Umm al-Qura and the real history

Umm al-Qura and the real history

12/23/2020 0:00:00

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What is the importance of a Muslim realizing the meaning of (Umm al-Qura) which is mentioned in the Qur’an’s speech, in order to reach the correct place where Al-Bayt Al-Haram and the Book are located?!

If you look at the history written by the West of ancient times in the region, you will find that the picture that the West painted for us is approximately as follows:

Such as a person suddenly opening his mobile phone to receive breaking news about several sudden explosions in a city. Or like a person who suddenly wakes up from sleep to find himself in a room in which there are several people he does not know and who speak in strange languages, or like worms that suddenly came out from everywhere and multiplied and decided to create a geographical space for themselves within which they are confined.

The West has written history for us… in a way that it seems that there was a sudden agreement that took place in the region between several ethnicities… and there were several papers in a bowl, and on each paper was written the type of calligraphy, the type of belief, and the type of language. ….And each ethnicity must choose a random paper…and each one’s share will be according to what is on the paper……..Misr’s share was hieroglyphics, the cuneiform Fertile Crescent’s share was, and Musnad’s share was Yemen’s share. Phoenician Morocco. Everyone went out on stage at once to prove their theatrical presence in life or to the reading public.

This is surprising

There is no Western historian who has asked a question about the reasons for this sudden appearance in this particular region. Rather, the Western mind does not want to raise such a question. Even our historians have not seriously asked this question. There may be history books that talk about the origins of civilizations. But I mean the reasons for this sudden appearance in the region, in this particular time period, and with this difference?

For example…there is no logical explanation about the origins of religion, language and writing that the West wrote for us, and there is no logical context for them…just a sudden appearance and everyone placing his goods in a market. Region .

You do not know any logical context that explains the reason for the emergence of the ancient belief in Iraq, the Levant, Misr, and Yemen, even if the Western mind provides us with a history of stories about gods and belief by linking them to the phenomena of nature as the origin of the first that produced those beliefs.

According to the logic of the Western mind, the reason for the difference in ancient beliefs in the region is because of the different climatic and natural environment. In Iraq, a different belief emerged from Misr because of the climate and nature in Iraq, which is different from Misr and different from Yemen, and so on….

But it is an illogical explanation

Because if nature is the starting point… then we are surprised why there were no gods specific to the Nile or the Euphrates, given that those rivers were very strongly linked to the lives of people in that geography… and why civilizations were not the same in their worship as long as nature was one. ?!

You also do not know of any scientific or logical explanation that would explain to you the reasons for the appearance of this method and those shapes in writing fonts and the choice of them over others. Why this particular method and not another way of writing?! Was there a specific system for choosing writing fonts, or was it a random system?!

Because you do not find in the writings of the West any serious explanation about the reasons for the emergence of the Musnad script, the cuneiform script, or the hieroglyphic script…. Only inscriptions appeared suddenly, and we do not know the eras that preceded them that explain the reasons for these types of scripts.

What is the primary source of this appearance?!

If we assume an ancient, infinite state of time that precedes us, then it is logical that whenever we step back in time, even into eternity, one point must appear to us that is a logical and natural context for this emergence of civilization in the region.

Why ?

Because this first point is the subject on which the West seems very stupid and very naive… when it writes to the inhabitants of the region about their ancient history.

Think carefully with me

We look at the West…as an intellectual structure based on science, logic, and scientific evidence, and from it emerged several genius mentalities, as we believe. The West was able to decipher the inscriptions of the region and brought out for us all of this ancient history and was able to interrogate this… The ancient writings… and made them speak in the same way as ancient humans… and this Western mentality is what produced for us several historical theories that explain to us the ancient history of the region.

But this intellectual structure is the same intellectual structure whose scientific and theoretical formation also produced for us scientific theories that unified many things around us.

Think well

● The Western intellectual structure…from it emerged scientists who were able to unify life on Earth, and who were able to link humans and animals with a single origin, with Darwin’s theory of its origin being a single cell that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Darwin’s theory has become correct and is taught in all universities as a fact. And whoever opposes it will be ridiculed. This theory made the beginning of life from a small cell that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Imagine with me the difficulty of imagining the idea of believing that man, monkey, mouse, and insect were of one origin and one living cell… from which all this biological diversity evolved and emerged.

However, it is a valid scientific theory

● Also, the Western intellectual structure…from it emerged scientists who were able to unify the parts of this vast and huge universe…and they were able to connect galaxies, planets, and stars that are very far away and the distances between them reach fabulous numbers… ……..And it has been linked to one origin, which is the Big Bang Theory… a huge explosion in a part of space between particles that cannot be seen with the naked eye… and no one opposes this theory?! . This theory made the beginning of this giant universe…from an explosion in a small point in space.

Imagine with me the difficulty of imagining the idea that the Earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the galaxies are of one origin, and that everything in the universe in the distant past was a small speck. This huge universe emerged from the explosion of a small point in space.

However, it is a valid scientific theory.

But the logical question:

Why, then, is this same intellectual structure based on science and logic incapable, or perhaps very stupid, this time, and has it never thought of uniting the civilizations of the region into one civilization, which are civilizations that are very close to each other and not separated by the vast distances that exist between galaxies and are not at all different from each other? Some of them, such as the vast difference between humans and mice, led to the fact that they are of the same origin.

