What is the name of the religion of the ancient Egyptians?

What is the name of the religion of the ancient Egyptians?

3/13/2021 0:00:01

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What is the name of the religion of the ancient Egyptians, and did they really worship those gods that the French occupation extracted from the writing of ancient Misr?

If you search the Internet about ancient Egyptian religion, you will find that it contains very many books written by Western scholars, talking about the religion of ancient Misr, and what is strange is how Western scholars at the present time have achieved such accuracy in describing that ancient religion that has become extinct, as if they were present and present. With the ancient Egyptian, he practiced the rituals of that religion, and they wrote these works based on the experience they lived.

Many Egyptians look at the matter with admiration and pride that there are huge works that talk about Misr and distinguish it with those gods that its ancestors worshiped… and this pride is something that seems somewhat normal to a certain level, but increase it and the matter becomes unnatural and even a disease of the heart. .

When a person goes up to a pulpit and calls people and tells them that your grandfather was a hero and a superhero, you feel happy and joyful, but when this person exaggerates and says that your grandfather is a great hero and adds false information to it that your grandfather married his mother and worshiped gods other than yours. He wrestled with the most powerful gods and defeated him, and this person honored him very much by giving him the house in which you live. You accept the greatness of this distinguished heroic history that no one has, and at the same time you will not be able to reject the idea that your grandfather was He worships these gods and marries his mother, and that the house in which she lives is the property of this person, and she considers the matter not to cause any harm, but rather to be a matter of pride.

The person made you take great pride in your grandfather and your history, and you accepted this showy role in front of people that you talk about all the time, and at the same time you believed and accepted things that offended and harmed you, and you did not know it. Perhaps tomorrow the person will demand the house you live in. After she confirmed in front of all people the validity of this date and did not object to his words.

This history is taught by Egyptians in schools and universities as an official national history and information that is described as real… We have read news that there is a proposal in Misr to teach these gods and teach the Champollion language in schools as a way of preserving the ancient Egyptian identity.

But the truth is that the Egyptian today lives in a great and sharp contradiction

Between what he studies and reality, there is no connection between the history of his ancestors and his reality, and there are no traces of influence from the religion of his ancestors with his current religion. For example, he believes in one Allah, but at the same time he is taught information that is fact, that his ancestors worshiped those gods. This will produce Egyptian models who are in fact detached from their reality and in a state of love with those idols whose stories were written by the French occupation.

This is very noticeable through a small monitoring of social networking sites. There are, for example, pages called (Sons of Ra) and there are pages called (Sons of the Holy Aten), and groups in Egyptian history that continuously publish topics about the gods of ancient Misr, such as the stories of those deities and their functions. Poetic hymns written by the ancient Egyptian for these deities are published, and there are groups of elites whose conversations revolve around the philosophy of that religion, for example (Light is the union of a shepherd with Isis on the horizon of Nitro), and their poems contain vocabulary from the names of those gods (O Shepherd, protect your land, as you have died). There is a secular thinker from Misr whose daughter’s name is (Isis) and many other phenomena.

These are clear scenes from reality… and they are a very natural result of the effects of the French occupation on human consciousness in Misr, because the child completely imitates what his father does… so if the father lies, then the son will learn to lie as well, and if The father steals, so the son will learn to steal too……and societies are exactly the same as the child. When society gives him a history and tells him that it is the true history of his ancestors, and in it that his ancestors worshiped different gods and spoke a different language, society will imitate its ancestors, and will love to He worships these gods, will learn the language of his ancestors, will love to take the same names, will love to imitate their marriage, etc.

If you search some historical references about the history of Misr, you will find that history says that when the Greeks occupied Misr, the Egyptians worshiped 1000 gods. But according to what the French occupation extracted from the writing of ancient Misr, the ancient Egyptian worshiped many hats, such as: Ra of Amun, Aten, Hathor, Horus, Ptah, Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, Anubis, Thoth, and Geb… But the question is: What is the name of the religion that included all these gods, and What did the ancient Egyptian call it, and did the ancient Egyptian actually worship it or know it?

Let us abandon everything that is said to us, and leave the role of the parrot that repeats everything that is said to it, and respect our minds and use them to answer that question.

– The first point

Why did the ancient Egyptian religion completely disappear from reality and did not continue to this day, and we did not learn about it until after France occupied Misr and translated the inscriptions of ancient Misr?

Why did this religion not leave any clear influence or effect in the hearts and minds of people? No isolated society appeared that worshiped a Allah named Moon, for example, or Guards, and why were the names of those gods not present in the tongue of any human being on earth before the French occupation translated the inscriptions of Misr?


