What is palm trees in the Qur’an?

What is palm trees in the Qur’an?


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What is the first entry point from which we began to realize that the current tree known to us that produces fruits (dates) is not the palm tree mentioned in the Qur’an?

The first entry is the contradiction between the meaning of the palm tree in the Muslim mind and the text of the Qur’an, specifically in the story of Maryam, when her son Issa asked her to shake the trunk of the palm tree to her. As we know, the palm tree (date) is a huge tree, and it is a tree that needs someone to climb to its top. Until he harvested its fruits, so how could Maryam shake it, as she was a woman after giving birth to a child?! .

{Then her labor came to the trunk of the palm tree. She said, “Oh, I wish I had died before this and had been forgotten and forgotten. (23) Then he called to her from beneath her: ‘Do not be sad. Your Allah has made a secret beneath you.’ (24) And he shook the trunk of the palm tree to you, and fresh fresh water would fall upon you. (25) So eat and drink and cool your eyes. Either you see from humans, so say, “I have vowed a fast to the Most Merciful, and I will not speak to any human being today.”

What is this unreasonable request?

In order for the Muslim to resolve this contradiction between the concept of the palm tree and this medicine, the Muslim decided to venture into many twisted interpretations of the Qur’an that he would convince himself of in order to resolve this contradiction.

Among these explanations

■ The first interpretation…and it is the most famous…If Allah had performed a miracle for Maryam and made her pregnant, then why not have Allah given her a miraculous power that made her able to shake the trunk of the palm tree?

But…..the thing that the Muslim does not pay attention to is that the request came from her son, Issa. Her son was the one who spoke to her and asked from her, and not from Allah, so that we believe that it was another miracle that happened with Maryam, as in the story of Musa when Allah spoke to him. He asked him to take his hand out and throw the stick. Issa is a human being who does not have the signs. The signs belong to Allah.

Also……. If it was a miracle, there was no need to shake the palm trunk. The date could have been dropped without shaking, or he would have asked her to fly to the top of the tree and pick its fruits, so that it would be a better miracle.

This explanation is illogical

■ The second interpretation… came to resolve the contradiction between the Qur’an and reality, and to get out of the first illogical interpretation… and this interpretation says: There is a type of palm tree that comes in small size and can be shaken, and its fruits are close to human reach.

But…..this explanation is also illogical, as palm trees have thick trunks, even if they are short, and they have very hard thorns, and if the fruits are close to them, they will not be asked to shake the palm trunk, but rather they will be asked to pick their fruits because they are close to them.

This explanation is unacceptable, and appears to be an attempt to break away from the illogicality of the first explanation.

■ The third explanation….. came to resolve the contradiction and get out of the illogicality of the first and second explanations, and this explanation says: The palm tree is the banana tree, especially since its fruits are very moist and scientifically beneficial to pregnant women.

But… the banana tree cannot be shaken. It is also thick, even if it is short, and its fruits are moist.

There are many interpretations, all of which are complex, difficult and long attempts to resolve the contradiction between the concept of the palm tree and the text of the Qur’an.

where is the problem ?

I believe that the root of the problem that the Muslim is subconsciously fleeing from, and which resolves this contradiction between the text and reality, is in the meaning of the word palm tree. The Muslim does not want to reconsider the meaning of the palm tree, especially since the word palm tree is linked to a tree that the Muslim sees as blessed, so it cannot be another tree. Blessed is the currently known tree (dates).

What if the palm tree is not a date?

First, let us ask questions about the date tree in reality.

I think that everyone knows the apple tree, and everyone calls the fruits of the apple tree the name “apple,” and this applies to all trees, as we call trees and their fruits the same name.

The question that imposes itself: Why does this not apply to the palm tree alone? We call it the palm tree, but we call its fruit by a different name (dates or dates), and we do not call the fruit (palm trees).

Why is the palm tree different from everyone else?

Weird and strange

I also think that everyone knows the fruits of trees by one name, as everyone has one name for the fruits: apples, pomegranates, oranges.

The question that imposes itself: Why does this not apply to the palm tree alone, as we call the fruits of the palm tree (dates or dates), and we do not call them by one name.

Why is the palm tree different from everyone else?

Weird and strange

I think that this anomaly is unnatural… and this indicates that dates are placed incorrectly within the text of the Qur’an, and there are those who tried to attach the date tree to the name of palm trees in the Qur’an, and these attempts created a strangeness in the reality of that tree, as evidenced by the fact that there were those who tried to attach The name (rutab) that was mentioned in the text of the Qur’an, referring to the fruits of the date tree. You even find Muslim clerics not saying (dates) when naming the fruits of the date tree, but rather saying (rutab), which is evidence that the meaning is an attempt to attach and is not correct.

