What is the book – a summary of our previous conversations

What is the book - a summary of our previous conversations

7/25/2020 0:00:00

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After we corrected time, history, and the West’s approaches to linguistic sciences, and we saw, saw, and knew that the West had definitely falsified the inscriptions of Misr and that the Jepti language has no relation to ancient Misr and is a modern language.. we must return to the speech of the Qur’an and restore it. Reading a speech to ensure whether it matches our realistic reading of history and time and our correction of them.

First, we must recapitulate what we have achieved, in the form of points:


In our previous conversations, we came to realize several points:

■ We have come to understand the qualities and characteristics of the book that talks about the Qur’an, which is (an ancient book of the writings of the ancients on a tablet and composed of verses, and these verses are of two types, clear and similar)… and it is in an Arabic language.

■ And we have come to the story of the book according to the speech of the readers… because of the strangeness of the speech… how is it possible that there was a purely Arab environment in Mecca… and they differed over an ancient book that they inherited from the writings of the ancients, whether it is Arab or non-Arab, and how is it possible that it was a pure Arab environment? She is eloquent in Arabic, but she wants to be foreign.

We arrived at the story based on three things:

1- Belief in history in general and the history that talks about the story of the Messenger in Mecca

2- Belief in the Roman time in which we are living.

3- Belief in the Western sciences’ approach to language.

And we said that the story must be true……….. Then we asked a question: Are there Muslims, officially even today, who at the same time possess a book in a different language than the Qur’an that exists among the majority of Muslims?

And when we go into reality in search of these Muslims who have a book that is different from the Qur’an and confirms the logic of this story that we imagined had taken place in Mecca…..it will lead us to discover something important and striking……… It is the Al-Yahoud who have a book similar to the Qur’an, but in a foreign language.

■ Then we came to the conclusion that this discovery might make us re-understand the discourse of the Qur’an and make us assume a new story about the book found in the Qur’an, relying on a new and different approach, after reforming the (language, time, and history approaches) that we adopted. On it, which led us to assume the first story that took place in Mecca.

1 – Reforming the language sciences curricula

● The origin of language… is an innate nature, and the first man on earth had a language.

● The evolution of language… The evolution of language does not mean the disappearance of the language of the first humans on Earth. This means that the language of the first humans is still alive today.

● The Arabic language developed from previous, incorrect languages… There are no scientific rules through which you can know whether a language emerged from another language, and the language development chart was drawn up on the basis of Roman times.

2- Concerning the correction of time.

We talked that the time of the region that has reached us has three historical gaps related to the three religions, and we talked that if we wanted to fix time, we believe that the issue requires the compression of time, and it will make us obtain one time gap from which the religions emerge.

And when we wanted to see what lies beyond the gap… we saw the emergence of two holy books that were similar in topics but different in language and style and were not a literal translation.

And we asked a question:

Why, after we emerged from the time gap… did we get two sacred texts, dealing with the same topic… but in two different languages… and from one Allah?!

So is the origin of the story… a very old sacred religious book that was translated and a new, completely different and forged text was extracted from it… and time was planned in this order… so that no one could access the story of the Qur’an? ?! …….. And is the origin of the story and history: What is the first natural and true language of the sacred text ……… and what is the original religion of the time?!

Is the religious group that we arrived at and believed in our previous article that it will adhere to Islam until today and will possess a sacred book other than the Qur’an, or similar to the Qur’an but in a foreign language, nothing other than Judaism, which owns the book of the Old Testament written in a foreign language, crooked, and similar to the Holy Qur’an?!

And we said… that the correction of time also led us to a high probability that the issue is related to Judaism.

3 – Regarding reforming history

We have taken many steps

● Reforming Jewish history

We decided first to go and read the history of the Al-Yahoud and the story of their religious book and search for a contradiction in this history that could bring us closer to the story of the book that the readers are talking about.

We found a Greek king named Ptolemy who wrote the official Greek version of the Book of the Al-Yahoud. Then we asked a question: Are the Qur’an talking about this time and this event and the original story talking about a book in Misr?

But we found the history of this king strange and contradictory, then we found that there is no ancient mention of this king except in the Rosetta Stone, which was discovered by the West and in which there is a Greek script next to the ancient Egyptian script.


