What is the meaning of “Musaddiq” and “Tasdiq” in the Qur’an?

What is the meaning of “Musaddiq” and “Tasdiq” in the Qur’an?

10/04/2021 0:00:01

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What is the meaning of “Musaddiq” or “truthfulness” in the speech of the Qur’an?

If we tried to rewrite the summary of the stories of the two scientists, Champollion and George Smith, who deciphered two ancient writings in the region, the two stories would be as follows:

⚫ Champollion’s story

Champollion was a brilliant French scientist, and his genius appeared from his childhood.

– He loved reading Greek history books.

– He deciphered pictographic writing in Misr.

– Coincidence helped him decipher the writing.

– He was happy when he unwrapped the writing, because he discovered the name of a character that confirmed the Greek history books that he loved to read.

His first act was to visit the French Linguistic Society to preach to them.

– He visited Misr after his success in jaw surgery.

He died suddenly when he was 40 years old.

⚫ The story of George Smith

George was a brilliant English scientist, and his genius appeared from his childhood

He loved reading the Old Testament.

– He deciphered the cuneiform writing in Iraq.

– Coincidence helped him decipher the writing.

– He was happy when he unwrapped the writing, because he discovered a story that confirmed the religious book of the Bible that he loved to read.

The first step he took was to visit the English Bible Society to preach to them.

– He visited Iraq and the Levant after his success in jaw surgery.

He died suddenly when he was 37 years old.

Whoever reads the two stories in this way without contemplating, they will appear to him as if they are two different stories of two characters… but the truth is one story for a logical reason:

Because if we want to understand the two stories, we have to deal with the names as non-primary designations, and non-primary designations have no meaning in our general view of each story.

❌ Because Champollion is a person and George Smith is a person, this means that the name (Champollion) can be replaced with the word (person) in the first story, and the name (George) can be replaced with the word (person) in the second story, then we will have one scientist in both stories named (Person), which is a correct noun.

❌Also, Greek history is a (paper book) and the Bible is a (paper book), and this means that the word Greek history can be replaced with the word (paper book) in the first story, and the word (the Bible) can be replaced with the word (paper book) in the second story, Then we will have interest in both stories in reading one book called (paper book), which is a correct name.

❌ Also, pictorial inscriptions are (ancient writing on tablets) and cuneiform inscriptions are (ancient writing on tablets), and this means that the word (pictorial inscriptions) can be replaced with the phrase (ancient writing on tablets) in the first story, and the word (inscriptions) can be replaced Cuneiform) with the phrase (ancient writing on tablets) in the second story. Then we will have one success in both stories in deciphering one writing called (ancient writing on tablets), which is a correct designation.

❌Also, the name of a king is (something) and the story is (something), and this means that the word (name of a king) can be replaced with the word (something) in the first story, and the word (story) can be replaced with the word (thing) in the second story, then We will have one discovery in both stories called (something), which is a correct designation.

❌Also, the Linguistic Society is (a governmental institution) and the Biblical Society is (an institution), and this means that the word (Linguistic Society) can be replaced with the word (governmental institution) in the first story, and the word (Bible Society) can be replaced with the word (governmental institution). In the second story, then we will have one step towards one place in both stories that was taken after the jaw, called (a government institution), and it is called correctly.

❌ Also, France is a country in the West and England is a country in the West, and this means that the word (France) can be replaced with the word (West) in the first story, and the word (England) can be replaced with the word (West) in the second story, then we will have One country from which the world came and its name is (the West) and a government institution is (Western), which is a correct name

❌ Also, Misr is a country in the region and Iraq is a country in the region, and this means that the word (Misr) can be replaced with the word (region) in the first story, and the word (Iraq) can be replaced with the word (region) in the second story, then we will have One country and one visit in both stories to one country called (the region), which is a correct designation.

❌ Also, 40 years is (a young age) and 37 is (an age close to 40), and this means that (40) can be replaced with the phrase (a young age) in the first story, and (37) can be replaced with the word (a young age) in the second story. Then we will have approximately the same age in both stories (a young age), which is a correct estimate.





Now, if we try to rewrite the story of Champollion and the story of Smith according to those labels that we have put in place…we will find before us two identical stories, or in other words only one story, which is:

– A brilliant Western person who has demonstrated his genius since childhood.

– He loved reading a paper book.

He decoded ancient writing on tablets in the area.

Coincidence helped him decipher the ancient writing on the tablets.

– He was happy when he succeeded in deciphering it, because he discovered something in the ancient writing on the tablets that confirmed the paper book he loved to read.

The first step he took was to visit a Western government institution to give them good news.

– He visited the area after his success in jaw surgery.