So what is palm trees in the Qur’an?

I think in order to reach the correct meaning of the word palm trees in the Qur’an, we have to follow two paths in research, the first path is the Qur’an and the second path is reality.

● The first way…the Qur’an

# According to our approach that we established from the beginning in considering the Qur’an, we believe that the Qur’an has a general discourse and not a specific one, meaning that the names of the Qur’an are general terms that include several things.

In other words……. When the Qur’an talks about mountains, it does not mean things in one specific place, but rather it means several things that have the same characteristics, called mountains.

If we consider the description of mountains, they are mountains above the earth, so any mountain above the earth is called a mountain.

Therefore, we believe that when the Qur’an talks about olives, it does not mean only one specific tree on the earth, but rather it means several trees that have the same characteristics that fall under the name of olives, as well as palm trees. It does not mean one specific tree, one of which exists on the earth, but rather it means Several types of trees have the same characteristics that fall under the name palm trees.

So what are the characteristics of olives?

(Zeit One)… It has a syllable (Zeit).

Are trees that produce oil called olives?

It is as if the names of trees contain a reference within the word itself to its meaning and characteristics.

If the entrance is through this door… is it possible to reach the true meaning of the palm tree?

Or in other words

Are the trees from which “palm trees” emerge called “palm trees”?

#If we search for the word palm trees in the Qur’an, we will find the following:

The word crucifixion appears in three stories of the prophets as follows:

1 – The word (crucifixion) in the Qur’an is linked to (bread) only and directly in only one place in the story of Youssef in the vision of one of the boys who were with him in prison. The end of this story was also linked to the vision of a king (of ears of a tree).

{And two boys entered the prison with him. One of them said, “I saw me pressing wine,” and the other said, “I saw me carrying on my head bread from which the birds were eating. We will inform you of its interpretation. Indeed, we see you among the doers of good.” (36) He said, “No food will come to you that you are provided with except that I will inform you of its interpretation before it comes to you.” These are of what my Allah has taught me. Indeed, I have abandoned the religion of my people. They do not believe in Allah, and in the Hereafter they are disbelievers. (37) And I have followed the religion of my fathers, Ibrahim and Ishak, Yaacoub. It is not for us to associate anything with Allah. This is from the bounty of Allah upon us and upon the people, but most people do not give thanks. (38) O two companions of the prison, are Allah[s] dispersed better or Allah the One, the All-Conquering? 39) You worship nothing besides Him except names that you have named, you and your fathers, for which Allah has not sent down any authority. Indeed, judgment belongs to Allah alone. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. That is the upright religion, but most people do not know. (40) O two companions of the prison, as for one of you, he will give his Allah wine to drink, and as for the other, he will be crucified, and the birds will eat. From his head the matter was decided about which you are asking for a fatwa (41)}

(Steel) is directly linked to the word (bread).

That is, (bread) is linked to (steel) in reality.

Why was the interpretation of the vision of bread like this?

The origin of bread is actually the grains (ears) of a plant, and there are birds that eat grains, and the boy was crucified in trees that produce grains, as evidenced by the fact that the story of Youssef contained a topic related to ears of grain.

2- The word (crucifixion) in the Qur’an is linked to the palm tree only and directly in only one place in the story of Musa.

{He said, “You believed in him before I gave you permission. Indeed, he is your elder who taught you magic. So, I will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I will crucify you on the trunks of palm trees, and you will know which of us is more severe and more lasting in torment.}

(Steel) is directly linked to (palm trees) trunks.

Because the story of Musa comes after the story of Youssef and the two in Misr, we believe that the method of crucifixion in the story of Youssef is the same as the method of crucifixion in the story of Musa.

{And Youssef had come to you before with clear proofs, yet you remained in doubt about what he brought to you, until when he died, you said, “Allah will not send a messenger after him.” Thus Allah sends astray he who is extravagant and doubtful.} [Ghafir: 34]

That is, the crucifixion in the story of Youssef, which was interpreted as the boy, took place in the trunks of palm trees that have ears, from which emerge grains that are ground and made into bread.

3- The word (crucifixion) in the Qur’an is associated with the palm tree, indirectly, in only one place in the story of Issa.

{Then her labor came to the trunk of the palm tree. She said, “Oh, I wish I had died before this and had been forgotten and forgotten. (23) Then he called to her from beneath her: ‘Do not be sad. Your Allah has made a secret beneath you.’ (24) And he shook the trunk of the palm tree to you, and fresh fresh water would fall upon you. (25) So eat and drink and cool your eyes. Either you see from humans, so say, “I have vowed a fast to the Most Merciful, and I will not speak to any human being today.” (26)

{And their saying, “Indeed, We killed the Massih, Issa Ibn Maryam, the Messenger of Allah.” And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them. And those who differ concerning it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except following conjecture, and they did not kill him for certain.}

(Steel) was linked to (palm trees) trunks in an indirect context.

