The truth about Israel and the nature of its relationship with Saudi Arabia

The truth about Israel and the nature of its relationship with Saudi Arabia


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Before understanding and comprehending the nature of the relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia that has begun to appear in public, we must understand the reality of the Zionist entity and the purpose of its establishment.

What is Israel?

Israel is merely a project for the colonial powers to plunder the region’s wealth and to further expand the ambitions of the international plundering powers. This is what we must realize in order to understand the nature of the establishment of the Zionist entity, and this fact must be the basic rule in our thinking about any topic about Israel to produce sound awareness.

Because I believe that understanding the enemy well makes us well able to manage the war with him with ease and superior ability, and victory is certain. Without understanding the enemy, we will fight illusions and will be defeated with certainty.

How did the idea of Israel appear?

Israel was an idea among the projects of the Crusades, albeit in a different religious guise, in order to create a religious entity in the region and to continue supporting the peoples of Europe for the survival of this entity, meaning that this state will be an idea around which the Europeans will unite and they will continue to support and preserve this religious state to the fullest. Ensures continued financing of wars of conquest of the region. Then Napoleon came and thought of transforming that idea into an entity for the Al-Yahoud, so that through this entity he could control the region, seize the influence of the Ottomans, and stop any future influence of the English in the region. But he was unable to realize that idea due to the failure of his military campaign in the region. Then Britain took on the task of realizing this idea and establishing this entity.

Why is Israel a colonial project in the first place?

Think with me of a colonial state that wants to plunder an area as part of a long project and wants to ensure the survival of that colonial project to serve it. What is the solution ?

An idea must be created and disseminated on a large scale, and a new belief must be created that many people believe in. Then everyone who believes in that idea will support and protect it through the plundering colonial powers, and then that colonial state will guarantee continued financial and intellectual support in exchange for protection and protection. At the same time, it will ensure the colonization of the region under the pretext of protection.

As we know that the founder of Zionism, Herzl, was an atheist man and did not believe in Judaism, and when he held the first Zionist conference, his idea was to create a national homeland for the Al-Yahoud, and there were proposals about the location of that homeland, and among the proposals was Uganda.

Britain’s idea was to create a homeland for the Al-Yahoud in a way that would guarantee the accumulation of Jewish capital to be at the service of Britain, in exchange for creating that homeland for them. Britain would have been the mother that gave the Al-Yahoud a homeland of their own, so Britain would become the sacred state that Jewish capital would serve. But the idea of the place was replaced from Uganda to Palestine, for several important reasons, including to link Zionism with a religious idea, which is the Promised Land, in a way that ensures that the Al-Yahoud believe in the Zionist thought and that Israel is the savior that the Torah heralded and who will return them to the Promised Land, and will make all the Al-Yahoud They head towards the Promised Land, considering that Jerusalem is their holy city in which Sulaiman’s Temple was located. Secondly, after planting a strange and wrong entity in the region that makes it suffer from existential and survival anxiety, in a way that ensures the continued support of Jewish money for the benefit of the international plundering powers in a way that preserves this entity. On the other hand, the idea of establishing this state on wrong foundations requires this entity to mobilize money, media, and thought to fragment the environment around it, and this serves me in the colonial plan.

Quite simply, Britain created an idea, and this idea is now working on its own to serve Britain’s interests without effort or fatigue on its part.

As we know that the Al-Yahoud, from ancient times, had great capital and pioneers in the profession of advertising and media, and Jewish capital had a major role in Britain’s victory in World War I. After Britain’s money became scarce in financing the war, Britain turned to Jewish money to finance the war in exchange for the Balfour Declaration. In 1917, then Britain invested in that idea to drain Jewish money, and the artificial wave of hostility towards the Al-Yahoud contributed to convincing the Al-Yahoud of the idea of Israel. Zionism had a major role in creating hostility towards the Al-Yahoud in Europe and pushed Hitler to kill the Al-Yahoud in order to convince the Al-Yahoud to leave for their true land, until World War II, and Jewish capital played a role in the victory and the Allies’ division of the world. Israel was America’s share, the Zionist entity was established, and there was a large migration of Zionist capital to America to serve the Promised Land.

What is Israel’s problem?

Israel is the only country in the world that was established on completely wrong and unnatural foundations, which makes it suffer from existential and survival anxiety. It is an unnatural state, and will create an unnatural society. This wrong formation intended by Britain is primarily for the benefit of the international plundering forces, because this concern guarantees the continued support and financing of the Zionists around the world for the international plundering forces in order to maintain Israel’s existence, and this support will be sufficient to preserve the interests of the international plundering forces and support an increase and Expanding its ambitious projects to ensure that they remain strong.

We also mentioned that these faulty foundations in the formation of Israel will be reflected in the awareness of Israeli society and in the awareness of the Zionist leadership, which will cause continuous unrest in the vicinity of Israel, because it will create anxiety in the Israeli presence, which will be a major reason for any Israeli move to create crises, problems, and wars in the region in order to Protecting Israel, it will also cause problems throughout the world that will lead to wars in order to preserve these false foundations. These are the starting points or reasons that we rely on when we say that Palestine is not a Palestinian issue, but rather it is a central issue for all the peoples of the region and indeed for the entire free world, and the reason we say that Israel is the problem of the region and is behind everything that happens in the region, and will even lead the world to war. Third World because it is a defect in the world order, and the Zionist attack on Syria and Israel’s attempts to pressure America to consider Russia an enemy in a way that ensures that there is no solution in Syria, which may lead to a direct clash and spark a world war, and also the Zionist attack on Yemen is evidence of the truth of what is true. we say .

What are the wrong foundations on which Israel was founded?

When the German philosopher Ernst Bloch says that (Zionism will not solve the problem of the Al-Yahoud, nor any problem, and all it will do is Balkanize the Middle East and turn it into a region crushed and torn apart by conflicts), he is not starting from the conspiracy theory that he mocks in the fashion of liberals and The new secularists do not start from the anti-Semitism that is popular in the West, but rather from their awareness of the problems and foundational mistakes on which Israel was founded, the natural results of which will be problems, instability, wars, conflicts, and geopolitical divisions in the region, and what is happening in The region is currently believing his statement.

You can view these incorrect foundations at this link. Press here

What is Israel’s project in the region?

Now that we understand the reality of Israel, we can understand the nature of the relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia

As we said previously, Israel’s existential anxiety will be a major reason for any Israeli move to create crises, problems, and wars in the region in order to protect itself. This makes us ask a very logical question:

How can Israel move in the region and in any country to ensure its protection and activate its project for survival, when it is the country that the peoples and countries of the region are hostile to?

If Israel moves directly in the region, its plans and projects will be exposed and thwarted. Even if it moves by international powers, it will be difficult because the peoples of the region still carry a legacy in their memories of colonial countries, and any action by them is popularly rejected.

The idea of establishing the State of Israel in the region was a strategic failure, and it is a state that has within it all the foundations of annihilation and rapid demise, and it exists within a hostile environment in the region that seeks its disappearance. But those who established this entity knew this fact well and to solve this The problem requires the success of Israel’s project to plant another entity from within the fabric of the region so that it never arouses suspicion, but rather controls the sanctities of the region that broadcast spiritual radiation in the region and through which any step from it can be accepted and blessed with sanctity and without suspicion, and this entity takes over The mission of moving in the region to manage Israel’s project and maintain its security.

From this link you can understand the nature of the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel well. Press here

Saudi Arabia is the director of the Israel project




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