We asked a question: How would the story unfold if we assumed that the Qur’an was talking about this incident?! …Do the Qur’an talk about hieroglyphics as the book?!

But according to real history… it was the French (Napoleon) who translated the hieroglyphs and it is now a foreign reading. Are the readers talking about this incident and this time?

■ Then we said that the assumption that the Qur’an is talking about the incident of translating Egyptian inscriptions seems like a crazy assumption. Because how is it possible for a Muslim to believe that the Qur’an is talking about a story 1400 years ago, and someone comes along and says that the Qur’an is talking about an incident almost 300 years ago?

We have to ask a question: How can we be sure of the authenticity of Islamic history, and is there evidence to support this perception that has reached us regarding the book?!

We start from an important basis, which talks about the relationship between history and understanding reality, and a Western historian spoke about it, saying:

“To liquidate peoples, we begin by erasing their memories, by destroying their books that contain their culture and history, then someone else comes to write other books for them, give them another culture, and invent another history for them, and then after that the people gradually begin to forget, who he is!, and how he was like.” And the world around him will quickly forget him too.”

Therefore, we believe… that the Qur’an is an authentic text and talks about a reality that took place on earth. There is a great possibility that history was written for us in order to take us out of reality so that we do not read the truth from the reality in which the book’s story that took place and which it talks about exists. About the readers.

Therefore…..there is no path that any person can take except to leave the world of books and read reality, and search for (does reality match this Islamic history that has reached us), and does reality support this perception that has reached us about… The book found in Misr?!

First………….. If we contemplate the depth of Islamic history and ask a fundamental question, which is: What is the thing that we have reached from the story of Mecca only that is present in the biography and that still remains with us today?!

I mean the story of Mecca alone, not the Islamic history that took place over 1,400 years. I mean the time in which the story of Mecca took place only.

Or in other words… What is the only thing that we have learned from the story that took place in Mecca from approximately 570 AD – 633 AD?!

If we reflect deeply, we will find that we obtained only two things from Mecca, and they still remain to this day in our reality, and they are:

The house in Mecca and the Qur’an that is in our hands.

We actually found that Mecca appears very modern and does not fit in with an age of 1,400 years. We also found the Qur’an written in a modern printed Qur’an, and the area is devoid of manuscripts for the Qur’an. This indicates that the Qur’an was preserved in the chests.

Then we talked about the script in which the Qur’an was written, and after a logical, realistic and scientific reading, we found that the script of the Qur’an is a modern script, not an ancient script, and not the original script from which Muslims memorized the Qur’an.

All of this actually confirms that the story seems modern… and appears to be as old as Western translations of Egyptian inscriptions.

■ Then we talked about the necessity of reading history before the Western translation of the Egyptian inscriptions, and after reading it, we found two important things. The first thing was that there was a draft plan to occupy Misr, which carried a global project related to religion, and the twelfth thing was Nippur’s journey, and we saw the connection between these two. The two sheen are greatly engraved in Misr.

■ Then we talked about the French Revolution, and we found that the reasons for this revolution were not convincing, and that the French Revolution occurred in order to implement the project plan to occupy Misr, with in mind targeting the inscriptions of Misr…. and there was Zionist funding for the campaign.

There was a promise from the revolution to create a religious state for the Al-Yahoud in the region to manage France’s ambitions.

Here the Al-Yahoud appeared in the story.

■ Then we talked about Napoleon’s invasion of Misr and the region, and we found that there was an attempt to hide the reasons, and there was coordination with Britain, but history tried to show disagreement.

Then we asked a question: What did France benefit from the campaign?

The campaign is supposed to continue and the occupation remains, but history attributes the reason to its defeat by Britain after three years……… But why did Britain not occupy Misr?

But we arrived at the conclusion that the campaign had no problem with Britain, there was coordination, and the campaign achieved the goals that were required of it.

Evidenced by the fact that the French Revolution promoted the leader of the campaign to the highest position a person could imagine, which is Emperor of France.

So what did France benefit from?

Book and Rosetta Stone

■ Then we talked about the story of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, and we found that the story seemed strange and an attempt to show the importance of the stone, and there was prior preparation for its importance in translating Egyptian inscriptions.

■ We talked about the Rosetta Stone, and we found that the story of its writing seemed unrealistic.

