We have recorded everything in a book

We have recorded everything in a book

8/9/2021 0:00:01

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If you look into the things that Western scientific institutions did after Napoleon’s invasion of France, and these things are related in some aspects to the story of Nouh mentioned in the Qur’an, you will find that they are two basic things:

The first thing… The scientific institutions of the West discovered the discovery of clay tablets in Iraq written in cuneiform script, and when they deciphered that writing, it was a strange coincidence. They discovered in it a story that talks about a flood and its hero is a character named (Gilgamesh), and the story of (Gilgamesh) is somewhat similar to What is the story of Nouh mentioned in the Qur’an?

The second thing… The West’s scientific institutions sent scientific missions to Turkey and Armenia to search for a personal ship named (Nouh), whose story is found in the religious book that the West believes in, the Bible, and the story of (Nouh) is somewhat similar to the story of Nouh mentioned in the Qur’an.

In short, the West discovered an ancient story that is somewhat similar to the story of Nouh in Iraq, and went looking for an ark. Another story that is somewhat similar to the story of Nouh in Turkey… Or in another way, the West was interested in two similar stories. Kind of like the story of Nouh mentioned in the Qur’an.

After the scientific institutions of the West did these two things, they formulated a number of scientific results that became the foundations of many references and scientific research that established the global collective mind, including the collective mind in the region, and these results are:

1- It was believed that the Book of the Bible was the oldest book on Earth that talked about the Flood, but it was discovered that the Sumerian civilization was the first to talk about the Flood.

2- The possibility is that the flood ship is located in Türkiye and its surroundings, on top of one of Turkey’s mountains.

3- All religions, civilizations and cultures, including primitive and isolated cultures, spoke about the Flood, except for the ancient Egyptian civilization, which never spoke about the Flood.

Now….let’s discuss these two things and the results:

◾The West’s discovery of the story of the Gilgamesh Tablets was a strange and suspicious coincidence


We also know that the story of the flood in our imagination is the story of the first beginning, the story of the beginning of a new world on earth.

But the strange thing is that when the West tried to decipher the inscriptions of Misr, their success in deciphering them was achieved on tablets belonging to kings who ruled Misr in a late period of Egyptian history, and success was not achieved in tablets belonging to the first king to rule Misr. Not the inscriptions of Misr, but all the writings of the ancient region, except for the inscriptions. Iraq cuneiform. It was a coincidence that the West succeeded in deciphering the cuneiform writing on clay tablets that spoke of a great flood.

Why was it a coincidence that the West succeeded in deciphering cuneiform writing when clay tablets spoke of a great flood, which is the story of the first beginning?

Many do not know that the reasons for the spread of information that says that the Sumerian civilization is the oldest civilization on Earth, is because of the story of the flood because it is the oldest civilization that was talked about. That story is the reason that gave the so-called Sumerian civilization a scientific result in the literature of ancient history, which is that the Sumerian civilization is the oldest. Civilization on earth.

Or in other words…. That first seniority granted to that civilization is the reason that also granted that civilization the right to speak about the Flood and to be the first to speak about the Flood.

And it was…. There is a scientific rule that says: The first person to talk about the Flood will be the oldest civilization or the first beginning of man.

And this logic… is also the reason that gave that Sumerian civilization the right to also talk about the beginning of man, about people who came from another planet and inhabited the earth under the title of the Anunnaki.

The process appears to be orderly and engineered.

◾The second thing…. searching for Nouh’s ship

Why is the West’s search for a NOAA ship in Türkiye suspicious and abnormal?

First…the religious book of the West that they believe in, which contains the story of Nouh, does not say at all that Nouh’s ship still exists today.

What is the secret of this great confidence and belief among Western scientific institutions that a ship still exists today and that they must search for it when their religious book does not say that it remains?

Secondly… the story of the flood is likely to be a very large mythological story, i.e. fairy tales, and if it is not a fairy tale, it will be a very, very old story and the probability that all the furniture and decor of that story happened in reality is zero… it is impossible to think Searching for a piece of wood five thousand years old all over the world.

