What is the book – discussion summary 28

What is the book - discussion summary 28

07/07/2020 00:00

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We arrived at the story of the Messenger with the book as a prophecy through logic, then by matching it with reality and revealing and exposing it to the steps of the West.

But I think that the legal seal first needs confirmation from the readers that it is indeed a prophecy…. That is, we need the revelation to call it a prophecy.


If we recall our previous conversation… when we talked about the correspondence between (the story of Musa) and (the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions), we found an amazing correspondence between the two stories, and we arrived at the conclusion that Napoleon and his army were identical to Pharaoh and his soldiers.

But we asked the question: Who is the Samaritan?

And we said: We believe… that the Book of Musa is light and guidance for the people, and if misguidance occurred after Musa and the people were plunged into darkness… it is because of the difference in his book… and because (the Samaritan) is the cause of the misguidance. … We believe that the Samaritan has a pivotal role in the issue of making differences in the book… and the work he did to mislead people and tempt them will be related to falsifying the reading of the book.

Is the Samaritan in the story of Musa the person in (the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions) who translated Champollion’s Egyptian inscriptions?

But we talked about the fact that there is a very strange point in the character of the Samaritan. Although the Samaritan is a central character in the story of Musa, the strange thing is that the Samaritan seems somewhat silent throughout the story of Musa and he only has one scene in the story… while the character of Pharaoh has… Noise within the story and a great presence.

If the essence of the Messenger’s story is the book, and we have seen a great correspondence between the story of Musa and the story of the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions, and the Samaritan was the one who forged the book, then the Samaritan must have a major mention in the Qur’an and expose this man and give us his descriptions… it is a character. A very, very important pivotal one, because the work he did was very great….. But the Qur’an presented us with one scene within the story of Musa.

This seems to us something completely illogical, according to our idea… Therefore, logic makes us believe that the Samaritan has a penis, but we are heedless and did not pay attention to this matter.

If we consider the discourse of the Qur’an in general, we will find that the discourse of the Qur’an is divided into several types, and among these types are:

1- The first type: Stories about prophets (Speech of the Prophets)

2- The second type: The story of the Messenger (a letter to the Messenger)

3- The third type: public speech

If the story of the Samaritan was mentioned in the first type, is it possible that the revelation speaks about the Samaritan in the second and third types?


If we go to the third type (general discourse)… we will find in it a very important observation…. which is the presence of a conversation about an unknown and strange personality whose appearance and talk about him is repeated in many revelation discourses, and this personality carries characteristics that seem to be the same.

This character is Abu Lahab

{Abu Lahab’s hands remained firm and he repented (1) His wealth and what he earned did not avail him (2) He will pray in a blazing fire (3) and his wife will carry the firewood (4) in Her hand is a rope made of cloth.

According to the letter, this man’s hands did something corrupt, because the Surah focused on his hand… and it seems that he earned a lot of money from the corrupt actions of his hands.

According to our belief, the Samaritan is a pivotal character who committed major corruption related to the Book…and we believe that if there was corruption coming from the hand, it would be nothing but forgery and distortion of the Book of Allah.

This is consistent with the general discourse in the Qur’an

{So woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, “This is from Allah” in order to exchange it for a small price. So woe to them for what their hands have written. (79) And they say, “The Fire will not touch us except for a number of days.” Say, “Have you taken a covenant with Allah? Allah will not break His covenant. Or do you say, ‘On Yes Allah is what you do not know (80)}

Here….his hand wrote the book and he said that it was from Allah and he bought it for a price (he got money) so woe to him when he earned…….and Abu Lahab his hands died, his money and the money he earned did not avail him.

Here…..he said, “The fire will not touch us except for a number of days,” and Abu Lahab will pray in a flaming fire.

Therefore, we believe that Abu Lahab may get a lot of money for forging and distorting a book.

Now notice the characteristics:

Abu Lahab, who made money because of his corrupted hands, will pray in Naar, his wife carrying firewood and a rope from Masad in her hand.

