What is the meaning of a month and why was it given as a name for the number of 30 days? -1-

What is the meaning of a month and why was it given as a name for the number of 30 days? -1-

9/12/2019 0:00:01

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What is the meaning of a month and why was it given as a name for the number of 30 days?

I find that my question is very important to know the meaning of the word “month” in the Qur’an. The reason is that the word “month” in the Qur’an is found in Quranic texts that give us a strange meaning that contradicts reality.

For example, there are texts in the Qur’an that contain the word month, and the Muslim stops at them often trying to understand them:

1- (Hajj is the most famous information)

This text makes the Muslim always ask how it is correct that the Hajj takes place in several months, while the Muslim performs the Hajj in only one month (Dhul-Hijjah).

This contradiction with reality made him deceive the text with a simple explanation that in ancient times… Hajj was imposed months before the Hajj… in order for the traveler to travel the long distance until he arrived at the time of Hajj (Dhul-Hijjah).

2- (They ask you about Al-Shaher Al-Haram, fighting in it)

This text poses to the Muslim the question: How does the Qur’an talk about Al-Shaher Al-Haram even though Al-Shaher Al-Harams are four, and the text is supposed to say (they ask you about Al-Shaher Al-Harams during which there is fighting), and this contradiction between the Qur’anic text and the texts of the Ottoman printer’s books that reached the Muslim, made the Muslim He deceived the text of the Qur’an, instead of defrauding the books of the Ottoman printer. I made him choose the meaning known in the books of interpretations that the month here is the month of Rajab, and the story of the reasons for the revelation is found in the books of the Ottoman printer.

There is no longer any need for us to quote the texts of heritage books in interpreting the meaning of the word month and the months found in the Qur’an, and to try to uncover contradiction and fraud. Because I believe that awareness has begun to realize the method of transforming the purposes of the Qur’an found in those books, and to realize that these writings are a political act whose function is to distort the meanings of the Qur’an in the Muslim consciousness.

Now, how do we know the meaning of the word month?!

As we mentioned previously, our approach is based on not relying on the Arabic language dictionaries that reached Muslims, for many reasons, including:

1- I cannot imagine that 1,200 years ago, someone wrote a language dictionary in large sizes. Where are the manuscripts of those dictionaries?! We only got books printed on a modern machine that are relatively old. Can you imagine the shape and size of the manuscript for each dictionary?! I cannot imagine anyone making these dictionaries with personal effort. This is work carried out by a state and a ruling center.

2- Most of those who wrote many dictionaries and grammar rules for us are not Arabs, so how is it possible that a non-Arab person would write dictionaries and plan the rules of the language for us and impose them on the vocabulary and rules of the Qur’an?!

3 – Dictionaries made the Arab person, when thinking about any topic related to the language or searching for vocabulary meanings of the words of the Qur’an, always make him assume an imaginary space in his brain confined to a very narrow geographical spot, and within that spot there is a very small human community and they are surrounded by an impenetrable fence. They leave it, and all the language dictionaries that have reached us today are found in the language of that society. This thing made the Arab unable to get out of that fence while understanding the language or researching the meanings of the Qur’an’s vocabulary, and therefore he adheres to everything stated in those dictionaries, even if they contradict today’s language. His answer is always: In the Arabic language, they used to call this thing with a word like that, or they used a proverb or a sentence with some meaning.

If 400 million people today in the region are not Arabs, then who are these Arabs that they always talk about when they say, “The Arabs said in the past”?!

There is no answer… just imaginary space

This situation took the Arab person out of reality, and brought him into a virtual imaginary space, within which there are all these books that have reached us, including language dictionaries, and made him committed to thinking and researching within this space about any information.

In order for the Arab Muslim person to search for the meaning of any word in the Qur’an, he will search for it within this imaginary space surrounded by a barbed fence, and he cannot leave it, and he does not want to leave it and search from his reality and his tongue.

4- We believe with certainty that the Arabic tongue is the first human tongue in the region, and this tongue is deeply entrenched in the region, and with this firmness… it is very natural for the text of the Holy Qur’an to emerge from it in an Arabic tongue… because the tongue of the Qur’an It did not appear, according to the image presented to us by printers and Western history books, as the tongue of Islamic conquests, but rather because it was the tongue of the first migration and the first human settlement in the region.

These reasons together make us reject dictionaries, but rather view them as a project to falsify the mind of Muslims and Arabs.

If you try to re-read the fourth reason, you will know that the most important point in it is the correct, logical and scientific way to understand meanings and words and the reasons for their connection to many things. Why ?!

I believe that the usual sentence that accompanies any interpretation of the meaning of the word “Wa” (the Arabs used to say like this in the past), is a fraud on the mind, and its frequent use in the books of the Ottoman printer actually confirms that behind it is a fraud consciousness.

