What is the book – summary of discussion 6

What is the book - summary of discussion 6

5/19/2020 0:00:00

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The difficulty of imagining such a story lies in the era that is currently taught from childhood…and perhaps a Muslim or any human being in general will ignore such a perception, even out of hypotheticals. Perhaps he will even laugh, even though we do not say that it is a correct perception, but rather a perception that comes close to a speech. Clues .

This is the first fundamental problem…that can hinder the readers from understanding the theme of the book’s story.

For example… People imagine Islamic history that took place on earth for 1,400 years until we reached this reality.

And the Muslim has a right…….. How is it possible that the Qur’an is talking about a story that occurred 1400 years ago, while we assume that the Qur’an is talking about a story that occurred approximately 250 years ago? …the height of madness.

But let us treat this thing as a problem and think and try to verify it with logical and scientific thinking so that we can say that this matter is madness or not madness.

So… where do we start?!

We have to ask a question: How can we be sure of the authenticity of Islamic history, and is there evidence to support this perception that has reached us regarding the book?!

We start from an important basis, which talks about the relationship between history and understanding reality, and a Western historian spoke about it, saying:

“To liquidate peoples, we begin by erasing their memories, by destroying their books that contain their culture and history, then someone else comes to write other books for them, give them another culture, and invent another history for them, and then after that the people gradually begin to forget, who he is!, and how he was like.” And the world around him will quickly forget him too.”

Therefore, we believe… that the Qur’an is an authentic text and speaks about a reality that took place on earth, while there is a great possibility that history was written for us in order to take us out of reality so that we do not read the truth from the reality in which the story of the book that took place and which it speaks exists. About the readers.

Therefore…..there is no path that any person can take except to leave the world of books and read reality, and search for (does reality match this Islamic history that has reached us), and does reality support this perception that has reached us about… The book found in Misr?!

First………….. If we contemplate the depth of Islamic history and ask a fundamental question, which is: What is the thing that we have reached from the story of Mecca only that is present in the biography and that still remains with us today?!

I mean the story of Mecca alone, not the Islamic history that took place over 1400 years. I mean the time in which the story of Mecca took place only.

Or in other words… What is the only thing that we have learned from the story that took place in Mecca from approximately 570 AD – 633 AD?!

If we reflect deeply, we will find that we obtained only two things from Mecca, and they still remain to this day in our reality, and they are:

The house in Mecca and the Qur’an that is in our hands.

Now… let us think realistically about the House of Mecca and the Qur’an. Do they apply to the date that we have estimated at 1400?!

■■■ The first thing is the house of Mecca ■■■

Concerning the House of Mecca… I think we have talked about it previously in our topic about Mecca and Mecca, but there is no harm in talking about it in quick points and on the basis of if we assume that the current topic is separate from our previous topic.

If we go to the House of Mecca and watch it, we will find important notes

– A modern house and a modern city

– Building stones adhered with modern cement

– There is no ancient trace of that story remaining today in the city

– There are no houses of the story’s characters, the Prophet’s house, or any belongings to them

– There is no ancient building remaining to this day in Mecca, and the Haram remained for the 1400 years that were written to us

– All the building surrounding Mecca, which is called the courtyard, and the expansions are the work of a modern family (Al Saud). Modern works. The names of the doors in the sanctuary are after Saudi kings… Even the box house itself. All the things in it are from the age of (Al Saud). …The golden door of the Kaaba is one of the works of Al Saud. There is another door that Al Saud blocked and opened another door. Inside the Kaaba, it is paved with modern Italian marble.

– No belongings of pilgrims or relics left by pilgrims who have been making the pilgrimage to Mecca from all over the world for 1,400 years have been discovered in Mecca.

There are no stone tombstones with ancient inscriptions that confirm the existence of one person who decided one day to prove his ancient existence 1000 years ago, or to confirm the interest of an ancient king who made expansions or repairs to Mecca and wrote a stone tombstone for him.

The residents of the region do not have any ancient traces left behind in their homes or lands that confirm the existence of an ancient connection with Mecca.