Let us continue our search for the qualities of this person in public discourse

■ {Woe to every slanderer (1) He who has accumulated wealth and counted it (2) He thinks that his wealth has left him eternally (3) Both of them will be scattered in the ruins (4) And how can you know what the ruins are (5) The burning fire of Allah (6) that rises upon the hearts (7) }

See the similarity here with the character of Abu Lahab

1- Collecting money = earning money……. like Abu Lahab.

2- (The burning fire of Allah) = He will pray as a flaming fire… like Abu Lahab.

The verses inform us of other new qualities…and these qualities are:

He was a person who was a hustler and a lama and collected money and thought that the money would immortalize him.

We began to discover other qualities: enthusiasm, lamentation, and collecting money and thinking that his money would immortalize him.

■ Let us search for the character of Abu Lahab in other verses according to his first characteristics and the new characteristics that appeared to him:

{And do not obey every contemptible slanderer (10) A slanderer who walks with a slanderer (11) A detractor of goodness, a transgressor and sinner (12) A detractor after that, a rebellious person (13) If he has wealth and children (14) When Our verses are recited to him, he will say: Legends of the ancients (15) We will brand him with the khartoum. }

See the similarity here with the character of Abu Lahab

1- The money = collecting money = earning money….. like Abu Lahab.

2- Hamaz = Woe to every hamza… like Abu Lahab.

The verses tell us about other additional qualities…and these qualities are:

He is a slanderer and a gossiper, a gossiper, a protector of goodness, a slanderer, a possessor of wealth and children, and when the verses of Allah are recited to him, he says the legends of the ancients.

The hamaz is the gossip

As for Lamaz, it is the one who prevents goodness (the word Lamaz is still used in some dialects of the region as an adjective for a stingy person)…. The word Lamaz, I think, means a miser, but in the Qur’an it means a person who is stingy in showing goodness, that is, withholding goodness from people.

As for the new thing that is consistent with our first conclusion about Abu Lahab and that his hands tampered with and forged the Book of Allah…..it is the new information provided by this verse, that he was a man to whom the verses of Allah were recited and he said that they were the writings of the ancients.

A very important note: The word “Legends of the Ancients” in the Qur’an means the writings of the ancients.

And the revelation tells us…….. (We will name it on the hose).

■ Let us research more about Abu Lahab elsewhere and learn about other new characteristics.

{We created man in a liver. (4) Does he think that no one will overpower him? (5) He says, “I have destroyed wealth forever. (6) Does he think that no one will see him?”

See the similarity here with the character of Abu Lahab

1- Money to start = collecting money = his money and what he earned….. like Abu Lahab.

These verses tell us new characteristics about this character.

He created this human being in his heart, and he calculated that no one would be able to control him, and he calculated that no one would see him, and he spent a lot of money and did not attack the obstacle that is the breaking of his neck.

This character, his hands did something corrupt, but in a secret and secret way, and he thought that no one would reach him or that no one would see him, and he also spent a lot of money.

What is the hidden and secret thing?

■ Let us read verses elsewhere to make the picture clearer

{And as for him who was given his book behind his back (10) he will call for destruction (11) and will be thrown into a burning fire (12) Indeed, he was pleased with his family (13) Indeed he thought that he would not change (14) Indeed, indeed, his Allah is ever Seeing of him (15)}

See the similarity here with the character of Abu Lahab

1- He will pray in Seir = he will pray in a flaming fire… like Abu Lahab.

2- Behind his back (hidden action) = Does he think that no one saw him?

3- He was given his book = Our verses were recited to him

4- He thought that he would not change = He thought that no one would see him

5- Indeed, his Allah is All-Seeing of him… because he thought that no one would see him

The Book was given behind his back, and he said, “Legends of the ancients.” He thought that no one would be able to control it, and that no one would see it. Indeed, his Allah was All-Seer of it.

In these verses, we are told new characteristics about this character.

His book was given behind his back, and he was happy and happy among his family, and he thought that no one would discover it, but Allah was All-Seeing of it… So, the hidden and secret work that this person did was related to the Book of Allah.

■ Let us read verses elsewhere so that the picture becomes clearer

{Have you seen the one who disbelieved in Our signs and said, “I will be given wealth and children. (77) Has he seen the unseen, or has he taken a covenant with the Most Merciful? (78) No, We will record what he says, and extend for him a range of torment. (79) And We will inherit from him what he says, and he will come to Us alone.}

See the similarity here with the character of Abu Lahab

1- We extend to him the torment = he will pray in burning = he will pray in flaming fire.