Because based on our awareness of the essence of the issue, which is that the Arabic language (the language of the Qur’an) is the oldest language, and that the texts of religion were not written except with the first names with which man was found, it will logically be imposed on us to search for the meaning of the word in the language of the inhabitants of the region… and not in it. Foreign dictionaries distort the meanings of the language… because the residents of the region are the legitimate, realistic and true heir to this language… especially in the countryside and areas far from cities.

But the most important point when understanding this issue, which is related to today’s topic, will make us able to understand the meanings of words with great accuracy, and make us reach the first basic roots from which the words emerged, and why abstract, moral words were borrowed from tangible, tangible words.

Now when we imagine the meaning, we must imagine the beginning with an ancient human being who had a first tongue and would assign words to things around him to moral meanings around him, because of the existence of a necessary connection between one thing and the other thing.


We use the word tongue to refer to two things:

Tongue: a physical object – an organ found in the human mouth

Tongue: something intangible – human language or speech

The reason is because the tongue is responsible for speech

If you search your dialect, you will find very many things around us that carry a material meaning and a moral meaning at the same time.

Now, if we try to follow this important observation, then we will have the right to ask our previous question, but in another way:

The month… is a word that carries a moral significance.

Did this connotation originally come from a name for a material meaning, because there is a connection between time and this material thing?!

In our dialects we say:

A famous celebrity

And so-and-so defamed so-and-so, meaning he exposed him in front of people

All the previous examples carry moral, not material, connotations.

We say: real estate registration.

The institution where buildings and lands are registered.

What does the word month have to do with the issue of buildings and lands? Why not the real estate year, or why not the real estate registry?!

I believe that the term real estate registration is a modern term, and it came to us from Misr during the days of Muhammad Ali Pasha. But I think this name is also related to construction.

The month is also called a structure, and this structure was used in the process of determining time.

Because this structure (the month) was used to calculate time, this name was borrowed to indicate a material thing and given to a specific time.

The issue may seem logical that the word “month” is used to refer to a certain building, and the building may be different, somewhat unique, and somewhat prominent, and from this difference came the word “famous” (known).



When we reach the previous result, the ambiguity of the previous texts of the Qur’an will be removed, and the texts will become much clearer:

1- (Hajj is the most famous information)

Let me first talk about the verse

How does the Qur’an talk about Hajj being the most famous month of information, and it never tells us about these months?

The Qur’an is very precise and means what it says…and when it says information, it actually means that it is information. So how can this statement be correct when the Qur’an did not clarify the informational months, and we do not know the informational months, and it did not even talk about the month of Dhul-Hijjah.

Would it not have been better for him to detail for us the most famous discourse of the Qur’an and not leave us in confusion, at least naming the most famous, unless the Qur’an means what it says well and in fact it is the most famous information we have and we have gone to another place.

What if the previous text was as follows:

Hajj (buildings) (famous) (well-known) (prominent), so whoever imposes Hajj on them, there is no obscenity or immorality.

Would the meaning seem more logical?

To move to the other verse

2- They ask you about Al-Shaher Al-Haram, about fighting therein. Say, there is great fighting therein, and obstruction from the path of Allah and disbelief in Him, and Al-Masjid Al Haram, and the expulsion of Ah. To him is greater than that in the sight of Allah. Sedition is greater than murder. And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able. And who? If any of you turns away from his religion and dies And he is an unbeliever. Such are their deeds in this world and the hereafter. Such are the inmates of the Fire. They will abide therein forever.

What is the relationship of talking about Al-Shaher Al-Haram (timing) to Al-Masjid Al Haram (building), and why does it not talk about the rest of the months?!

Of course, the Ottoman printer… found a solution by making the reasons for the revelation around a battle that prevented the Messenger from performing Hajj to the House in Al-Shaher Al-Haram of Rajab.

This is the common interpretation

But let us apply our previous result

They ask you about Al-Shaher Al-Haram (premises) fighting in it, say fighting in it is great……. and turning away from the path of Allah and disbelief in Allah and turning away from Al-Masjid Al Haram and expelling its people from it is greater in the sight of Allah, and strife is greater than killing, and no They are still fighting you to this day to make you abandon your religion.

The Holy Month (building) = The Holy Mosque (building)

Let’s go to the other verse

3- The Table – Verse 97. Allah made the Kaaba, Al-Bayt Al-Haram, a standing place for the people, and Al-Shaher Al-Haram, and the gifts, and the necklaces. That is it. That you may know that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and that Allah is All-Knowing of all things.

What is the relationship between the fact that Allah made the Kaaba (a physical building) and Al-Shaher Al-Haram (a moral concept)?!

According to our previous result, the month is also a building. Al-Shaher Al-Haram is the sacred building.

