What is the meaning of a month and why was it given as a name for the number of 30 days? -2-

What is the meaning of a month and why was it given as a name for the number of 30 days? -2-

5/7/2020 0:00:01

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What is the meaning of a month and why was it given as a name for the number of 30 days?

I find that my question is very important to know the meaning of the word “month” in the Qur’an. The reason is that the word “month” in the Qur’an is found in Quranic texts that give us a strange meaning that contradicts reality.

For example, there are texts in the Qur’an that contain the word month, and the Muslim stops at them often trying to understand them:

1- (Hajj is the most famous information)

This text makes the Muslim always ask how it is correct that the Hajj takes place in several months, while the Muslim performs the Hajj in only one month (Dhul-Hijjah).

This contradiction with reality made him deceive the text with a simple explanation that in ancient times… Hajj was imposed months before the Hajj… in order for the traveler to travel the long distance until he arrived at the time of Hajj (Dhul-Hijjah).

2- Allah made the Kaaba, Al-Bayt Al-Haram, a living place for the people, Al-Shaher Al-Haram, the gifts, and the necklaces. This is so that you may know that Allah knows what is in the heavens. and whatever is on the earth, and that Allah is All-Knowing of all things.

What is the relationship between the fact that Allah made the Kaaba (a physical building) and Al-Shaher Al-Haram (a moral concept)?! How can the month be a moral concept that is part of a material thing (the Kaaba)?!

This contradiction between the Qur’anic text and the texts of the Ottoman printer’s books that reached the Muslim made the Muslim deceive the text of the Qur’an, instead of defrauding the Ottoman printer’s books, so it made him choose the meaning known in the books of interpretations that the month here is the month of Rajab.

I believe that there is no longer any need for us to quote the texts of heritage books in interpreting the meaning of the word month and the months found in the Qur’an, and to try to uncover the contradiction and fraud… because I believe that awareness has begun to realize the method of transforming the purposes of the Qur’an found in those books, and He realizes that these writings are a political act whose function is to distort the meanings of the Qur’an in the Muslim consciousness.

So…. How do we know the meaning of the word month?!

Not relying on heritage books does not mean relying on Western approaches to interpreting human languages, because we believe that Western science approaches are colonial approaches that serve the West and have no scientific meaning, especially Western science approaches in language that are sensitive to the Arabic language, which competes with the languages of their religious texts, so Relying on the Western approach will also not make the researcher arrive at a correct answer to our main question: What is the origin of the word month, day, etc.?


How can we develop a method for understanding the discourse of the Qur’an and searching for the origin of names and words?

I believe that we have to address those three points found in the Western approach, which are: the beginning of language, the first language, and the time of language.

We will postpone the starting point of the language because it requires a detailed explanation, and in this article we will address the two points (the first language and the tense of the language).

According to our approach…we believe with certainty that the Arabic tongue is the first human tongue in the region, or let us say the tongue of the Qur’an. If there is another tongue in the region, it came after the Arabic tongue, or in other words, it split from it.

Why ?

There are many reasons:

Firstly……. Because when you contemplate the reality of the region and find that it contains very many and very ancient inscriptions written on stone, this logically means believing that human settlement in the region is very ancient, and this logically imposes on you to believe that this ancient settlement will lead to… Continuous communication in the region, and this very ancient time and this continuous communication in the region, will make the region a linguistic unit and will create a reality with one language. The Arabic language is dominant in the region.

Secondly… when you contemplate the reality of the region and find that it contains very many and very ancient inscriptions written on stone, then you find an important observation, which is the presence of a qualitative development in the forms of ancient inscriptions from other forms, this logically imposes on you that the issue is related to time and human migration and The first settlement of the land, and the existence of a human society that possessed a first language and was migrating and settling the land… and this settlement and first migration will impose a linguistic unity in the region… and in reality we only have the Arabic language.

Third: The Arabic language is deeply entrenched in the region, and this entrenchment is very natural and logical for the text of the Holy Qur’an to emerge from it in an Arabic language, and this indicates that the Qur’an must be the origin of the first. For the region.

All of these reasons… make us believe that the Arabic tongue is the first source from which the inscriptions of the region emerged… Or in other words, the tongue of the Qur’an is the first tongue of the inscriptions of the region.