For example, you do not find an old drawing of Mecca that his family inherited from its ancestors, nor is there any ancient relic that came from Mecca and was inherited by any family that reached them after a grandfather of theirs visited Mecca and brought it to his family. There is no old stone model of the Kaaba in the homes of residents of the region or discovered. in Earth .

Even Medina is modern

Its mosque is modern, and all of its concrete work and work are modern. The mosque that was built 1400 years ago by the Prophet and the Companions does not remain. Also, this same Prophet’s Mosque does not remain, if we assume that a caliph or a Muslim ruler carried out repairs and expansion of it 1000 years ago or before. 600 years in its ancient form, which confirms to you that this mosque lived a long time ago.

There are also no houses of the Companions in the city, or any remaining traces of them in the city.

Also, there is no family in the city that is connected to these ancient figures and is affiliated with them and inherited old belongings from them…. Most of the city’s residents do not carry any ancient depth in the land, as most of the city’s residents are from other countries, especially from Central Asia and Southeast Asia, and their immigration is recent. And it’s not old.

This means that the migration of these people from Central Asia should have occurred in an ancient era, 500 years ago, if we assume that the reason was their love for the city of the Prophet, but their migration to the city dates back to the age of the Ottomans, 150 years ago.

This modernity of Mecca, its home, and Medina is consistent with the perception of the Egyptian inscriptions as being the book and that the story is modern and revolves around the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions.

Really strange and strange

This strangeness in which we saw Mecca and its home will lead us to read the certain information that we have received from the story of Mecca that took place from 570-633, and to read the realistic Islamic history that was written for us after the story of Mecca, so that we can further confirm the modernity of Mecca.

Regarding the information that reached us from the story of Mecca.

I mean, for example… the story of Mecca says that the Messenger sent Muslims to Abyssinia to escape the persecution of the city of Mecca (which has an area of 10 km) because it had a Christian king who did not oppress anyone there.

But this makes you wonder… because the Messenger could have sent them to a village or city close to Mecca and the matter did not need Abyssinia, because Mecca is a tribal society and not an empire and a state that has armies, borders, passports and flags and cannot issue an announcement in A newspaper containing pictures of the wanted companions of the Messenger along with their names. You cannot publish the advertisement in the entire region until there is fear for its companions.

I mean, for example… 100 years ago, when a person in my old area killed another person because of rebellion… he would migrate and flee to another village, only 150 kilometers away, and in the new place no one knew him or recognized him. Someone is against him, and he lives and gets married, and no one comes to arrest him, and he did not travel to Abyssinia to escape the qisas, even though the issue is murder, blood, and revolt, and not a belief, as in the story of Mecca, and Yemen is close to Abyssinia.

So what about ten people in a small village in Mecca 1,400 years ago whose issue was merely belief and not murder or revolt, and who did not need to travel all this distance to migrate to Abyssinia?

Also, the Messenger did not send them to Yemen or to the Levant, even though it was closer.

The important thing in the story is that the story of Mecca talks about a Christian king in Ethiopia of a Christian land, and Ethiopia is considered one of the oldest Christian churches in Africa, and Christianity is ancient and deeply rooted.

Let us see the reality of Ethiopia today

Although Christianity is deep and ancient in Abyssinia and has the most famous and oldest churches in Africa, it has a religion based on proselytization.

But the logical question… Why did Ethiopia, this ancient empire and the oldest church… and for 1400 years not play a missionary role in Africa and its surroundings, in Kenya, Mozambique, Central Africa and Rwanda around its surroundings? Why did it abandon this sacred mission? To the Europeans coming from a place very far away from them and during their occupation and colonization of Africa in modern times.

Most of the churches around Ethiopia in Africa appeared during the era of modern European colonialism.

Now imagine this strange scene…….an old church in Ethiopia surrounded by modern churches around it, even though its surroundings are supposed to also contain old churches.

This modernity in the reality of Africa that appeared with modern European colonialism is consistent with the perception that Misr’s inscriptions are the book, and that the story that readers talk about in the book’s subject is modern and revolves around the translation of Misr’s relatively modern inscriptions.