2- Lautin said that money = collecting money, and counting it = earning money… like Abu Lahab.

3- He disbelieved in Our verses = He was given his book behind his back = Our verses were recited and he told the legends of the ancients

4- He would not have wealth and children = if he had wealth and children.

These verses definitively confirm that this person’s matter is related to the Book of Allah, which contains the verses of Allah. He came to it behind his back and hid it, and his hands forged it and said, “I will get money and a child.” Did he see the unseen that his matter would not be revealed? Did he not obtain a covenant from the Most Gracious? That his matter would not be revealed, and he thought that he would not be misled, he thought that no one would see him. Indeed, his Allah was All-Seeing about him. He will write down what he said, and We will extend the torment for him, and he will enter into a flaming fire.

New features discovered here:

He disbelieved in the verses of Allah, and said, “I will obtain, earn, and accumulate wealth and children.”

Also, look at the correspondence between the sentence {He took a covenant with the Most Gracious} in a topic that talks about denying the verses, and the sentence {Say, have you taken a covenant with Allah} in a topic that talks about buying the Book of Allah for a small price.

{So woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, “This is from Allah” in order to exchange it for a small price. So woe to them for what their hands have written. (79) And they say, “The Fire will not touch us except for a number of days.” Say, “Have you taken a covenant with Allah? Allah will not break His covenant. Or do you say that Yes Allah is what you do not know (80)}

■ We will search for it elsewhere to make the picture clearer

{Leave me and whomever You created alone (11) And I made for him abundant wealth (12) and sons as witnesses (13) and prepared for him a preparation (14) Then he desires that I should add more (15) No, indeed he was obstinate towards Our signs (16) I will exhaust him in his ascension (17) Indeed, he thought and determined ( 18) Then he was killed as he decreed (19) then he was killed as he decreed (20) then he looked (21) then he frowned and haughtily (22) then he turned away and was arrogant (23) and said, “This is nothing but magic that affects” (24) “This is nothing but the words of humans” (25) I will pray for him. Saqr}

See the similarity here with the character of Abu Lahab

1 – I made for him extended wealth = wealth to start = earning money…..that is, what his wealth availed him of, and he did not earn money like Abu Lahab.

2 – I gave him wealth and children = He gave him wealth and children = He had wealth and children.

3 – He was stubborn about Our signs = He disbelieved in Our signs = His book was given behind his back = He said: Legends of the ancients.

4 – He turned away and was arrogant = so he did not tell the truth and did not pray = he lied and turned away

5 – I will bring him to heat = We will extend the torment for him = he will pray in burning = he will pray in flaming fire… like Abu Lahab

6 – He said: This is nothing but magic that affects. This is nothing but the words of humans = He said the writings of the ancients.

■ Let us watch it in another place to make the picture clearer

{And it was said: Whoever recited (27) and thought it was parting (28) and turned leg by leg (29) to Your Allah on that day the path (30) neither spoke the truth nor prayed (31) but lied and turned away (32) and then went to his family to stretch out (33) it is better for you. So it is better (34) Then it is more worthy for you, so it is better (35) Does man think that he will be left in vain? (36) Was he not a drop of semen from the right hand? (37) Then he was a clot, and He was created and fashioned (38) and made from him two pairs, the male and the female (39) Is he not able to give life? dead}

See the similarity here with the new character of Abu Lahab

1 – And it was said: “Who is Raqa” = We will write what he says

3 – He lied and turned away = he disbelieved in our religion = he was given his book behind his back = he said the writings of the ancients.

4 – Does a person think that he will be left in vain? = Does he think that no one will overpower him?

5- He went to his family to relax = he was happy with his family

The Samaritan said (touching), and this one said (gentle).