If we think about the issue of religion, we will find that it is one of the upper structures in consciousness, and the upper structure is difficult to disappear from any society, because it is very solid structures that maintain its continuity and move in society from one time to another time… It moves with history on a completely parallel path.

But this solid upper structure in Misr, which lasted for about 6,000 years in Misr, suddenly disappeared from Misr and without a scientific, logical and realistic explanation, and had it not been for France, we would not have known this religion that it revived into existence.

Also, when we look at religion in ancient Misr, we will find that it seemed very, very deep in the earth and rooted in the land, unlike the rest of the earth’s religions.

If religion in general is a solid superstructure that is difficult to disappear, then how can it be a solid superstructure that is, at the same time, very deep and penetrates the earth and then suddenly disappear?

It seems illogical and unrealistic. There is a fundamental reason that explains this strange matter.

– The second point

The truth is that the idea of the extinction of a civilization as an explanation is illogical.

Because life is the only system on Earth that does not disappear. All systems other than natural ones disappear except for life……… Therefore, human society is not a static society, but rather a living society that lives on the Earth, and this society produces offspring, and this The offspring give birth to a second offspring, and the second offspring gives birth to a third offspring, and so on and so on until today… There is a continuous and continuous living connection on earth, so how did this live connection disappear in Misr, for example, and the present day has lost connection with that ancient Egyptian religion? ?

Don’t tell me that rituals can change. I’m talking about a very deep human belief related to the gods. I’m talking about one very clear mustard seed that still remains from that ancient religion, actually confirming the existence of that ancient religion and belief.

If Hinduism, which is said to be the oldest religion on Earth, is 5,000 years old and still exists to this day, then why did the ancient Egyptian religion disappear?

– The third point

It is true that many believe in the stories of the Greek world, which worshiped a large number of gods with multiple functions, but the idea of the existence of a society that believed in that number of gods seems to us to be something that is not realistically possible and did not happen, for several logical and realistic reasons:

First… because society cannot continue. A society that believes in gods and every Allah has a function will suffer from contradiction and conflict due to the intersection of the functions of the gods. How will a society like this with this crowd of gods live, continue and survive? It is preoccupied with worshiping all the gods. .

Secondly… How did gods appear all at once in society? It is difficult to imagine the idea that a society would one day decide to worship 15 gods at once. The reality is that society will initially believe in one Allah, then with the passage of time it will add another Allah to its worship, until it reaches 15 gods. But before society believes in the second Allah, there will be extreme difficulty for society to escape from the first Allah.

Third… It is not possible for a society to believe in many gods, because ancient man was completely logical like us, and ancient man will think logically and say: If there were two gods, life and existence would be corrupted, and I would not exist, and existence, the earth, and the world would not exist. Those around me are so persistent.

These three points that we raised make us re-ask the question:

So….. where did this religion come from to Misr, which was extracted by the French occupation, and reality and logic completely deny it?

There must be a definitive answer………and we have two possibilities: either this religion was real and our reason was wrong, or it is an imaginary religion and the Egyptians were enchanted.

The second possibility is the stronger possibility and that there is a game in the matter.


What if we took some Egyptians like Zahi Hawass, and the group (Sons of Ra), and Egyptians who are fans of the ancient Egyptian religion and its philosophy, and told them: that all those gods that the French occupation extracted were lies, and that there was no one who lived in Misr who knew them. And that the ancient Egyptian worshiped one Allah….. I wonder what their response would be?

Will they say: This is a lie and falsehood, and whoever says this wants to fight our identity and the history of our ancestors?

Let us go to the readers to see these scenes clearly

1- If you read the Qur’an’s speech on the issue of magic, you will find that he is talking about people following what the devils recited to the King of Sulaiman (from their first fathers), and that the devils, through this recitation, teach people magic.

(And they followed what the Satans recited over the kingdom of Sulaiman, and Sulaiman did not disbelieve, but the Satans disbelieved.) They teach people magic.

The speech speaks that the basis of the magic that afflicted people came from a recitation by devils against the King of Sulaiman, and the reasons for the recitation being the cause of magic are because the devils disbelieved, and it is certain that after their disbelief, they recited a wrong recitation against the King of Sulaiman and they disbelieved in him (they covered him and hid him).

For them, truth will be magic.

2- If the devils taught people magic because of their mistaken reciting of magic to King Sulaiman (their first fathers), then this means that people have become enchanted… correct?

But what if a person came and did not disbelieve, and recited a correct recitation that explained the magic that befell King Sulaiman, and removed the magic of the devils and brought out to the people one of their first fathers who worshiped Allah Sulaiman, who was hidden from them…what would be their response?

Naturally, their logic will be that this is a lie, and the truth will be described to them as magic, because they have come to believe that the magic of demons is the truth that their early fathers (Sulaiman, for example) worshiped.

