Was Champollion a genius?

Was Champollion a genius?

3/18/2021 0:00:01

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Was Champollion a genius?

■ When France found the Rosetta Stone, Napoleonic scholars at that time did not know the contents of this inscription written in three lines, but the stone seemed very important in the eyes of the scholars and generals of the invasion, and that it would play a role in deciphering the inscriptions of Misr, because it is possible that the stone contained a text in three lines. copies .

– We believe…that this great interest in a stone by politicians and military personnel is suspicious…and also the prior belief that the stone will have a role in deciphering Misr’s inscriptions is suspicious, and also the prior belief that the stone It may contain text in triplicate.

Why ?!

Because all this interest on the part of politicians who do not understand scientific affairs, and all these prior beliefs came together and came true, because the stone actually became important and played a role in deciphering the inscriptions and contains text in three copies.

■ The West concluded that the middle script is the Demotic script (the people’s script in Misr), because it was rare for this script to appear engraved on stones.

We believe that this discovery is also strange and calls for great doubt.

Why ?

Because three rare coincidences were gathered in this stone, because it is a very rare coincidence to discover a bilingual antiquity, and it is also rare to discover a three-line inscription, and it is also rare to discover an inscription written in the Demotic script.

Three rare seashells in one find

■ Western scholars studied the stone and the texts written on the stone, after its arrival in Britain and achieved a translation of the Greek text found in the stone, and knew the content of the text that talks about a decree written by the priests of Misr, on behalf of the Greek king (Ptolemy)… To praise the king who performed great deeds and granted privileges to the priests.

Was translating the Greek text difficult for the scholars of the French campaign? How could they be scholars when they were unable to translate the inscriptions of their heirlooms at the moment the inscription was discovered?! …Is it because it is an ancient language and ancient writing?

How did all those huge Greek texts in various fields of science, philosophy and literature that were written before the age in which the Rosetta Stone was written reach the West, and in what language and by what scribes did they reach them?!

We also believe that the appearance of Greek writing on stones is a strange and rare coincidence.

Why ?!

Because no Greek inscriptions were discovered in what is currently called Greece… despite all this huge and great history in Greece… So the question is: Why did this rare coincidence with the discovery of Greek inscriptions only appear in our land, and there is no There are large quantities of them, and why do Greek inscriptions only appear when they are combined with our ancient writings and do not exist separately without the need for them to be present next to our inscriptions?

The Greek inscriptions were searching for an origin in our land, or they wanted to give themselves a temporal footing in our land and a legal document for us.

■ The West has come to believe that the frames inside the hieroglyphic text contain the names of kings, but it is still not sure that the stone is written in triplicate.

■ The West discovered another stone (the Philae Obelisk)… It contains a bilingual text (hieroglyphs and Greek). After translating the Greek text, they found that it was talking about a decree on behalf of a queen named (Cleopatra), and then the West was sure that the frames contained names. Kings.

This assumption… came from the idea that frames always appear when the Greek text talks about kings… This means that the frame may contain the name of a king out of honor and glorification, as a message from one king to another. Greek.

The discovery is strange… why?!

Because the question that arises………… Why is the coincidence always repeated in the West with the discovery of a bilingual text, which contains a rare Greek text?!

Also… Why did no text appear inside the Philae Obelisk in the Demotic script as it appeared in the Rosetta Stone?!

And also…..the West needed 4 years to translate the Greek text found in the Rosetta Stone, but it was able to translate the Greek text written on the Philae Obelisk quickly, and this indicates that the West has become well-versed in translating any Greek text quickly… The logical question is:

How did all those Greek books that talk about all areas of life, including science, history, philosophy, and literature, reach the West, when those books were written in the same script and the same language?!

Because we discovered that the West was not able to read ancient Greek well until it was able to translate the Greek text in the Rosetta Stone, as evidenced by the fact that after that it had rapid experience and was able to translate the Greek text in the Philae Obelisk very quickly.

If the West had known the Greek books before the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, it would not have taken four years to translate the Greek text into the Rosetta Stone.

