What is Israel’s project in the region?

What is Israel's project in the region?


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(Between the fashions of the new preachers and the new secularists)

The state, from ancient times until today, has been based on survival and continuity. This is a fixed rule that does not require sharp intelligence to know and understand it. However, when talking about the founding and emergence of the state, it is based only on the basis of a unifying idea, and on this basis the state maintains Its survival and legitimacy internally and externally, but the state falls if the unifying idea falls because it no longer meets development or another unifying idea competes with it that is similar to it and more durable. For this reason, the state develops its unifying idea, or chooses a unifying idea that can be exported abroad, so it is necessary to find An idea that the state can spread around the state’s borders as well to create a security belt that follows that idea, in order to preserve the state around its surroundings for the sake of survival, continuity, and expansion as well. History tells us about states that fell because of that unifying idea (the founding ideology) on which it was based, because it no longer exists. It meets the development of time and can no longer solve internal problems and has become rigid, or another unifying idea (a new ideology) has emerged that competes with it and overthrows it. When the German philosopher Ernst Bloch says that (Zionism will not solve the problem of the Al-Yahoud, nor any problem, and all it will do is Balkanize the Middle East and turn it into a region crushed and torn apart by conflicts), he is not starting from the conspiracy theory that he mocks in the fashion of liberals and The new secularists do not start from the anti-Semitism that is popular in the West, but rather start from the same previous rules and concepts that I mentioned. Why did Ernst Bloch say that?

Let us go to Israel and examine this matter and analyze it from the standpoint of those previous rules and concepts that I mentioned.

First: As is known, Israel was established after World War II as a promise from international powers to establish a national homeland for the Al-Yahoud, but it was founded on the land of a people and a people were displaced in order to establish Israel and people were brought from everywhere in the world to settle in Israel. This fact is known to everyone, so the question is how will Israel deal with it when there is a people who still retain their memory and live abroad and seek to achieve return and establish a homeland for themselves in the name of Palestine. There is a living and documented collective memory of everything that seeks to return and has the idea of creating a national homeland for them. This is a real problem, and Zionism is well aware of this problem. Therefore, we always hear Israel saying that the establishment of the State of Palestine threatens its existence and that the return of refugees also threatens its existence, and it intervenes. Israel has political disagreements with countries that support the establishment of the State of Palestine. If the results of the First World War caused a major problem with those unfair agreements and led to the Second War, then the results of the Second World War insisted on another problem, which is Israel. Second: The idea of the establishment of Israel is a religious idea, based on the texts of an ancient book. What if an Israeli tried to discuss the legitimacy of his state with a man who believes in another religion who denies the religion of Judaism? Then the legitimacy of Israel is specific to the Al-Yahoud only and depends on faith, and Zionism is well aware of this fact, so it was able to penetrate Other religions and the creation of new sects that believe in the establishment of Israel. As we know, Christianity was hostile to Judaism, but a Zionist Christian group emerged, believing in the return of Christ with the establishment of Israel spiritually and intellectually. A spiritual doctrine was formed that believes in the connection between the return of Christ and the establishment of Israel. So the subject of Israel is a belief among these Al-Nasarah. . The matter is not limited to Christianity, even Islam. The interpretations of religion in Islam coming from Saudi Arabia affirm the right of the Al-Yahoud to Israel as a promise from Allah. As we know, Saudi Arabia and its religious discourse represent the spiritual discourse of Muslims in the Sunni region, who are the majority. It is not surprising that a Muslim hadith says that Israel is The land of the Al-Yahoud, or the hadith of a preacher talking about that, in addition to linking the end-of-history epics to the Al-Yahoud, there are new interpretations in Islam that are based on Christian narratives that all believers (Muslims, Al-Nasarah, and Al-Yahoud) will gather in the Levant to fight the Persians, and these interpretations are gaining great popularity. And the faith is unparalleled among religious people. What if an Israeli tried to discuss the legitimacy of his state with a man who does not believe in religions or believes in a religion other than the three religions? Then we have to go to the historical facts and inscriptions, and Israel is well aware of this matter, so Israel is very interested in antiquities and inscriptions, and the Antiquities Department in Israel is one of the most important departments. In universities, it receives great support from Israel and Zionist organizations, and the archaeologist receives large financial grants that make him wealthy while serving the cause of discovering inscriptions and proving the presence of Israel in Palestine. That is why many people always mock me when I tell them that Israel is interested in antiquities in Yemen. Often, Yemen is exposed to a large amount of antiquities smuggling through agents and diplomats in the embassies of Gulf and European countries, because Israel suffers from this issue in Palestine. The inscriptions and excavations in Jerusalem do not speak to that narrative mentioned in the Torah, and the matter has reached the point of senior researchers to The geography of the Torah is not in Palestine, and on the other hand, there are many studies spreading in an unprecedented manner that talk about the hypothesis that Israel was an ancient Yemeni tribe and that the events of the Torah took place in Yemen. Third: Israel was founded on the national religious idea of Allah’s chosen people, which is a non-evangelistic idea. Israel cannot spread Judaism in the region or the world for the sake of its survival, continuation and expansion. How can a country live with a very limited idea and it is not possible to find anyone who believes in it in its surroundings to create security borders for it in which it would be the spiritual state for this idea? No one can. To be Jewish. And if you think that Israel is not aware of this matter, then you are mistaken. If I read in the news about a project to discuss the Jewishness of the state and I do not know whether the matter is still in place, and I mentioned this matter to some friends and that the matter is dangerous and such an idea cannot be discussed. Unless there is a major event that frightens Israel, and because Israel is a state created by a colonial lobby, it was not for the sake of the Al-Yahoud, but rather it was a colonial project that exploited the Al-Yahoud of the world and directed them to the idea of Israel. In addition to the fact that Israel lives in the middle of an environment that is religiously and nationally hostile to it, how can Israel spread this idea and expand it in its surroundings, when it is an idea that cannot be spread or preached, and in addition to that, it has an environment that is nationally hostile to it? In order for Israel to address this fundamental problem, it must seek to divide the region into very small, weak, and warring states. These states are based on new racial, national, ethnic, sectarian, religious, and identity foundations, in order to give them the legitimacy of being founded on a national idea and a religious idea. Like the rest of the mini-states around them, the peoples of the mini-states will be convinced of the idea of establishing Israel because it is the same idea on which their mini-states were founded, and Israel will be reassured that it will not have a major national or religious competitor. This is what we notice with the wave of demands for partition in the countries of the region and the talk about ethnic and racial identities and divisions from Libya to Syria to Iraq to Yemen, the latest of which is America’s statement that the solution in Iraq is partition. How does Israel manage this project in the region?

