What is the book – discussion summary 9

What is the book - discussion summary 9

5/23/2020 0:00:00

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I believe that it is important to read the reality that existed in the region and Europe before the West translated the Egyptian inscriptions, to know the local and global circumstances that preceded the time of the West’s translation, because it is necessary to know the context of the event and the event must not be cut off from its previous context that prompted the events to appear for this event ( West’s translation of the Arch of Misr.

Everyone knows that the time period for the West’s translation of Egyptian inscriptions is approximately 250 years ago.

If we consider this approximate age (250 years), we will find that:

This age is approximately the age of the local popular memory that exists in the region. The residents of the region are approximately the age of the memory of the place in the communities of the region.

Also, around this age, famines, epidemics, and occupation occurred in the region, and the popular memory of the residents of the region about the Turks lasted.

This makes us assume that it is a very high possibility that a project took place in the region at this time, which explains this contradictory reality in the region with the history that was presented to the Muslim, and it is the boundary between real memory and virtual memory, the boundary that can explain The reasons why the Qur’an is talking about a modern story while the Muslim believes that the Qur’an is talking about an old story 1400 years ago in a new place.

Because if we consider this approximate age (250 years), we will find that it is… the approximate age in which the printer appeared, and it is the age of the printed Qur’an that is currently available to Muslims… and it is approximately the same age that could be the beginning of Mecca. Its modern home is also the approximate chronological age that can be assumed to be the beginning of the emergence of religious minorities in the region, given their population, which makes you believe, according to the population census over time, that they began at this age.

Of course…we cannot know the history of the region before this age (250 years)….because popular memory stops at this point, and we cannot rely on the books of printers that came after it, and therefore we will rely on the circumstances that existed in this time. Age… famine, epidemics, occupation (Ottoman).

But there is a reality that still exists in the region that has a history before this point, and it may be true or false, or not before that age, or a shorter time before this age, or at the same age, but we will try to read the event without details.

About 60 years before the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions, a religious man appeared in Najd with a religious call in an area that could not produce a religious movement given the lack of population, urban stability, and centers of religion in those areas. This man united with a politician, and a political movement was created with a religious call. What is strange is that this union was created with the presence of a large number of intelligence men from the West around them (Britain, France, etc.).

But what were the conditions in Europe before the Egyptian inscriptions were translated?!

■ 120 years before the West translated the Egyptian inscriptions, the philosopher, mathematician, and politician Leibniz, during his visit to Paris, sent a letter to the French king urging him to occupy Misr. This was followed by other letters, which were later collected in a book called (The Plan for the Occupation of Misr).

This book is available in a French and German version on the Internet, while I believe that the letters were written in Latin… and I believe that the details of this plan cannot be published in full, as they are secret matters, but a summary of it has been published.

Because I am not fluent in French or German…but I resorted to a study by an English researcher in which he studied these letters, and I relied on this researcher’s observations that he addressed in his study.

The English researcher speaks:

The letters were very concerned with the ideological side more than the economic side…. He says that Leibniz was urging the French king to invade Misr in order to create one church in the world. The researcher even calls this plan “the holy war to unite a Christian world throughout the world.”

The researcher also points out important points

The researcher talks about the strangeness of the fact that in most of his letters, Leibniz constantly called Misr (the land of Muhammad)… He even makes a strange observation, according to his words, that the letters ignored the name Misr, which was a famous name in the languages of Europe.

We have talked about this point in a previous topic, that the reason is that the languages of Europe are modern, and were not officially established until approximately the same age as those letters, and that the name Misr for Misr is a political agreement that took place in the dictionaries of European languages.

He also says that Leibniz says in one of his letters to the king:

“If you successfully implement the plan to occupy Misr, this will provide France with a sovereign position in Europe and the world…and France will rule the East.”

As we expected… the logical explanation that can be explained is that the Muslim does not realize that the Qur’an is talking about the inscriptions of Misr and his belief that he is talking about an ancient story… is because of a project that was implemented in the region, and indeed there was an occupation plan. It preceded the West’s translation of the region’s inscriptions.

Also, the context that preceded the West’s translation of the Egyptian inscriptions shows the presence of a central religious consciousness in Europe in its view of Misr. Rather, it shows the existence of a European religious ideological project for the purposes of occupying the region and its view of Misr, and this is consistent with our belief that the West may have forged the book that Readers talk about it.