■ At that time…the prevailing opinion among the most famous Western scholars was: Egyptian writing…is symbolic writing, not phonetic.

This opinion is illogical, and this may be intended to make the story seem difficult… because we believe that if there is actually a real linguist who is actually a scientist and a specialist, and he says this opinion and insists on it, then it is somewhat foolish. … Why ?!

Because we see that it is not very difficult and not impossible for a scholar to adopt the belief that Egyptian inscriptions are phonetic alphabetic writing and not symbolic expressive drawings… for several reasons:

The inscriptions of Misr appear to be very ancient. They clearly appear to be the inscriptions of the beginning, and this antiquity and beginning is what gave the inscriptions of Misr that pictorial characteristic.

This belief is largely confirmed by the inscriptions of Yemen, which clearly appear to be a phonetic alphabet, and at the same time their non-pictorial symbols appear clearly similar and identical to the symbols of the pictorial inscriptions of Misr.

Therefore, we believe that this scientist who says these words is trying to make the scene difficult for the audience to give the story a kind of excitement and plot by creating an imaginary battle with another opponent (another assumption), until the battle ends with the victory of the other opponent (the other assumption).

All beautiful stories end with the hero’s victory [suspense, excitement and joy within the story]

■ A young Frenchman, Jean-François Champollion, obtained a copy of the Rosetta Stone, as did other researchers, and he initially studied it, paying great attention to the hieroglyphic script and relying on his long experience in the ancient Greek language, and in ancient languages in general, including Coptic.

Champollion read the Greek text in the Rosetta Stone, understood its content, and read the name of King Ptolemy in it.

Champollion took an approach based on two facts and a hypothesis:

1- The first truth

Proper nouns are unchangeable when written in any language.

For example…the name (Hassan) is pronounced as (Hassan) in any other language.

2- The second truth

The unvoweled consonants of proper nouns do not change no matter how many languages you write them in.

For example….in Arabic we find the name (Hassan) and the three letters (h s n) cannot fall out when written in any language……even if the movement on these letters is weak or strong…….. …… In English, (Hassan) is not written with three letters, but rather with six letters (Hassan), but (H S N) is present and is not omitted.

Also in Arabic we find a name like (Majdi) in which the first three letters (mjd) cannot be omitted when written in any language.

3 – Hypothesis

It was based on the hypothesis that this decree, which was issued during the reign of King Ptolemy V in 196 BC, must have been written in addition to Greek in two scripts of the national language of Misr, and the name Ptolemy in Greek must appear repeatedly in the hieroglyphic and demotic scripts.

How can we determine the location of Ptolemy’s name in the hieroglyphic text?

There is a single frame inside the Rosetta Stone, which is repeated six times, and the name Ptolemy is also repeated more than once in the Greek text.

This repetition gave Champollion a strong indication that the name inside the frame was the name of the king (Ptolemy), and increased the validity of his hypothesis that this stone is one text in three copies.

After that, Champollion assumed that the name (Ptolemy) is present within the frame found in the Rosetta Stone, and he also assumed that the name (Cleopatra) is also present within the frame found in the Philae Obelisk.

Champollion recorded the name (Ptolemy) in the Greek language, which appeared in the Greek text, and he numbered the letters of the name…….. He also recorded the name (Cleopatra), which was mentioned in the Philae Obelisk in Greek, and the number of each letter in the word, and the reason is because The two names share the phonetic value of some signs, such as the b, the ta, and the lām.



Then Champollion recorded the marks contained in the Ptolemy cartouche and their number, and he did the same for the Cleopatra cartouche found in the Philae Obelisk.

There, he found the sharing of similar symbols between the two frames, which confirms his hypothesis. The consonants (btl) are common in Greek writing, and there is also a commonality between the two frames, in several symbols.

Then he matched the first sign of the name (Ptolemy) written inside the frame in hieroglyphs with the corresponding sign in his name in Greek, and he also did the same thing with the name (Cleopatra).

