What is the meaning of Allah’s tincture?!

What is the meaning of Allah’s tincture?!


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What is the meaning of Allah’s tincture?!

● Our dialect: [Anoint your body with oil]… Anoint your body with oil, not paint your body with oil.

The body is anointed with oil…. Oil is fat (Yemeni dialect)

Hair is anointed with oil… Oil is oil (Yemeni dialect)

● Our dialect: [Bring us dye for lunch]….Bring us something to dye with bread for lunch.

Anything that is dyed with bread when eating is called dye, or what is called in the current Egyptian dialect (ghous).

Bread is dyed with milk for eating…….milk is dyed (in Yemeni dialect)

Bread is dipped in milk for eating…milk is dipped (in Egyptian dialect)

Bread is dyed with oil for eating… Oil is dyed (in Yemeni dialect)

Bread is dipped in oil for eating… Oil is dipped (in Egyptian dialect)

Bread is dyed with beans for eating… Beans are dyed (in Yemeni dialect)

Bread is dipped in beans to eat… Beans are dipped (in Egyptian dialect)

Clothes are dyed with indigo for decoration…. Indigo is a dye

Milk, oil, beans, and indigo… are dyes (adjective)

So……. according to our local dialect:

Oil is… (a body fat) and at the same time (an edible dye).

● The Qur’an: [And a tree that emerges from Mount Sinai that grows oil and a dye for those who eat]…that is, the tree grows something that is used as an oil and a dye with bread for eating.

If the verse were [and a tree emerging from Mount Sinai that grows oil and dye for clothes]

I will tell you that it is a substance used to dye clothes to give them a new color for decoration, and then the substance will be a color used for dyeing.

But the verse says dyeing for the two foods, meaning dyeing the bread for eating, and there is no established relationship between the word dyeing and the issue of color in the subject.

So, fat is not a name for one thing only, and dye is not a name for one thing only, but rather is an attribute of many things.

Fat… It works as a layer on top of the thing and does not penetrate all its parts.

The dye… is absorbed into the thing and penetrates all its parts.


So what is the meaning of the verse: “Allah’s tincture, and who is better than Allah’s tincture” in the Qur’anic lines?

{And they say, “Be Al-Yahoud” or Al-Nasarah “You will be guided.” Say, “Rather, the religion of Ibrahim is upright, and he was not of the polytheists.” (135) Say, “We believe in Allah and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishak, O Yaacoub, and the tribes and what was given.” Musa Issa And whatever the prophets were given from their Allah, we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we submit. (136) If they believe in the same as you believe in, then they are guided. But if they turn away, then they are only in discord – then Allah will suffice you for them, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (137) Allah’s Sabbath. (138) Say, “Do you dispute with us about Allah? He is our Allah and your Allah, and We have our works and you have your works, and we are sincere to Him. (139)}

The dye here… comes in the meaning of… nature

Allah describes Islam to you as being like the dye that has been dyed with people since the first human being created by Allah.

Islam is the nature of Allah with which He created people

Islam is the color of Allah that imbued people with

So if it is

The man dyed his clothes with a substance… He did the process of dyeing his clothes in Zeina.


Allah imbued people with Islam… He carried out the process of imbuing people with creation.

Indigo is a man’s dye of his clothing, and Islam is Allah’s dye of his creation (fitrah).

If you ask me: What is bread dye?

I will answer you: There are many dyes… oil, milk, beans

If you ask me: What is the nature of man (Allah’s creation)?

I will answer you: One dye, not several dyes. There is no changing the dye of Allah… Islam

As for the reason for the use of the word “dye” instead of “fitra”, so that you can sense the meaning of “fitrah”, which means the meaning of “dye”… because the dye… means that it permeates all parts of creation and is absorbed by them.

Because there are those who have begun commanding people to be Al-Yahoud or Al-Nasarah, so Allah says to the people, “Rather, the religion of Ibrahim is Islam, and he was not of the polytheists,” because (the religion of Islam) is the nature of Allah (the nature of Allah) with which He created the people (which the people imprinted upon it), there is no change. To create Allah.

(So set your face towards the upright religion. You have created the nature of Allah which He has created the people. You cannot change anything for Allah’s creation.) To you is the upright religion, but most people do not know whether to turn to Him, but fear Him and establish prayer and do not You will be among the polytheists.)

Is the meaning of (oil) and (dye) clear?

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