Weird and strange

Also, this Islamic history [the caliphs and conquests of the Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids, Ayyubids, Mamluks and Ottomans], which has reached us, speaks of an Islam that appeared in Mecca and came after ancient religions and ancient languages in the region.

Let us read the reality in the region and outside it

● Copts in Misr

How many are there?!

If 20,000 people lived in Misr 1400 years ago… when the Messenger sent a message to the great Coptic… then their number today would reach the area of two states or even large independent communities in Misr, but their numbers are very small. Their churches are located in modern places and sites in the cities of Misr, and there are no ancient churches inside the ancient cities of Misr.

I mean, we know the Hussein Mosque inside the old neighborhoods of Cairo, but we did not see an old church in these old neighborhoods.

Why are there no Copts in Libya, Jordan or Tunisia?! It is assumed that over the course of 2000 years, most of the Copts immigrated to Libya and Syria, and it is not a condition that the Christian in Syria is not a Copt.

Why is there no Christianity in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco? Despite Christian history talking about the depth and profound history of Christianity in the Arab Maghreb, in fact many of the early founders of Christian philosophy were from the Arab Maghreb according to history… such as Augustine, etc.

Christianity was limited to Misr only… and its language.

The Copts waited 1,800 years until the modern era, for the Coptic Church, the oldest church in Africa, to reform the calendar, reform the Coptic language, and build the first churches in the cities of Misr after the West occupied Misr and during the rule of Muhammad Pasha.

Also, the Copts speak Arabic well, and their language is limited to religious prayers and reading their book.

A strange and strange reality…………… Don’t tell me that Misr used to speak the Coptic language, but it was the conquests that changed the language, because the Coptic language is a purely Greek language and not the language of the ancient inhabitants of Misr.

Even if we assumed that the language of the inhabitants of Misr in ancient times was Coptic, and I said that the reason was the conquests that changed the language of the population… then we have another model of reality, but it did not happen to it like what happened in Misr……. Rather, it is a bigger model. And stronger than the Egyptian model.

Iran was a Magian, not a Christian, and conquests came to it, and the conquests of Iran were bigger and fiercer than those of Misr according to history. The conquests carried out a comprehensive sweep and made the Iranians Muslims, but to this day the Iranians still speak their language and it has not changed?!

There are 100 million Muslims in Misr, and they speak a clear Arabic language in every spot, alley, neighborhood, and village in Misr.

This is an ancient reality on earth, and there are those who wanted to create a modern novel to explain an ancient and profound reality in Misr.

● Christianity in the Levant and Iraq

How many are there?

If 20,000 Christian people were living in the Levant 1,400 years ago when the Messenger traveled to the Levant and met the Christian monk…..then their number today would reach the area of two states or even large independent communities in the Levant, but their numbers are very small, and their churches are also as in Misr exists in modern places and sites in the cities of the Levant, and there are no churches inside the ancient city centers in the Levant.

Their numbers are small….and it is not proportionate to the amount of history that has reached us from Islamic history, and their number is equal to the number of Al-Nasarah in Misr, and there was a recent agreement made in Misr and the Levant that their number should reach this close number.

Also…Jerusalem, which is the city in which Jesus the Savior was born and in which according to history the latest story of Christ took place, is strange and strange.

It is supposed to be the center of Christianity and the place of pilgrimage for Al-Nasarah, but it does not seem that there is a deep and central connection to it, and the centrality of the Vatican is perhaps greater than it, even though Christianity is one of it.

Also, the reality of Christianity there does not indicate an ancient depth in it, as the number of Al-Nasarah there is small and the numbers of Muslims there are much greater, and there are no ancient churches within the center of Old Jerusalem, but rather they are found in the vicinity of the Old City… or on the outskirts far from the center of the Old City.

Rather, what is strange… is that there is no church in it as large as the Vatican, as it is the most sacred and oldest place for Christianity. Rather, what is strange is that Jerusalem contains a greater sanctity for Muslims than Christianity, and there is a very large and huge mosque in it that exceeds in size any church in Jerusalem, despite its modernity. Islam in Jerusalem compared to Christianity according to the history that has reached us.