Then Champollion was finally able to identify the phonetic value of some hieroglyphic signs based on their phonetic value in Greek.

– We believe that the matter is suspicious… because it is based on an unscientific basis because we may agree with this approach, but if I do not have a writing that I know inside the stone, and you have your own writing (Greek) and you tell me that the name of the science found in… Your text is Ptolemy, so how can I really be sure that the name inside the frame in the hieroglyphs reads Ptolemy, because you may have deceived me, and I do not know this thing, and you made a stone for yourself and made an interesting play in front of me until it led me to this step, and I am on my intention because I do not know how to read, while you work alone. Without involving me in the work so that I can see closely the process, there is not a single Egyptian who was involved in the work. Only the West works and gives us ready results.

But if we abandon this idea…….we believe that this step that Champollion took is easy and known to anyone thinking of deciphering writing, and that any child in the primary school stage can do it, and Europe was not blessed with its great and great scholars. Until 17 years until a person named Champollion comes out and performs it.

Because if there was an assumption that the stone is a text in triplicate, this means that it is not unlikely that anyone would think, for 17 years, of the idea of correspondence between the two writings, and because the two writings are for two different languages, we must search for correspondence with the names of the characters, because the names are pronounced the same. Pronunciation in any language.

And because there was a belief proposed by a great and brilliant linguist, that the frames in the hieroglyphs contain the names of kings, and I have a Greek text that talks about a Greek king… it will immediately come to the mind of the child and the ordinary person and does not need a scholar. Languages, by matching Ptolemy’s name to the symbols inside the frame.

Example :

If we bring a child in the third grade of primary school who can read Arabic but cannot read English, and we write him a sentence in Arabic… and we tell him that we have written a translation of the Arabic sentence in English and in English writing:

Suleiman built a house —– Suleiman built a house

We told him to search for the word (Suleiman) within the English sentence and match the letters of the Arabic name (Suleiman) with the corresponding letters of his name written in English.

Of course, the child will find it difficult to determine the name Suleiman in the English sentence, and he will have three choices and he does not know which one of them is the name Suleiman.

The possibilities are:

1- Sulaiman = house

2- Sulaiman = built

3- Suleiman = Suleiman

Which one of them is correct? The student asks?!

So we simplified the matter to the student and said to him: We will rewrite the sentence, and put the word Sulaiman in English writing inside parentheses… in the following form:

Suleiman built a house

The student will directly choose the third possibility, which is:

Suleiman = Suleiman

Then he will match the letters, and it is logical that he will reach at least one correct match.

S = S

n = n

This makes us believe that the story is suspicious and has doubts. Why ?

Because the matter is not that difficult, it is easy and simple, and where is the genius that the West created in people’s minds and made them open scientific departments in universities to teach the genius of its dictionary?! .. The work that Champollion has done so far is being done by an Egyptian child, and his work does not indicate genius at all and does not require the making of a statue of him or his immortalization on earth.

This easy and simple work, which does not require any genius, makes us very surprised about the reasons for the West making all this noise that is not appropriate for the work…. Therefore, we believe that the matter is very suspicious, and that all this noise about something normal. It is simple. It may be to hide something in the story that people will not notice, or according to the popular proverb: (He wants to waste a fart by clearing his throat).

Also…until now, according to historical development…the step taken by Champollion is completely insufficient to decipher all the hieroglyphic symbols. Or it cannot lead anyone to decipher the inscriptions……. Why?!

Because until now……. Champollion has only identified the phonetic syllable for a few symbols, which are inside the two frames… or in other words… he has recognized the phonetic syllable for only about 9 hieroglyphic symbols that contain… More than 5000 symbols.

What does this mean ?

This means… that the Rosetta Stone has no value at all to any human being, unless this human being is ignorant or knowledgeable, if he thinks of using this stone or any stone that resembles it (the Philae Obelisk, for example) to decipher and read ancient writing based on the matching process, which was done in a similar way. Made by Champollion.

Why ?!