(And when Our verses are made clear to them, they say, “This is nothing but a man who wants to turn you away from what he used to do.” Your forefathers said, “This is nothing but your fabricated fabrication.” And those who disbelieved said to the truth when it came to them, “Indeed, this is Nothing but clear magic. And We have not given them any Book, but they study it, and We have not sent to them before you any warner. And those who lied Before them, and they did not reach the level of what We had given them, so they denied Your Messengers, so how can it be reprehensible?)

(Their messengers said: Is there any doubt about Allah?) The Creator of the heavens and the earth has prayed to you to forgive you of your sins. He delayed you for an appointed time, until they said, “You are only human beings like us. You want to turn us away from what the servants of our fathers did.” Then bring us clear authority.)

3- What if that person read (recited) to them what is truly present in the Kingdom of Sulaiman that they have, and told the people who are currently enchanted by (the afterlife), that their ancestors in (the first religion) did not believe in gods and did not worship those gods? Rather, they believed in one Allah named (Allah)… What would be their response?

(In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Holy Qur’an and the Qur’an, the Remembrance. Rather, those who disbelieve are in glory and discord. How many generations have We destroyed before them? Then they called out to you and there was no escape. And they marveled that a warner from among them had come to them and said: This is the magic of a liar. He has made the gods his Allah and a limit. Indeed, this is something wondrous. And a group of them set out to walk and be patient with your gods. Indeed, this is something that will not be heard. This is ours in the Hereafter. This is nothing but a fabrication to which the Message from among us has been sent down. They are in doubt as to your remembrance, but when they have tasted your torment.)


Now…Does the Holy Qur’an present to these people who are bewitched by demons, the same three realistic and logical points that we talked about previously?


– The first point

If religion in general is a solid superstructure that is difficult to disappear, then how can it be a solid superstructure that is, at the same time, very deep and penetrates the earth and then suddenly disappear?

The first nature on earth that continues to this day

(Faqim and Jahk for the religion of the Hanifa. Allah created the people for whom they were born. Do not change them for the creation of Allah. To Him is the religion of the righteous and the righteous.) ـــَــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ),

(Indeed, the religion is with Allah – Islam, and those who were given the Book did not differ except after Allah had come to them. In envy between them, and whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then surely Allah is quick to reckon. So if they dispute with you, say, “I submit.” I have directed my face to Allah and to those who follow us, and say to those who have been given the Book and to the unlettered ones, “If you have accepted Islam, then indeed, if you have accepted Islam, then it has been lost.” They will guide you, but if they turn to you, then it is only upon you. convey the message, and Allah is All-Seeing of His servants.)

[Surat Al Imran 19-20]

– The second point

Human society is not a static society, but rather a living society that lives on the earth, and this society produces offspring, and this offspring gives birth to a second offspring, and the second offspring gives birth to a third offspring, and so on until today….. There is a continuous and continuous living connection. On earth, how did this living connection disappear in Misr, for example, and the present day has lost connection with that ancient Egyptian religion?

People are still connected to the first offspring on earth, and the present is still connected to the first religion.

{And when Ibrahim raised the foundations of the House and Ismail, “Our Allah, accept from us. Indeed, You are the Hearer, the Knowing. (127) Our Allah, and make us Muslims to You and from our descendants a nation submissive to You. Show us our rituals and turn to us. Indeed, You are the Most Merciful. (128) Our Allah, and send among them a Messenger from among themselves who will recite to them Your verses and teach them the Book and the Wisdom and purify them. Indeed, You are the Mighty, the Wise.}

– The third point

It is not possible for a society to believe in many gods, because ancient man was completely logical like us, and ancient man will think logically and say: If there were two gods, life and existence would be corrupted, and I would not exist, and existence, the earth, and the world around me would not be this stable. ?

There will be no existence upon belief in two Hains, let alone ten Haets.

(And to Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and the earth, and who is with Him. They will not be too arrogant to worship Him, nor will they be dismayed.) They glorify Allah night and day, and you do not know whether or not they have taken gods from the earth. They will be spread out, if only they had been in it. There are no gods but Allah. They would have corrupted you. Glory be to Allah, Allah of the Throne, above what they describe. He is not questioned about what He does. And they are asking whether or not they have taken gods besides Him. Say, “Bring your righteousness.” This is a reminder of those who are with you. Many of those before me, nay, most of them do not know the truth, so they turn away.)