Now let’s collect all the speech from above and put them next to each other

{Woe to every slanderer (1) He who has amassed wealth and counted it (2) He thinks that his wealth has left him eternally (3) Both of them will be scattered in the ruins (4) And how can you know what the ruins are (5) The burning fire of Allah (6) that rises upon the hearts} {And do not obey. Every slanderer is dishonorable (10) He is a gossiper who goes on with gossip (11) He is a detractor of goodness, a transgressor, sinful (12) He is arrogant after that (13) If he has wealth and children (14) When Our verses are recited to him, he says: Legends of the ancients (15) We will brand him with the hose.} {Indeed, We created man in a liver (4) Does he think that no one will overpower him? (5) He says, “I have destroyed wealth forever” (6) Does he think that no one has seen him? (7) Did We not make for him two eyes (8) and a tongue and lips (9) And We guided him to the two ways of succor? So he did not rush to the obstacle and How do you know what the obstacle is ¤ breaking a neck? Seeing} {Have you seen the one who disbelieved in Our signs and said, “I will be given wealth and children. (77) He has seen the unseen, or has he taken a covenant with the Most Merciful? (78) No, We will write down what he says, and extend for him a range of torment. (79) And we will inherit from him what he says, and he will come to Us alone.} {And it is said, ‘Who is gentle (27) and thinks It is parting (28) and the leg turned with the leg (29) to your Allah on that day the path (30) so he did not tell the truth nor prayed (31) but lied and turned away (32) then he went to his family to ride (33) better for you then better (34) then better for you then better (34) then better for you then better (35) Does man think that he will be left in vain? (36) Was he not a drop of sperm from his right hand? (37) Then he was a clot, and He was created and formed (38) Then He made from him two pairs, the male and the female. (39) Is not this one able to give life to the dead? {Leave me and whomever I created alone.) 11) And I have made for him abundant wealth (12) and sons as witnesses (13) and have prepared for him a preparation (14) Then he desires that I should add (15) No, indeed, he was obstinate to Our signs (16) I will exhaust him in ascending (17) He thought and destined (18) so he was killed, how was he destined? ( 19) Then he was killed as he had decreed (20) Then he looked (21) Then he frowned and haughtily (22) Then he turned away and became arrogant (23) Then he said, “This is nothing but magic that has an effect (24) This is nothing but the saying of humans (25) I will pray for him while sitting still.” {My father’s hands will remain silent.” Flame and repent (1) His wealth is of no use to him and what he has earned (2) He will burn in a flaming fire (3) and his wife will carry firewood (4) in her bosom will be a rope of corrugated iron.}


Now who is this Abu Lahab?

This character seems to have a real connection to the book.

■ Now let us search for this character in the second type of the Qur’an’s speech, in (The Messenger’s Story with the Book) (The Messenger’s Speech).

If we go to (the Messenger’s speech)… we will find the revelation addressing the Messenger and asking him to tell the people about the news of an unknown man who disbelieved in the signs of Allah.

{And recite to them the story of the one to whom We had given Our signs, but he slipped away from them, so Shaytan followed him, and he was of the misguided ones. (175) And had We willed, We would have lifted him up therewith, but he settled down to the earth and followed his own desires. So his likeness is like a dog. If you bear it panting, or leave it panting, that is like the people who disbelieved in Our signs. So tell stories that they may reflect. (176) An evil example is the people who denied Our signs while they were wronging themselves.

Now notice the similarity here between the character of Abu Lahab and the character here

1 – But stay on the ground = He thinks that his money has put him on the ground

2 – We gave him Our signs = He was given his book behind his back = Our signs were recited to him

3 – He broke away from them = he was stubborn about Our signs = he who disbelieved in Our signs

4- They denied Our verses = disbelieved in Our verses = he lied and turned away = he said the writings of the ancients

This indicates that we are facing a character related to the book.

And this person….a news…a prophecy. ….. That is, this character is news……. and the Messenger is required to reveal the personality of this man to the people and recite his story to the people as news.

