The West stole the Torah before stealing the Earth

The West stole the Torah before stealing the Earth


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You are now watching the West steal the land insolently and foolishly, but you do not want to believe that before that they had stolen everything: religion, the book, time and history.

You are now watching them steal the earth with impudence, vulgarity, and filth, but you cannot imagine, or it is difficult for you to imagine, that they had previously stolen the name of your book with impudence, vulgarity, and filth, and you did not know it. They had stolen your book in which the Holy Qur’an was written (The Great News). ) And they hid it completely, then they wrote a fake book that resembled the Holy Qur’an in topics in a new foreign language and made its name the name of your book (the Torah), so that you would believe and think that it was a book from Allah because it resembled the Holy Qur’an and spoke about topics close to the topics of the Qur’an.

{And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues, so that you think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say a lie about Allah while they know.} {A Book whose verses have been detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. The tongue of the one to whom they insist is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic language. }

The West… would not have been able to steal the earth or even dare to steal a single stone from the earth without prioritizing this act by stealing the truth from people’s minds.

■ They stole the name of your book (the Torah) and made it a name for their fake book that they wrote with their own hands.

{And among them is a party who distort the Book with their tongues so that you may think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say lies about Allah while they know.}

■ They stole the name of your Allah (Allah) and made his name (Jehovah) to be the Allah of their new, fake book that resembles your Quran.

{And to Allah belong the most beautiful names, so call upon Him by them, and leave those who deny His names. They will be recompensed for what they used to do.}

■ They stole your tongue and the language of the original book, and they created a foreign language to be the language of their fake book, which was named after your book, and to become the language of the land they intend to steal and the language of the new bastard people.

{The tongue to which they refer is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue}

They stole your time and your first date on earth, and made it their time and their first date before you, using the Roman calendar.

■ They have stolen your religion, Allah’s innate nature on earth, and created a religion with an imaginary time and an imaginary history that preceded Allah’s innate nature on earth, and they made you believe that it is a religion from Allah… using the Roman calendar.

{Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then Allah is quick to judge. (19) And if they dispute with you, say, “I have submitted my face to Allah, and whoever follows them.” And say to those who were given the Book and to the unlettered people, “Have you submitted?” If they submit, then they are guided, even if they turn away. It is your responsibility only to convey the message; Allah is All-Seer of His servants.}

They displaced an authentic people from the land, and settled an artificial, bastard people of their own invention.

{Permission is given to those who fight because they have been wronged, and indeed Allah has power over their aid. (39) Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly unless they say, “Our Allah Allah.” And had Allah not repulsed people one by another, the monasteries, synagogues, prayer halls, and mosques in which the name of Allah is frequently mentioned would have been demolished. And Allah would certainly aid whomever He aids. Indeed, Allah is Powerful, Mighty.

They stole everything from you, using the printer that the occupier brought and imposed his books on you, in order to steal people’s minds before stealing the land from you.

They stole everything, even people’s minds, to steal the land, steal people, and enslave them on the land.

Not for theft…no

Rather, it is truly and certainly Shaytan’s project on earth.

You are not facing a human project, you are facing the project of Shaytan and his offspring on earth… a very cunning project that will do anything that does not occur to your mind in order to seduce you.

{And they plotted their plot, and with Allah is their plot, even though it was their plot that the mountains would move from it. (46) Do not think that Allah is breaking His promise to His messengers. Indeed, Allah is Mighty, Possessor of Vengeance.} {He said, “Then by Your might I will mislead them all (82) except Your servants among them who are sincere. (83) He said, ‘Then the truth, and the truth I say.’ (84) I will certainly fill Hell with you and those who follow you, all of them. (85) Say, “I ask you no reward for it, and I am not of those who disdain. (86) It is only a reminder to the worlds. (87) And you will know his report after a while.”


Try to understand with time

Time is no longer what it used to be

No one is born educated

Make mistakes but learn

It’s okay if you’re wrong

The shame is that you sit there determined to make a mistake

And this is the defect

Hear from your brother: Be wiser

Ignorance over time is a shame.

(lyrics of a popular song)

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