The West’s strategy when occupying countries

The West's strategy when occupying countries

8/25/2021 0:00:01

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In the previous article, we talked about the plan that the West carried out when it occupied countries of the world, which is:

– The West left Europe to occupy the land and it has power.

The occupier found one community on the land, so he used force and all necessary means. He engineered a society and created religious, sectarian, ethnic, and tribal divisions in it.

The occupier wrote a false ancient history of those countries, to deepen the divisions he had created in society. Then he fabricated stories of a bloody conflict between those divisions within that false history, to create a society suffering from the seeds of an unstable conflict. Then he built architectural monuments and attributed them to fictitious figures. From that false history, to convince society of that history that he wrote, and in order to preserve the divisions that he created and make them present in the consciousness of society, and in order to embody those conflicts in reality.

Then the occupier divided the land into plots, created boundaries for them, and gave them different names.

Then the occupier created a central government system within each piece of land, and installed a ruler over it… to take care of those borders and that new social engineering in society… so that he could control that society, play with it, and occupy it with an imaginary conflict within it. He makes them fight among themselves, and he plunders and steals his wealth easily and comfortably.

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Today we will talk about three samples, from different places in the world, as examples that confirm our results, and further clarify the matter, so that people can see how it is one method, one result, and one history, confirming that we are faced with one mind behind it.

The samples are:

Babri Mosque in India

Rameses Monument in Lebanon

Maqam Uqba in Algeria


Babri Mosque in India

According to history… Islam entered India approximately 500 years ago, with the Mongols coming to rule India, and their rule lasted for about 300 years, and the credit of that Mughal family is due to 800 million people in India converting to Islam.

According to history…the first Mongol king to enter India as an invader. He wrote a large and comprehensive description of India…and in it he talked about the Hindu inhabitants of India. He spoke about them in hurtful words, as if he had never found anyone like him who preached subservience, and all long words. Hurtful.

According to history… the Mongols entered into wars with the Hindu kingdoms, with their kings, and many instances of betrayal, bloodshed, etc. took place with them.

According to history……the Mughals seized huge jewels and treasures after occupying India, including the jewel that was with the Queen of Britain.

According to history……… The first Muslim Mughal king, whose name was Babur, when he invaded India, invaded a Hindu temple and converted it into a mosque.


Rameses Monument in Lebanon

According to history…. When the French entered the occupation of Lebanon, a bloody sectarian and ethnic war occurred between the Maronites and the Druze.


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According to history… Islam entered North Africa approximately 1,400 years ago, with the Arab conquests, and those conquests are credited with making all the inhabitants of North Africa Muslims.

According to history…the Arabs invaded North Africa, fought wars with the Berber king, and many cases of betrayal and murder took place.

According to history……the Arabs took money and women were taken captive in large numbers

According to history… when the first Arab leader, whose name was Uqba, entered to invade North Africa, he insulted a Berber king in front of his people, but he was killed. Then another Arab leader came and killed the Berber king after he insulted and despised him.


After observing this history that was written… now the logical question:

Is there some way to confirm this history with people?

Yes… embodying this history… by building architectural buildings, and naming them after fictitious figures from that fake history.

And this is exactly what the West did.

In India…there is a mosque called Babri, named after the Mughal king who invaded India and introduced Islam to India. It is basically a Hindu temple for the Hindu Allah Ram, which was changed into a mosque for Allah.

In Lebanon… after the French battalions occupying Lebanon were able to stop the ethnic war, they discovered the Ramesses monument in Nahr Al-Kalb, which was inscribed with a history about the Egyptian king Ramesses…but the French officers erased the inscription and wrote over it. 13 lines commemorating their humanitarian heroism in stopping the sectarian battle in Lebanon between the Maronites and the Druze.

In Algeria….there is a mosque and a grave for the Arab leader Uqba, who invaded Africa and introduced Arabic to North Africa.

Now notice the characteristics of these archaeological monuments.

Evidence confirming a religious or ethnic war

Evidence confirms divisions in society

Evidence of the beginning of the emergence of conflict in society

Evidence from the beginning of the conflict

Evidence based on blood

Evidence based on a controversial history.

These evidences… are in order to confirm that these divisions are old according to the history that was written about them, and not from the colonial period, and in order to preserve the division and keep it present in the consciousness of society, and in order to embody that hypothetical conflict in reality, By using it at any time to create conflict in society.