This character is exactly similar to the description in the verse

{۞ Do you hope that they will believe in you, when a group of them used to hear the word of Allah and then distort it after they had understood it while they knew? (75) And when they meet Those who believe say, “We believe.” And when they are alone with one another, they say, “Will you narrate to them what Allah has revealed to you, so that they might dispute with you therein before your Allah?” Will you not understand? (7) 6 ) Do they not know that Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare? (77) And among them are unlettered people who do not know the book except in secret hopes, and they only speculate. (78) So Woe to those who write the book with their own hands and then say, “This is from Allah” to exchange it for a small price. So woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to me! They are Of what they earn (79) And they say, “The Fire will not touch us except for a number of days.” Say, “Have you taken a covenant with Allah, and Allah will not break His covenant, or do you say about Allah what He does not do?” Do you not know? (80)} {And when Allah took a covenant from those who were given the Book: “You will make it clear to the people and do not conceal it.” So they threw it behind their backs and bought for a small price, so evil is what they buy.}

The letter of Allah’s words + hidden work + the book + they write the book with their own hands + they earned money from their work + they will reach Hell

And this person is news that will reach the Messenger… and the Messenger is required to reveal his identity to the people… and recite the news of this man to the people and tell them his story… and the Messenger is required to tell the people his story… What is unknown to people?!

So who is Abu Lahab?!

He is truly a Samaritan

{We recite to you the news of Musa and Pharaon in truth}

The Messenger listened to the news of (Musa and Pharaoh) that came to him from the revelation, so the Messenger saw it in reality………..and after that, the revelation orders the Messenger to recite the news of the Samaritan who forged the book, and to tell his story that happened in reality. On the people and reveals to them the character of the Samaritan.

{And recite to them the story of the one to whom We had given Our signs, but he slipped away from them, so Shaytan followed him, and he was of the misguided ones. (175) And had We willed, We would have lifted him up therewith, but he settled down to the earth and followed his own desires. So his likeness is like a dog. If you bear it panting, or leave it panting, that is like the people who disbelieved in Our signs. So tell stories that they may reflect. (176) An evil example is the people who denied Our signs while they were wronging themselves.

He is really Champollion…….. who forged the Book of Allah, broke away from Allah’s verses, lied in them, disbelieved in them, and earned a lot of money for this work… and went to his family happily.

And he said (raaq) and (masas) = (raa m ss)

He said: (touching)

{He said, “What is wrong with you, Samaritan?” He said, “I saw what they did not see, so I caught a handful of the traces of the Messenger, so I discarded it, and so my soul begged me.” He said, “Go, for in life you have the right to say, ‘There is no harm.’ And you have an appointment that you will not break.”}

And he said: (gentle)

{And it was said: Whoever has tenderness (27) and thinks that it is separation (28) and the leg turns to the leg (29) to Your Allah on that Day will be the path.}

Because the archaeological stone that arrived to Champollion from Misr…and it contained a frame with four symbols (verses) inside it.

(The first verse) Reading (Ra’) [Shams according to the words of Champollion]

(The second verse) recited by (mes) [course]

He discovered the value of the duplicate symbol when he deciphered the Rosetta Stone (it looks like a twisted leg), but the symbol is repeated twice (leg by leg).

(The third and fourth verses) recited by (SS) [Saqq Saqq]

(Shams) || (course) (leg) (leg)

Then he read the book from left to right… He was given his book behind his back, and he was given his book in his left hand, and he read his book = (Ra’) (M S S)

He is the Samaritan…he is actually Champollion

The one who was given the Book of Allah… and whose hands falsified the verses of the Book, and he lied and took charge, and earned a lot of money for this work, and believed that no one would see it, and he went to his family happy with his work… and was immortalized. On earth, and infidel France placed him in the pantheon of immortals as one of the greats of history.


{And whoever turns away from My remembrance will have a straitened living, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind. (124) Allah said, “Why did you gather me blind when I was seeing? (125) He said, “Thus did Our signs come to you and you forgot them. And so today you have forgotten them.” (126) And thus do We reward he who transgresses and does not believe in the signs of his Allah. The torment of the afterlife more severe and lasting}

The Samaritan said: O Allah, why have You caused me to be blind when I used to see?

The one to whom Allah gave His signs and he slipped away from them…….. And the one to whom Allah gave His signs but he forgot them, and likewise today He forgets…….. The one who was told to say, “Look,” but he did not disobey and did not look.. So he will be gathered blind.


Our conversation is still continuing on the topic (what is the book), in its final part (the legal seal).

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