Also, this occupation plan with a religious dimension to create one church in the world… actually explains the reasons for the modern reality of Al-Nasarah in Misr and the region, and it agrees with our previous analyzes when reading the reality of Al-Nasarah in Misr and the region, which seems relatively recent and inconsistent. With the history that reached the Muslim.

■ 40 years before the West translated the Egyptian inscriptions, a famous scientific expedition was launched from Europe to the region and its leader was Niebuhr.

● Niebuhr was a German explorer, mathematician, and cartographer who worked in the service of the Danish state. He lived between 1733 and 1815.

One of the professors suggested the name Niebuhr to participate in a scientific trip ordered by the King of Denmark in the year 1760 AD. The goal of the trip was a scientific trip and to collect plant materials for the benefit of Europe, and to write a comprehensive scientific and geographical report on the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, and Misr.

Niebuhr agreed to the proposal and entered a course for about a year and a half in which he studied mathematics, surveying, maps, and some lessons in the Arabic language intensively to qualify for his position in the mission as a surveyor and mapmaker.

The scientific mission included a botanist, a linguist, a painter, a doctor, and an engineer.

At the beginning of the following year, 1761, the expedition set sail, arriving in Alexandria, then Cairo, then Sinai.

In 1762 AD, Niebuhr left for Suez and arrived from there to Jeddah, and from Jeddah to Mocha in Yemen. Niebuhr wrote about all the regions he visited, drew maps, and talked about populations, tribes, sects, and religions. He spent a long period of time in Yemen and visited Sana’a and others.

Two of Niebuhr’s companions were afflicted with malaria in Yemen, which was not a disease treated in those days. Indeed, Niebuhr himself was afflicted with a serious illness, but he took it upon himself and moved to India. On the ship that was carrying him and his two companions, his two companions died and he continued his journey to India alone. Niebuhr adapted to his illness until He was cured, he says, by following the prevailing dietary habits, knowing that Niebuhr was the only one of the expedition members who returned safely in the end.

Niebuhr returned from India to Muscat in Oman, toured there and wrote about it, then visited Iran, from where he moved to Iraq and stayed in Baghdad for a relatively long period. In 1767 AD, Niebuhr visited Istanbul, then Palestine, and from there he sailed to Cyprus to return to Copenhagen in 1767.

● There is a note about Niebuhr related to the place where I live.

Niebuhr’s name is somewhat well known in Yemen. He was known in Yemen after the printing of part of his book (A Journey to Arabia), in the part in which he talks about his trip to Yemen, which was printed under the name (From Copenhagen to Sana’a).

The truth is that when I used to listen to Niebuhr’s stories in the past by those who read his book, and before I read his book… I felt that Yemen was different from Yemen today. When Niebuhr visited Yemen, I felt that the people of Yemen did not know a city called (Mecca), and I didn’t know why.

There is also an important note……. Perhaps many do not know a Yemeni historian named Al-Hassan Al-Hamdani who lived in the third century AH, that is, approximately 1000 years ago, and this man is known as the historian of Yemen and the island.

In fact, I found this man’s personality strange…. He was born in a remote area near Sana’a, but the stranger was very proficient in identifying geographical locations according to the Greek system of Ptolemy, and he identified locations in Yemen in his book.

And here I was really surprised……..Where did Al-Hamdani learn the science of geolocation, even though he lived in a remote area and there were no schools in the past that taught such sciences, but rather, according to history, there were schools of jurisprudence and hadith..

I was also surprised by the information that Al-Hamdani provides in his book. He talks about information that is still present in Yemen despite the passage of 1,100 years, and it is supposed that it has become extinct in Yemen. This information does not fit with the history that was presented to us, as the history that was presented to us speaks of a world that no longer exists. There is a connection with today in its language, customs, food, or the names of its residents, while Al-Hamdani talks about a type of bread that still exists today and with the same name…. Al-Hamdani was a man who lived in a modern period, not an ancient one.

There is also a strangeness that he finds specifically about the residents of Medina. Al-Hamdani neglected to mention the name of Medina in his book, even though he talks about a city close to it, 5 km away, and they are the same age.

But I believe that Niebuhr is the only one capable of explaining the secret of the strangeness of Al-Hamdani’s personality and the secret of the strangeness of the information he included in his book.

Al-Hamdani’s ingenuity in determining geographical locations in Yemen is nothing but the ingenuity of Niebuhr, who entered a long course to learn the geographical positioning system in Europe, and the modernity of the information that Al-Hamdani speaks in his writing is nothing but the report and modern information that Niebuhr wrote a relatively recent period ago during His visit to Yemen.

