What is the book – discussion summary 23

What is the book - discussion summary 23

07/02/2020 00:00

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In our previous conversation… we made a comparison between the real story that we arrived at after re-reading the history of the translation of Egyptian inscriptions, with the story of Musa in the Qur’an… and we found an amazing match between the two stories:

Identical location in both stories – Misr

The time in the two stories matches – a relatively recent period

And the essence of the two stories is identical – an old book

The results of the two stories are identical – a forgery of a book

And it matches the origin of the problem – the tongue of the book

And a match between the characters of the two stories – (Pharaoh – Napoleon)

We found the story of Musa to be true news, and the events of translating Egyptian inscriptions to be a real history that happened on earth.

And because we have a historical gap before Napoleon… our popular memory does not have confirmed information before the West and the Turks entered us, invaders and occupiers, and we need a correct, reliable official document that contains honest and confirmed information that will enable us to explain that gap.

We believe that the story of Musa, the true Prophet, is capable of resolving this gap once and for all, correcting the history of Napoleon’s invasion, and correcting the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions.

This will lead us to follow two paths of research and thinking:

1- The first way

We will rely on the story of Musa and match it with the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions, to explain difficult questions that we faced while reading the historical story about the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions, which led us to the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions.

Because we have come to believe that every simple part in the story of Musa (a true prophet) is fully capable of providing a true and final explanation.

There are central characters in the story of Musa [Musa, Haroun, Pharaoh, the soldiers, Haman, Qarun, Pharaoh’s wives, the children of Israel, the Samaritan…]

If (Pharaoh and his soldiers) in the story of Musa are (Napoleon and his army) in the story (f)… Who then is (the Samaritan) in the story (f)?

According to the words of the Qur’an, the Book of Musa is a light and a guidance for people.

Therefore, we believe….that if misguidance occurred after Musa and led people into darkness……it is because of the difference in his book…..and because (the Samaritan) is the cause of the misguidance…….. We believe that the Samaritan has a pivotal role in the subject of the book… and the work he did to mislead and tempt people will be related to falsifying the reading of the book.

But what is strange is that this person is central to the story of Musa, but the Samaritan was silent throughout the story and only said one sentence.

Is the Samaritan in the story of Musa the person in the real story that took place and translated the Egyptian inscriptions?

{He said, “Indeed, we have tried your people after you, and the Samaritan has led them astray.” (85) So Musa returned to his people angry and regretful. He said, “O my people, did your Allah not promise you a good promise? Did the covenant become long for you, or did you want wrath from your Allah to come upon you, so you broke my promise?” (86) They said, “We did not break your promise with our kingdom, but we were burdened.” Wearing burdens from the adornments of the people, so we threw them away, and so did the Samaritan (87) and he brought out for them a calf with a mooing body, and they said, “This is your Allah, and the Allah of Musa, but he forgot.” (88) Do they not see that he does not return to them a word and does not possess for them harm or benefit? (89) And Haroun had said to them before, “O my people, it is only And you will be tempted by it, and indeed, your Allah is Most Compassionate, so follow me and obey my command. (90) They said, “We will not continue to devote ourselves to it until Musa returns to us.” (91) He said, “O Haroun, what prevented you when you saw them going astray?” (92) Not to follow if you disobeyed my command. (93) He said, “O son of a mother, do not seize my beard or my head.” I was afraid that you would say, “You have divided the Children of Israel, and you did not heed my words.” (94) He said, “What is the matter with you, Samaritan?” (95) He said, “I saw what they did not see.” So I caught a handful of the Messenger’s trace, so I rejected it, and so my soul asked for it. (96) He said, “Then go, for in life you have the right to say no.” And indeed, you have a promise that you will not break. And look to your Allah, upon whom you have remained devoted. We will certainly burn him, then We will scatter him in the sea with a blast. (97) Your Allah is only Allah, besides whom there is no Allah. He encompasses all things in knowledge. (98) Thus we relate to you the news of what has come before, and We have given you a reminder from Us. (99)}

1- The second way

We will rely on details in the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions and match them with the story of Musa in the Qur’an… in order to reach the correct interpretation of some of the difficult lines of Musa’ story.

We believe that Champollion is a pivotal figure in the story of the history of translating Egyptian inscriptions… because he is the one who is credited with translating the inscriptions.

After reviewing the story, we concluded that Champollion used an unscientific, incorrect, and incorrect approach in translating the Egyptian inscriptions.