Because you need more than 5 thousand stones like the Rosetta Stone and containing royal frames, and inside the frames there are various, different, non-repeated symbols that cover all the hieroglyphic symbols, so that you can carry out the process of matching all the hieroglyphic symbols with their corresponding phonetic letters in Greek writing.

Of course….. the West does not yet say that this step taken by Champollion is the last step… but I wanted to explain it here so that we realize the lack of importance of the Rosetta Stone and that it alone has no value in translating Egyptian inscriptions.

In other words…………… It is impossible for the Rosetta Stone to be the main confirmed and reliable mechanism that translated Egyptian inscriptions, because as we said, we need more than 5,000 stones in order to match and be confident in our work. … Therefore, there must be another work that is the main mechanism by which all the symbols of the Egyptian inscriptions were translated.

Because the match that will occur in the Rosetta Stone or any stone like it will be with only one word inside the stone, and the match will not occur with other words, because the two languages are different. Also, no other reference to words can appear within the text other than the reference to the royal frame.

For example:

Muhammad took the dog to the market

جmohamed take the dog to the market

Here in this example, the word dog does not match with dog, and the word market does not match with market.

The only thing that matches the proper name….. Muhammad = Mohamed

m = m

h = h

D = d

Now… if we assume the hieroglyphics are the Arabic writing and the Greek is the English writing… then I would now have known the pronunciation of only three symbols in the hieroglyphs, which are (M H D)… but the rest of the hieroglyphic symbols are (A B T D). C K L N W Y) I do not yet know its pronunciation.

It is impossible to decipher the inscriptions with only three symbols… So the stone has no value, even if you actually know the words of three symbols… There is no value in knowing three symbols… Therefore, you need something like the Rosetta Stone in many numbers… and this is This did not happen in the story of the West’s translation of Egyptian inscriptions.

Almost everything Champollion has is spoken, some hieroglyphic symbols, up to seven or eight, and among them is a symbol found in the Rosetta Stone… Let us assume the symbol is (♣) and he concluded that it is pronounced (S).

That is, he concluded that… ♣ = S

In the end, the Rosetta Stone appeared worthless and meaningless, and could not decipher hieroglyphics at all… So the important and logical scientific question:

How did the West decipher hieroglyphic codes?!

Let us move on to the latest step taken by the West and watch

■ Shortly after Champollion performed the matching process inside the Rosetta Stone.

Approximately in the year 1822, an artifact arrived to Champollion… inside a package that arrived to him from a friend who was in Misr. It had been removed from one of Misr’s temples and contained a frame, with four symbols written inside it.

Now Champollion has an artifact in his hand and reads from an artifact and not from a paper publication, as happened in his previous step with the Rosetta Stone.

The piece contained a frame taken from a temple, and inside the frame there were four symbols, and let us assume that they were in the following form (♣ ♣ ◆ ●).

As for the symbol (♣)… Champollion knew its phonetic value, because it was located inside the royal frame in the Rosetta Stone, and he reached its phonetic value a short time ago after the matching process, and the phonetic value that he reached is: ♣ = S.

Champollion knew well that this frame must contain the name of a king, because the names of kings are written inside the frames… as we know.

But he did not know the phonetic value of the symbol (◆) and the symbol (●).

One day, Champollion’s mind began to work and his eyes were fixed on the piece. The agitation and tension increased, and his hand began to shake. The name began with a symbol resembling the shape of the sun (●), and because Champollion had knowledge and familiarity with the Jebetic language, he knew that the word ( Sun) is pronounced in the Jebeti language (Ra).

So, the king’s name begins with (Ra = Ra), followed by a symbol that is still unknown, then followed by a repeated symbol….. [Ra ◆ SS]

That is, the king’s name… will begin with the word (Ra = Ra).

And here a genius idea flashed into Champollion’s head: What if the king’s name was (Ramesses), the most famous king of ancient Misr, about whom he had read a lot in Greek history books, and therefore the symbol (◆) had the phonetic value (m).

