Vocabulary of the Qur’an and the dialect of the inhabitants of Yemen (Ibb region) 2

Vocabulary of the Qur’an and the dialect of the inhabitants of Yemen (Ibb region) 2


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Vocabulary of the Qur’an and the dialect of the inhabitants of Yemen (Ibb region)


Our tone: [Good for you]….Run for you

The Qur’an: [We have no escape]… We have no escape

(And they all stood out before Allah, and the weak said to those who were arrogant in your arrogance, “Indeed, we were your followers, so will you be of no use to us?” Of Allah’s punishment for anything. They said, “If Allah had guided us, He would have guided you.” All the same to us, are we more discouraged than our patience? We have no protector.)

[Surat Ibrahim 21]


Our tone: [I’m tired after the walk]… I’m tired after the walk

The Qur’an: [The sight turns to you in despair and is distressed]… The sight turns to you in despair and it is weary.

(So return your sight. Do you see if you have broken your fast? Then return your sight as soon as your sight will be turned back to you, forlorn and disgraced.) He is humble.)

[Surat Al-Mulk 3-4]


Our dialect: [The seed is emerging]… The seed is the beginning of its appearance

The Qur’an: [When he saw the moon rising]…when he saw the moon beginning to appear

(So when he saw the moon rising, he said, “This is my Allah.” Then when it set, he said to me, “If my Allah guides me, I will surely be of the oppressive people.” Aylin: Then when he saw the sun rising, he said, “This is my Allah. This is the greatest.” So when it set, he said, “My Allah, I am innocent.” (of what you associate)

[Surat Al-An’am 77-78]


Our dialect: [I am sick]… I cannot eat because of illness and nausea

The Qur’an: [I am sick]… I do not have the soul to eat

(Then he looked at the stars and said, “Indeed, he is sick.” So they turned away from him, turning away from him. He turned to their gods and said, “Will you not come?” Are you eating what you have, but you cannot speak? He struck them with the right hand.)

[Surat Al-Saffat 88-93]


Our tone: [The market is empty]… The market is not popular, or is cheap

The Qur’an: [Make their people a dwelling of destruction] a dwelling in which there is no demand

(Have you not seen those who exchanged the blessings of Allah for disbelief and made lawful to them the abode of destruction, Hell, and made it final? What an evil decision)

[Surat Ibrahim 28-29]


Our dialect: [confusing people]… people who are not reliable in their positions, or who do not stand with the truth rather than with their interests.

The Qur’an: [And you were strong and weak]… a people who cannot be relied upon and who do not stand with the truth.

(The Bedouins who were left behind will say to you: “Our occupants, our mothers, and our families will say to you, so ask forgiveness for us.” They will say with their tongues What is not in their hearts? Say: Who can make anything for you from Allah, whether he intends harm for you or whether he intends benefit for you? Indeed, it is. Allah is well aware of what you do. Nay, you thought that the Messenger and the believers would never turn. I will treat them forever, and that has been decorated for you in your hearts, and you have thought evil thoughts, and you have been of strong and righteous people.)

[Surat Al-Fath 11-12]


Our dialect: [The goods will disappear]….No one will buy the goods.

The Qur’an: [A trade that will not fail]…. A trade that will not be stagnant

(Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend of what We have provided them, secretly and openly, hope for Jarrah will not perish)


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