But if we look into that long story that took place before the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions… and focus on the chapter that talks about Champollion, we will find an important point:

Almost throughout the story, we did not hear Champollion’s voice inside the story at all. It is silent and there is no noise inside the story. The story of translating Egyptian inscriptions recorded for us the voices of many characters who said many things, from Napoleon to other characters……….but Champollion. He was very silent inside the story, and history did not remember his famous sayings… History only recorded a historical word said by Champollion… He said only one word throughout the story and disappeared forever… After that word, a complete dictionary of Egyptian inscription symbols was published.

Champollion said only one word and disappeared:

(Ra – MSS)

It is Champollion’s reading of the four symbols found in the artifact that arrived to him from Misr……. According to Champollion’s words, the first symbol is a symbol that carries the image of the sun and reads (Ra’), which is the name of the sun in the ancient Tibetan language.

And (Ra) was one of the greatest gods among the ancient Egyptians

The second symbol reads…. m

The third symbol reads….S

The fourth symbol reads…. S

(Ra’) (m s s)

Now…let’s go to the story of the Samaritan and match it

{He said, “What is wrong with you, Samaritan?” (95) He said, “I saw what they did not see, so I caught a handful of the traces of the Messenger, so I rejected it, and so my soul begged me.” (96) He said, “Go, for in life you have the right to say, ‘There is no harm.’ And you have an appointment that you will not break. And look to your Allah, to whom you have remained devoted.” We will certainly burn it, then We will scatter it in the sea with a blast. (97) Your Allah is only Allah, besides whom there is no Allah. He encompasses all things in knowledge. (98) Thus we relate to you news of what has preceded, and We have given you a reminder from Us.}

The Samaritan saw what they did not see (he knew the correct reading of the symbols). He took a fistful of the trace of the Messenger (the stone piece), so he threw it away and gave it another reading and said: (touching).

In life, you can say no to “touching”… because the Samaritan knew deep inside him that the word is not “touching”… but rather it is read in a completely different way.

The Samaritan said: (touching)…and it is not (touching)…no (touching)…

And look to your Allah (Ra).


This amazing correspondence between the story of Musa and the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions will make us rewrite all the stories we have come across and make a comparison between them:

After reforming time, history, and the foundations of linguistics, we arrived at two stories:

1- The first story…we will symbolize it with the symbol (F) (the story of the Messenger)

A hypothetical story we drew that matches the readers’ speech, and we arrived at it after reforming the foundations of linguistics.

“A people came to the Messenger’s environment and wanted to translate an ancient book written in an Arabic language. The Messenger copied those tablets and read them in the proper and correct manner in the original, natural Arabic language, the language of instinct, and this work was inspired by Allah, while the people lied and disbelieved in the Book of Allah.” And they distorted the book in a foreign language, then they wrote a book that resembled the readers of the book in a foreign tongue and a crooked tongue, and they made a religion for this new book, because they wanted to hide the truth. And they wanted to fight the truth and Allah, so they disbelieved in the Qur’an and in the book.”

2- The second story…we will symbolize it with (and)

A true story that we reached after re-reading the history of translation of Egyptian inscriptions.

“A people came from the West, led by Napoleon and his army, to invade and occupy Misr and the region, and they made a fake stone (the Rosetta Stone), and with this stone Champollion took wrong, unscientific steps. He translated the Egyptian inscriptions and made a paper dictionary of these inscriptions in a foreign language. ..and he called it Al-Jibtiyyah, while the inscriptions appear logically and realistically in an Arabic language and that it is the book that readers talk about.”

After comparing the two stories, we found:

The story (F) is completely similar to the story (F) in time.

The story (F) is completely identical to the story (F) in the essence of the problem.

The story (F) talks about a book with an Arabic recitation, and there are infidels who wanted to make it a foreign recitation… And in the story (f) we reached the inscriptions of Misr with an Arabic translation and the West made them with a foreign translation.

But after we returned to the Qur’an and re-read the Qur’an’s speech, we came to a new story:

3- The third story…… (The story of Musa)

This is a well-known story in the Qur’an.

There is an amazing match between the third story (the story of Musa) and the second story (and)

Now we have three stories… Let’s compare them:

■ The second story (f) is completely identical to the third story (the story of Musa) in time, place, the essence of the story, and the results of the story.

■ The first story (F) is almost equal to the second story (F) in terms of time and the essence of the problem.

Now….if it is

[Second story = Third story] and [First story ~ Second story]

It makes sense that

The first story ~ the third story

in another meaning :

If (c is exactly equal to b) and (a is almost equal to b)

It is logical and correct that (a is approximately equal to c)

This is actually the logic found in the Qur’an…. The story of Musa is almost equal to the story of the Messenger.

how ?