The Kaaba = Al-Bayt Al-Haram = Al-Shaher Al-Haram, gifts, and necklaces


Now… let’s move on to the last verse

4- {O you who have believed, do not permit the rituals of Allah, nor Al-Shaher Al-Haram, nor the guidance, nor necklaces, nor the guardian of Al-Bayt Al-Haram. They seek bounty from their Allah and our satisfaction. And when you permit, then hunt. And let not the hatred of a people incriminate you if they prevent you from Al-Masjid Al Haram to transgress. And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and transgression. And fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is severe in punishment.}

Now, can you understand from this verse the meaning of Al-Bayt Al-Haram, Al-Shaher Al-Haram, and Al-Masjid Al Haram, and has the meaning become clear?! .



Our result may seem logical, but it needs to be confirmed by other evidence that confirms this connection between the material meaning and the moral meaning of the word month.

Read this Qur’anic text, and how it confirms to you this truth about the structures used for timing.

{They ask you about the new moons. Say, “They are times for the people and for Hajj, and righteousness is not that you approach homes from their backs, but righteousness is from being pious, and approach homes from their doors, and fear Allah that you may succeed. (189) And fight in the name of Allah those who fight you, but do not aggress. Indeed, Allah does not like aggressors. (190) And kill them wherever you find them. And expel them from where they expelled you, and strife is worse than killing, and do not fight them at Al-Masjid Al Haram until they fight you there. If they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.}

In the beginning…the logical questions:

What does the family have to do with timings and Hajj?!

What is the relationship between houses and the subject?

The verse is supposed to say (Righteousness is not that you approach the House from its back), if the topic is related to the Hajj to the House of Allah, and if he means people’s homes, then the verse is supposed to be as follows: (It is not righteousness that you come to people’s homes) or (It is not righteousness that you come to people’s homes) )

What is the relationship between a topic about Hajj, then a topic about houses, then a topic about Al-Masjid Al Haram?!

Now notice the verse

The speech talks about the new moons and that they are times for people in general and for Hajj as well.

Since (Hajj is the most famous month of information), and the crescents are for Hajj, then it is logical to realize the first origin of the phrase (the crescent of the month).

The word crescent… originally came from a place to measure time found in the month (the building), so the word was borrowed and applied to something else related to the process… which is a crescent in the sky.


Let us know what this construction (the month) is, which is used to know the timing.

I think that the topic needs another detailed article, but let me summarize the topic so that the topic does not become too long.

Of course… lovers of adventures and fantasy stories will resent my talk, perhaps so that we do not deprive them of the pleasure of imagination, and the many perceptions they have reached in interpreting things.

We have a building called the Pyramid in Misr… and there are those who say that it is an electricity generating device, and others who say that it is a global cooling device, and another who says that it prevents earthquakes, and others who say that it is a tomb, and another who says that it is a burial ground for grains… many things.

The pyramids are the most famous sanctuary of information.

The pyramid was called the month in the past, before the invasion of Napoleon and the Turks on Misr. There is a time measurement room in it, which is the most accurate device on Earth for measuring time.

Imagine if that building had continued to be called (the month) and its name had not been distorted by the Ottoman printer… to a strange name that has no linguistic origin, which is (pyramid). I believe that it would have saved all those who hold these theories a lot of trouble. Many questions, because keeping things by their original names means that the thing keeps its true origin, why it was found, and what it did.


Suppose with me…….. Since the pyramid was originally designed as a place to bury the dead, it is certain that whoever built the pyramid would call it (cemetery) from the first day.

Now, if this building had remained to this day, with its original name (a cemetery), it would not be difficult for anyone to know the nature of this building, that it has a relationship with burying the dead, a relationship with death and burial… without even reading the inscriptions… and All theories that talk about another meaning for it will completely stop.

Because language is a form of words within which there is information, data, time, and history… a rich archive of information and data.

But if this building had remained to this day… but its name was changed to a strange name that has no linguistic origin, which is (pyramid)… it is natural for dozens of theories to emerge because the word (pyramid) Strange and has no origin.

Now the important question:

What if the original pyramid was still called “Shahr”?

If we make Hajj in Mecca, and when a Muslim reads the Qur’an and there is a verse in it that says (Hajj is the most famous information), great doubts will arise in him. Rather, he will know that Al-Shaher Al-Haram does not necessarily have to be a time name, but rather it is based on it as well, and then there will be a very high probability that it will The original Hajj was there…and this is not allowed, so it is better to create a new name for it.

Also, any simple person, even if he is a non-Muslim, will know that the name (Shahr), which is given to this building, is related to time and timing, and this indicates that this building was used as a time observatory and to calculate time accurately…. better than The clock tower in Mecca, which was built by Al Saud (the Bedouins).