In the story of Issa, one tree (palm trees) was mentioned in Issa’ language, and the word “crucified” was mentioned in it to deny that they crucified Issa.

It feels like the crucifixion was only related to palm trees, based on its previous repetition in the story of Musa. That is, the Qur’an denies that Issa, son of Maryam, was crucified on the trunks of palm trees.

That is, the crucifixion that the Qur’an refers to in the story of Issa is the crucifixion in the trunks of palm trees.

There is an important final reference in the story of Issa, and it is related to the Enjil that was given to Issa. The Qur’an describes the example of the Messenger in the Enjil as a seed.

{Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are harsh against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You will see them kneeling down, prostrating, seeking bounty from Allah and satisfaction. Their mark is on their faces from the effect of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah, and their likeness in the Enjil is like a crop whose shoots are brought out, so strengthen it, and it grows thick and becomes firm on its stems, admiring the sowers, to anger the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those who believed and worked. The righteous deeds among them are forgiveness and a great reward.}

The speech linked the word for the only tree mentioned in the story of Issa, which is (the palm tree), to the word (planting). That is, the palm tree is one of the crops that farmers plant and like and are harvested, and this corresponds to the tree that was mentioned indirectly in the story of Youssef, which has spikes and is planted.

{Youssef, O friend, advise us regarding seven fat cows eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green ears of corn and other dry ears, so that I may return to the people so that they may know. (46) He said, “You shall sow for seven years a tree, and you have not reaped it, so leave it in its ears, except a little of what you eat.” (47)

Are palm trees among the crops that farmers grow and like? They have spikes containing grains, they are harvested once a year, and their grains are ground to make bread, and they are not trees like the date tree?

Let us verify our results by going to the second method

● The second way… reality

According to our approach that we established from the beginning, the Holy Qur’an was revealed in our tongue, meaning that we did not speak in a non-Arabic tongue before the Qur’an reached us, but there are those who imposed on us to change the meanings of the names of the Qur’an, after they were unable to change our tongue to other languages, and this means that Our tongue still maintains vocabulary derived from the word (palm trees), and we must search for words similar to the word (palm trees) in our tongue that are still in circulation, so that they can bring us closer to the concept of palm trees in the Qur’an.

In our language (Yemen dialect – Ibb)… we call (sieve) the name (sieve), and I think that the word is the instrument name for the verb (to sieve), and the sieve is a machine used (to sift) grains, and after (sift) grains. Something we call (the palm tree) collects in the sieve, and in some countries they call it (the bran), and we throw this (the palm tree) away and give it to the livestock.

What is interesting is that the word “palm trees to be sifted” in the Qur’an has not been combined with a word on our tongue except in a topic related to grains that are harvested once a year.

Certainly… palm trees, in the Qur’an, are plants that are planted by farmers and have ears that contain grains that are ground and made into bread.

If we consider reality, we will find many plants that produce grains in ears.

The ear of palm trees is several plants

(Wheat – maize – sorghum – barley – millet)

If we consider these crops, we will find that they have the same characteristics:

– They all have stems that have knots and are hollow, devoid of pulp

{He imposed it on them for seven nights and eight days as a decisive solution, and you will see the people therein fallen as if they were the trunks of empty palm trees.}

– They all have leaves like sleeves

{In it are fruits and palm trees with sleeves}

– Almost all of them have ears of grains that grow in the tops (pollen) of the plant, close to the reach of the human hand, except for one of these plants that is different from the rest. It emerges from its sides, and from its pollen there is nothing that is not called a spike, and on it there are grains stacked (overlaid). It is (Levantine corn).

{And it is He who sends down water from the sky, and with it We bring forth plants of all things, and from it We bring forth green things; from it We bring forth grains interwoven, and from the palm trees whose shoots are tall, close to each other.}

Yes, definitely… palm trees… are the plants from which grains emerge, and which farmers plant and admire to spite the infidels who made the palm tree the date tree for Muslims.

The palm tree is not the date tree that grows in the hell of the desert.

{Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are harsh against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You will see them kneeling down, prostrating, seeking bounty from Allah and satisfaction. Their mark is on their faces from the effect of prostration. That is their likeness in the Torah, and their likeness in the Enjil is like a crop whose shoots are brought out, so strengthen it, and it grows thick and becomes firm on its stems, admiring the sowers, to anger the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those who believed and worked. The righteous deeds among them are forgiveness and a great reward.}

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