● The third story (the story of Musa) often contains a direct address to the Messenger present in the first story (the story of the Messenger with the book).

{We recite to you the news of Musa and Pharaon with the truth for a people who believe.}

{And We gave Musa the Book – so do not be in doubt about meeting him – and We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel}

{And We wrote for him in the tablets of everything an exhortation and a detail of everything – so take it firmly and command your people to take the best of it – I will show you the abode of the transgressors}

{Have Musa’s hadith reached you?}

{Has the story of the soldiers reached you (17) Pharaon and Thamud}

{And you were not beside the west when We decreed to Musa the matter, and you were not among the witnesses. (44) But We created generations, so their life lengthened, and you were not a resident among the people of Madian, reciting to them Our verses, but We were sent. (45) And you were not beside the Mount when We called, but it was a mercy from your Allah to warn. A people to whom no warner came before you, so that they may remember.}

{Then after them We sent Musa with Our signs to Pharaon and his entourage, but they were wronged thereby. So see what was the end of the mischief-makers.}

{And We gave Musa nine clear signs, so ask the Children of Israel when he came to them, and Pharaon said to him, “Indeed, I think that you, Musa, have been bewitched.}

● The first story (the story of the Messenger with the book) always comes directly after the third story (the story of Musa).

{And when We sent to you a group of the jinn to listen to the Qur’an. Then when they attended it, they said, “Listen. Then when it was finished, they turned back to their people as warnings. (29) They said, ‘O our people, indeed we have heard a book revealed after Musa, confirming what was before it, guiding to the truth and to a straight path.’”

{And before it is the Book of Musa, a guide and a mercy, and this is a confirming Book in an Arabic tongue, to warn those who do wrong and to bring good news to the doers of good.}

{The People of the Book ask you to send down to them a Book from the sky. They asked Musa greater than that, and they said, “Show us Allah plainly.” Then the thunderbolt seized them for their wrongdoing. Then they took the calf after clear proofs had come to them, so We pardoned that and gave Musa a clear authority.)

{Or do you want to ask your Messenger as Musa was asked before? And whoever exchanges disbelief for faith has indeed strayed from the straight path.}

{And they did not appreciate Allah as He deserved, when they said, “Allah has not sent down anything to any human being.” Say, “Who sent down the Book with which Musa brought light and guidance to mankind?” You make it into writings that you reveal, but you conceal much, and you learned what neither you nor your fathers knew. Say, “Allah.” Then leave them in their midst playing.}

{Is he then who is upon clear proof from his Allah, and a witness from Himself and before him recites the Book of Musa as a guide and a mercy? Those believe in Him, and whoever disbelieves in Him from among the parties – the Fire is his appointed time, so do not be in doubt about it. Indeed, it is the truth from Your Allah, but most people do not believe.}

{And they did not appreciate Allah as He truly appreciated when they said, “Allah has not sent down anything to mankind. Say, ‘Who sent down the Book which Musa brought as a light and a guidance for the people?’ You will make These are signs that you reveal and conceal much, and you have been taught what neither you nor your fathers knew. Say Allah. Then leave them in their midst playing. (91) And this is a Book which We have sent down, blessed is He who confirms what is before it, and that you may warn Umm al-Qura and those around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter will believe in it. And they guard their prayers (92)}


Now… after we have reached these stories and know the nature of the relationships between them, this will lead us to a very, very sound logic.

If the second story (and) is completely identical to the third story (the story of Musa), and the first story (the story of the Messenger with the Book) is almost equal to the second story (and) ….For…… The first story (the story of the Messenger and the Book) is almost equal to the third story (the story of Musa).

Then we learned that the first story (the story of the Messenger with the Book) comes directly after the third story (the story of Musa)… It is very logical that the first story (the story of the Messenger with the Book) must have occurred immediately after the second story (and) (the story Translation of Egyptian inscriptions.

Now the question that imposes itself:

Did the first story (the story of the Messenger and the book) take place after the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions?!

The story that reached us from the printer’s books talks about a story that took place in Mecca and took place 1400 years ago.

So who do we believe now……. Do we believe these readers, the words of Allah and His stories, or do we believe the stories of the printer’s books that the occupier Napoleon brought?! Or what is the best and most correct story among these stories and the one that must be relied upon in thinking? The story of the Qur’an or the story of the biography of Mecca?