Indeed, one of the oldest churches in Jerusalem is owned and has the rights to dispose of it to a modern state, which is France, despite the fact that the church is in a land that does not belong to France, but according to history, an Ottoman sultan handed it over to Napoleon when he occupied the Levant.

But even if Napoleon was a Christian with his country, he does not have the right to own anything Christian in another country, nor does anyone have the right, because it is a place reserved for Al-Nasarah in the Levant… it is their property.

Strange and strange… Recent ownership rights to an ancient church in Jerusalem. Where has this church been for 2000 years and who did its ownership rights belong to?

Also…this place is deeply rooted in Christianity and the origin and foundation of Christianity, which requires the presence of Christian depth in this place in its population and culture. This place is required to import clerics from Greece to supervise churches as priests and is required to chant prayers in the Greek language instead The language of Christ… If Jesus’ Christianity was deep there, Al-Nasarah would chant their prayers in the language of Jesus.

This Christian reality in Misr and the Levant, which emerges and appears with the entry of modern European colonization of Misr and the Levant, which seems modern, supports the perception of the inscriptions of Misr being the book, and that the story that revolves around the translation of the inscriptions of Misr the book is the story that the readers are talking about. And the story is recent.

● The Al-Yahoud in the Levant

How many were they?

I mean, if the number of Al-Yahoud was 20 thousand when Omar bin Al-Khattab went to Jerusalem to cut the ribbon of Islam in Jerusalem and saw the Al-Yahoud there 1400 years ago… their number would have covered large areas exceeding millions.

Do not talk to me about the population of the Zionist entity now, as they were gathered across the West from everywhere and were settled in the Levant.

I am talking about the Al-Yahoud who were in Palestine only

Approximately the number of Al-Yahoud 100 years ago in Palestine reached 20 thousand, so what would their number be before 200 people?! .. It would be a funny number, maybe 1000 people.

This is a modern census, and it is impossible that these numbers are the result of this Islamic history that has reached us.

Of course, the Zionist entity… tells people about a temple of theirs… and this temple, by promoting its existence, they were able to create madness in people’s minds, until it made them assume that it exists or that there is a trace of it, but it does not exist. Rather, it made people assume a structure under the Muslim mosque and made Some people saw the insolence of the Zionists as they excavated under the mosque and submitted to the matter. It even caused some of our historians to search for this structure elsewhere in the region.

There is no trace of Al-Yahoud in Palestine. Years ago, a representative of the Zionist entity displayed a piece the size of a button and said that it had a Hebrew letter on it to confirm the existence of an ancient presence of Al-Yahoud 2000 years ago.

Funny… If they were really an ancient reality, then stupid antiquities would have come out of Palestine in large quantities and sizes, and the representative of the Zionist entity would not have put himself in a ridiculous position while displaying a piece the size of a button between his two fingers.

This Jewish reality, which appears to be a modern reality… supports the perception about the Egyptian inscriptions being the book and that the story that revolves around the translation of the Egyptian inscriptions the book is the story that the readers are talking about, and that the story is modern.

● Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia

An important question: How did Islam enter Indonesia and Malaysia?!

According to the common interpretation, the credit goes to the Yemeni Hadrami merchants, because, as is known, the Yemenis in general have been associated with migration for two centuries, especially from Hadhramaut. Their migration was to Southeast Asia and East Africa.

It is not propaganda…… It is true that Yemeni merchants from Hadhramaut are generally distinguished by their commercial sense, and their commercial dealings are based on morals, honesty, loyalty, and not trading in anything that involves corruption.

Not everyone has these qualities, but one characteristic is dominant so that we do not create propaganda. In addition to this, there is the Sufi education and morals that exist in Yemen.

This thing made many say that this is the reason for the entry of Islam into those areas?!

But the truth…….is that this is an illogical and unrealistic explanation and contradicts reality.

The number of Muslims in Indonesia and Malaysia is 300 million Muslims, which is a very large number, while the migration of Yemenis there is not ancient, as the age of migration does not exceed 200 years.

When we study the history of the migration of Yemenis there from reality, we will reach that number of approximately 200 years, by studying the families of the first immigrants in Indonesia and Malaysia and their numbers, as the number of their families is small, and also the convergence of their lineages with people present in Yemen in the third or fourth ancestor.. .. I mean, the topic is not old and immigration is not old.