Of course……. All this logic and reality the West tried to circumvent when it designed the plan of time and calendars, and made the tongue of the Qur’an the tongue of Islamic conquests…….. and tried to erase the fact that it was the tongue of the first migration and human settlement. The first in the region.

This approach leads to very important results in our research:

● The approach will make us abandon once and for all the understanding of the speech of the Qur’an and the search for the origin of names and words from the dictionaries that were prepared for Muslims and Arabs. Rather, we view it as a project to falsify the mind of Muslims and Arabs… and we will bid farewell once and for all to the usual sentence that accompanies any interpretation of the meaning of a word. It is (the Arabs used to say like this in the past), because it is an accusative case, and its frequent use in the books of the Ottoman printer actually confirms that behind it is an accusative consciousness.

● The approach will make us look into the language of the people of the region, because they are the language of the first migration and the first settlement in the land, and it is the legitimate and true heir to this language from which the Qur’an emerged.

● The approach makes us realize that the essence of the issue is that the Arabic language (the language of the Qur’an) is the oldest language, and that the texts of religion were written with the first names that man found.

● The approach will make us able to understand the meanings of words with great accuracy, and will make us reach the first basic roots from which the words emerged, and why abstract, moral words were borrowed from tangible, tangible words.

When we think and search for the origin of words, we must imagine the beginning with an ancient human being who had a first tongue and would assign words to things around him to moral meanings around him, because of the existence of a necessary connection between one thing and the other thing.


What is the difference between the first natural language and the new language?!

We talked in previous articles about the West’s curricula in linguistics, and we said that the history and time that the West wrote, and is currently taught in our educational curricula, is the one who established time plans for languages.

And that without this history and time, the West would not have been able to develop chronological charts for languages in the region and the world…… Indeed, no one would have been able to establish correct scientific rules, by means of which it is possible to understand which language preceded the other, and which language split from the other. .

But… according to our approach, we can with great accuracy compare languages and discover which languages are natural and which are new or invented… and this discovery will enable us, instead of searching for which languages preceded others in time, to find the language. Natural and new origin.

how ?!

It is natural and logical… that the first, ancient society will produce a world made of its first tongue… and with the progress and development of life and things around it, it will make the old society drop the names of the first units in its tongue onto the names of the new things, and it will fall The names of tangible, material things are based on intangible, abstract, intangible concepts according to the rule of association and association, that is, the connection between the material thing and the abstract, intangible concept.

The movement of ancient, realistic natural life logically imposes that ancient human society will do this work…that is, it will assign material names to the moral concepts with the same name because of this connection, and will never invent a new name for the abstract, moral concepts resulting from or associated with the material names. .

This is reality and this is natural, and if you find anything other than this, then you are certain that the language is invented, new, and not natural or original.

You find this thing in the Arabic language… and you do not find it in other languages such as Hebrew, Greek, etc…. where you find abstract concepts in these languages that have no material origin… which indicates that they are unnatural languages. They did not emerge from a natural reality, but were manufactured or invented languages, and a society was created with those languages.

Example :

In Arabic, we use the word tongue to refer to two things:

Tongue: a physical object – an organ found in the human mouth

Tongue: something intangible – human language or speech

The reason is because speech is always linked to the tongue, so a material name was assigned to an abstract concept, which is (language).

It means more……… The ancient society used to call the fleshy muscle in the mouth the tongue, and if a person from that ancient society encountered another person who spoke in a way and could not pronounce names, he would say: His tongue is funny….. And he will not say: his language is funny.


So…..what is the origin of the word month?!

As we said previously, the Arabic tongue is the first tongue, the tongue of the first migration and the first settlement… and this assumes that this tongue will have lived since a very ancient time and its ways of life and laws will have developed, and this logically imposes that the ancient human society will rise. By assigning material names to intangible concepts with the same name due to the existence of a connection, and he will never invent a new name for the abstract intangible concepts resulting from or linked to physical names.

Now, if we look at the word (month)… we will find that it is a word that carries an abstract, moral concept… and this logically forces us to search for the ancient material origin of this word in the region… and Logically, the search will make us look for an ancient physical thing that was used to calculate time, time, or days.

As we said…..that the research must be from the mouth of the residents of the region or from the first beginnings of human society in the region, and this matter will lead us to Misr, in a very logical and natural way.

Why ?!