What is the secret of this great confidence and belief among Western scientific institutions that the ship still exists today and that they must search for it? The possibility that it is a ship in a fairy tale is great, and if it were a true story, then the probability of the survival of a five-thousand-year-old ship is zero?

But the results:

If the Sumerian civilization was the first to talk about a flood, and the second book to talk about it was the Book of the Bible, then the logical questions are:

* Why did Western institutions not search for Gilgamesh’s ship, but decided to search for Nouh’s ship?

* If Western institutions discovered an ancient ship on Earth, how would they determine the ship’s identity? In their scientific view, would it be Gilgamesh’s ship or Nouh’s ship?

* If the Book of the Bible is the second book that talks about the flood, and the Book of the Bible talks about many stories that talk about many effects, then why is the West preoccupied with the trace of a ship in an ancient story, but not interested in the effects of stories that came after that story?

* In the relatively recent history that took place over the last thousand years, there are many, many stories that talk about very many ships that sailed on Earth under very normal conditions. So why is the West searching for an ancient ship that is more than five thousand years old and that existed in a catastrophic circumstance and the probability of its survival is zero? While he did not think to search for newer ships, five hundred years old, and large and huge, that existed in, normal circumstances?

* What if we discovered an ark that was five hundred years old? Would the West say it was Nouh’s Ark, or how would anyone be sure of its age? There is a possibility that it is recent, but there are those who want to convince you that it is five thousand years old?

* If we assume that there is confidence in the survival of the ship to this day, then why were Western institutions’ searches limited to the borders of the state’s lands, which we were told was the center of the Arab Muslim caliphate, even though it appears to be a modern land devoid of ruins, while the story of the flood is ancient, and Western institutions did not transfer their searches? To the rest of the lands of the Caliphate, even though it is a land that seems very old and full of ancient monuments that fit with the very ancient time of the story of the flood.

*The last important question:

If all civilizations and religions talked about the flood, including primitive cultures that lived an isolated life, then this means that it was a global event, so why is the Egyptian civilization the only one on earth that did not talk about the flood, even though it was a civilization that was not primitive and had knowledge and was supposed to Will it talk about a flood like other civilizations and religions?

Did the Egyptian civilization not belong to the inhabitants of the land? Was the ancient Egyptian not like the rest of the Earth’s inhabitants, or did they descend from another planet to Earth after the Flood, and therefore he did not live with the Flood and did not know about it?


Why did Western scientific institutions discover the story of Gilgamesh, which is similar to the story of Nouh mentioned in the Qur’an, and search for Nouh’s Ark, which is similar to the story of Nouh mentioned in the Qur’an?

Because Western institutions know that the ship is still there and know the location of the ship.

Not only that… but Western institutions have tried, through Hollywood, to make magical cinematic films about the story of the flood that are different from the first reality on earth… and are trying to create very exaggerated magical images, with characters, clothes, and décor that are different from the truth, even… It prevents people’s imagination from reaching the true, realistic story.

The purpose of this work…even if one day someone says that he discovered the real Nouh’s Ark, it will be difficult for you to believe him because of the false magical images that European movies have created in your mind.

Let us shorten the West’s institutions from the arduous task of searching for that ship, by asking a realistic question:

Where is the oldest and oldest ship in the world that still maintains its excellent quality?

in Misr .

A large ship was discovered in Misr, still in very good condition, near the so-called pyramid. It is 43 meters long, and although there are no written inscriptions on it explaining the reasons for its survival to this day and its story, Western institutions created a Hollywood story for the ship, calling it Khufu’s solar ship. , or the sun boat, and that King Khufu made it so that his soul would take it as a means of transportation for him to bring him to the afterlife near the sun Allah, Ra, according to the belief of the ancient Egyptians.

Everyone believed this story and believed in it with certainty. They believed in the story of Khufu’s ascension aboard the ship. It became a doctrine in people’s minds, and the truth was obscured, in favor of a magical story in people’s minds, full of logical errors.


