What is the meaning of tongue?

What is the meaning of tongue?


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It is natural and logical… that the first, ancient society will produce a world made of the words of its first speech… and with the progress and development of life and things around it, it will make the old society drop the names of the first units in its tongue onto the names of the new things, and it will drop the names of tangible material things, On abstract, intangible moral concepts according to the rule of association and connection, that is, the connection between the material thing and the abstract moral concept.

The ancient realistic natural life movement logically dictates that ancient human society would do this work……. That is, he assigns material names to intangible concepts with the same name because of this connection, and never invents a new name for the abstract intangible concepts resulting from or associated with physical names.

This is reality and this is natural, and if you find anything other than this, then you are certain that the language is invented, new, and not natural or original.

You find this thing in the Arabic language… and you do not find it in other languages such as Hebrew, Greek, etc…. where you find abstract concepts in these languages that have no material origin… which indicates that they are unnatural languages and did not emerge from a natural reality, but rather labile languages. Or invented and a society was created in those languages.

Example :

In Arabic, we use the word tongue to refer to two things:

Tongue: a physical object – an organ found in the human mouth

Tongue: something intangible – human language or speech

The reason is because speech is always linked to the tongue, so a material name was assigned to an abstract concept, which is (language).

It means more… The ancient society used to call the fleshy muscle in the mouth the tongue, and if a person from that ancient society encountered another person who spoke in a way and could not pronounce names, he would say: His tongue is funny… and he would not say: His words are funny.

This is found in the Qur’an

Did We not make for him two eyes (????) and a tongue and lips………….. a material tongue

This is a book authenticated by an Arabic language……………………..a moral tongue


So what does it mean?

{And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the differences of your tongues and colours. Indeed, in that are signs for the worlds.}

Do the lines mean that Allah created people with different tongues (language)?


The speech talks about material difference, not moral difference, the difference in body color and the difference in tone of voice, as people are different in color and in voices.

There are African red bees, and there are American yellow bees, with different colors

But all bees are different in their communication language

The African red bee has a communication language that is the same as the yellow bee

This is the logic of nature and creation.. and this is the meaning of the intended difference in the verse, and the difference in these lines is not intended, the same difference that occurred with the book that Musa was given, so the difference that occurred in the book of Musa is a difference in the language of the book, or in other words it occurred. A difference in the speech recorded in the book written in an Arabic language, which was changed to incomprehensible non-Arabic speech, that is, they made the book read in a non-Arabic language, or in other words, it became read in a non-Arabic language after it had been read in an Arabic tongue.

{And if We had made it a foreign Qur’an, they would have said, “If only its verses were explained in detail. Are they foreign and Arabic?” Say, “It is for those who believe a guidance and a cure.” And for those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears, and it is upon them blindness. Those are called from a far place. (44) And indeed We gave Musa the Book, but they differed over it. And had it not been for a word that preceded from Your Allah, it would have been decided between them, and indeed they are in Doubt about him is suspicious (45)}

Because the logical questions:

Did Allah teach Adam the Hebrew names, or did Western scholars create the Hebrew tongue and teach it to a new society on earth?

How can Allah create people and send down to them a book in an Arabic language, when people originally differ in language in an innate and natural way from Allah and ask them to believe in Him? So why did He not send down a book to them in their natural language, which is different from Arabic?

How will they believe this speech when it is not the natural tongue that Allah created for them and from which speech is supposed to be revealed to them in their language?

This logic is summarized by the following lines:

{And it is a revelation of Allah to the worlds (192) The Faithful Spirit has sent it down (193) to your heart so that you may be among the warners (194) in a clear Arabic tongue (195) And indeed, it is in the words of the ancients (196) Did they not have a sign that the scholars of the Children of Israel should have taught it (197) And if We had sent it down over some of the foreigners (198) and he recited it to them as long as they were believers in it.

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