First……… Let me talk about an observation that the blind and ignorant can see, but the arrogant and those afflicted with ego tumors cannot see. This observation says: It is natural that the inscriptions of Misr are the oldest traces found on earth and represent the oldest language in the world. The region, and it is natural that the beginnings of the region and its culture are found in Misr and its origins are there, and it is natural that when we want to search for a linguistic origin, we will search for it in the inscriptions of Misr.

Secondly…….. We believe that there is something in Misr that is definitely linked to time…. And because the word month is linked to time, it is logical for us to search for this word in Misr.

Why ?!

If you read the history books that were presented to us, and of course we do not believe in the accuracy of everything that was written….but you will find a very important and strange observation….which is that all the Western countries that the West wrote to us about in history (Rome, Greece, Byzantine Which he told us had invaded and occupied Misr, you will find that the first thing you do is make a time calendar… so you wonder why?!

Greek invaders entered Misr…they made a calendar

Roman invaders entered Misr…. They adjusted the calendar

Byzantine invaders entered Misr… they adjusted the calendar

There is a secret related to the calendar and time found in Misr

There must be a physical thing in Misr that was used to calculate days and time, and it cannot be in a place other than Misr. In other words, this thing cannot be transferred or something like it invented to calculate time.

Now…..if you think carefully, there are only those huge buildings in Misr that are falsely called pyramids.

Of course……… We firmly believe that the name (Haram) is not the original name of those buildings, and this name was a recent invention in order to hide its first original name, and this name was adopted and became the common name.. ..And this point will remove anyone’s surprise that these giant buildings do not have a clear mention in ancient texts, because their name was changed to a new name… after Napoleon’s invasion and the rule of the Albanian dynasty in Misr.


What if this structure was called the month, and it was also used to count days, using it to count a specific number of days?!

Then it is natural that the ancient Egyptian would use the word “month” to refer to a specific number of days.

Example :

Let us imagine…and assume…that the pyramid (month) is used to count days, and the number of pyramids (months) in Misr is 12 pyramids (months), and each pyramid (month It calculates the number of days, and each pyramid has its own name. There is a pyramid (month) called Ramadan and another called Al-Haram, etc. And these pyramids (months) count the number of days in the year.

Now think with me

We are faced with purely material things and names that have no relation to abstract, moral concepts.

Now…….. If the Ramadan pyramid (the month of Ramadan) began by counting a number of specific days, and its cycle ended, and the counting of days was transferred to another pyramid, let us say to the Sacred Pyramid (Al-Shaher Al-Haram).

Question: Would there be any problem or linguistic error if I said the number of days in the month of Ramadan in this year is 29 days?!

Here I mean the month of Ramadan…… (temporal value) (abstract and moral concept).

The pyramid of Ramadan (the month of Ramadan) used to count a number of days in a year, and the sum of these days we will call it (a month)… Is there any problem?!

Or in other words

Is my expression correct and logical… when I call the sum of the days calculated by the Ramadan pyramid (the month of Ramadan)… by the name of a month?

Because each pyramid (month) counts a number of days… it is logical that the number of those days is called a month.

Logical ?!

Now……. Does it make sense that when the ancient Egyptian says: I traveled for approximately a month….. he means and by the word month here he means a period of time and by the word month he does not mean (the terraced building)… ……And whoever hears him will understand his meaning that by the word month he means (a period of time) and by the word month he does not mean (the terraced building).

Did you get the idea?!


Why do we believe that the pyramid was called (the month).

Of course… lovers of adventures and fantasy stories will resent my talk, perhaps because we deprive them of the joy of magical imagination, and the many perceptions they have reached in interpreting the things around them.

We have buildings in Misr called the pyramids… and there are those who say that they are an electricity generating device, others who say that they are global cooling devices, others who say that they prevent earthquakes, others who say that they are tombs, and others who say that they are a burial ground for grains… And power generation devices…etc

Imagine if that building had continued to be called (the month) and its name had not been distorted by Napoleon and the Ottoman printing machine……. to a strange name that has no linguistic origin, which is (pyramid)… I believe that it would have saved all… Those with these theories have a lot of trouble and many questions… because it kept its original name… because keeping a thing with its original, true name makes you know what the thing is, why it was found, and what it did.

Example :

Suppose with me…….. Since the pyramid was originally designed as a place to bury the dead, it is certain that whoever built the pyramid would name it from the first day (school).