Just a hypothesis… but not confirmed.

With trembling hands… Champollion began to flip through the other drawings, the thoughts running wild… and then his gaze was once again fixed on another picture containing a frame containing the symbols (♣ ◆ ★)… and it was the symbol at the end of the name. Known to him is (♣ = S), and the name begins with the symbol (★), which is the sacred bird Ibis, which embodies the Allah Tut, and in the middle of the name is the same previously unknown symbol (◆).

If Champollion’s translation is correct (Ra – m – s – s), and on the basis that the unknown middle symbol is pronounced as (◆ = m), then the name in the picture is the name of the Egyptian king Thutmose (Thout – m – s).

Indeed, Thothmos is the second most famous king of ancient Misr, who was mentioned in Greek writings that talked about ancient Misr.

There was not the slightest doubt in Champollion’s eyes. The veil had fallen from Champollion’s eyes, and here he was holding in his hand the key to the history of ancient Misr, which had been lost for 2000 years.

Then Champollion announced his discovery at the French Society of Sciences and Languages. The entire audience applauded him… so much so that the most famous linguist at that time, De Sacy, who is credited with developing the first theories of linguistics, rose from his chair and embraced him warmly. De Sacy finally admitted his genius to Champollion

Champollion’s genius appeared… in that he discovered the phonetic values of the rest of the symbols himself by matching them in the Jebetic language, and this genius made the King of France give him a gold box engraved with the phrase: “This is a gift from the King of France, Louis XVIII, to Champollion.” For his discovery of the hieroglyphic alphabet, Champollion’s name was included in the Council of Immortals and he became one of the greats of history.


We believe that this step is not based on any scientific basis and includes illogical tools.

Why ?

– Because it will initially make us ask a natural question that imposes itself: So what is the benefit of the Rosetta Stone in the story?!

Is the role of the Rosetta Stone in the story… is to know the utterance of only one symbol, which is (♣ = S)… only?

– Also, the previous step… which Champollion took in the Rosetta Stone and carried out a matching process that seems somewhat logical, scientific, reliable, and based on a correct scientific approach.

It is based on the idea of matching the proper noun found in the two texts, because the pronunciation of proper nouns does not change in any language… and it is a very correct scientific step.

Champollion also assumed that the text was in triplicate, which seems logical given the repeated appearance of the frame in the hieroglyphic text and the repeated mention of the name Ptolemy in the Greek text, which actually indicates that there is a word that is repeated between the two texts in a similar way, and the possibility is high that the frame contains the name of Ptolemy… …..It is a hypothesis that seems somewhat logical.

– The most important point that we must understand and realize. Champollion relied on information found in one archaeological material evidence and matched it in one document of one age, which makes us trust the idea of the name (Ptolemy) and its matching of the letters of the name with the symbols of the frame.

In other words…..we have one physical piece of evidence, one age, and it contains reliable information (assuming the stone is authentic).

But in this last step, Champollion never took the same step as before.

how ?

Champollion took the second step while he did not have a stone like the bilingual Rosetta Stone (hieroglyphics – Greek) in order to perform the matching process between the proper name found in the Greek text found in the paper books, with the hieroglyphic symbols present in the frame, as he did in the previous step.. Rather, he possesses a monolingual artifact (hieroglyphics), through which a matching process can never be carried out.

Why ?!

Because how was the correspondence between ( ● = Ra ) and Champollion knew and confirmed that the symbol ( ● = Ra ) was officially approved, just as the symbol ( ♣ = S ) that he arrived at in the previous step during the study of the Rosetta Stone and Resurrection was adopted by conformity, and He did not have a stone like the Rosetta Stone in his hand, that is, a piece containing Greek text and hieroglyphic text. The piece that reached him was written in hieroglyphs only.

Because the reason for the uproar that was made about the Rosetta Stone when it was discovered… is this basic, fundamental idea, which was created in three copies for the sake of conformity. Otherwise, what use would the stone have then or after it?! Or is the stone not important then, as it plays an important role in deciphering the inscription?!