■ Then we talked about the practical stages that the West reached until it was finally able to decipher the inscriptions of Misr by Champollion.

Then we analyzed the two steps that Champollion took until he was finally able to decipher the inscriptions of Misr.

1 – The first step (vocal values)

[Rosetta Stone + Philae Obelisk |One document| audio value]

We said that the matching process here can be correct and scientific because it is one document.

But how did the coincidence reach the West with the stone containing a copy identical in meaning to the hieroglyphic text?

Because copying can also be done by assuming imaginary travel to the past and convincing people of it……. So how did the West travel to the past and do the same steps as us and make its copy attached to the book? Did it create a time Allah and enter it and deceive the people?!

This makes us not rule out the second option, which is the trick?

Because it is impossible for there to exist (a Allah of time)…and therefore the West never traveled, and the West did not send any of their men to the past through (the Allah of time) as his representative to rule (Ptolemy – who translated the book of the Al-Yahoud) Misr and… He writes the copy so that it reaches us, and their representative, Ptolemy the Greek, did not write the stone in the past, and he did not rule Misr and does not know Misr.

The Stone was recently written by the West, and the West was able to convince people with this version, and it was also able to convince people of the time machine, because of a fundamental idea, which is:

The material of the book (stone)…and the method of writing is engraving on the stone, which suggested to the experimenter that it was from a very ancient time… because writing on stone is a very ancient method.

The West was able to create a “time machine” and travel through it by making its version appear ancient when it wrote it on stone, and also when it composed an imaginary time story that performs the function of an “imaginary time machine,” and wrote a hypothetical time calendar and filled it with history about kings. Greece ruled Misr in ancient times, and during their rule of Misr, they wrote this stone through Egyptian priests……..and they made this calendar and this imaginary story a historical subject that is taught in schools and universities as real, realistic, official history, and the student gets… He obtained university degrees in his studies, so people were convinced by this stone and did not know that it was a hoax, and people were convinced by the time machine that it was real history and not imaginary.

And everyone was deceived.

We arrived at the story of Ptolemy, who translated the Book of the Al-Yahoud. It actually seems to be a fake story.

2 – The second step (meanings)

[Temple stone + inscription image | two documents | the meaning ]

We said that it is absolutely correct, scientifically and logically, to match writing in an ancient document with writing found in a modern document.

Or in other words… the two documents must be the same age… in order to match, unless they match in phonetic values or in meaning.

The West has matched an ancient stone with a modern paper, two different ages.

And the West committed this trick… because Champollion needed 10,000 stones approximately the same as the Rosetta Stone, and because 10,000 stones like the Rosetta Stone are not available in reality………. so the West resorted to making a match between ancient writing On a stone with the meanings of writing found on printer paper, he called it (the Jebetic language), and the conditions that were met in his first step were not met, the Rosetta Stone.

We said that the errors that confirm the falsity of the West’s translation are:

1- It is not valid to match two documents of different ages, in terms of meaning or phonetic values. Champollion matched an ancient hieroglyph inside a stone with a jebite inside printer paper with the meaning.

2- The symbol in Egyptian inscriptions carries two values (the word and the meaning) unlike the rest of the writings…….. They are equal, the symbol = the meaning = the word.

In his second step, Champollion combined the phonetic values of other letters with their meaning while reading an ancient hieroglyphic word.

■ Then we talked about the Jepti language, and was it the language of ancient Misr?

We concluded that it is a Greek language, which is a modern language in Misr, and has nothing to do with Misr.


Now the question: Why did the West forge Egyptian inscriptions and what is the benefit…..and when there was an insistence on making Jebti the language of Egyptian inscriptions, and we have concluded that it is a Greek language and has no relation to ancient Misr?!

Are the inscriptions of Misr in clear Arabic?!

Now…………you remember the story that we assumed and that the readers talked about about the book, and that we arrived at before dealing with time, history, and Western approaches to linguistics.

[There was a large and important meeting in the past in Mecca… on whoever reads ancient, heavenly sacred tablets, and the Messenger Muhammad was able to copy those tablets and write them correctly, and he read them in the correct and correct manner that is consistent with the modern language of his people. And this work was inspired by Allah, while the Messenger’s people rejected the work of the Messenger Muhammad, and denied him, because they wanted it to be done in the old foreign language even if it was not understood… and they said about him that he came with an old alphabet. And they fought the Qur’an of the Prophet Muhammad. ]

Therefore, the fundamental controversial point in the story of Mecca… and the Qur’an places it as a fundamental controversial point, which is the language and the correct interpretation of the book.