If this building had remained to this day, with its original name (a school), it would not be difficult for anyone to know the nature of this building, and that it had anything to do with educating people… without even reading the inscriptions… and all theories that were based on it would have completely stopped. It talks about its function and why it was built.

Because language is a template that contains information, data, time, and the history of things… a rich archive of information and data.

But if this building, which was built as a school, remained to this day… but the name was changed to a strange name that has no linguistic origin, which is (pyramid), and the name has no meaning… then it is natural that dozens of people would emerge. Theories are because the word “pyramid” is strange and has no origin.

Now the important question:

What if the original pyramid was still called “Shahr”?

If we tried to create a project and make the Hajj in Mecca, it would cause a problem… Why?!

Because when a Muslim reads the Qur’an and there is a verse in it that says (Hajj is the most famous information), great doubts will arise in him, because this name is still in circulation, and the Muslim will say that the word “Al-Shaher Al-Haram” does not necessarily have to be a name for a time period, but rather it is based on it as well, and then the possibility will be very high. That the original Hajj was there… and this is not permitted, and therefore it is necessary to create a new name for it.

Also, any simple person, even if he is a non-Muslim, will know that the name (Shahr), which is given to this building, is related to time and the calculation of time, and this indicates that this building was used as a time observatory and to calculate time accurately…. Better. From the clock tower in Mecca, which was built by Al Saud (the Bedouins).


When we reach the previous result, the ambiguity of the previous texts of the Qur’an will be removed, and the texts will become much clearer:

1- (Hajj is the most famous information)

What is the meaning of this verse ?

The Qur’an is very precise and means what it says… And when it says information, it actually means that it is information… So how can this statement be correct when the Qur’an did not clarify what the most famous information is?! And we do not know the known months, and he did not even talk about the known month of Dhul-Hijjah?!

Would it not have been better for him to detail for us the most famous discourse of the Qur’an and not leave us in confusion, at least naming the most famous, unless the Qur’an means what it says well and in fact it is the most famous information we have and we have gone to another place.

What if the previous text was as follows:

Hajj (buildings) (famous) (well-known) (prominent), so whoever imposes Hajj on them, there is no obscenity or immorality.

Would the meaning seem more logical?!

2- Allah made the Kaaba, Al-Bayt Al-Haram, a living place for the people, Al-Shaher Al-Haram, the gifts, and the necklaces. This is so that you may know that Allah knows what is in the heavens. and whatever is on the earth, and that Allah is All-Knowing of all things.

What is the relationship between the fact that Allah made the Kaaba (a physical building) and Al-Shaher Al-Haram (a moral concept)?! How can the month have a moral meaning, part of a physical thing (the Kaaba)?!

According to our previous result, the month is also a building. Al-Shaher Al-Haram is the sacred building.

The Kaaba = Al-Bayt Al-Haram = Al-Shaher Al-Haram, gifts, and necklaces



Our result may seem logical, but it needs to be confirmed by other evidence that confirms this connection between the material thing and the moral meaning of the word “month.”

Read this Qur’anic text, and how it confirms to you this truth about the structures used for timing.

{They ask you about the new moons. Say, “They are times for the people and for Hajj, and righteousness is not that you approach homes from their backs, but righteousness is from being pious, and approach homes from their doors, and fear Allah that you may succeed. (189) And fight in the name of Allah those who fight you, but do not aggress. Indeed, Allah does not like aggressors. (190) And kill them wherever you find them. And expel them from where they expelled you, and strife is worse than killing, and do not fight them at Al-Masjid Al Haram until they fight you there. If they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.}

In the beginning…the logical questions:

What does the family have to do with timings and Hajj?!

What is the relationship between houses and the subject?

The verse is supposed to say (righteousness is not that you approach the House from its back), if the topic is related to the Hajj to the House of Allah, and what is the relationship between a topic about Hajj, then a topic about houses, then a topic about Al-Masjid Al Haram?!

Now notice the verse

The speech talks about the new moons and that they are times for people in general and for Hajj as well.

Since (Hajj is the most famous month of information), and the crescents are for Hajj, then it is logical to realize the first origin of the phrase (the crescent of the month).

The word crescent…originally came from a place to measure time, the month (the building), so the word was changed and applied to something else related to the process, which is the crescent of the moon.