Website pioneers publish a painful comparison of pictures between Arab cities that have turned into ruins, comparing them to Israeli cities, and there is a state of regret and heartbreak in their comments, and some express their sarcasm and laughter, adding to it a question that imposes itself strongly on the scene: how is the entire region on fire and there are political movements everywhere? While Israel no one hears its voice and it sleeps and does not make any movement? Indeed, logic says that any political event that occurs in the region will find after it all the countries in the region moving, issuing permits and declaring positions for each event. Every event requires action to preserve interests. Any country anywhere, but the problem is that the difficulty of Israel’s direct presence in any event in the region prevents the implementation of its projects, especially since the region in general boycotts Israel and refuses normalization with it, and even if there are countries with which it has relations, there is no popular normalization with it, and Any move by it will be an act that is not popularly accepted. In such a case, the appropriate solution would be to have an arm in the region that manages its project and interests, using the old trick, which is the internal penetration mechanism called the Trojan horse. I did not find a horse in the region except the state of Saudi Arabia. It is The only country that spreads devastation and spreads the culture of hatred, killing, and rejection of others through the huge media machine it owns of channels, newspapers and magazines, in addition to the huge books that it distributes in the region for free and with great support, raises the waves of hatred within the peoples of the region and It turns them into monsters that kill others, turns them into beings that fight among themselves, and pumps out waves of backwardness until the mind in the region begins to live the ancient times with its ancient ideas, values, and morals. The peoples of the region strive towards isolation, isolation, and savagery. This horse does not need any intelligence to explain the secret of Israel’s interests always meeting with Saudi Arabia’s interests in Misr, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, and the region in general. Yes, the Trojan horse explains the strangeness of Israel’s interests meeting with Saudi Arabia in the region, and this explains the reason for the statements and positions. Saudi Arabia is always calm and indifferent to Israel, and this explains the secret of Saudi Arabia’s strong presence in every country in the region. In a recent interview with Heikal with a Lebanese newspaper that caused an uproar in Saudi Arabia because of Heikal’s talk about Saudi Arabia, Heikal says that Israel’s project is still the strongest in the region, But the interlocutor did not ask Heikal where the project is and how Israel is managing the project, and I do not know whether Heikal is still wary of accusing Saudi Arabia of managing Israel’s project in the region, even though the situation in the region needs a clearer picture. But the question that arises is where does Israel’s strength lie? Israel’s strength lies in the oil that runs its project in the region and in the powerful Zionist lobbies present in the decision-making centers of the major power countries, which merely issue directives to their arms in the region in favor of the survival of Israel and its project, and through that it manages The region is running its project to survive and continue, and Israel does not even need to utter a word. Were the world powers aware of this matter?

These are the reasons why we always talk about the problem of Israel in the region, and the matter has nothing to do with the issue of Judaism at all, and the matter is not religious, and the matter has nothing to do with the Palestinians, which has become a sensitivity for many of our interest in them and in the issue of Palestine and its people from a moral and humanitarian aspect only. We no longer care about the problems of our people. Yes, morally and humanly with the people of Palestine, but besides that, it is a political one that pervades the entire region. The story is the story of the Zionist project, which was the disaster of World War II, and whose mistakes the world powers did not benefit from in the past in their incorrect treatment of the world after World War I, and it was afflicted. The world was in a second world war, and it did not benefit from this matter, so it created a problem called Israel, and this problem, I believe, will be the main cause of the third world war.

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