Also, the strangeness about the reasons why Al-Hamdani did not mention the name of my city, even though he mentioned the name of the city near it, which is 5 km away from it, is nothing but Nippur, because Nippur in his journey did not mention the name of my city, even though he mentioned the name of the city near it.

Knowing that Al-Hamdani has no manuscripts, and his book, which was printed in Lebanon, it was said that after it was printed, the manuscript was lost and disappeared.

Therefore, Al-Hamdani is nothing but an unreal character, but reports by Niebuhr were translated into Arabic and attributed to a fictitious character named Al-Hamdani.

● The important thing is……….. According to the writings of researchers about the details of that trip, they talked about a strange thing that happened upon Nippur’s arrival… Nippur arrived with boxes of plants that he took from the region… but the political establishment and Nippur left the boxes and made them It gets damaged.

So why the trip and what is its purpose?!

According to what some studies by foreign researchers and historians reported about Nippur, Niebuhr returned to Europe and had several papers containing drawings of the inscriptions of Misr and the inscriptions of the region, and there was a prominent interest on the part of Niebuhr in deciphering the inscriptions of Misr and the region.

So this famous trip, on which large sums of money were spent, and which is said to be the first European trip on which a financial grant was paid to the trip team until their death….. Its main interest was the inscriptions of Misr and the region, a comprehensive geographical survey of the region, and a social scientific report on it.

So, the historical context that existed in Europe…and which preceded the West’s translation of the Egyptian inscriptions…shows the existence of a great central European interest in the inscriptions of Misr and the region…and the West’s translation of the Egyptian inscriptions was not a coincidence, but rather came out of awareness. Formerly Eurocentric… and it is the natural and logical context that explains the reasons for the West translating Egyptian inscriptions and that it was a central goal of the occupation project.

This is consistent with our belief that the possibility is very high… that the West has forged the Egyptian inscriptions that the readers are talking about.


This is the distant context that took place in Europe before the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions.

So… there was a European plan to occupy Misr with a religious purpose, and there was a major scientific trip that was interested in the inscriptions of Misr and the region, and I believe that this is the real context and the ground on which the West was based before they came to translate the inscriptions of Misr.

A religious goal and a great interest in translating ancient inscriptions in the region.

Is this the whole context that happened in Europe?!

No, the context is large and full of events related to the region. The matter requires a long study in the history of Europe before the West translated the Egyptian inscriptions…. It is certain that there were important events that preceded the appearance of the West’s translation of the Egyptian inscriptions and were related to the religious purpose and to the writing of ancient Misr and the rest. Writings in the region.

But I think that these two events are the most important…. Why?

Because there was an event that took place in Europe that brought the previous plan and the previous journey together, which confirms and indicates that it was an interconnected strategic project. There is a very close relationship between Leibniz’s plan and Niebuhr’s journey, as they were from one central European project.

how ?!

After the French Revolution, and before France invaded Misr and the region, Napoleon was deeply engrossed in reading Niebuhr’s book (A Journey to Arabia) and Leibniz’s Letters (The Plan to Occupy Misr).

Indeed… the entire context that preceded the West’s translation of the Egyptian inscriptions confirms that the Egyptian inscriptions were forged, and that there was a strategic global European project that came to deliberately forge the Egyptian inscriptions.

Was the main reason for the French Revolution to implement this European global strategic project, that is, to successfully implement the plan to occupy Misr, falsify Misr’s inscriptions, and then carry out an act of erasing knowledge on the ground in order to ensure a sovereign position for Europe in the region and the world?!

There was a direct speech by US President Trump in 2019 in which he said:

“Gentlemen, today I decided to tell you everything that is going on and where the world is heading in light of all the changes that have occurred over the course of 300 years. Do you remember the year 1717, which was the birth of the new world? And do you remember that the first dollar was printed in 1778, and in order for this dollar to rule, it was The world needed a revolution, so it was the French Revolution in 1789, that revolution that changed everything and upended everything. With its victory, the world that had been ruled for 5,000 years by religions ended, and a new world order ruled by money and the media began.

Is the religion that Trump meant, which has been ruling the world for thousands of years, the religion that exists in Europe that is devoid of any traces indicating the existence of an ancient religion there, or does Trump mean the religion that is found in Egyptian inscriptions that are thousands of years old?!

I think Trump means the religion that exists in Misr.

{A Book whose verses are explained in detail. We recite it in Arabic for a people who know. The tongue of the one to whom they turn is foreign, and this is a clear Arabic tongue.}

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