The Qur’an rejects the ancient foreign language… which was the language of previous books that caused distortion in the meanings. It adopts the eloquent language, which means the modern spoken language of the current colloquial language that people speak in their daily lives. It confirms that the Qur’an was transferred from stone tablets. It is sacred (the Preserved Tablet) and that the language chosen to write the Qur’an is sound, as has been the custom known since ancient times. It also confirms that its interpretation is correct and that it is also from Allah.

On what basis did we assume the previous story?!

We have come to understand the qualities and characteristics of the book, which is (an ancient book of the writings of the ancients on a tablet and composed of verses, and these verses are of two types, clear and similar)… and it is in an Arabic language.

But you are very surprised by this story… How is it possible that there was a purely Arab environment in Mecca… and there are disagreements over an old book that they inherited from the writings of the ancients, whether it is Arabic or non-Arab… And how is it possible that there was an environment with an eloquent language? Arabic and you want it non-Arab.

We built this story in this way… on the basis of the Qur’an’s speech, and relying on our belief in history in general and the history that talks about the story of the Messenger in Mecca, and on the basis of the Roman time that we are within.

Therefore, it is logical that the solution to this contradiction in this story that we assumed, which is consistent with the speech of the Qur’an and is consistent with the environment of Mecca that has reached us, will be based on the approach of Western sciences in language.

The West’s approach is based on the fact that the language develops… and the phonetic manifestations of the language’s vocabulary change with time… and the current language of any society becomes different from the ancient language spoken by their first ancestors who lived centuries ago in the language of the society. …So this ancient book…there is ancient language in it.

Therefore…the logical explanation…is that the Messenger’s people in Mecca wanted to preserve the ancient foreign language, the first original language of the book, which developed into the Arabic language that became prevalent at the time of his mission…and the Messenger… He wanted to make the book in Arabic, which had become the language of society, while the residents of Mecca wanted to preserve the first foreign language of their ancestors.


Now, after the reform processes that we have undertaken and after our reading of the reality, we believe that the inscriptions of Misr are actually written in an Arabic language…. and that the probability is 99% that the Qur’an is actually talking about the inscriptions of Misr.

Now we will try to rewrite the story that the readers are talking about in a way that matches our current reading and our new approach to linguistics.

“In the past, a people came to Misr in which the Messenger invaded or occupied Misr, and they wanted to translate the inscriptions of Misr, and the Messenger copied those tablets, and read them in the proper and correct manner in the original, natural Arabic language, and this work was inspired by Allah, while these foreigners lied and They disbelieved in the Book of Allah and distorted the Book, then they wrote a book that resembled the readers of the Book with a foreign tongue and a crooked tongue…and they made a religion for this new book, because they wanted to hide the truth and wanted to fight the truth and Allah, so they disbelieved in the Qur’an and the Book. ”


Now we will try to make a comparison between the story that has reached us from the Ottoman heritage books about the environment from which the Qur’an emerged, and the previous story that we have arrived at according to the Western approach, and the new story that we have arrived at according to our new approach.

Environment (Ottoman heritage): pure Arab + Jewish

Environment (Western approach): Pure Arabic

Environment (new curriculum): Arabic + foreign

Environmental religion (Ottoman heritage): worshiping idols

Environmental religion (Western approach): One religion – the Messenger and his people

Environmental religion (the new approach): Islam confronting disbelief

The Liars (Ottoman Heritage): An Arab tribe (the people of the Messenger)

Deniers (Western approach): Arab people (the people of the Messenger)

Deniers (the new approach): non-Arab people (not the people of the Messenger)

The essence of the dispute (the Ottoman heritage): a new religion

The essence of the dispute (the Western approach): An ancient, sacred book

The essence of the dispute (the new approach): The inscriptions of Misr

Reasons for the dispute (Ottoman heritage): Not abandoning the religion of the fathers, the worship of idols

Reasons for the disagreement (Western approach): The Prophet’s people wanted the ancient non-Arab spoken word for the tablets on which the ancient texts were written.