Also, Yemeni merchants also migrated to East Africa…but they did not create a reality in East Africa like the reality they created in Southeast Asia, with 300 million Muslims.

Is it possible that 200 years… by 1000 merchants… have created the industry of 300 million Muslims?! …Is it possible that each merchant will deal with 300,000 people until they convert to Islam?

If we assume the population 200 years ago was 100 million people

This thing requires that every merchant out of 1000 merchants has to deal with an average of 100 thousand people in Indonesia and Malaysia with continuous work during his life, until the number reaches 100 million.

Also, if we assume that 1,000 people immigrated there 200 years ago, then if one person was able, during 70 years of his life, to convert 1,000 Indonesians to Islam… This means that the number of Muslims in Indonesia 130 years ago would have been one million people, and These million people will number approximately 8 million today.

But our number is very large…. 300 million

This is a very old reality in Indonesia and Malaysia…but there are those who tried to create a modern, fabricated narrative to explain a very old reality in Southeast Asia.

This modern attempt to create a modern, fabricated novel to explain the reality of a very ancient Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia is consistent with the validity of the perception that the story that readers talk about about the book is relatively recent, but there are those who wanted to write an old, fabricated story for readers to explain a modern story that occurred with the book that occurred. Readers talk about it.

● Muslims in India

When we say India, we mean before its partition.

The number of Muslims in India is approximately equal to the number of Hindus, despite the fact that Hinduism is the oldest and deepest in India according to history.

Is it possible that 1400 years are behind making the population of a region with an ancient and different religious depth reach 600 million?

Also, the number of Muslims greatly exceeds the number of Al-Nasarah in India, even though Islam came after Christianity, and Christianity did not enter India except with the invasion of the West…….. That is, for 1500 years, India did not witness any Christian evangelism and did not Christianity arrives in it, as happened in the rest of the world, although India has been famous for being a trading station since ancient times and connected to the ancient world, and this imposes the emergence of ancient Christianity in it, but India waited until the white man invaded it for Christianity to spread in it.

From reading the reality, it appears clearly that the issue of Islam is very old in India, but there are those who tried to create an incorrect modern narrative to explain a very old reality in India.

This modern attempt to create a modern, fabricated novel to explain the reality of a very ancient Islam in India is consistent with the validity of the perception that the story that the readers are talking about in the book is relatively recent, but there are those who wanted to write an old, fabricated story for the readers to explain a real modern story that occurred with the book that it talks about. From the Qur’an.

■■■ The second thing is the readers ■■■

How old is the Qur’an in the hands of Muslims?!

It is as old as the modern printer

Do the region’s population of 450 million have handwritten manuscripts of the Qur’an that they inherited from their ancestors… father by grandfather?!


Don’t tell me…there are two or four manuscripts in Western museums or libraries, or in the hands of people in the region or outside it. The manuscripts must be in very large quantities in the region and belong to its residents and not the state. The reality must be 1,400 years old in the region. He has produced tens of thousands of manuscripts that are inherited among the residents of the region in every country.

How did the Qur’an reach the Muslim?!

It is normal for memorization by metaphysics… because before the printer it was necessary to have handwritten Qur’ans… but these handwritten Qur’ans are not available and are not clearly visible in the region.

So where is the first Qur’an from which a Muslim memorized the Qur’an before the printed Qur’an?!

Since there is a very clear scarcity in the region of manuscripts of the Qur’an, the first Qur’an was not on paper, but on tablets, and only one copy of it exists… and everyone memorized the Qur’an from it, and then what was in people’s chests was printed. In modern paper, which exists in its current form today.

This modern age of the printer… agrees with the perception that we reached after dealing with the history of the Al-Yahoud, in that the Egyptian inscriptions are the book and that the story that the readers tell revolves around the modern translation of the Egyptian inscriptions, but there are those who wanted to print a modern book for the Muslim. To make him believe that it is the intended book in the Qur’an, and also to hide from the Muslim a very old book found on stone tablets.

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