How do I check the pronunciation of a word? This is not possible at all unless there is archaeological evidence available that gives us a word known to us that is identical in pronunciation to the symbols of the word to be deciphered.

focus with me

As we said in the previous step… Hieroglyphs can never be deciphered with the Rosetta Stone alone, and if we want to decipher all the hieroglyphic inscriptions, we need a large number of stones such as the Rosetta Stone, which is bilingual and speaks of the name of a king, so that it can be crossed out. Matching the phonetic value of the king’s name in the Greek text with the hieroglyphic symbols in the royal frame.

But Champollion…and because he lacked the presence of another stone like the Rosetta Stone to carry out the matching process, he resorted to a trick. He made a stone like the Rosetta Stone in his imagination and carried out the matching process in his imagination, and this thing Anyone in Misr can do it now and invent any match for Egyptian symbols and invent any pronunciation, and a language will be born for him.

in another meaning

How did he know that the symbol (●) is the symbol of the sun and its phonetic value is (● = Ra), and how did he know that (★) is the symbol of the sacred bird Ibis, pronounced (★ = Tuth)

If this step were correct, logical, and scientific… we would not have needed the Rosetta Stone at all and the uproar that arose around it, and we would not have needed to make copies of the stone and distribute them to all museums and scientists for study.

Why ?

Because we would have been able to summarize the matter from the beginning and say directly, that the symbol (○) is the symbol of the eye and is pronounced in Jibt (○ = irt), and the symbol (~) is the symbol of the sea and pronounced in Jibt (~ = djot).

We could have summarized the issue from the beginning… as long as we knew from the beginning that the circular frames contain the names of kings… then the matter would be easy… all we have to do is read the Greek history books and read the names of the kings of ancient Misr. Those who were contemporary with the Greeks and wrote about them……. Then we search for the royal frames in the temples and monuments of Misr… and match them with the names of the kings of Misr that we read in the Greek books……. And because we specialize in the Gebetic language and are proficient With it, we have come to realize that hieroglyphic symbols have a pronunciation in Jabbety according to the form of the symbol (if the symbol was a sun, it would be pronounced shepherd, and if the symbol was a sacred bird, Ibis, it would be pronounced mulberry).

Then it’s very easy… How?

That is, if we see two frames containing these symbols (♣♣◆● )(♣ ◆ ★)

1 – It is definitely two royal frames…and inside it are the names of two Egyptian kings

2 – Because we now know most of the names of the kings of Misr through our reading of Greek books that were contemporary with ancient Egyptian civilization.

3- Because we know the Jethbi language well

We know that the symbol (●) is a sun and is pronounced (Ra).

We know that the symbol (★) is ibis, pronounced (Thout).

It is certain that the name in the first frame is the name of an Egyptian king whose name begins with the word (Ra)… and the second frame is the name of an Egyptian king whose name begins with (Thout)… and both kings’ names end with two similar letters, and because we know that there There is a famous Egyptian king named (Ra-mss) and an Egyptian king named (Thout-ms). Then it is certain that the first frame contains the name (Ramss) and the second frame contains (Thout-ms).

Then the audio values of the symbols in the frame will be as follows

He: ( ● = Ra ) and ( ◆ = m ) and ( ♣ = S ) and ( ◆ = Thout)

Then I will have reached with certainty and certainty the phonetic value of the symbol (♣ = S) without needing the Rosetta Stone and all the fuss that was made for it, from which we did not gain any benefit other than the phonetic value of the symbol (♣ = S)… which I use. Champollion had a hard time finding out the operative part of the framework he had obtained.

I will also know that the frame in the picture is (Thoutmos), because I know that there is an Egyptian king named Thothmos, and I know that the frame must contain the name of a king, and the first symbol inside the frame is the sacred bird Ibis, which is pronounced (Thout), and then There is no one but Thutmose, the king we read about in Greek books.