Reasons for the dispute (the new approach): A people who were not the people of the Messenger wanted to distort the correct pronunciation of the Egyptian inscriptions and turn them into a foreign, crooked pronunciation.

What the deniers said about the book (the Ottoman heritage): This is something we have never heard before. The Messenger came with new words.

What the deniers said about the book (the Western approach): The meaning of the ancient texts must be preserved.

What the deniers said about the book (the Western approach): This Arabic Qur’an must be abolished due to the Egyptian inscriptions, and the inscriptions must be distorted, in order to defeat the Arab Muslims. They wrote a book that resembles the Qur’an with a crooked foreign language, and created a religion for its sake, in order to defeat the Muslims.

The religion of the unbelievers (Ottoman heritage): idol worshipers + Al-Yahoud

The religion of the deniers (the Western approach): one religion

The religion of the unbelievers (the new approach): devils


This story is the story capable of explaining the reasons for the emergence of the Al-Yahoud as a religion while they carried a book similar to the Qur’an, and this illogicality is explained by the existence of three religions from one Allah according to the Muslim belief.

In order to hide a book…the process requires first falsifying the reading of the book and creating a new, fake reading, then writing another new book that resembles the original content of the book, and making it the book of a new religion.

Let us re-read the Qur’an in accordance with our approach

1 – Reforming the language sciences curricula

● The origin of language… is an innate nature, and the first man on earth had a language.

{And He taught Adam all the names, then presented them to the angels and said, “Inform me of the names of these, if you are truthful. (31) They said, Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.}

Language is an innate nature… and knowledge is the first name on earth. the tongue .

● The evolution of language… The evolution of language does not mean the disappearance of the language of the first humans on Earth. This means that the language of the first humans is still alive today.

{And indeed, it is a revelation of Allah to the worlds (192) with which the Faithful Spirit has sent down (193) to your heart that you may be of those who are warned (194) in a clear Arabic tongue (195) and indeed, it is in the mouth of the ancients.}

{We only made it easy with your tongue so that you might give good news to the righteous and warn thereby a wicked people}

The Arabic tongue is in the words of the ancients… and it is still the tongue of the Messenger… a living tongue.

● It is not true that the Arabic language developed from previous languages… There are no scientific rules by which you can know whether a language emerged from another language, and the language development chart was drawn up on the basis of Roman times.

{And indeed, it is a revelation of Allah to the worlds (192) with which the Faithful Spirit has sent down (193) to your heart that you may be of those who are warned (194) in a clear Arabic tongue (195) and indeed, it is in the mouth of the ancients.}

The Arabic tongue is the ancient tongue and there is no tongue before it

2- Concerning the correction of time.

Fixing the time of the region, which has three historical gaps related to the three religions, requires the compression of time, and will make us obtain a single time gap from which the religions emerge.

And when we want to see what lies after the gap… we will see the emergence of two religious books that are similar in topics but different in language and style, and not a literal translation.

And we asked a question:

So is the origin of the story… a very old sacred religious book that was translated and a new, completely different and forged text was extracted from it… and time was planned in this order… so that no one could access the story of the Qur’an? ?! …….. And is the origin of the story and history: What is the first natural and true language of the sacred text ……… and what is the original religion of the time?!

Is the religious group that we arrived at and believed in our previous article that would adhere to Islam until today and would possess a sacred book other than the Qur’an, or similar to the Qur’an but in a foreign language, nothing other than Judaism and Christianity that possess the book of the Old Testament written in a foreign language that is crooked (Hebrew, Syriac, Coptic, French, German)? English), and it resembles the Holy Quran?!

{Indeed, the religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them, out of envy among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, Allah is quick to reckon.} {And Al-Yahoud said is not Al-Nasarah. on something and Al-Nasarah said is not Al-Yahoud on Something while they recite the Book. Likewise, those who do not know say the same as what they say. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding what they differed about.}

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know. The tongue to which they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

{Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the words of Allah and then distort them after they had understood them while they knew? And when they met those who believed, they said, “We believe,” and when they were alone with each other, they said, “Will you inform them of what Allah has revealed to you, so that they may dispute with you about it before your Allah?” Their tongues are with the Book so that you think it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say, “It is from Allah,” but it is not from Allah, and they say a lie about Allah while they know.}

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