Indonesia is the same and not different. Islam entered through proselytization, and the age of Islam in the Philippines is relatively older than its age in Indonesia.

Why is the percentage of Christianity in the Philippines so large, while the percentage of Christianity in Indonesia is so small… even though the age of entry of the two religions into the countries is equal and the countries are close to each other?!

Is it because of the way Christianity entered the countries?

But the way Christianity entered the Philippines and Indonesia is the same and not different. Christianity entered the two countries through Western occupation, and the age of Christianity in the Philippines and Indonesia is equal.


If we now make another comparison, let us move to a third level of analysis. We will find that the situation in Misr is identical to the situation in the Philippines in terms of the two religions, but in a reversed way between the two religions.

Islam in Misr has a very large percentage, while Christianity in the Philippines has a very large percentage.

Christianity in Misr has a very small percentage, while Islam in the Philippines has a very small percentage.

Islam is the second religion to enter Misr, while Christianity is the second religion to enter the Philippines.

Islam entered Misr through occupation, while Christianity entered the Philippines through Western occupation.

If we make another comparison, we will find that the situation in Misr is identical to the situation in Indonesia, the only difference is the method of entry is different.

Islam in Misr has a very large percentage, and Islam in Indonesia also has a very large percentage.

Christianity in Misr has a very small percentage, and Christianity in Indonesia also has a very small percentage.

Islam is the second religion to enter Misr, and Christianity is also the second religion to enter Indonesia.

Islam entered Misr through the Islamic occupation, while Christianity entered Indonesia through the Western occupation.

Now the logical question:

If the entry of Christianity into Indonesia took place through the Western occupation 400 years ago… and this occupation created a very small percentage of Christianity in Indonesia, then why did the entry of Christianity into Misr not take place through the Western occupation 300 years ago, and the Western occupation is the He created in the reality of Misr that very small percentage of Christianity?!


The truth is that studying this model…makes us pay attention to something that is striking in reality in all countries. The sum of the percentages of Islam and Christianity = 100%.

how ?!

What we mean is that the percentage that completes Islam to 100% is Christianity, and the percentage that completes Christianity to 100% is Islam in a strange and striking way.

I mean, for example… you will not find a country in which Islam and Christianity exist except that the sum of their percentages is close to 100%… except for one anomalous case that exists in India.

In other words… you will not find the total percentage of Islam and Christianity equal to 80 percent.

For example… you will not find a country in which the percentage of Islam is 70%, and the percentage of Christianity is 2%, because (70 + 2) does not equal (100).

Or for example… when you find a country in which the percentage of Islam is 80%, be sure that the percentage of Christianity will be between (15% – 20%).

The sum of the two percentages must be close to 100%.

This indicates that there was a net percentage of 100% for one debt out of the two, and the other debt took a certain percentage from that net percentage, causing a decrease in that net percentage.

This logic makes us the same reasons for the difficulty in reading the history of Islam, because we went to try to explain the natural reality and neglected to think about the new, created reality.

For example… we went towards finding an explanation for the reasons for those large numbers of Muslims and those large percentages in their countries, so it was difficult for us to realistically and logically explain the increase…..while those numbers and those percentages are a natural reality on earth that cannot be explained.

Because what must be interpreted are those percentages that were extracted from the natural net percentage in any country, and after that it will be easy to explain the percentage of decrease realistically and logically.

The question now: There is a net percentage of the debt of 100%, and the other debt has been deducted from its net percentage of 100%, what percentage?

Is it Islam or Christianity?!

Reaching the answer to this question requires us to realize that the percentage of the two religions does not change almost as time passes. The percentage between the two religions will remain completely constant in reality, no matter how old the age increases, because the increase in the number of Muslims in a country is matched by the same increase in the number of Al-Nasarah in the same country.

In other words… there is no significant importance for age in any country when trying to study the percentage between Islam and Christianity, because time is not considered an influencing factor in making the percentage… but time becomes an influencing factor when trying to study the number of Muslims and Number of Al-Nasarah.

In other words…it is possible to study the percentage of Islam and the percentage of Christianity at any time in a country on the basis that it is the same percentage as it is today.

If we return to the example of the Philippines and Indonesia, we will find something striking:

The reality in the Philippines is the opposite of the reality in Indonesia…and in the same proportions but in reverse.

The reality of Islam in the Philippines mirrors the reality of Islam in Indonesia in lineage and numbers.

The reality of Christianity in the Philippines is opposite the reality of Christianity in Indonesia in proportion and number

Percentage of Islam in the Philippines + Percentage of Christianity in the Philippines = 100%

Percentage of Islam in Indonesia + Percentage of Christianity in Indonesia = 100%

But also

Percentage of Islam in Philippines + Percentage of Islam in Indonesia = 100%

Percentage of Christianity in the Philippines + Percentage of Christianity in Indonesia = 100%


If there is a village…in which 100 people live, and they follow one religion, let us say Islam, and then an occupier comes and is able to change the religion of 20 people in the village to Christianity, then the percentage of Islam in the village will be 80%, while the percentage of Christianity in the village It is 20%.

Now….if we divide the village into two villages, and make the first village 9 Christian people and 1 Muslim person, and make the second village 11 Christian people and 79 Muslim people, what will the proportions be between the two villages?

The first village will be:

Christian percentage is 90%

The percentage of Islam is 10%

The second village will be:

Christian percentage: 11%

The percentage of Islam is 89%

Percentage of Islam in village 1 + Percentage of Islam in village 2 = 100%

Percentage of Al-Nasarah in village 1 + Percentage of Al-Nasarah in village 2 = 100%

The first village is the Philippines, and the second village is Indonesia

This is almost what happened

This result makes us believe that the Philippines and Indonesia were one country and the same occupation happened to them, resulting in a ratio between the two religions combined that is 100 percent, but the country was only divided into two states on a religious basis, just as happened in India when India was divided into two states. On a religious basis.


Is the type of occupier the reason for the amount of Christian lineage they seized?

Is it because the Philippines was occupied by a Spanish Christian, while Indonesia was occupied by a Dutch Christian?

Maybe this is the logical answer

how ?

If you try to examine the reality of the Spanish occupation, you will find that it was the strongest in extracting very large percentages of the net percentages of the land.

The Spanish occupation in the Philippines was able to take away 90% of the net reality in the Philippines and make it Christian, leaving 10% Muslims.

The Spanish occupation in South America was also able to extract 100% of pure reality and make it Christian, leaving 0% Muslims.

Because the logical question:

Why did Islam exist on all continents…Asia, Africa, and Europe, and have large numbers and proportions, and did not differentiate between humans in color and shape, but was completely hidden from the reality of America?!

Did the West hide the truth about America from the world, and deceive the world with the story that it was the first to discover America, to give it the right to occupy it and change the religion of its inhabitants without objection from anyone?!

He follows …..




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