The true history of Islam – 4

The true history of Islam - 4


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The true history of Islam

Look at the data in the picture that we have set for Islam and Christianity, according to the current reality and the history that was written for these continents.

According to history, Islam entered the continents of the world in only two ways:

The first method… Islamic occupation (we symbolize it with a red rectangle)

The second method… Islamic evangelism (we symbolize it with a purple rectangle)

The ages of those two methods that introduced Islam to the continents of the world are only three ages:

The first age…. 1400 years

The second age….800 years

The third age….400 years

According to history, Christianity entered the continents of the world in only two ways:

The first method… Western occupation (we symbolize it with a red rectangle)

The second method…Christian evangelization (we symbolize it with a purple rectangle)

The ages of those two methods that introduced Christianity to the countries of the world are only two ages:

The first age…. 1800 years

The second age….400 years

We made the age of the ways of entry of Islam and Christianity (Christianity) to the continents in the form of a rectangle in light indigo according to the current reality. We put in each continent a number in pink and a percentage in yellow for Muslims, and we put a number in pink and a percentage in light green for Christianity (Christianity).

Then we divided the image into two parts, a right section and a left section, and we placed in the right section the outline of Christianity (Christianity), and in the left section we placed the outline of Islam.

Then we divided each section into two other sections, an upper section and a lower section, and we made in the upper section an outline of the history of religion in the ancient world, and we made in the lower section an outline of the history of religion in the Mediterranean and New World.

Then we took fonts from two places in the ancient world, from which the mission of spreading religion emerged, and we made the colors of the fonts different according to the method of spreading religion, either evangelism (purple) or occupation (red).


Now, if we look at this data, analyze it, and make a comparison between all four sections of the chart, we will arrive at the following:

● The entire ancient world reached the two religions in two different ways.

– Almost all of the ancient world, the religion of Christianity was spread through proselytization

– The religion of Islam spread throughout the ancient world through occupation, except for one place in the ancient world that deviated from the rule, which is the Horn of Africa, where Islam spread through proselytization when it was 1,400 years old.

● The entire ancient world reached the two religions at two different ages and they did not meet each other.

The age of Christology in the ancient world reaches 1800 years

The age of Islam in the ancient world reaches 1,400 years

● The strength of the spread of religion in the ancient world can be measured in percentages.

The strength of the spread of Christianity (Christianity) through proselytization was very weak in the place where this religion was born (the Arab region), moderate in the Horn of Africa, and very strong in the European continent.

The force of the spread of Islam through occupation was very strong in the place where this religion was born (the region), moderate in the Horn of Africa, and very, very weak in the continent of Europe.

● Both religions arrived at the Middle and New World at a relatively later time than the Old World.

– In all the Mediterranean and New World, Christianity is up to 500 years old.

– In all the Mediterranean and New World, Islam is either 800 years old or approximately 500 years old.

● In all the Mediterranean world, there was no identical age for the methods of entering the two religions, with two different ages and they did not meet each other.

– The age of Christology in Nigeria, the Mediterranean world (300 years)

– The age of Islam in Nigeria, the Mediterranean world (800 years)

● The entire Mediterranean world had an identical age of entry into the two religions.

– The age of Christaticism in Indonesia, the New World (400 years)

– The age of Islam in Indonesia, the Mediterranean world (400 years)

● All the Mediterranean and New Worlds received the two religions from the Old World.

The religion of Christianity arrived throughout the Mediterranean and New World from the continent of Europe (the Old World).

The religion of Islam arrived throughout the Mediterranean and New World from the Arab region (the Old World).

● The entire Mediterranean and New World reached the two religions in two different ways

– The entire Mediterranean and New World received the religion of Christianity through the method of occupation (European colonialism).

– The entire Mediterranean and New World received the religion of Islam through the method of proselytizing (inviting Muslim clerics and merchants).

● Every place in the ancient world reached religion in some way and in a very strong way. It spread its religion in the middle and new world in a way that is opposite to the way religion reached it, and in a very strong and average way.

– The continent of Europe located in the (ancient world) to which the religion (Christianity) arrived through the method of the two saints (evangelization), and the force of its spread there was very strong, is the place that spread (Christianity) through the method of (occupation) in (the Mediterranean world and New) and in a very strong and moderate way.

– And the Arab region, which is located in (the ancient world), and to which the religion (Islam) arrived through the method of conquests (occupation), and the force of its spread there was very strong, is the place that spread (Islam) through the method of (evangelization) in (the world). The average and the new) and in a very strong and moderate way.

● A religion that was older than the other religion in the ancient world by a period of time (400 years), this religion will be younger than the other religion in the middle and new world by the same period of time (400 years), and vice versa.

– The religion of Christianity is older than the religion of Islam in the Arab region (the ancient world) by a time difference (400 years), but the religion of Christianity is older than the religion of Islam in Nigeria (the Mediterranean world) by a time difference (400 years).

– The religion of Islam is younger than the religion of Christianity in Ethiopia (the ancient world) with a time difference (400 years), but the religion of Islam is older than the religion of Christianity in Tanzania (the Mediterranean world) with a time difference (400 years).

● The power of evangelism in spreading Islam in the Mediterranean and New World is very great… while the power of occupation in spreading Christianity in the Mediterranean and New World is very strong.

The percentage of Islam in Indonesia (the New World) is 90%, which is a very large percentage

The percentage of Christianity in South America (the New World) is 100%, which is a very, very large percentage.

●Islam reached all of the Mediterranean and New World from the Old World through proselytization and not through occupation, except for America, to which Islam did not reach at all, neither through proselytization nor through occupation.

●The entire Mediterranean and New World received the religion of Christianity from the Old World through occupation and not through proselytization.

● The place in the ancient world, to which the two religions arrived in one way and spread in a medium way, did not contribute to the spread of the two religions in any way in the middle or new world.

– The Horn of Africa (Ethiopia), which is located in the (ancient world) and to which the religion of (Christianity) and the religion of (Islam) arrived through the method of (evangelization), and the strength of its spread there was moderate, is the place that did not contribute to the spread of (Christianity) or ( Islam) through the method of (occupation) or the method of (evangelization) in Central and Southern Africa (the Mediterranean and New World).

● The average spread force (45%) of Islam through the method of proselytization in Ethiopia (Africa), which is from the (ancient world) (1400 years ago)…….. is equal to the average spread force of the religion of Islam through the method of proselytization in central and southern ( Africa) which is part of the (Mediterranean and New World) (800 years ago)

● The average spread force (50%) of Christianity through the method of evangelization in Ethiopia (Africa), which is from the (Old World) (1800 years ago), is equal to the average spread force of Christianity (Christianity) via the Western occupation method in central and southern (Africa), which She is from the Mediterranean and New World 400 years ago.


If…the strength of the spread of Christianity in Ethiopia, which is located on the continent of Africa and which is from the ancient world, is average (53%) through the method of proselytization 1800 years ago, it is the same as the strength of the spread of Christianity in central and southern The continent of Africa (50%), which is from the Mediterranean and New World 400 years ago… Is Ethiopia from the Mediterranean and New World, and was the religion of Christianity spread in Ethiopia by the Western occupation approximately 400 years ago, and it was made Is there a percentage equal to the same general percentage in Africa?!

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