{We narrate to you the best of stories by what We have revealed to you this Qur’an, even though before it you were among the heedless.}

{And this Qur’an was not forged apart from Allah, but rather the confirmation of what is before it and the details of the Book, about which there is no doubt, are from Allah, the All-Knowing}

{Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most upright and gives good news to the believers who do righteous deeds that they will have a great reward} [Al-Isra: 9]

Now… if we believe in our mind, our approach, and our eyes as they see the reality that contradicts the history presented, and we believe in the stories of the readers… then (the story of the Messenger with the book) must have happened after Napoleon’s invasion.

And if the story of the Messenger did not actually happen, then logic says: Since the story of Musa in the Qur’an is news…then (the story of the Messenger with the Book) found in the speech of the Qur’an is also a prophetic news, and it will happen and a messenger will emerge.

Or in other words….we are waiting for a messenger.


Now we come to the very important question:

How will we be sure that the first story (the story of the Messenger and the book) is a prophecy?!

If the first story (the story of the Messenger and the book) was a prophecy… then this prophecy must have the ability to read the historical events in the second story (and) (the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions) and show what is right from what is wrong….. ..And it has the ability to correct the scientific steps that took place in the second story (and) and led to the West claiming their success in translating the Egyptian inscriptions.

Does the first story (the story of the Messenger and the book) have this ability to address history and address those scientific steps?!

Let us review the history of discovery and translation that we talked about

■ The first step (discovering two stones written in two languages)

Two bilingual stones were discovered, and inside them were two frames, and it was concluded that the circular frames in the hieroglyphs contain the names of kings.

– July 15, 1799…. The Rosetta Stone (a bilingual stone) was discovered, written in three scripts (hieroglyphics, demotic, and Greek).

– August 1799…….. The official name known for the stone began to be circulated in the West (the Rosetta Stone), and Napoleon, the leader of the French expedition, ordered the preparation of several copies of it to be accessible to those interested in Egyptian civilization in Europe in general and in France in particular. .

– 1802……The stone arrived in Britain pursuant to an agreement concluded between England, led by Commander Nelson, and France, led by Commander Mennot, under which England received the stone and other antiquities.

{Has the hadith of the soldiers (17) Pharaon and Thamud reached you (18) Nay, but those who disbelieve in denying (19) Allah surrounds behind them (20) Rather, it is a glorious Qur’an (21) in a preserved tablet (22)}

After the stone arrived in Britain… the studies of the texts in the stone began, and the first complete translation of the Greek text appeared, and it was discovered that it was a decree written by a Greek king named (Ptolemy).

Then… The English scientist Thomas Young took the first important step after he obtained a printed copy of the Rosetta Stone in 1814. He concluded that the circular frames found in the hieroglyphic text in the Rosetta Stone contained the names of kings.

And then…the Philae Obelisk was discovered, which contained text in Greek and hieroglyphs…and the assumption of the scientist (Thomas Young) was confirmed, after they found that the obelisk that was found in the Philae Temple, which contained text written in Greek and another… The hieroglyphs also contain a circular frame, and the Greek text was talking about the queen (Cleopatra).

This assumption… came from the idea that frames always appear when the Greek text talks about kings… This means that the frame may contain the name of a king out of honor and glorification, as a message from a king to a Greek king.

Now listen to the revelation’s speech carefully:

{Have you not seen those who were given a share of the Book? They believe in Al-Jibt (Egypt) and the Taghut (Dometic), and they say to those who disbelieve, “These are better guided than those who believe in a way.” (51) Those are those whom Allah has cursed. And whoever Allah curses, you will never find a helper for him. (52) Or do they have a share of the kingdom? So then they give the people no helper. 53) Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them of His bounty? Indeed, We gave the family of Ibrahim the Book and wisdom, and gave them a great kingdom.

2- The second step (deciphering and reading two royal frames)

In it, the first words of the Rosetta Stone and another word in the Philae Obelisk were deciphered, and the phonetic values of some hieroglyphic symbols were determined.

The young Frenchman, Jean-François Champollion, obtained a copy of the stone, as did other researchers, and he initially studied it with great interest in the hieroglyphic script, relying on his long experience in the ancient Greek language, and in ancient languages in general, including Jebetic.

Champollion took an approach based on the idea that proper names are immutable when written in any language.

Champollion assumed that the name (Ptolemy) is present within this frame found in the Rosetta Stone, and that the name (Cleopatra) is also present within the frame of the Philae Obelisk.