In brief….. If we wanted to make a comparison between this step and the previous step to further clarify the location of the trick, we would say:

In the first step… Champollion made a match between a Greek word found inside an ancient material artifact with its corresponding ancient symbols inside the same ancient material artifact.

As for the second step…….. Champollion made a match between ancient symbols present in an ancient material monument with the corresponding word of Jabbati outside the material monument and not attached to it and present inside modern stationery inside his imagination.

In the first step…..the correspondence between the letters of the word and the symbols is direct within the same physical trace…..but in the second step, the correspondence between the symbols and what is spoken is indirect and imaginary outside the physical trace.

■ Regarding the information inside the stone…which the West reached after they were able to translate the Greek text and decipher the hieroglyphics.

The stone is a decree issued in Memphis, Misr, in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic Dynasty (330 BC – 60 BC) on behalf of King Ptolemy V Epiphanes.

On the occasion of writing the stone… a revolution broke out in Misr by the priests against Ptolemy IV in the Delta, and after his death in 204 AD, internal strife arose, then his son Ptolemy V (Epiphanes 204 BC – 180 BC) took over the rule of Misr, and he eliminated Revolutions, pardoned people, abolished taxes, released prisoners, and restored to the priests their privileges that his father had taken away.

Here the priests wanted to glorify the deeds of Ptolemy V…so they held great celebrations to pledge allegiance to him and recorded those deeds on the Rosetta Stone. The stone includes a decree from the priests gathered in the city of Memphis (Mit Rahina – Al Badrashin Center – Giza Governorate currently). In which they thank King Ptolemy V, around 196 BC, for granting endowments to the temples and exempting the priests from some obligations.

This decree was recorded in three scripts, in order of writing from top to bottom: hieroglyphic, demotic, and Greek. The bulk of the hieroglyphic script and a small portion of the Greek text have been lost. The priests wanted to record this gratitude to the Ptolemaic king in the official script, the script of the priests, which is the hieroglyphic script. The dominant daily life script in this period was the Demotic script, then the Greek script, which was the script in which the language of the Ptolemies, who occupied Misr, was written.

The purpose of writing the three lines in which the stone was written was to enable the priests in Misr, the Egyptian people, and the Ptolemies in the neighboring Greek state to understand the contents of the decree. It is believed that the stone had many copies, but they disappeared and only the Rosetta Stone remained.

We believe that this is suspicious and illogical…. Why?

If you notice that Western history always depicts ancient Egyptian society as a society of slaves, then everything is slaves. Whoever built the pyramids were slaves, and the Egyptian king enslaved the Egyptians in order to build the pyramids. Society is class-based, with a class of kings, a class of priests, and a class of the people, and the Egyptian loves… The Greek-European invader, whom he loves and respects.

Therefore, he praises, honors and venerates any invading ruler.

Also…what is the benefit of having a Greek text in stone?!

Because after 130 years, the Ptolemaic rulers began to speak the same language as the Egyptians and no longer needed Greek. Rather, they had forgotten it and it was no longer their language.

For example… Muhammad Ali Pasha Al-Albani was not Egyptian at all when he ruled Misr. He was from Macedonia and did not know how to speak Arabic at the time when colonialism brought him and installed him as ruler of Misr.

But 130 years after Al-Albani entered, his descendants became kings and no longer spoke the Albanian language, but rather an Arabic language, and they also began to write in Western script and write in it.

If a decree was issued during the reign of King Farouk and written by the Pope of the Coptic Church, is it reasonable that the Pope of the Church would write a decree in Arabic and the Albanian language?!

Also… Why do they write a decree in three copies within one stone, why is each copy not in a separate stone?

Because, as it is known, what is most common and widely used is that people write treaties and covenants between countries or individuals within separate documents. Every document contains text in a certain language, and it is not common for a document to exist between two countries on a single piece of paper in two languages… Each paper contains text in a certain language.

The matter is suspicious and calls for doubt… because the combination of three copies in one document seems to be a process whose purpose at the beginning is to say that it is one document in three copies.

We also rarely discover a bilingual or trilingual document.

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