Why did this mind not think of unifying the region’s civilizations within one scientific historical theory, when this theory is the one from which all the region’s civilizations emerged? ….. Why were they unable to do that, even though it is easier than the theory of a human and a mouse from one cell? Why did they ignore… Why did it not occur to them?! Are they hiding something? .

The matter clearly appears to be linked to a certain intellectual orientation and not stupidity, and they must draw history for us like this… that is, they are required to work according to this perception… because it serves the politics based on divide and rule, Sykes-Picot, and it is possible. Related to something else dangerous.

But the most important logical question is: Why does the Enlightenment mind, which believes in previous theories of the Western mind that are difficult to imagine, find it extremely difficult to comprehend the idea of a single source that emerged from the civilizations of the region and the civilization of man, especially our historians and those with scientific minds who absolutely believe in the difficult theories of the Western mind? Imagination (of the unity between man and animals and that the beginning was a microscopic cell from which all forms of life emerged, and the huge universe and those vast distances between the stars and planets were a small point in place and from which all this huge universe emerged)?!

Even if we find a historian and thinker of our own… and he talks about one common origin through matching the symbols and names of ancient languages and the vocabulary of language translations that the Western mind has extracted for us… but it is not in the image that they are talking about. Which they extracted from the writings of the West… because the picture they paint is also illogical.

What I mean by the single source of the region’s civilizations is something completely different.

Because logic, reason, and wisdom…they all say:

The region, and indeed the entire Earth, appeared as a result of only one explosion and not as a result of several explosions… And humans in the entire region existed as a result of one spot (one living cell) and they emerged from it… They multiplied and spread throughout The entire region and the land were settled… and it carries one religion and one language.

Or in other words:

People did not come out all at once, suddenly, in one moment, like worms or flies, from every spot on the earth, and then they decided to invent a language for themselves to communicate with each other and invent a religion. Rather, all people came out from one spot, one point on the earth, and they came out from the beginning. A human group appeared at that point, and that point had one language and one innate religion, and it multiplied and then spread throughout the earth and settled in it and settled and populated the earth, but it did not lose contact with that first point from which they emerged, and logically it must be That point from which they emerged is the place where the oldest traces of man are located (the oldest building on Earth), the place of continuous communication (Hajj).

That first point will be called (Umm al-Qura).

Logically, that will be the first point (Umm al-Qura) where the first human group appeared. It will be the place where the first house was created for people (the oldest house – the ancient house) and the place where the first writing appeared with man was located (the oldest book – Umm Al-Kitab). ).

Logically, ancient writings will appear around that first point (Umm al-Qura), and they have taken developed written forms over time and have emerged from the first oldest book found in the first point, and those various ancient writings in the areas of their presence were written in different and distant time periods. After a long journey of migration and settlement of this people in the land, there was a need for simpler and easier writings.

Because that first writing found in the first point (Umm al-Qura) has become, in the eyes of the people, a sacred sacred writing that contains their first memory, their first nature from which they emerged, and people will write many advanced writings about the surroundings of that first book found in the first point (Umm al-Qura).

That is, all the writings are specific to one civilization with one belief and one language, but they are advanced writings from the form of their first book found in the first point (Umm al-Qura).

Does reality support this logical historical movement?!


1- Notice……….. Misr has the oldest building in the region and the world, and there is the oldest book in the region.

There is in Misr the oldest (book and verse)

2- There is an ancient writing in Yemen that is identical to the writing found in Misr…evidence that it is a movement of one book and one language.

3- There are… mummified corpses in Yemen that resemble the mummified corpses in Misr, and this indicates that it was a single human movement from one place.

4- There are discoveries in Yemen of statues of the Sphinx with Musnad inscriptions, and this indicates that it is (a movement of one religion.

5- A wooden coffin with bolster inscriptions was discovered buried next to one of the pyramids. This indicates that it was one human movement towards one ancient place.

So….there is a historical movement in reality that clearly and very accurately matches our logic.

So…….Misr is (Umm Al-Qura)….and in it is found (the Mother of the Book), and in it is found the shrine of (the Father of People), and in it is found (Al-Masjid Al Haram), and in it is found (the Book) which… Muslims memorized the Qur’an from him.

Does the Qur’an’s speech support this logical historical movement that we have seen in reality, and does it support the fact that Misr is the “Mother of Qura”?!


{And We revealed to Musa and his brother: “Houses for your people in Misr, and make your homes a direction of direction} {Indeed, the first house appointed for mankind is that which is in Bakkah, blessed and a guidance for the worlds. (96) In it are clear signs, the place of Ibrahim. path, and whoever disbelieves, then Allah is free of the worlds.} {And strive in Allah as is His due striving. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in religion any hardship to the religion of your father Ibrahim. He called you Muslims before, and in this so that the Messenger may be a witness over you and that you may be witnesses over the people, so establish prayer and pay zakat and hold fast to Allah. He is your Master. So what a good Allah and how good a helper}

{Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur’an that you may understand (3) And indeed, in the Mother of the Book with Us, Most High is Wise} {And this Qur’an was not to be fabricated other than Allah, but rather to confirm what is before it and detail the Book, in which there is no doubt, from Allah, the All-Knowing}

{And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’an, that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around it, and warn of the Day of Assembly, about which there is no doubt, a party in Paradise and a party in the Blaze} {And this is a Book We have sent down, blessed, confirming what is before it, and that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around it, and those who believe in the Hereafter will believe in it, and they will guard their prayers.}

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