1- Notice in India… since the departure of the colonialists… from 1947 until 2021, the problem of the Babari Mosque in India remains, and is the cause of religious disputes in India, which have reached demolition, bloodshed, crushing, and demonstrations. Between Muslims and Hindus.

Almost 80 years have passed, and conflict and conflict have been present and present, and were embodied in reality in clashes that led to the killing of many, and the Hindus demolished the mosque, a symbol of the Islamic occupation of India’s Hindu identity.

Let us tell you the story because of its funny, strange and painful situations:

The current Babri Mosque case dates back to an incident that occurred on the night of December 22-23, 1949, when a Hindu priest, named Abhi Ram Dass, went with about fifty of his students and disciples, climbed the walls of the mosque under the cover of darkness, placed statues of Rama inside the mosque, and set off in the morning preaching that… “Allah Rama appeared in the mosque.” The town’s judicial commissioner took advantage of his powers and appointed a Hindu guard over the mosque building and an official priest at government expense, and ordered Muslims not to approach more than 200 yards from the mosque “for fear of security.” The government did not cancel the judicial officer’s decision, and merely prevented Muslims and Hindus from harming the building and changing its features. The Muslims turned to the courts, and the government supported their position in court, as evidenced by the case files. But the court contented itself with placing a lock on the door of the mosque without issuing a ruling on ownership of the mosque. The mosque remained under the guardianship of the Hindu priest.

On December 6, 1992, 15,000 fanatical Hindus demolished the mosque in front of the eyes of the world. They were followers of the Bharatiya Janata Party, the fanatical Hindu organization that came to rule India in 1998.

Since then, Muslims have been demanding the mosque be rebuilt, while Hindus have continued to demand the construction of a temple on the site where they say their Allah Rama was born. The ruling of the court of first instance regarding dividing the site between Hindus and Muslims was appealed, and the Supreme Court’s decision was to hand over the entire site to a body responsible for constructing a Hindu temple on it. In return, the Supreme Court ordered the Indian government to grant Muslims a plot of land of the same size to build a mosque on it.

In September 2010, an Indian court issued a decision dividing the mosque site into three sections, one third for Muslims, and two thirds for the various Hindu groups. Following the ruling, a lawyer for one of the Hindu plaintiffs told reporters, “The majority of the judges ruled that the place that witnessed Rama’s accession to the throne is the place of Rama’s birth.”

Before the ruling was issued, a state of anxiety and anticipation dominated various regions in India, and many people stayed in their homes and stored food supplies. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has described the ruling as one of the biggest challenges facing his country. Meanwhile, the Indian authorities have deployed more than 200,000 police officers across India in anticipation of any incidents of sectarian violence.

Reuters expected that this ruling would help calm the two conflicting parties in one of the most divisive lawsuits in the history of India, which reached its peak in 1992 when the Hindus demolished the mosque, where riots occurred, among the worst in India, resulting in the death of about two thousand people.

In November 2019, the Supreme Court of India ruled to grant ownership of the site to Hindus, and to allocate another place for the construction of a Muslim mosque, claiming that traces of non-Islamic construction were found in the place before the construction of the mosque, and that there is no point in denying the Hindus’ belief that the site is the birthplace of the gods Rama. After the ruling is issued; The Indian authorities imposed a siege on the city, closing shops and schools, but the Muslims rejected the ruling and demanded an appeal. The Indian Prime Minister saw that the ruling was neither a win nor a loss and demanded that the ruling be accepted.

2- Notice in Lebanon…since the departure of the colonialists…1946 until today, the sectarian spirit in Lebanon is still present, and was embodied in reality in the civil war.

3- Note that in Algeria… since the departure of the colonialists… and even today, the ethnic spirit is still present in Algerian issues, and it was embodied in reality when some held demonstrations demanding the removal of the Arab statue of Uqba in Algeria, the symbol of the Arab occupation of the North African Berber identity. .


Did you notice the similarity and identity between the three samples?! .

Now… look for all the architectural evidence around you that reminds society of a historical idea that includes invasion, occupation, division, conflict, war, blood, and the change of belief and identity….. You will find that they were built by the Western occupier during the period of its occupation of the countries of the world. All of them were created in order to confirm the false history, maintain the state of division in society, make it alive and present in society, and also to embody the virtual conflict over reality at any time.

Among those architectural evidences, which perfectly match the previous samples:

Hagia Sophia Mosque

Mecca Al Saud

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