Champollion recorded the name (Ptolemy) in the Greek language, which appeared in the Greek text, and he numbered the letters of the name…….. He also recorded the name (Cleopatra), which was mentioned in the Philae Obelisk in Greek, and the number of each letter in the word, and the reason is because The two names share the phonetic value of some signs, such as the b, the ta, and the lām.



Then Champollion recorded the symbols in the frame of the Rosetta Stone (…..) and numbered them, and he did the same for the frame found in the Philae Obelisk (…..).

There, he found the sharing of similar symbols between the two frames, which confirms his hypothesis. The consonants (btl) are common in Greek writing, and there is also a commonality between the two frames, in several symbols.

Then he identified the first sign of the name “Ptolemy” in hieroglyphs and the corresponding sign in his name in Greek, and “Champollion” was able to recognize the phonetic value of some hieroglyphic signs based on their phonetic value in Greek.

The phonetic values of some symbols in hieroglyphic writing have been known.

Now listen to the revelation’s speech carefully:

{And We have sent down to you clear verses. And none disbelieve in them except the transgressors. (99) Or whenever they make a covenant, a group of them abandons it. Nay, most of them do not. They believe (100) And when there came to them a messenger from Allah confirming what is with them, a party of those who were given the Book threw the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they had no They know (101) And they followed what the devils recited against the kingdom of Sulaiman. And Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved. They teach the people magic and what was revealed to the two angels. Babylon Harout Marout ۚ And they did not teach anyone until they had said, “We are only a test, so do not disbelieve.” Then they learned from them what by means to separate a man from his wife. هۚ And they do not harm anyone therein except by Allah’s permission. And they learn what harms them and does not benefit them. And they know that whoever buys it will have what is his in the Hereafter. (102) And evil is that for which they have sold their souls. If only they had known. (102) And if only they had believed and feared, a reward from Allah would have been better. If only they knew}

3 – The third step (deciphering an artifact in Jabeti) (Ra M S S)

The first word in the ancient Egyptian language was read after the original language of the Gebetian inscriptions (Ra – MSS) was discovered.

It reached Champollion……….an archaeological stone from a person. It was removed from one of Misr’s temples and contains a frame with four hieroglyphic symbols written inside it.

The stone contained a duplicate symbol, which he had arrived at after deciphering the Rosetta Stone: (SS).

One day, Champollion’s mind began to work and his eyes were fixed on the piece. The agitation and tension increased, and his hand began to shake. The name began with a symbol resembling the shape of the sun, and because Champollion had knowledge and familiarity with the Jebetic language, he knew that the word (sun) was pronounced. In the Jebeti language…. (Ra’).

So, the king’s name begins with (Ra’), followed by a symbol that is still unknown, then followed by a repeated symbol representing a folded piece of cloth.

Ra .( ◆ ) .S.S

That is, the king’s name… will begin with the word (Ra’).

And here a genius idea flashed into Champollion’s head:

What if the king’s name was Rameses, the most famous king of ancient Misr, about whom we have read a lot in Greek history books?

And then his gaze was fixed again on another picture containing the same symbol (S) that was present in the Rosetta Stone and in the frame that reached it… and the symbol was present at the end of the name, and the name begins with a symbol of the sacred bird Ibis, which embodies the Allah Tut. And in the middle of the name is the same previously unknown symbol (◆).

If Champollion’s translation is correct regarding the name (Ra – m – s – s), and the unknown middle symbol means nothing but the letter (m)… then the name in the picture is then Totmus (Thout – m – s)… …..And indeed Thutmose was the second most famous king of ancient Misr.

The veil fell from Champollion’s eyes, and he discovered the original language of Misr’s inscriptions (Jabbet), and arrived at the key to Misr’s inscriptions.

Now listen to the story of the news that the Messenger learned about:

{He said, “Then go, for in life you have the right to say, ‘There is no harm.’ And you have an appointment that you will not break. And look to your Allah, upon whom you have remained devoted. We will certainly burn him, then We will certainly blow him up in the sea. (97) Your Allah is only Allah, besides whom there is no Allah. He encompasses all things in knowledge. (98) Thus will we impart to you.” Of the news of what has preceded, and We have given you a reminder from Us.