– He died suddenly when he was young

Now…as you see, we have one story that has a correct scenario, and it could be made into a story for either world, and there would be no mistake in making it the official story of Champollion or George Smith.


Now…if we return to that final story, which we arrived at after reformulating the story of Champollion and the story of Smith, and ask that story an important question: [Did that person in the story actually succeed in deciphering the ancient writing on… The boards? ]….Can we find a correct scientific answer to that question from within that story?

If we analyze the story well, looking for the most important point in it related to our question, we will find in front of us one point, which is:

– That person discovered something in the ancient writing on tablets that confirmed the paper book he loved to read.

Why ?

Because the logical question:

If we have an ancient book… and no one knows how to decipher it, how can anyone prove to us that he succeeded in deciphering that writing, and that the process of deciphering it is completely correct?

There must be something external that confirms something in that ancient writing, and this was not done by that person.


how ?

If we go back to the previous story, we will find that the person committed three logical errors:

1- Make the process of confirmation between something ancient and something modern.

2- Making one physical thing confirm another physical thing.

3- Make the thing to be dismantled the one who confirms the thing in his hands.

And this can never happen.

It is not possible for confirmation to occur between an ancient book and a modern book, or it is not possible for confirmation to occur between a tablet book and a paper book. Because age is different, and it is not possible to confirm the authenticity of a book in his hands, with a book in his hands, and he must have something else that confirms the authenticity of the book to be deciphered.

It is the true meaning…….which is meant and intended by the speech of revelation by the word (confirmed, believed).

– When the speech talks about (the tablets)… it is talking about the same ancient book in the tablets that is present in that story that we reached.

{And We wrote for him in the tablets of everything an admonition and an explanation of everything.}

– And when he talks about (the stationery book)… he is talking about the first logical mistake made by that Western person in the story that we have come to, when he made the process of confirming the authenticity of his interpretation of a stone book by matching it with a paper book (stationery).

{Say: Who sent down the Book which Musa brought as a light and guidance to mankind, you will make it Qur’an.}

– And when he talks about (a tangible stationery book)… he is talking about the second logical mistake made by that Western person in the story that we reached, when he made the process of confirming the veracity of his interpretation of a book through a matching process with a physical (tangible) book.

{And if We had sent down to you a book on paper and they had touched it with their hands, those who disbelieved would have said, “This is nothing but clear magic.”}

– And when he talks about (what is in his hands)………. he is talking about the third logical error that that Western person made in the story that we have come to, when he placed two books in his hands, and one of them believed the other, and it was supposed to be There is one book in his hands, and on his tongue is the correct reading (the Holy Qur’an) that confirms what is before him, and the book confirms the reading, and the reading confirms the book.

{This Qur’an could not have been fabricated other than Allah, but it is the confirmation of what is before it and the details of the Book, about which there is no doubt, from Allah, the worlds}

{Indeed, in their stories there is a lesson for those of understanding; it is not a fabricated hadith, but the confirmation of what is before it, and the detailing of all things, and guidance and mercy for a people who believe.}

{And before it is the Book of Musa, a guide and a mercy, and this is a confirming Book in an Arabic tongue, to warn those who do wrong and to bring good news to the doers of good.}

{And it is a revelation of Allah to the worlds (192) with which the Faithful Spirit has sent down (193) to your heart that you may be among those who are warned (194) in a clear Arabic tongue (195)}


briefly :

Belief is the correspondence between two things.

The process of authentication, in the situation in the story of that Western person that we have come across, must be matched between the book (in his hands) and the reading (on his tongue).

Or in other words… Authentication must take place between the picture book in (PDF) format and the audio book in (mp3) format.

The revelation in pdf and mp3 format means the following:

Format (pdf) The illustrated book….. is the book

The audio book format (mp3) is the Qur’an

{that book without doubt}

{A Book whose verses are detailed, an Arabic Qur’an for a people who know}


Revelation means the word (the people) in the line (for a people who know), they are that Western person, that Western governmental institution, and that Western state who are present in that story that we have reached.

What is meant by the word (the book)… is the ancient illustrated writing found in Misr, in which is recorded the religion and nature of the first man on earth and Al-Masjid Al Haram to which the first man used to make pilgrimage, and the ruling establishment in the West forged it after the occupation of Misr. So that they can brainwash and magic all the people on Earth, and be able to create new religions for themselves on Earth, through which they can enslave people on Earth.

{The religion with Allah is Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then Allah is quick to judge. (19) And if they dispute with you, say, “I have submitted my face to Allah, and whoever follows them.” And say to those who were given the Book and to the unlettered people, “Have you submitted?” If they submit, then they are guided, even if they turn away. It is your responsibility only to convey the message; Allah is All-Seer of His servants.}

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