Are you still not sure about it?!

So…..see how the Qur’an’s letter will be deciphered for you

When readers say to you:

{Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve months in the Book of Allah on the day He created the heavens and the earth, of which four are sacred. That is the right religion, so do not wrong yourselves therein, and fight the polytheists all together as they fight you all together, and know that Allah is with the righteous.}

When the Qur’an talks about the Four Sacred Mosques, he means the four houses in Misr (the four months).

Why ?!

Of course, many do not know…….that the imaginary image that many have when they hear the word pyramids is (three buildings next to each other), and this image is incorrect and intentional.

First: Because the number of what are falsely called pyramids in Misr is… only 12 houses.

Second: The number of houses in the Giza area next to what is falsely called the Sphinx, which is almost in one straight line…..is 4 houses.

Of course……… I was postponing talking about this topic for another time, when talking about the topic of Hajj and Al-Masjid Al Haram in detail, and explaining the correct meaning of this verse in the Qur’an, but the matter will be an introduction before detailing the topic.. At the same time, he responded to researchers who continue to repeat Western theories and magical interpretations in understanding the function of houses in Misr.

I mean, for example……… There is a researcher from Misr who seems to specialize in anthropology and has begun to attract a large audience, and this researcher falsifies people’s minds in explaining his environment and the land in which he lives and emerges. He provides an explanation that the pyramids… It has a function in highlighting the power of the kings of Misr, and it is an idea linked to the philosophy of the ancient Egyptian religion and its view of the function of the king.

And this awareness… is the reason that prevents people from understanding the speech of the Qur’an, and keeps people away from Al-Masjid Al Haram and prevents them from realizing the true function performed by what are falsely called the pyramids.

Are the falsely called pyramids used to calculate time (times)?

Yes… absolutely and definitely

Haven’t you asked yourself a very logical question: Why were the pyramids built in these different sizes and arranged in a gradual manner from large to small?!

This process is not logical or natural in that it is linked to different functions for each building, but rather it is one function that the buildings perform based on the consideration of size.

If we assume that each pyramid was built by a person, then whoever built the second pyramid was never incapable of building a pyramid of the same size as the first large pyramid, and whoever built the third pyramid was not incapable either.

If we assume that all the pyramids were built by a person, then this person was never unable to build all the pyramids of one size.

These sizes are related to the change in the sun’s orbit throughout the year, according to the image in the article. If we photograph the sunset locations throughout the year, we will find that they draw for us a path that resembles the shape of a pyramid (crescent), and this is the reason why houses are built in this shape and the reason for the different sizes. The houses are arranged in a row.

Here your understanding of the Qur’an’s speech will increase well

{They ask you about the new moons. Say, “They are appointed times for the people and for Hajj. And righteousness is not that you approach houses from their backs, but righteousness is from being pious. And approach houses from their doors and fear Allah that you may succeed.}

Also, if you notice… most of the Western documentaries that talk about the houses in Giza, you will find that they all paint in your imagination a picture of three houses… deliberately… despite the fact that there are four houses.

And here you ask the question why?!

Because if consciousness is depicted with 4 houses, then there is a high probability that it will occur in the consciousness of any Muslim person… a matching process between the words (pyramid) and (haram) and the number (4) in accordance with the speech of the Qur’an.

Four pyramids = four sanctuaries

Then the meaning of the Quranic verse will become clear

{Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve months in the Book of Allah on the day He created the heavens and the earth, of which four are sacred. That is the right religion, so do not wrong yourselves therein, and fight the polytheists all together as they fight you all together, and know that Allah is with the righteous.}

And the dismantling of the Qur’an’s speech to the Muslim will begin……and the game of Mecca will be revealed to everyone.

Because the four sacred months in the previous verse are Al-Bayt Al-Harams that people used to calculate the time and also to which people used to perform Hajj, and which the Qur’an meant in his speech (Hajj is the most famous month of information).

And for this

{A disavowal from Allah and His Messenger to those with whom you have made a covenant of the polytheists (1) So travel in the land for four months and know that you cannot defeat Allah and that Allah disgraces the disbelievers (2) And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the Great Pilgrimage that Allah is disavowed of the polytheists and His Messenger. But if you repent, that is better for you. And if you turn away, know that you are not incapable of Allah. And give those who disbelieve good tidings of a painful punishment.}

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