Now…note with me

If we make the word (haram) composed of two syllables (har – m)

Pyramid = each – m

We made the word (month) composed of two syllables (sh – har).

City = Sh – Har

Now notice how the syllable (har) is present in the two words

every – m


The difference is only in one letter (m) and (sh)

The letter (m) is at the end of the first word, and the letter (sh) is at the beginning of the second word.

Now…..what if the letter (m) in the first word was (sh), then we would pronounce the word (harash).

The word (har – sh)

Did the translator who translated the word make a mistake and think that the letter (sh) is the letter (m), and because the translator is a Westerner he translated the word from left to right, while the original is from right to left, did he make a mistake or did they intentionally make a mistake and forgery?!

According to the translation of the criminal Champollion, a member of the Pharaoh’s family and the darling of the Greek community in the region:

The pyramid symbol in hieroglyphics is pronounced (mer)

That is, the ancient Egyptians used to call that building (Mar).

The main general rule in hieroglyphics:

● Every symbol found in hieroglyphs has a name

Now when you want to write the name (the pyramid), you have two options:

1- If you were the original author of this writing, then if you drew a pyramid and an ancient Egyptian saw you, he would say (pass)

2- If you are not the original author of this writing, and you want to spell the word (MR)… i.e. (MR), and write it.

You should write the word as follows:

My fear …. the pyramid code + the final code

Pyramid symbol = Mr

Another symbol = (beginning with the letter R) (Let us choose, for example, the word “Ras”)

Bitter + ras = bitter


Now pay attention to the first word in the picture

A word consisting of three symbols

Pyramid + (face + red circle)


Haram = myrrh (in ancient Egyptian language)

(face + red circle) = cat (in ancient Egyptian language)

And because the Pharaohs translate from left to right

So, the operative word of the word is (har + m) = pyramid

According to Champollion’s translation, the word means (pyramid).

But the ancient Egyptian did not call this building “pyramid,” he called it “mer,” according to Champollion’s words.

That is, the pyramid symbol is supposed to be pronounced (mar), and when the letters of the name of this symbol are spelled in order to write it, the resulting word must also be pronounced (mar).

But in our case, the symbol is (mar) and the spelling is (haram).

The word pyramid is very modern, and we do not know the origin of this word.

Also…. Is it possible that the Egyptian today has lost all of his ancient language and has preserved nothing from that ancient language and from that time except the word (pyramid). Everything has been erased from his ancient language and all that remains is the name (pyramid) and it is not even known. Today the origin of this word.

But what if we translated the word from right to left?

The word will be (m-hr)

And what if the symbol for (the pyramid) was not (pass) but rather (month)?

city + every = city

How can we be more certain that the pyramid was called (Shahr)?

Notice the second word

It consists of three symbols

Pyramid + (star + semicircle)

According to Champollion’s translation, the ancient Egyptian used to pronounce the sum of these symbols (sepidet).

Although it consists of three symbols, Champollion forced Al-Masry Al-Youm to pronounce it (S-Y-B-Y-D-T) with six symbols.

Although it is assumed that the word consists of three letters without a vowel.

According to Champollion’s translation, when the ancient Egyptian used to say “Sebedet,” he meant the famous star Sirius, which is called Sirius in Arabic.

The word consists of two syllables (pyramid symbol + star and semicircle)

Now notice

How will the word (month) apply in our translation here?

Pyramid symbol = month

Star and semicircle = ar (

Shahr + Ar = poetry

Note now to our first previous result about the fact that the pyramid (month) was a timing tool for people as well, and this fact is inferred from the fact that the word poetic is written in this way (pyramid – semicircle star) due to the connection of that structure (month) in calculating (months) time for people. Via Sirius star.



This is my detailed answer to a question posed by a friend, about the reasons for not mentioning pyramids in the Qur’an, even though the answer is very clear, and my brief response to his question was: It is not a condition that the Qur’an mention the word pyramids in this word, because the word pyramid has no origin, and it is a word. It is very new, and the researcher is supposed to search for the original name.

This friend did not realize that he was looking for a very modern word that did not exist previously, but if he thought of taking another path and searching for the original name…then he would be sure that the topic was a project in which a new world was created consisting of distorted names for the things around us. And writing history and dictionaries based on the new nomenclature and making them educational and study curricula and forcing people to use those nomenclatures, and only fifty years will pass after which the entire society will be erased from memory and made in a new way….. This is the project that brought Napoleon from Europe to Misr specifically, and it was implemented by the Albanian family, the Foundation of Modern Misr.

The entire region is now within this new world project, the false world that falsified the entire old world and created a new world of its own, and all the peoples of the region are now governed by this false project and cannot leave it, until all the names of the old world are restored. The original.

May Allah’s curse be upon the demons of mankind and the jinn, and may Allah’s curse be upon every infidel and every corruptor on earth.

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