(Have they not considered the word? Did it not come to them as it had not given to their forefathers? Or did it not come to them when they recognized their Messenger? But they deny it, or they say it is a paradise. Nay, he brought them the truth, and most of them rejected the truth, even if he had followed it. To fulfill their desires, you would certainly have corrupted the heavens and the earth and whoever is among them. Nay, We have come to them with a remembrance of them so that they understand from the remembrance of They are exposed )


A final note: I initially intended to say, [that the ancient Egyptian religion did not leave any impact on the current Egyptian religion], and the truth is that this is true but it is half the truth, because the Egyptian has two religions: Islam and Christianity.

Regarding Islam, which is the religion of the majority of Egyptians…..the ancient Egyptian religion did not leave any clear impact on the religion of Islam.

Regarding Christianity, which is the religion of a minority community of Egyptians and is the same religion as the French occupation… the ancient Egyptian religion left a very clear impact on the religion of Christianity.

how ?

If you read the history that was written about Misr, you will find that the history tried to explain the reasons for the presence of the two religions (Islam and Christianity) in Misr, but it dealt with the two religions in two different interpretive ways.

Regarding Christianity… History tried to put a natural and realistic context for the emergence of Christianity, that is, to make a connection with the ancient religion in Misr, to provide a logical explanation that explains the reasons for the presence in Misr.

Where he said that the reasons for the entry of Christianity into Misr, is that the ancient Egyptians worshiped three gods (Uziris, Isis, and Horus), and those gods and religion are completely similar to the three hypostases in Christianity, so that the personality of (Uziris) completely matches the personality of (Christ), Therefore, Misr had fertile ground for embracing this religion, and the Egyptians received this religion as a religion that was not strange to them 2000 years ago.

You can see this thing from this link

As for Islam… history did not follow the same realistic explanatory method that it did for Christianity, nor did it make contact for Islam with the ancient Egyptian religion, nor did it provide a logical explanation about the reasons for Islam being the religion of the majority of the population of Misr… … Rather, he took a completely different interpretive path.

Where he said that the reasons for the entry of Islam into Misr were the Islamic conquests only. Meaning, there is no similarity between the ancient Egyptian religion and Islam, and therefore Misr would not have had fertile ground for adopting the religion of Islam, had it not been for the Islamic conquests. The Egyptians received Islam through the Islamic conquests as a religion foreign to them 1,400 years ago.

The writer of history was able to create a natural context for the religion of Christianity in Misr, by creating a model of three hypostases in the religion of ancient Misr that match very clearly with the three hypostases present in the religion of Christianity, and by creating a character in the religion of ancient Misr (Aziris) that matches the character of (Christ). In the Christian religion… in order to give the Christian religion an ancient, natural context in Misr (ancient origin), to explain the reasons for the presence of this religious minority in Misr.

But at the same time, he deliberately did not create a natural context for the religion of Islam in Misr, and did not create a model for it of one continuous Allah in Misr or any logical context, in order not to give Islam a realistic, natural and logical context in Misr (ancient origin), to explain the reasons for it. The presence of Islam as the religion of the overwhelming religious majority in Misr…in fact, it created for them a model of the Islamic conquests that emerged from Mecca.

This gave the minority in Misr a historical connection, and gave the majority in Misr a historical separation.

Do the readers explain this matter to you?


(And the Al-Yahoud said, “Uzair is the son of Allah,” and the Al-Nasarah said, “The Massih is the son of Allah.” That is what they said. And they destroy the words of those who disbelieved before you. Allah killed them. How will they be able to take it? Their rabbis and their monks were Allah[s] other than Allah and the Massih, the son of Maryam, and their command was only for the sake of Bedouins. ٰهَا and ٰهِدَاۖ There is no Allah but Him. Glory be to Him above what they associate with Him.)

When did these deities appear in Misr?

After the invasion of Misr by France, led by Napoleon, and the French occupation falsified the original reading of ancient writing in Misr, and made it a foreign reading, and they invented for the people all these imaginary, false, and false gods, which came to be called Egyptology, and were taught to the people as It was true on earth.

(And We gave Musa the book after We had destroyed the first generations, with good information for the people, guidance, and mercy. (Perhaps they will remember)

(And if We had made it a non-Arabic Qur’an, they would have said, “If only its verses had not been explained in detail.” A non-Arabic and non-Arabic Qur’an. Say, “He” For those who believe is guidance and healing, and for those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears, and He is blind to them. They are calling to you from a far away place. And We gave Musa the book, but he differed therein, and had it not been for a word from the Allah that had preceded him. This is a matter between them, and indeed they are in doubt about which there is doubtful. )

(Say: Who sent down the Book which Musa brought, a light and a guidance for mankind? And you were taught what you did not know, you and your fathers. Say, “Allah.” This is a Book that We have sent down, blessed, confirming what is in its hands, and that you may warn the mother of towns and those around her and those They believe in the Hereafter. They believe in it. And they guard their prayers.)

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