What is the book – Outcomes of the French Revolution

What is the book - Outcomes of the French Revolution

06/10/2020 00:00

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Among the outcomes of this dirty revolution… a revolution that came out to spread the values of invasion, occupation, killing, slaughter, hatred and hatred, and it carries the slogan (I am of fire and he is of clay).

What is funny about the intellectual laundering spread by this dirty revolution, which confirms that they know very well their goals, and the Arabs and Muslims who responded to their laundering are Freemasons just like them and were part of a laundering project that an Arab was defending in order to put poison in the honey (such as Muhammad Abduh al-Afghani). etc).

For example, this French dog says: He is surprised and amazed at how this language emerged from the environment of Mecca.

A Freemason wearing the garb of Islam responded to him: It was Arabic in Mecca that translated Greek books. (In order to confirm that the language emerged from Mecca.)

The Freemason who dressed as an Islamic man and defends Islam responds to him: He says that Christianity preceded Islam by many centuries and needed time to get rid of its problems. (In order to consolidate the idea of the primacy of religion)


Fornication of forbidden children.

We have been subjected to a brutal occupation, and they have played a very cunning, satanic game against us, causing mountains to move away.

{And they plotted their plot, and with Allah is their plot, even if it was their plot, the mountains would move away from it. (46) So do not think that Allah will break His promise to His messengers. Indeed, Allah is Mighty, Possessor of Vengeance. (47)}

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