Now listen to the revelation’s speech carefully:

{Among those who are Al-Yahoud who distort words from their intended meanings and say, “We hear and we disobey,” and “Hear without being heard,” and “We obeyed” distorting with their tongues and slandering the religion, even if Indeed, they said, “We hear and we obey,” and “Hear and we see.” It would have been better for them and more upright. But Allah has cursed them for their disbelief, so they do not believe except a few. (46) O O you who have been given the book, believe in what We sent down confirming what was with you, before We obliterated faces and turned them back on their backs, or cursed them as We cursed the companions of the Sabbath. And Allah’s command was fulfilled. (47) Indeed, Allah does not forgive that anyone should associate anything with Him, but He forgives anything other than that to whomever He wills. And whoever associates anything with Allah has certainly invented a great sin. (48) Have you not seen those who purify themselves? Rather, Allah purifies whom He wills, and they do not wrong even a little. (49) See how they invent a lie against Allah. And that is sufficient sin. Making clear (50) Have you not seen those who were given a share of the Book? They believe in Al-Jibt (Egypt) and the Taghut (Dometic) and say of those who disbelieve: “These are better guided than those.” Believe in a way. (51) Those are those whom Allah has cursed. And whoever Allah curses, you will never find a helper for him. (52) Or have they a share of the kingdom? Then, when they give people no helper. (53) Or do they envy the people for what Allah has given them of His bounty? Indeed, We gave the family of Ibrahim the Book and the wisdom, and We gave them a great kingdom (54)}


Now listen carefully to the revelation’s speech as it talks about the three steps at once:

{And We have sent down to you clear verses. And none disbelieve in them except the transgressors. (99) Or whenever they make a covenant, a group of them abandons it. Nay, most of them do not. They believe (100) And when there came to them a messenger from Allah confirming what is with them, a party of those who were given the Book threw the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they had no They know (101) And they followed what the devils recited against the kingdom of Sulaiman. And Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved. They teach the people magic and what was revealed to the two angels. Babylon Harout Marout ۚ And they did not teach anyone until they had said, “We are only a test, so do not disbelieve.” Then they learned from them what by means to separate a man from his wife. هۚ And they do not harm anyone therein except by Allah’s permission. And they learn what harms them and does not benefit them. And they know that whoever buys it will have what is his in the Hereafter. (102) And evil is that for which they have sold their souls. If only they had known. (102) And if only they had believed and feared, a reward from Allah would have been better. If only They knew (103) O you who have believed, do not say, “Ra’na,” and say, “Behold, and listen.” And for the disbelievers is a painful punishment. (104) What the disbelievers desire is Is it not of the Book, nor of the polytheists, that any good should be sent down to you from your Allah? Allah selects for His mercy whomsoever He wills. Allah is the Possessor of great bounty ( 105) We do not abrogate any verse or cause it to be forgotten. We bring something better than it or similar to it. Did you not know that Allah has power over all things? (106) Did you not know that Allah has power over all things? He is the dominion of the heavens and the earth. And apart from Allah you have neither guardian nor helper. (107) Or do you want to You ask your Messenger, as Musa was asked before ۗ and whoever reports the disbelief with faith, then he has gone astray as a way to the path (108) After your faith, disbelievers, from their souls, after them, after what the truth has been revealed to them, so forgive them and forgive him until he came to him. He has power over all things (109)}


Indeed, the story of the Messenger and the book is a prophecy (Naba), because the story of the Messenger deals with the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions with great accuracy.

The story has not happened yet, and it is certain that a prophet has not yet emerged, because as we know, no one has yet emerged to correct the translation of the inscriptions and read them in an Arabic language and in the correct form.

Now listen to the revelation’s speech about the Messenger and this news:

{Indeed, most of those who call you from behind rooms do not understand. (4) And if they had been patient until you came out to them, it would have been better for them. Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful. Yam (5) O you who have believed, if a sinner comes to you with news, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and then become regretful for what you have done. (6) And know that among you is the Messenger of Allah. If he had obeyed you in many matters, you would have been cursed, but Allah has endeared faith to you, beautified it in your hearts, and made faith hateful to you. disbelief, immorality, and disobedience – these are the rightly guided}

It seems to us that this is the logical reason why the history writer who wrote the story of Mecca to the Muslims… hid this story from the awareness of the Muslims, and made them believe that the story is about a Qur’an called the Qur’an, and the story revolves around the readers of a book. Old (translation of an old book) and the current Muslim Quran in it.


We have finally come to an understanding of what the book is, and to the true story of the book, but we still have the last important question before we reach the final point of this topic, and the question is:

Is this prophecy (the story of the Messenger with the book), after revealing the West’s deceptive and wrong scientific steps in translating Misr’s inscriptions, capable of taking the correct and proper steps to translate Misr’s inscriptions in the correct manner?

In our next conversation.

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