1- If the soul of Khufu takes a realistic, natural ship whose only function is transportation over water to travel in the sky to eternal life near the sun Allah, according to the ancient Egyptian belief, then why do we not find inside all the tombs of the kings of Misr their own ships to transport their souls to the sun Allah, Ra, according to the belief? Ancient Egyptian?!

If the ship was for the spirit of Khufu to take as transportation in the sky towards eternal life near the sun Allah Ra, then what is the secret of the rest of the small boats that were discovered near the pyramid?!

Is it for each boat to transfer part of his body to eternal life as well? One boat transports Khufu’s hand, another boat transports Khufu’s leg, another boat transports Khufu’s eyes, a boat transports the nose, and a boat transports the ears?!


So what’s the story of that ship?

Try to make a comparison between (the story of Nouh) in the Qur’an and (the story of Nouh) in the book of the West, the Bible.

You will find that they are two completely different texts in style and language, even if there is one idea that combines the two stories.

But the only thing that many do not pay attention to, and which is not present in the story of Nouh in the Book of the Bible, even if they try to make a story similar to the story of the Qur’an, and which confirms the game of the Book of the Bible, is that the speech of the Qur’an tells the people that the ship has been made by Allah as a sign for the people and A reminder for believers.

{So We saved him and the companions of the ship and made it a sign for the worlds}

{And We have left it as a sign, so is there anyone who remembers? (15) So how was my punishment and vow? (16) And We have certainly made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, so is there anyone who remembers? (17)}

{Indeed, when the waters overwhelmed, We carried you on the ship (11) that We might make it a reminder for you, and an aware ear would understand it.}

And this is the real answer to the question of the topic…. Why is the West looking for the Nouh Ship after translating the Egyptian inscriptions?

Didn’t you ask yourself a question…….. What is the relationship of the speech (We are pleased with the recitation of remembrance) when talking about the story of Nouh and that he abandoned the ark as a sign?

{And We have left it as a sign, so is there anyone who remembers? (15) So how was my punishment and vow? (16) And We have certainly made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, so is there anyone who remembers? (17)}

Allah says that he left the ship as a sign to the worlds, and that that sign reminds him of the people, and Allah has made it easy for us to recite the remembrance and remembrance of the first centuries.

Which Quran facilitates this and how does it facilitate it?

Readers of the book (people’s first memory)… in which the story of Nouh is recorded. May Allah facilitate the reading of the book….. because reading the book is difficult, so the revelation facilitated the reading for us so that we can read the book………. even People remember the first centuries and read the story of Nouh in the book, so that they may have insight and guidance and know the first beginnings on earth.

{And We gave Musa the Book after We had destroyed the first generations, as insight for mankind and guidance and mercy so that they might remember.}

Perhaps they remember the stories of the first centuries… the story of Nouh.

{And We gave Musa the Book and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel: Do you not take a guardian besides me? (2) The offspring of those whom We carried with Nouh. Indeed, he was a grateful servant. (3)}

This is the book that was given to Musa after the destruction of the first centuries (Nouh… etc.).

The Qur’an does not talk about a single ship, but rather talks about an ark and a ship.

Astronomy is the plural of astronomy, meaning there are several boats and a ship.

And leaving the ship is a sign of remembrance… It is level within its basin, taking its shape, and near the pyramid.

And those astrological boats…were also discovered in Misr near what are falsely called the pyramids and were smaller in size than Nouh’s Ark in a place where there was no water.

And that ship… Allah has also made it a sign in the Book, the verses of which have been detailed in Arabic Quran in the same form, and He left it a sign in reality to be a reminder to the people.

{And We have recorded everything in a Book}

The book that the West hid from the people…and they falsified its original Arabic reading, and a fake foreign tongue was invented for it after the occupation of Misr, and after hiding the Book of the Bible, the story of (Nawa) was written.

So is that ship…. (Nouh’s Ark), (Khufu’s Ark), (Gilgamesh’s Ark), or (Nouh’s Ark)?!

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